Side Chapter 4: Brothers' Last Battle

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(Some moments ago, Wayne Hyoudou is seen secretly following Liu Kang as he awaits for the opportunity to put his plans in motion. His plan is to finish his brother Issei once and for all. While he overhears Liu Kang and Ichika talking, he remembers the rematch he had against Akatsuki as he and Ryan got defeated by him and his girlfriends.)

Akatsuki: Shockwave, Sideways, even if you two get revenge, will you feel more at peace? The joy after revenge is only temporary, but the pain you have to carry in the past cannot be erased.

(Wayne merely shrugs it off, and suddenly he notices that Liu Kang and Ichika's group are already walking away.)

Wayne: This is my chance.

(He goes for a different route. Unbeknownst to him, Evan and Daniel are watching him.)

Evan: So he decided to go after his pervert brother. Why am I not surprised.

Daniel: Sounds reasonable, after all that prick did to him.

Evan: But I don't understand... why did you join us again?

(Daniel then remembers the day his team got killed by Sirzechs Lucifer and his cronies.)

Daniel: Siscon Lucifer and his cronies were the ones who killed my team. This is personal.

(Meanwhile, Issei is seen in his house as he had it all to himself after a villain attack in which he let his parents die, and made it look like he tried to save them. Suddenly he hears a crash, and turns to see Sideays in his Alt mode as he changes back to his combat mode. Issei then summons his gauntlet.)

Issei: Whoever you are, you've got some nerve coming- ACK!

(Issei gets shot by a flaming arrow launched by Sideways.)

Issei: You will pay for this, you bas- ACK!

(Issei then gets shot by a heat vision from Sideways, who copied Superman's move during one of the Combat Classes.)

Issei: (stern) Now you've donw it, asshole! WELSH DRAGON BALANCE BREAKER!

(Issei summons his armor as Sideways simply scoffs)

Sideways: You think you scare me? Guess what, you don't... (smirks) brother.

(Issei gasps in shock, and before he could react, Sideways grabs his neck.)

Sideways: Karma is a bitch, isn't it? Especially when it comes collecting your debt.

Issei: You had some nerve existing. You should have known I was supposed to be loved by them, not you!

Sideways: Humans are not playthings, and likes of you are no gods!

(He throws Issei away, and he crashes through several houses as Sideways quickly approaches him thanks to having copied The Flash's Speed Force. Issei then gets up.)

Issei: Grr. That does it! You're so fucking dead! DRAGON SHOT!

(Issei shoots a Dragon Shot, but Sideways isn't fazed by the attack.)

Sideways: You forgot to... BOOST!

(Sideways' power boosts as he prepares a Dragon Shot.)

Issei: Oh fu-

Sideways: DRAGON SHOT!

(Sideways' powered Dragon Shot hits Issei, who screams in agony. Then without any warning, he grabs and rips off Issei's arms as he lets out a scream of pain.)

Issei: MY ARMS!

(Sideways then grabs Issei by the throat.)

Sideways: Farewell, brother! Blue Flame Scorcher!

(Sideways uses the Blue Flame Scorcher he copied from Touya as Issei screams in pain before being reduced to ashes.)

Sideways: Good riddance!

(Sideways then changes to his Alt Mode and flies away as the screen fades out.)

(To be continued.)

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