Chapter 20: The End of Arc Clan

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(Meanwhile at Vacuo, chaos is ensued at the following area of Union City. The Arc Family found out that their bastard child Jaune stained their honor by forging transcripts that Kirihito exposed worldwide. They declared war on Union Academy for allowing their disgraced son to ruin their image. Many people got caught in the crossfire between the Arc Clan and the Union Team composed of Itsuki Kawasumi, Team JNPR, Fumikage, Yuga, Shoji, Rikido, Koji, Ojiro, Toru, Kyoka and Momo as neither of the sides cared about it.)

Ojiro: Your son had a great future ahead of him, and you still dare to deny it?

Nicholas: Don't lecture me, Union scum. Jaune was nothing but a disgrace. My only mistake was not disowning him sooner.

Yuga: You'll pay for this insult, you disgraceful fucks!

Rosemary: Try us, Frenchie!

Fumikage: Dark Shadow, kill these pricks.

(Dark Shadow is summoned as Violet simply scoffs.)

Violet: You're gonna be the ones killed, along with this pathetic excuse of a brother.

????: So much for trying to repair what is already broken, eh?

(They turn to see Tucker, Octavia, Elysia, Corrin, the Walter Sisters, the Sins and the Virtues as they glare at both groups.)

Tucker: None of you deserve to become future heroes as all of you are nothing more than villains.


Nora: Yeah, those who protect the powerless don't have a place here. They are all nothing more than a waste of space and have no purpose in society.

Pyrrha: Now begone or die.

Elysia: You don't get to decide other people's fate. You're no Gods.

Lie Ren: Now you've done it.

(Ren charges at the heroes as Tucker blocks his attack, and kicks him like a spartan before charging straight at Jaune and stabbing his stomach as the Arc Clan members smirk, thinking he did them a favor, but then Sara Walters uses her sound manipulation to create a sonic wave that brings the fake heroes down. Itsuki tries to aim his arrow, but Aurora Walters teleports in front of him, and grabs his neck.)

Itsuki: Get off me, bitch!

(Aurora starts beating the crap out of Itsuki before sending him flying. Sirin Walters dashes at Violet, and punches her, breaking her teeth and making her cough blood.)

Violet: (grunts) Which side are you on anyway?

Sirin: We're on humanity's side, protecting the powerless and the weak.

(Pyrrha uses her semblance, and starts crushing Tucker's suit.)

Tucker: Argh...

Pyrrha: I'll make you suffer for what you did to my beloved Jaune!

Nicholas: (grunts) You love that disgraceful son of mine? (scoffs) I pity you-ACK!

(Corrin stabs her sword through Nicholas' throat.)

Corrin: Silence, villain!

(Satan beheads the Arc Sisters while Uriel kicks Pyrrha away, saving Tucker.)

Uriel: (to Tucker) You're pulling your punches.

(Octavia starts fighting Bianca Arc.)

Octavia: You remind me of my mother. Damn, what a bitch she is.

Bianca: (growls) How dare you...

(Bianca tries to grab Octavia's face, but she hits one of her eyes with her beak.)

Bianca: AAAAH!! MY EYE!! AAAAHH!!!

(Octavia then kicks Bianca away.)

Octavia: Hmph, like I said, a bitch.

(The 1-A students are fighting the other Sins.)

Rikido: You've got some nerve to betray your own kind.

Kyoka: We were destined for greatness, but it's all gone thanks to you bitches.

Belial: This is Karma, brats.

(Momo creates a katana, and clashes with Corrin.)

Corrin: You've got the technique, but not the spirit!

(She unleashes her awakening attack, and then she transforms into a beast as she slams into the fake heroes, sending them all sprawling. Both Sins and Virtues nod as they combine their attacks and easily destroy the remaining fake heroes, leaving no one alive.)

Lucifer: We're done here.

Michael: Agreed.

(They then pick up Tucker and carry him as they leave, unaware that Kamen Rider Caucasus is watching them from afar.)

(As the screen fades out, Kamen Rider Caucasus quickly writes a "To be continued" at the screen before quickly leaving.)

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