Chapter 2: Nightwing

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(Nightwing and Batman are seen in an underground área.)

Batman: He must be here.

Nightwing: Tim...

(Then the duo has found their way into an underground location on the island. They creep around cautiously.)

Nightwin: Tim! Tim, are you in here?

(The duo has walked into what appears to be a prison or a lair. Rotting bodies stripped off their flesh hang off rusty meathooks. One of the the iron barred cells the dynamic duo comes across contains Timothy Drake, also known as Red Robin. He looks like he's been severely beaten during his incarceration.)

Nightwing: Oh my God. What did they do to you?

Red Robin: Run, Dick, run...

(Behind them, All Might walks into the prison with two masked guards flanking him.)

All Might: Mister Grayson! You do not disappoint. I have been expecting you.

Batman: Let him go! We're not part of your tournament!

All Might: On the contrary, Bruce Wayne. Dick Grayson is very much a kontestant. He will face Yumi, of the Gessen Elite.

(Then a snowstorm comes out of nowhere as Yumi comes in.)

Yumi: Don't get the wrong idea. Your friend is just facing true justice. And now, so will you!

(They fight. Even against her powers of ice, Nightwing manages to fend off the captain of Team Gessen and beat her unconscious.)

Nightwing: Justice is blind, not reckless.

(Then Batman frees Red Robin.)

Batman: We're done here.

All Might: Not so fast. Nightwing will now face the champion of Mistral, Pyrrha Nikos.

(Then Pyrrha comes in)

Pyrrha: Hello.

Nightwing: You seem very polite for a Union student. But this will not save you from the beating I'm about to give you.

Pyrrha: Sorry.

(They fight. Showing his tenacity and taking advantage of Pyrrha's reluctance to fight, Nightwing aggressively takes it to the Champion of Mistral and knocks her down.)

Nightwing: And another thing, those pumpkin cornflakes taste awful!

(Then Raiden comes in, much for Batman's surprise.)

Raiden: Shield your eyes.

Batman: What?

Raiden: Shield your eyes.

(His eyes start crackling with electricity. A blinding flash envelopes the surrounding area. Nightwing, Batman and Red Robin manage to close their eyes. All Might and the guards aren't so lucky. With them blinded, Nightwing and Batman support Red Robin as best as they can.)

Nightwing: Tim, come on! We're outta here!

Red Robin: 'Bout time...

(The trio runs away, much for All Might's anger.)


(The scene cuts to a forest. Batman is struggling to keep Red Robin moving.)

Batman: Come on Tim! Move it! That's an order!

Red Robin: Oh... so you're in charge now?

(Nightwing speaks into his communicator.)

Nightwing: Secret Titans Command, this is Nightwing! Where's that evac?

Ravager: Nightwing, they are en-route... coming to you shortly...

Nightwing: Affirmative! Almost home, soldier.

(The two women seen at All Might's side the day previous approach them from the forest. One of them holds a scythe while other has two gauntlets.)

Ruby: My name is Ruby Rose, and this is my sister Yang Xiao Long. (draws her Crescent Rose while Yang readies her Ember Cilica) By order of All Might, no one leaves this academy.

Nightwing: I don't have time for this. Outta my way!

Yang: Sorry, but you can’t escape your punishment.

(They fight. Even though Nightwing has the numbers stacked against him, he manages to defeat both Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao Long and leave them on the floor unconscious.)

Nightwing: Sure don't need anymore surprises like them.

(He walks over to Red Robin.)

Nightwing: How are you holding up?

Red Robin: I'm fine.

Batman: No, you're not. After I get you to Batcave, I'm coming back. Deathstroke's still here somewhere.

Red Robin: Dick's obsession with Slade is gonna get him killed.

(Then the other Titans come in along with the Special Forces members Cassie, Jacqui, Kung Jin and Takeda Takahashi.)

Cyborg: We agree with this.

Beast Boy: Can you blame him? Slade was always... uh... sloopy...

Jacqui: I hope doesn't find out that we nautralized the generators.

(Unfortunately some bullets come out of nowhere and they hit a nearby tree, then Deathstroke is seen holding an unconscious Ravager.)

Nightwing: (gets in his fighting stance) Slade.

Deathstroke: Time to settle this once and for all!

(Deathstroke tries to slash Nightwing with his sword, but Nightwing uses his sticks and parries his sword before kicking him in the gut.)

Deathstroke: It awakes some memories, huh?

Nightwing: I can only remember how much I hate you!

Deathstroke: And I remember that you couldn't beat me.

(Deathstroke throws a grenade, but Nightwing jumps away before it explodes.)

Deathstroke: At least, not by yourself.

(As Nightwing lands, he draws his sticks again and they clash with Deathstroke's sword.)

Deathstroke: A shame your friends won’t be useful to you.

(Then Nightwing parries Slade's sword again before throwing three explosive birdarangs, hitting him.)

Nightwing: I don't need them this time.

(Then Nightwing pins Deathstroke down and starts beating him brutally to the point Batman notices his intention to kill him.)

Batman: Dick, stop.

(Nightwing doesn't listen, and keeps beating Slade until he draws another birdarang.)

Nightwing: This is the end for you, Slade. (prepares to slit Deathstroke's throat) And never come back again!

(Starfire notices that Nightwing is about to kill Deathstroke, and shoots him with a solar blast, knocking him out. Then Batman approaches him and carries him.)

Batman: You almost made the biggest mistake of your life, Nightwing.

(Then Raiden, the two Kamen Riders and Aquagirl come in.)

Aquagirl: There you are.

Ichigo: Cassie! You all right? (sees Red Robin) Hey, looks like Nightwing and Batman found 'im.

(Cassie throws a salute at Red Robin.)

Cassie: S'up, Sarge?

Nightwing: He's a ma--

(Cyborg stops as he looks at Raiden walking toward Red Robin.)

Cyborg: Hey, what are you doing?

(Raiden charges up lightning in his palms.)

Cassie: It's ok. He's cool.

(As the electricity nears Red Robin, he starts to glow with blue energy. Starfire attempts to intervene but Raven grabs her arm.)

Red Robin: What the?

Starfire: Tim!

Cassie: Seriously. He's cool.

(The process takes a few moments, and after Raiden has finished, Red Robin has been completely healed of his injuries. He examines his arms and seems quite astounded at the difference.)

Red Robin: That's amazing!

Cassie: Told ya! Turns out he's a god!

(As Red Robin rises to his feet, and Nightwing finally gets up, Starfire is also quite astounded as Raiden approaches her.)

Starfire: Thank you... friend Raiden.

Raiden: Gratitude is unnecessary. I have foreseen events, like memories of my future. They lead me to believe that you are all connected to Earthrealm's fate.

Nigo: What have you foreseen?

Raiden: In my visions, the Union Headmasters become invincible. They destroy all life in Earthrealm. We will all die. I believe these flashes are a guide to defeating them all. But disrupting the flow of time can have serious consequences.

Beast Boy: I'm not worried. I bet you could win this thing no problem.

Raven: Unless directly challenged, he cannot participate.

Aquagirl: What should we do besides standing around looking pretty?

Raiden: For now, the tournament must run its course.

Starfire: All right then. We're with you,  friend Raiden.

(Chapter End)

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