Chapter 19: Battle in Menagerie

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(At Menagerie, Ren Amaki, Winter Schnee, Ace Operatives and Dekusquad are seen hunting down innocent faunus.)

Ren: You filthy animals. I'll cut off your arms to scratch my backs. You can't escape!

Winter: Maybe my father had the right idea about those filthy scums.

(Suddenly a spear comes in and stabs Winter as a certain shout is heard.)


(Winter is pulled to Scorpion as he then shoves his sword up her brains, and then he rips off her head. Then the Stellaron Hunters, Team CFVY and Lupin come in.)

Blade: You've got some nerve to invade the only place these poor faunus were supposed to be safe.

Marrow: Uh-Oh...

Elm: (glares at Team CFVY) Traitors!

Coco: We were traitors when we joined that sad excuse of superhero school.

Clover: (glares) You will regret these words. (to the others) GET THEM!

(They charge at the group, but Blade uses her Karma Wind to slash Marrow in half. Elm swings her hammer at Kafka, who dodges her attacks.)

Kafka: Missed. (dodges Elm's attack again) Nice try. (dodges and jumps away.) Now it's my turn!

(She smirks and performs her "Mercy is not Forgiveness", and easily destroys Elm. Vine tries to avenge her, but then Firefly gets in the way, and performs her "Δ Order: Meteoric Incineration", stomping the Ace Operative while clad in her SAM suit.)

SAM: Over so soon? What a wimp.

(Harriet dashes at Silver Wolf, but then Lupin shoots one of her legs, tripping her. He nods to Silver Wolf, who then uses her "Force Quit Program", launching some beams over Harriet, destroying her.)

Clover: (glares at Lupin) You little fuck!

(Clover then creates a spear and launches it at Lupin, who dodges the attack, and shoots his chest. However, Clover keeps trying to kill Lupin, who dodges his spears as he shoots his arms and legs.)

Clover: Ugh... how can a worthless thief be defeating me?

Lupin: Someome like you doesn't deserve to know. (aims at Clover's head) Hasta la vista... baby.

(He shoots Clover's head, killing him. Team CFVY is about to fight Dekusquad as a voice is heard.)

????: Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!

(A fireball is launched at Dekusquad as Ochako lifts a rock to shield her and her team while Shoto tries to shield his teammates with an ice wall, suddenly the voice is heard again.)

????: Lightning Style: Earth Flash!

(Dekusquad is electrocuted as they get unconscious. Ren then charges at the heroes as Scorpion draws his sword, and both swords clash.)

Scorpion: You're supposed to be the Sword Hero? (scoffs) Pathetic.

Ren: At least I didn't sell my soul to the devil.

Scorpion: Me selling my soul to the devil? It's the pot calling the kettle black.

Ren: I will not lose to someone like you!

(They then try to slash each other as a mysterious figure comes in and turns to the heroes.)

????: Back off, all of you.

(Everyone gets confused as he raises his right hand, and then a certain shuriken of wind is formed above it. Ren kicks Scorpion and tries to charge at him, but...)

????: Wind Style: Rasen Shuriken!

(He launches his Rasen Shuriken at Ren, and as it hits him, the Sword Hero's body shatters as a shockwave happens, blowing everyone away. As the dust settles, Ren's body is nowhere to be found. The figure then approaches Scorpion, and extends a hand to him.)

????: I warned you.

(He picks the hand, and gets up as two certain girls help the rest of the heroes up.)

Scorpion: Who are you?

Sanemi: My name... is Sanemi Uchiha, son of Madara Uchiha, the last of my clan... and new God of Shinobi.

Scorpion: And what brings you here?

Sanemi: I watched your little fight, and I decided to join in. As you can see, I'm on your side. (turns to his wives) And so are Saber and Morgan Le Fay.

(Scorpion nods, and then they hear some sounds.)

Sanemi: Looks like some bullheads are coming. I'll get you guys outta here.

(Sanemi then performs his Kamui, taking the heroes to his personal dimension before walking away as an Union Bullhead comes in, and the Atlas Soldiers pick up the unconscious Dekusquad as the chapter ends.)

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