Chapter 12: Invincible

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(In a barren wasteland, Invincible and Chat Noir are seen standing among many slain warriors.)

Invincible: We should stay together. The Union knows you betrayed them, and will not hesitate to kill you.

Chat Noir: I need to honor my deceased friend's memories.

Invincible: Let's proceed then, Adrien.

Chat Noir: We must separate. Our teammates will eventually find out about our absence.

Invincible: If only the Guardians of the Globe had found more details of Michael Howard's demise... We will find that excuse of a general, and he will tell us all he knows.

Chat Noir: If he ordered those pricks to kill Spider-Man, he will die! (turns to Invincible) Be stealthy as the night...

(Both place a hand over their hearts)

Invincible: ... and deadly as the dawn.

(As Chat Noir walks away, Invincible hears a female voice.)

Ruby: Ozpin was wise to send me here. The Guardians of the Globe walk uninvited to this planet.

Invincible: As wise as he might be, Ozpin was foolish to send a rookie to interfere with my duty.

Ruby: I am Ruby Rose, leader of Team RWBY, Beacon Huntress. And I deal harshly with sharply tongued intruders.

(Ruby tries to shoot Invincible, but he didn't need to do anything to block the shots as they don't even make a scratch.)

Invincible: This was supposed to hurt?

(Ruby gets angry, and then turns her Crescent Rose into a scythe before rushing towards Invincible, who manages to catch her weapon, and then shoves it off.)

Invincible: Your little toys are useless!

(Then Invincible starts beating Ruby Rose.)

Invincible: I was bred as a warrior. (slams Ruby's face down) I trained my entire life to master my senses. (lifts her up) Where did you train? In a farm?

(Then Invincible throws her down, knocking her out.)

Invincible: You know what they say, where there's smoke, there's fire. (checks on Ruby, and sees she's out cold) Goodnight!

(Invincible walks away, leaving Ruby unconscious. Unbeknownst to him, his father Omni-Man is watching over him. Invincible walks to Emerald Forest, where he spots James Ironwood and Jarek testing out a pair of RPG launchers.)

Jarek: With a whole army totin' these, no one in Remnant or Earthrealm could stand up to you.

(He shoots off an RPG into the distance while Ironwood examines another launcher.)

Ironwood: Well done. You may tell your fellow Black Dragon that I am very interested in your merchandise.

(As Jarek shoots off another RPG, Invincible walks into the clearing.)

Invincible: James Ironwood!

(Both Ironwood and Jarek look rather bothered at the intrusion.)

Jarek: I'll take care of him. No charge.

(He puts down the rocket launcher and walks toward Invincible.)

Jarek: One dead Guardian of the Globe in a tick.

(Jarek tries to hit Invincible with a rolling attack, but he is grabbed in the neck by the hero, and then thrown away against a three. Jarek slams his fist into the ground, causing a short earthquake, but Invincible isn't fazed.)

Invincible: Boring...

(Then Invincible knocks the new leader of the Black Dragon in One Punch Man style.)

Invincible: Stay down. I would have words with your associate.

(Ironwood now walks into Invincible's path.)

Invincible: Tell me what you know of Spider-Man's death.

(Denki Kaminari suddenly appears next to Ironwood and gets ready for combat. Ironwood stops him from advancing.)

Denki: Despite being a weakling, I assure you that Michael was more powerful than you!

Invincible: I thought you knew better than recruiting little brats, general.

Ironwood: Let's see if I can make some holes in your body.

(Ironwood draws his Due Process and starts shooting, but Invincible deflects all of the shots with his bare hands. Denki tries to attack him, but Mark counters by grabbing his fist, and then slamming like Hulk did to Loki at the Avengers Tower, and then steps on him.)

Invincible: Puny pervert.

(Ironwood gets completely pissed, and then turns his Due Process into a cannon, and shoots Invincible, hoping to pulverize him. But Invincible gets closer to Ironwood, who tries to amplify his cannon's firepower, but it proves to be in vain as Invincible manages to catch his cannon and throw it off, leaving the general of Atlas completely vulnerable. Then Ironwood takes off the glove of his right hand, revealing a metallic hand. As he tries to grab Invincible's neck, the hero grabs his metallic arm, and rips it off before knocking him out with a punch in his gut.)

Invincible: Now answer me! What do you know of Michael Howard?

(Then Queen Bee comes in and kicks Invincible in the gut, much for his surprise.)

Invincible: What the...

Queen Bee: Not so invincible now, are you?

Invincible: How did you...

Queen Bee: (hits Invincible's stomach) I "visited" a certain fortress and "borrowed" a pill known as 5-U-93-R. It's the source of my newfound strength. Kryptonian nanotechnology. It increases the tensile strength of bone and tissue by several thousand percent. Now I'm stealthier than the night, and deadlier than dawn! Now be a good boy and tell me where Adrien is!

Invincible: Like hell...

Queen Bee: Then feel my sting!

(Then Invincible punches Queen Bee, who punches back. Mark lunges at Chloe and as they both fly, he punches her face again. As he punches her again, he sends her crashing into a tree. But Queen Bee flies towards Invincible again. He punches her, but she punches him back. Mark hits back again, but Chloe uppercuts him. But Invincible recovers quickly, and lunges at Queen Bee, and then throws her away. But she manages to fly back to him quick enough to grapple him. Chloe then throws him into a wall, stunning him. She then grabs him by the head, and does it again. After a brief, but intense staredown, the two fly at each other and crash at each other. Then they fall down into ground level. Mark flies towards Chloe, and then punches her in the face, exhausted, but still enraged, and angrily throws her down into the floor, knocking her out.)

Invincible: I'll never submit to Union.

????: Yes, you will!

(Then Invincible sees the Ace Operatives.)

Elm: You will pay for what you did to our general.

(But suddenly Dark Evil O-Mega comes in, standing between them and Invincible.)

DEOM: So you're Ace Operatives.

Clover: So what if we are?

DEOM: (smirks) Good.

(Then DEOM transforms into his another form. His new appearance shocks the Ace Operatives.)

Elm: What the heck!

DEOM: I am DEOM, Shadow of Dark, and Union's doom!

(Then a woman appears beside him.)

????: And I'm Diris.

(Diris vanishes and teleports in front of Elm and Harriet, knocking them out and teleporting them somewhere.)

Vine: Where did you take them?

(Vine tries to attack Diris, but she vanishes and reappears beside DEOM.)

Diris: I teleported them to a pocket dimension, where they will be purged of Union's corruption.

DEOM: (as Diris kisses his cheek) Thanks, babe.

Diris: (smiles) Now kick their ass, dear.

(Diris vanishes with both Invincible and Chloe as DEOM pops his neck.)

DEOM: Let's rumble.

(DEOM charges at Clover, and then punches him in the chest, which sends him into a wall.)

Marrow: Stay!

(He commands, pointing at DEOM, but to both his and Vine's surprise, DEOM was not affected by Marrow's Aura freeze.)

DEOM: I am immune to time related manipulation, you idiot!

(DEOM appears in front of Marrow and bitch slaps him into a wall. Vine then use his Aura Vine to attack DEOM, but DEOM dodges and jump towards Vine, and then he does a slam kick into Vine's head. Causing Vine to slam into the ground like Wile E Coyote.)

DEOM: Pathetic!

(Then he catches a spear that Clover has thrown which surprised Clover.)

Clover: How did you catch that without looking?

DEOM: Simple, I train to the extreme.

(Then DEOM throws the spear back, which pierces through Clover's left leg, causing extreme pain to him.)

Marrow: CLOVER!

(Marrow tries to run to Clover, but DEOM appears in front of him and slam his knee into Marrow's back breaking his spine.)

DEOM: Tsk, you three are weak against me, but you are lucky I will spare you since I want you to send a message to Union!

Clover: (laying in the ground) What is your message?

DEOM: Beware Union, for Anti League will purge your corruption!

(DEOM walks towards Vine and rips his head and spine off his body.)

Marrow/Clover: VINE!

(DEOM uses one of his virus to keep Vine alive before infusing his head and spine into a lamp post.)

DEOM: This is their warning if they don't take us seriously!

(DEOM leaves.)

(Where were Invincible and Queen Bee taken?)

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