Chapter 4: Jaune Arc

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(The scene changes to Union. Jaune is walking along it when two voices attact his attention. He turns around to see Cardin Winchester alonside with a woman wearing some revealing white outfit and a sword.)

Jaune: What are you doing? I'm not here to fight you. I'm assigned to kill Cassie Cage.

Satsuki: The Union Academy no longer has need of you.

(She holds her sword up to stop Cardin from intervening.)

Jaune: What do you mean? 

Satsuki: The headmasters are terminating your agreement. And you!

(They fight. Although unprepared to take on an elite student of Honnouji, Jaune and his Crocea Mors prove to be up to the challenge. After a heated fight, he manages to defeat Satsuki.)

Jaune: I need to have a talk with the headmaster.

(Cardin charges forward, drawing his Executioner.)

Cardin: How silly you are, Jaune. Don't you understand your position? Ozpin doesn't need you anymore. This fight is not over. Now receive a proper punishment.

Jaune: You mean to punish me? You couldn't even stop the daughter of that cheap actor!

(They fight. Cardin got completely pissed at Jaune's lecture and shows his total fury, as ferocious as his Executioner, but in contrast to all of his fights, his power is still not enough to defeat Jaune this time as he shows new tricks and skill. Jaune finally gets his revenge on Cardin, who is soon lying on the floor next to Satsuki. 

Jaune: Now this fight is over. (Jaune then uses his Crocea Mors to break Cardin's legs.) The headmasters have turned on me. I need to find out why.

(Jaune then goes to the hospital to see Pyrrha in the bed.)

Jaune: Pyrrha, I need your help. The others betrayed me again.

Pyrrha: I'm sorry, Jaune. But my back will take weeks to recover... You're on your own this time.

(Hearing this causes Jaune to storm off in anger as he slams the door.)


(Back in the arena, All Might is talking with Nora and Ren. Jaune looks over to Raiden, who greets him with a nod. Jaune then walks over to his teammates and Toshinori.)

Jaune: Nora, Ren, we need to talk. Our host tried to have me killed. 

All Might: You were speaking with the Thunder God. Your indescretion has jepordised Union's plan. 

Ren: Jaune is one of ours. He will complete his task. 

All Might: We shall see. The next match will be Jaune Arc versus Cassie Cage. 

Cassie: What, me? All right then. 

(Cassie steps up to the arena floor.)

Cassie: Not everyone gets to rumble with me. Ready for your beatdown, Sunshine? Here it comes!

Jaune: Okay, no more playing around!

(Then Jaune amplifies his aura and as Cassie is about to kick him, Jaune counters with a kick of his own, and then performs a Shield Slash, and then a charging star. This impresses the other kombatants.)

Yang: Since when the vomit boy learned to fight?

(Cassie gets up.)

Cassie: Not bad for someone who can't wield a sword.

Jaune: I still got some new tricks!

Ruby: New tricks?

Weiss: What else was this dunce hiding all along?

(Then Cassie and Jaune's punches clash, and everyone gets amazed, except for Bakugou, who is more pissed than ever.)

Bakugo: How the fuck did he do this?

Ren: Jaune is proving himself.

(Then Jaune and Cassie exchange some punches and kicks, none of them is having advantage.)

Nora: Look at him... he's gone nuts... where did all of his strength come from?

(Jaune the punches her belly before kicking her face, and then he decides to use his final trick.)

Jaune: (amplifies his aura) This is it!

(As Cassie charges at Jaune, he hits her with a knee strike, then punches her face before uppercutting her, and last he jumps and...)

Jaune: You're history!

(Jaune slams his knee on her back, knocking her out.)

All Might: Impressive, Jaune Arc. You proved yourself worthy of your title. Now...

Jaune: NO!

Nora: What?

Jaune: (throws his Crocea Mors away) You heard me, I will not kill her!

(Everyone gasps as Raiden nods happily. Then Jaune leaves and All Might gets furious.)

Weiss: I'll put him on his place!

(Weiss storms off, following Jaune. The next scene shows Jaune doing his package to leave the academy. But then Weiss confronts him.)

Weiss: Jaune!

Jaune: What do you want, Ice Queen?

Weiss: You were commanded to kill Cassie Cage. You disobeyed. 

Jaune: I eliminated her from the tournament. She didn't need to die. 

Weiss: You have broken your promise, you dunce. 

Jaune: I used my judgment!

Weiss: Perhaps making you my slave will wipe out the insurbodination in your mind!

Jaune: You know what? I had enough of being a Union student. I will not surrender my free will!

(Weiss then draws her Myrtenaster and starts attacking Jaune, who surprisingly dodges all of her slashes, making her angry.)


Jaune: What's the matter, Ice Queen? Can't hit a moving target?

(Weiss gets angrier and freezes Jaune's legs, but Jaune then amplifies his aura and breaks free.)

Weiss: That's impossible!

Jaune: I thought so too... (grabs Weiss' neck) but when the only one who helped me told me I was on my own this time, she made me awake what you're seeing.

(Then Jaune throws her down.)

Jaune: Tell Pyrrha I sent some reminds!

(Weiss gets even more enraged and decides to freeze him again.)

Weiss: No one denies a Schnee what she wants! NO ONE!

(Then Weiss starts laughing maniacally until she saw someone jumping. She turns around and sees Kamen Rider Ichigo.)


(Kamen Rider Ichigo hits Weiss, killing her as Jaune breaks free from the ice again.)

Ichigo: Are you alright, friend?

Jaune: Now I am.

(Then Saffron Cotta-Arc and Terra Cotta-Arc come in worried.)

Saffron: Brother, what happened?

Jaune: That ice queen was about to kill me. But this guy saved me.

(Then Saffron sees Kamen Rider Ichigo and starts getting flirty.)

Saffron: My, my... what a tiger you are...

Ichigo: Well, thank you...

Terra: Thanks for saving my brother-in-law. You should visit us.

Ichigo: I'll consider the offer after this tournament ends.

Jaune: (pats his shoulder) Good luck, friend. Win this tournament, and free everyone from those fake heroes.

(Kamen Rider Ichigo nods in agreement and walks away.)

(Chapter Ends.)

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