Chapter 14: Ruby Rose

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(Back to Earth. Sonya, Jax, Johnny Cage, Ladybug and the new Kamen Riders, including the former U.S. Army captain Steve Trevor are seen.)

Sonya: As you were.

(The Kamen Riders are seen in their positions.)

Sonya: You're here because most of our soldiers have been captured by the Union. I sent four of our best men to save them, but no response until now. So I need you to...

(Suddenly Hatred's portal opens up, and he comes in along with three extra members of the Anti-League.)

Jax: Welcome back, Hatred. Who are those three?

Hatred: These are Amzo, Balem and the God of Darkness.

Amzo: Hello.

Balem: It's an honor to meet you, Special Forces.

GD: We heard about how corrupt is the Union, and we decided to help you.

Amzo: Ozma needs to be stopped as well.

Johnny Cage: Ozma?

Jax: I guess he's referring to the one known as Ozpin.

Balem: Exactly.

Hatred: If you excuse me, I'll visit the Elder Gods.

Sonya: The Elder Gods? Why?

Hatred: I'll offer them a deal they won't refuse. One which will prevent Union from entering or merging other realms permanently.

Johnny Cage: What could be it?

Hatred: (smirks) Sealing the One Being permanently.

Jax: One Being?

Hatred: The One Being is an existence which the Elder Gods fear because he feeds on their essence. (shows the Anti Omnipotent Orbs) These orbs contain corrupt Elder Gods. If I say I offer sealing him permanently, I can show these orbs to prove I'm not joking.

Sonya: It might work.

Jax: It WILL work... I guess...

(Then Hatred creates his portal, and followed by his three allies, he goes through it.)

(Back to Remnant, Ruby Rose, Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long are conversing in the streets of Vale.)

Ruby: Is this how you show respect, buddies?

Yang: Sis, I--

Ruby: You and Blake follow me when I clearly wish to be alone, then you upbraid me? I will not be scolded like some child!

Blake: Yes, you will!

Yang: Quiet, Blake! Ruby, you need to be careful. I have never seen professor Ozpin this angry with you.

(Ruby dismisses this advice and begins to walk away.)

Blake: Dismissing sermons,huh? No wonder your mom and your aunt...

(Yang grabs Blake's neck angrily)

Yang: I told you to not talk about my mom in any hypothesis!

Blake: Forgive me...

(Yang let go of Blake, and then warns her sister.)

Yang: You are Ozpin's favorite student. He expects more from you than this.

Ruby: I know what he expects!

Yang: We will talk later. When you are in more of a mind to listen.


(Yang and Blake are shocked by Ruby shouting at them.)

Blake: (sighs) Maybe Weiss was right about you after all... (walks away) You don't deserve to lead the team you have.

(Yang walks off while Blake comforts her, leaving Ruby alone. At the sound of a lightning flash, she turns around to face Raiden, the Guardians of the Globe, Team Superman and Queen Bee.)

Raiden: Ruby Rose. I request an audience.

Ruby: Raiden and Non-Union heroes! You dare approach me?

Rex: Hey listen, honey, we don't wanna fight.

Invincible: But we will if we must!

Ruby: You will learn respect!

Wonder Woman: Victor, get her!

(They fight. Both Cyborg and Invincible find out the hard way that this was the wrong time to approach Ruby, who seemed to have learned from her last battle against Mark. Caught offguard by her furious assault, both of them are soon lying on the ground in front of her.)

Ruby: Professor Ozpin wants death to follow kombat. I will give it to him.

Raiden: Perhaps Ryo Shimizu was wrong about you. (Ruby gets confused) Or perhaps he sensed, as I do, that there is conflict within you.

(Superman helps Cyborg to his feet.)

Cyborg: Thanks, Superman. Ow. You couldn't've seen that in one o' your hot flashes?

(He walks off to help Invincible back up, leaving Raiden and Ruby Rose alone.)

Raiden: Something whispers to you that circumstances should be different. That you should be different. You are much more like Summer Rose than Taiyang Xiao Long or Oz--

(Raiden sees another vision, one of Summer Rose brainwashed and screaming.)

Raiden: But... she is dead...

Ruby: My mother is dead, yes. Why do you--

Raiden: You need answers, Ruby. I can help you find them, if you will trust in me. Go to Atlas's Military Base. Much will be revealed there.

Ruby: Atlas's Military Base? But I am forbidden to--

Raiden: Yes. You are. And why is that?

Ruby: I... don't know. Tell me--

Raiden: You must discover your true path. Alone.

(He walks off and teleports away offscreen. The scene then changes to Kitana walking through the Emerald Forest. She looks around and then comes to a standstill.)

Ruby: Never thought I'd say that, but show yourself, Yang. I know you're following me. Again.

(Yang walks in front of her.)

Yang: Following you still. I know where you're going, sister. I am ordered to prevent you from going there.

Ruby: And why is that?

Yang: I do not question the professor's commands. Ruby, please. Turn back.

Ruby: I cannot, sister. This path might lead me to the truth. I'm sorry, Yang... but I will not allow you to stop me.

Yang: Then we're no longer sisters!

(They get their weapons ready, and then they fight. While her former sister is an athletic and agile warrior, Ruby's fighting skill and determination see her through the battle, and besides Ruby also knows how to use Yang's anger at her favor. Eventually Yang is beaten unconscious.)

Ruby: I tried to warn you... This is something I have to do.

(She walks off and into the Atlas Military. Looking around, she spots what appear to be remains of deceased huntsmen, their blood spilled and flesh removed. Several tubes of liquid contain unidentifiable humanoid abominations. One in particular catches Ruby's eye. The occupant of the tube is half naked, wearing a black revealing suit for several bandages in strategic places, and aside from the black wings, the face, hair and body is that of Ruby.)

Ruby: What in the name of...

(She backs away and walks over to a table that has another clone on it. This one is identical to the one in the tube. Kitana leans in for a closer look.)

Ruby: She looks like... me! Except for the wings!

(The clone suddenly opens it's eyes, revealing them to be of the same black eyes from Ozpin. Gasping, Ruby backs up.)

????: Sister! (The clone sits up and gets off the table.) So pretty, so fair, so sad and alone... Come. Let us be a family!

Ruby: You are not my family. You are a monstrosity!

(They fight. Ruby finds out the hard way that the clone is actually a fallen angel named Raynare, who is able to use magical powers and is not averse to getting violent. Nonetheless, her own weapons and fighting skill manages to see her through the fight, and eventually the clone is left unconscious on the floor.)

Ruby: Farewell, sister!

(Before she can finish the clone, Whitley Schnee walks into the Military Base in a yellow and green battle suit.)

Whitley: That is no way to treat your sibling.

Ruby: Despicable swine! Do you think Ozpin will stand for this... these... abominations you have created here?!

Whitley: I am merely trying to bring people back to life, Red. As difficult as that might be.

Ruby: Silence! I will drag you before Ozpin by your white hair!

Whitley: (puts his mask in) Not without beholding the HYDRA Supreme!

(They fight. Despite having an advanced battle suit, Whitley lacks fighting experience, and this allows Ruby's fury to give her the edge in the fight. She soon has Whitley on the floor, beaten.)

Ruby: Get up.

(She picks him up by the shirt.)

Ruby: You will stand before the headmasters and confess your deeds.

(She turns him around, shoves him forward and leaves the Military Base with him. In Beacon Academy's main room, Whitley is kneeling with two IS guards standing over him.)

Ruby: I would not disturb you, professor, if this matter were not of upmost importance. I felt you should know what Whitley Schnee has been doing as of late. This conjurer has created horrid replicas of me-- crossbred with fallen angels' blood! One was alive-- and attacked me!

(Sirzechs approaches Whitley, and then grabs him in the neck.)

Sirzechs: You dare revive my sister's worst enemy? I will not tolerate that!

Ozpin: Wait.

(Ozpin stands from his chair and walks toward Whitley. He looks toward Ruby, and then to Tsung... and motions with his hand that he rise.)

Ozpin: Well done, Whitley. Wish your sister was here.

(Glynda bows his head and smiles before standing.)

Glynda: (angry) You know... You... approve? How could you? You're supposed to be fighting for honor!

Ozpin: Like that weakling Summer Rose fought? (Ruby gets shocked by what Ozpin said as he turns to her.) That's right, Ruby! Your mother was a weak leader of Team STRQ. I sent her to kill my archenemy Salem, and she failed miserably, losing her life. If only I had not allowed myself to be convinced of your worth... But now I have a true huntress!

Ruby: Raiden was right. You have lied to me my entire life.

Chifuyu: You were talking with Raiden? Traitor!

Ozpin: (To the guards) Escort her to the Tower. I will make an example of her. (glares at Sirzechs and Glynda) And these two as well, by the way.

(The guards restrain Ruby, Sirzechs and Glynda, and then carry them off. Ozpin addresses Whitley once more.)

Ozpin: Return to the base. Bring me your masterpiece. Raynare.

(As the Union guards escort Ruby, Sirzechs and Glynda off, Yang, Rias and Oscar follow them outside of Ozpin's view.)

Yang: (sobs) I failed you, sister. Now I will make amends.

Rias: You can count on me, Yang! They will pay for bringing Raynare back to life!

Oscar: I can't believe my father is a monster. He sent a family woman to face that witch, and allowed her death.

(Yang realizes the consequences of not helping her sister. Now she seeks to make amends, just like Rias and Oscar. Will they be able to save the betrayed trio?)

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