Chapter 5: Kamen Rider Ichigo

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(Back in Union Academy, several masked guards are escorting a new warrior, wearing white shorts and blue shirt besides a bandana with a leaf symbol in it.)

All Might: Kombatants! I present you the last survivor of Uchiha Clan, who can copy thousands of jutsus. Behold... Sasuke Uchiha!

(Sasuke assumes a fighting stance.)

Sasuke: Sharingan!

(Sasuke activates his sharingan eyes. Cassie Cage is once again impressed while Deathstroke snickers under his breath.)

Deathstroke: Kids...

Raiden: Be wary, Shimizu. He is unlike anything you have fought before.

(Ryo Shimizu turns into Kamen Rider Ichigo and steps up to face Sasuke.)

All Might: Ryo Shimizu! You are the sole Special Forces member to progress to this final stage of the tournament!

Ichigo: I am ready.

Sasuke: With my sharingan eyes, I will destroy you along with this bunch of losers.

(Sasuke throws various shurikens, but Kamen Rider Ichigo dodges them easily. Then Sasuke prepares one of his most powerful jutsus.)

Sasuke: Fire Style! Fire Ball Jutsu!

(The fire ball hits Kamen Rider Ichigo, but Shimizu survives, and then kicks him in the gut various times, making him bleed.)

Sasuke: (in mind) No... that's impossible...

(Then Kamen Rider Ichigo throws Sasuke against the wall as his back hits it.)

Sasuke: That does it!

(Then some lightning comes from Sasuke's right hand.)

Sasuke: Chidori!

(As Sasuke charges at Kamen Rider Ichigo, the masked hero jumps and...)


(The Rider Kick hits Sasuke and the uchiha gets knocked out.)

Ichigo: We will not fall into Union's hands.

(With the fight over, the kombatants take their leave. Ruby Rose walks over to All Might, who is seething with rage.)

Ruby: He is a greater threat than anticipated. I will insure he does not reach the final challenge.

(All Might nods his approval and Ruby departs after Shimizu. Later in the forest, Ryo Shimizu is seen as Kamen Rider Ichigo, practicing a kata with Jax watching.)

Jax: Remember Sonya's teachings. You must not let emotion overpower you.

Ichigo: What causes Raiden's visions, commander?

Jax: His future self sent them to him. Perhaps to ensure some outcome. 

Ichigo: Or to prevent one.

(Jax gasps again as he remembers the following words.)

Raiden's voice: He must win!

Jax: "He must win". Those are his last words before he dies. I believe it is you who must win.

(Raiden comes in takes off his amulet.)

Raiden: This amulet was forged by the Elder Gods. It cracked here in the present after my first vision. If we choose wisely, the future will be secured and the cracks healed.

Ichigo: I trust you will make the right decisions.

Raiden: We must trust in the Elder Gods, Ryo Shimizu.

(Raiden teleports away with Jax in a flash of lightning. Kamen Rider Ichigo prepares to resume his kata, only to find Ruby Rose walking toward him. She attacks immediately using her Crescent Rose, but he blocks all of her attacks and kicks her away. She tries again, fails to land a good hit and he kicks her away again. Getting angry, Ruby tries another attack, but Kamen Rider Ichigo grabs both her arms before she can connect. He seems rather intrigued by her efforts.)

Ichigo: You're good! Show me more.

(She pushes him back.)

Ruby: Don't underestimate me, cyborg!

(Ruby turns her Crescent Rose into a rifle, and tries to shoot him down, but Kamen Rider Ichigo deflects all of the shots, and this causes her to use her semblance. As she appears from behind and tries to hit him, Kamen Rider Ichigo elbows her, and then kicks her. After various attempts, Ruby Rose frowns due to having constantly failed, and gives up.)

Ichigo: I am impressed.

Ruby: Do it.

Ichigo: Do what?

Ruby: Kill me.

(Ruby is now sitting up. Kamen Rider Ichigo kneels next to her.)

Ichigo: Why would I do that?

Ruby: I came to kill you. I have failed my father. My professor.

Ichigo: Who is your father?!

Ruby: Taiyang Xiao Long. He raised me after my mom died. I have disgraced him and professor Ozpin. You must kill me.

Ichigo: I will not.

(She looks up at him in confusion.)

Ichigo: This encounter never took place. You have disgraced no one.

(He stands up and begins to walk away, but turns around one last time.)

Ichigo: I hope we meet again. Under... different circumstances.

(He walks off, leaving Ruby to ponder what took place. The scene cuts to the arena exterior. It is now night, and Kamen Rider Ichigo walks in, flanked by Kamen Rider Nigo and Raiden. Earthrealm's remaining warriors, along with All Might and Ruby Rose, are all waiting in anticipation.)

All Might: Kombatants! Only one Special Forces member remains.

(Raiden nods and Kamen Rider Nigo places his hand on Ichigo's shoulder. They nod to one another.)

All Might: The Kamen Rider Ryo Shimizu. Is he ready to bear such a heavy burden? The heroes' fate is in his hands. Your opponent will be... Sun Wukong!

(Sun Wukong jumps in the arena.)

Sun: Sup', loser.

Ichigo: The only loser here will be you!

All Might: And alongside him, Neptune Vasilias.

(Neptune comes in)

Neptune: Time to avenge Weiss.

(Sun uses his semblance and multiplies himself while Neptune tries to shoot Kamen Rider Ichigo down. But the masked hero easily dodges every attack, and then focuses on hitting every clone of Sun Wukong, trying to find the real one, but as he hits the last one, Neptune uses his semblance and then some water comes from below. Neptune runs out of hydrophobia. Kamen Rider Ichigo enjoys the opportunity and easily knocks him out, and as Sun was about to attack him from behind, he grabs his wrist and throws him down, knocking him out.)

Ichigo: Like I said, you are the losers here.

(All Might's eyes narrow with displeasure. Kamen Rider Ichigo walks up to Raiden.)

Raiden: You have done well. But the tournament is not yet over.

Ichigo: Issei Hyoudou.

Cassie: That pervert?

(Nightwing shrugs in response as All Might remembers that he still has a trump card.)

All Might: Ryo Shimizu... it has been years since a Special Forces member has progressed this far. But the reigning champion is far beyond your ability. To Kuoh with you! 

(A portal opens under Shimizu's feet. He falls right through it and lands hard on the floor of Kuoh. It is in fact the place Nightwing fought through, and notably there is a large throne that has no one in it. Shimizu rises to his feet and looks around, spotting no one until a voice sounds out behind him.)

Issei: I did not expect to fight in this tournament.

(Shimizu wheels around. He comes face to face with a brown haired boy wielding a red gauntlet.)

Issei: But eventually even the Special Forces weaklings produce a warrior worthy of a Dragon Emperor.

(He stalks forward to face Kamen Rider Ichigo.) 

Ichigo: I know who you are! I am ready for you! 

Issei: I will give you a painful death.

(Then Issei starts attacking, but Kamen Rider Ichigo defends himself, and counters by punching  him, making him fall. Issei easily gets up and tries to shoot him. Kamen Rider Ichigo manages to deflect some of them, but gets hit by one. Then Issei tries to punch him, but Shimizu crouches and then punches his nuts.)

Ichigo: You got caged!

Issei: Ugh... I'm not done yet, weakling!

(Issei barely gets up and boosts his sacred gear. Then they resume their fight, due to his balls hurting, Issei barely dodges every punch of Kamen Rider Ichigo, who kicks him in the gut as he falls down. Issei tries to get up, but Kamen Rider Ichigo kicks him again.)

Issei: Ddraig... Boost 20 times!

Ddraig: Boost! (20X)

(Issei boosts his power and gets up. Then he activates his balance breaker.)

Issei: I shall not lose. I will be the Harem King!

Ichigo: In your dreams, pervert!

(Then they exchange punches and kicks during three minutes. Then Kamen RIder Ichigo grabs Issei's wrist, and throws him aside before jumping and...)

Ichigo: RIDER KICK!!

(Kamen Rider Ichigo hits Issei with his Rider Kick, and it destroys his armor. Issei tries to get up again, but he falls down, losing the fight.) 

Ichigo: It seems the Special Forces trained a warrior greater than a Dragon Emperor. 

(Sensing Issei is out cold, Kamen Rider Ichigo clasps his hands in a prayer of thanks. A portal opens up behind him. He looks to it with grim determination. In Union Academy, Raiden and the others await the arrival of the victor. All Might sneers unhappily when he sees it is Kamen Rider. He steps from his chair to the floor as Raiden takes in a deep breath in anticipation.) 

Ichigo: All Might! Only one fight remains! Face me... in Mortal Kombat! 

All Might: So be it.

(Then the fight starts. All Might punches Kamen Rider Ichigo in the face, but the punch doesn't faze him. Then Shimizu punches Toshinori, shoving him off. All Might falls down, but gets up.)

All Might: Why you...

(All Might tries again, but Kamen rider kicks him in the gut, and then mocks All Might.)

Ichigo: Don't you realize how hypocrital it is? Your rage over the loss of lives? The Union Academy hasn't been known for their mercy. Compared to you, I'm a saint!

All Might: (angry) Now you've done it! (dashes towards Kamen Rider Ichigo) DELAWARE SMASH!

(All Might punches Kamen Rider Ichigo rapidly, generating an ennormous air current. But as the dust settles, Kamen Rider Ichigo is seen barely scratched.)

Ichigo: Come on, is that all you've got? That was barely a scratch.

(Then All Might decides to use his most powerful technique, focusing his One for All's stockpiling power into his fist.)


(The punch hits Kamen Rider Ichigo and manages to blow him away. But Kamen Rider Ichigo does a wall jump and prepares another Rider Kick.)

Ichigo: My turn. RIDER KICK!!

(The kick hits All Might in the gut, making him bleed. Then the so-called Number One Hero falls down as Kamen Rider Ichigo approaches him.)

Ichigo: Say it. 

All Might: Ugh... I... concede. 

Bakugou: (realizes that All Might lost) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

(Bakugo accidentally explodes, causing the Union students around him to be covered in ashes as some of them cough. In other hand, the Special Forces and other heroes all cheer in unison.) 

Nigo: Well done, my friend. 

Raiden: He has saved Earthrealm.

(A large beam of light, eminating from a portal, descends into Union Academy. The Special Forces and the other heroes all surround Kamen Rider Ichigo, offering him congratulations.) 

Nightwing: That was awesome, Ryo Shimizu! You earned my respect!

Batgirl: You did well, darling.

Ms. Marvel: Congratulations, my love. 

Batman: Way to go, kid!

Ladybug: Good job, Ryo-Senpai.

Cassie: MVP, baby! 

(All Might and all of the Union Students take their leave through a portal back to Unionverse. The last to depart is Ruby Rose, who casts a longing look at Kamen Rider Ichigo. He smiles at her as she exits through the portal. Shimizu then turns to face Raiden, who bows his head in congratulations. Kamen Rider Ichigo does the same. As Kamen Rider Nigo puts a hand on his shoulder and Shimizu nods back, Raiden takes another look at his amulet expectantly... only to find more cracks appear among it. He ponders the meaning of this with a look of worry.)

(Meanwhile in Salem, Massachusetts, a portal opens up revealing six figures come out of it.)

????: This is the universe where some Union activity happened lately.

????: A shame they retreated...

????: Don't worry. We'll find them.

????: And when we find those Union scums, they will get what they deserve! Hahahaha!

????: But first, let's kill some criminals.

????: I can work with that. And I'll enjoy it very, very much.

(Who are those six figures? What are they?)

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