Chapter 13: Chat Noir

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(At Emerald Forest, Raiden and his team are seen joined by the Guardians of the Globe, searching for Invincible.)

Atom Eve: Mark! Where are you?

Rex: Mark!

Shrinking Rae: Mark!

(Then Twi Pneuma teleports in along with Invincible and Chloe.)

Atom Eve: There you are.

Invincible: Sorry, Eve. I just had a hard fight, and then I was ambushed by five guys in white and blue. Then DEOM appeared and transformed as a woman named Diris came in and teleported me along with... (looks at Chloe) her...

Superman: Who is she?

Chloe: (approaches Raiden, and then bows) Salutations, Lord Raiden. I'm Chloe Bourgeois, also known as Queen Bee. Mark and I got teleported by the pocket dimension.

Cyborg: Pocket Dimension?

Twi Pneuma: It's a dimension where people who are corrupted by the Union get purged.

Chloe: I was one of them. Fortunately with my corruption purged, I returned to what I was, a good person.

Raiden: I see.

Invincible: What brings YOU here, Raiden?

Superman: He's here to participate in the tournament to save the earth. Join us.

Chloe: Yes. I'm ready to start my road to redemption.

Invincible: Now I remember. Adrien is in danger.

Cyborg: Chat Noir is in Remnant?

Raiden: The tournament. I have a feeling he will be there.

Invincible: Then let's go. Adrien's fate depends on it.

(Cut to inside of Beacon Academy, Chat Noir is seen breaking Sage and Scarlet's necks with his staff.)

Chat Noir: A pity you couldn't have cooperated.

(As Chat Noir finishes the duo, he is approached by Nora Valkyrie.)

Nora: Why, if it isn't the traitor...

Chat Noir: I was a traitor when I joined Union!

Nora: You'll regret these words as soon as I break your legs!

Chat Noir: Try me, pancake lover!

(They fight. No one can deny that Nora's semblance and her mastery over her Magnhild make her a formidable opponent. But Chat Noir's agility and fighting skills allow him to take it in her. After a brutal fight, Chat Noir emerges victorious.)

Chat Noir: I will have the answers I seek, whether Ozpin liked it or not!

(Nora tries to get up, but Chat Noir knocks her out with a kick in her face. Then Batman and his team come in.)

Nightwing: The readings were getting stronger and now they're gone. I--

(They pause as they see Chat Noir.)

Nightwing: Adrien? What are you doing here?

Chat Noir: It's been a long time, Dick Grayson.

Batman: You didn't answer his question.

Chat Noir: I'm here to learn about Michael Howard's fate.

(Batman's team members look at each other for a moment, and then Batman nods in approval.)

Starfire: Dick found out lately that Michael's real murderers were actually the members of the Circle of Shinnok.

Nightwing: Cinder, Roman and Neo died. But there are still Emerald, Mercury, Adam Taurus, Arthur Watts, Tyrian Callows, Hazel Rainart, Quan Chi and Shinnok himself.

Chat Noir: Where could I find them?

Takeda: Emerald and Mercury are in the coliseum, while the rest...

(Then some little fireballs almost hit the heroes, and then Sasuke Uchiha comes in.)

Sasuke: You disturbed my sleep!

Takeda: Sasuke!

(Batman throws a batarang at Sasuke, who easily catches.)

Sasuke: You think your toys can hit me?

Batman: They already did.

Sasuke: (sees a countdown in the batarang.) Bomb?

(The bomb explodes on Sasuke's hand, hurting it. Then the Uchiha shows an angered expression.)

Sasuke: You'll regret this!

(Then Chat Noir kicks him in the gut.)

Sasuke: I'll make sure you wish to never have stood in my way, loser!

Chat Noir: Bring it on!

(Sasuke then uses a sequence hand position.)

Sasuke: Fire Style! Phoenix Flower Jutsu!

(Chat Noir spins his staff and blocks Sasuke's fireballs. Then he charges at him, and kicks him in the gut before punching him in the face and slamming him down.)

Chat Noir: You're the one who shouldn't stand in my way! Now begone or be dead!

(Sasuke draws his kunai and tries to hit him, but Chat Noir dodges each one of his attacks, and then hits him in the gut with his staff, and then punches his face fifty times and kicks his stomach other fifty times before knocking him out with a kick in his face.)

Chat Noir: I remain whole, for now.

Nightwing: What will you do now?

Chat Noir: I'm going to the coliseum. There's a portal in south. It can transport you back to the earth.

(Chat Noir walks away.)

Starfire: He must be obsessed to avenge his friend.

Batman: We'll go to the coliseum.

Cassie: What?

Batman: Adrien must not cross the line.

Nightwing: He already did. (points to the dead bodies of Sage and Scarlet)

(The scene cuts to the Coliseum. Ruby Rose is fighting a Special Forces soldier, with Ozpin and all of the Union headmasters watching. Chat Noir arrives just in time to see Ruby Rose knock the soldier to the ground. She readies her Crescent Rose for the killing blow, but hesistates.)

Soldier: I have failed. I deserve death.

(Ruby's words to Ryo Shimizu echo in her mind.)

Ruby: I failed my father and my professor. You must kill me.

(Back in real time, Ozpin calls out to his student.)

Ozpin: Kill him!

(Ruby looks over to her professor, who growls impatiently. Then Glynda uses her telekinesis and kills the soldier.)

Ozpin: Ruby! You will join me.

(She takes her place at Ozpin's side as Russel carries away the soldier's dead body. Chat Noir walks up to the throne.)

Chat Noir: Ozpin! I challenge Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black, the murderers of my friend Michael Howard! You will bring them before me!

Endeavor: No one makes demands of us! Todoroki!

(Shoto Todoroki steps into the arena and assumes his fighting stance.)

Todoroki: I'm not fighting you for my father, or to mock your deceased friend. I'm fighting you for personal reasons.

Chat Noir: I wonder what kind of grudge you bear against me...

(Todoroki tries to use his ice powers on Adrien, who dodges each attack. Rage is as clear as day in Endeavor's eyes due to his son's refusal to use his fire power.)


Todoroki: No! I can defeat him with only ice!

(Then Todoroki tries another ice attack, but Chat Noir charges at him, and kicks him in the gut.)


Todoroki: NO!

(Todoroki tries again, but Chat Noir dodges, and proceeds to kick his face.)

Todoroki: There's no other option... I'll have to use it... GGRRRRRRRAAAAAAH!

(Todoroki activates his fire powers as he screams in anger and prepares to hit Chat Noir, but somehow he hesitates, and falls down.)

Chat Noir: You... Hesitated?

Todoroki: (raises his left hand) I give up!

(Endeavor is shocked as some "boos" are heard and Todoroki leaves, not caring about anything else.)

Chat Noir: He's lucky to not be the one I seek to kill. (turns to Ozpin) Your students hold you in high esteem, Ozma. They fight and die for your amusement. My friend and I joined in this excuse of an academy. I joined this tournament to face the killers of my friend!

Ozpin: And you shall.

(Then Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black appear.)

Emerald: So you found out who actually killed your friend.

Chat Noir: And now I shall avenge his death!

Mercury: You will try!

(Emerald tries to shoot Chat Noir, who spins his staff, and deflects her shots. Then Mercury tries to kick him, but Chat Noir dodges the attack easily. Emerald tries to shoot him again, but Adrien dodges her shots as well. Emerald then changes her Thief's respite into a chained weapon, and wraps it around his staff. She pulls him close to her, only for him to hit her with a knee strike, and then punches her face various times, but then Mercury tries to kick him again, but Chat Noir grabs his leg and throws him away. He then continues beating Emerald to a pulp before knocking her out. Mercury jumps off and then lands roughly, hoping to crush Chat Noir, but Adrien dodges again, and then grabs him from behind and slams him down. He then uses his staff to break Mercury's metallic legs, and with a hit on his face, he knocks him out.)

Chat Noir: For Michael!

(Before he could kill Emerald and Mercury, Chat Noir is grabbed by Omni-Man.)

Chat Noir: No! You...

Glynda: Who now interrupts Ozpin's tournament?

(Team Superman, the Guardians of the Globe, and Chloe arrive.)

Invincible: Father! What are you doing?

Omni-Man: (turns to Invincible) Mark?

(Invincible and Queen Bee combine their powers, charge at Omni-Man, and with a double punch, they knock him out. Then Chloe hugs Adrien.)

Chat Noir: Chloe?

Chloe: I'm sorry about what happened to Michael...

(Chat Noir turns to Invincible, who nods in agreement.)

Chat Noir: I forgive you, Chloe.

Chloe: Thank you, Adrien.

(Then the three walk away as Ozpin glares at Ruby.)

Ozpin: Ruby! (she turns to him) How is it that the traitor and the Guardians of the Globe brazenly appear before me when my student, Leader of Team RWBY, was sent to intercept them?

Ruby: Professor, I...

Ozpin: BEGONE!

(Disheartened, Ruby walks away in tears.)

Chifuyu: (To Glynda) Continue.

Raiden: Ruby's faith is a slender reed, bent before the storm. If it can be uprooted altogether...

(He walks off after her.)

Dupli-Kate: Sure. Let's go ruin someone else's life.

(Dupli-Kate follows Raiden, and so do Chloe, Mark and Adrien.)

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