Chapter 7: The New CEO of Hiden Intelligence/Destroy White Fang

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(Meanwhile at Union City, a certain apocalyptic beast is seen rampaging through the city, destroying everything in its way. Several Pro Heroes try to stop said beast, but they end up being injured.)

(Trihexa roars as the Pro Heroes groan as they try to get up.)

Backdraft: Damn it...

Mt. Lady: (angry) You little fuck!

(Mount Lady tries to stand up to Trihexa, who blasts her away as she crashes into several buildings, resulting into countless deaths.)

Kamui Woods: How can it be that strong?

Death Arms: I guess they don't call that thing as the "Beast of Apocalypse" for nothing.

????: So much for incompentence...

(The Pro Heroes turn to see a young boy getting out of a limousine as he pulls out a driver.)

Raikou: You know what they say... if you want something done...


Raikou: You do it yourself.

(He then pulls out a progrisekey and clicks its button.)


(He scans the progrisekey with his driver.)


(The scene cuts to Zea that shoots a beam, and then a giant grasshopper projection appears as Raikou prepares to transform.)

Raikou: Henshin!


(Raikou becomes Kamen Rider Zero-One, and points at Trihexa.)

Zero-One: There's only one who can stop you, and that's me!

(Zero-One jumps at Trihexa, and kicks it twice before dashing at the beast and punching it as he lands several punches and kicks before summonning his weapon.)


(He then pulls out a progrisekey, and prepares to use it.)




(Beams of teal energy and a series of energy shark fins are projected before Zero-One slashes Trihexa, but Zero-One prepares to finish the beast.)


(Zero-One first launches Trihexa into the air with a upward kick that creates an energy projection of a grasshopper leg. He then jumps into the air and kicks the beast downward. As Trihexa falls toward the ground Zero-One performs a final flying kick with an energy construct of a robotic grasshopper extending from his foot and breaks through the target's body.)


(Trihexa roars as he explodes. He then reverts back to Raikou and goes back to his limousine. The Pro Heroes couldn't confront him due to the severe injures, but they swore to get back at him for stealing their spotlight.)

(Meanwhile at the White Fang's Hideout, Adam Taurus is seen standing in front of his compatriots.)


(The White Fang Soldiers become silent and get in their positions.)

Adam: Ahem! Blake Belladonna had paid the price for her treachery. Unfortunately there are still those who she had the nerve to befriend. Humans, of course. But knowing those Union pricks, they will rally on both Atlas Soldiers, Devil Soldiers, Angel Soldiers, Fallen Angel Soldiers and Melromarc Knights to shield those bastards.

(Adam then pulls out some curtains, and then an Alpha Titan Queen is seen trapped in a cage.)

(The White Fang Soldiers (except for a few) gasp in surprise as Adam speaks up.)

Adam: That's why we're bringing in some big guns. With this monster by our side, we will be unstoppable, and our kind will finally be known as the supreme kind! FOR THE FAUNUS!

W.F. Soldiers: (unison) FOR THE FAUNUS!

(As they cheer up, suddenly an aurora curtain opens up, and then Kamen Rider Millennium and his team come out of it.)

Millennium: So you're the White Fang. I gotta say, you're worse than I thought you'd be. Trying to control a creature that lived long before all kinds.

Ilia: (stern) It's Kamen Rider Millennium!

Trifa: And he brought reinforcements...

Adam: (scoffs) Good, he'll need it anyway.

(Adam opens the cage, and the Titan gets out of it.)

Adam: Mizore, attack!

(As Mizore is about to attack, Millennium has another vision of how King Sargon managed to control several kaijus. He then does some familiar gestures, and when Mizore gets closer, she suddenly stops as a purple aura envelopes her, much to Adam's shock.)

Adam: What's happening?

Millennium: Mizore, right? (Mizore nods) Those evil faunus tried to use you as a weapon for revenge. Why don't YOU enact your revenge on them instead?

(Mizore turns to the White Fang Soldiers as they realize Millennium somehow has Mizore under his control now.)

W.F. Soldier 2: Uh-Oh...

(Mizore then shoots a freezing beam at the White Fang Soldiers as his teammates get confused.)

Lupin: How did he do that?

Tucker: I don't know...

Saga: What did he mean by "a creature that lived long before all kinds"?

Sasword: It's a Kaiju. And whatever is his power somehow gives him the ability to control it.

(Millennium charges at Adam and dropkicks him. Both of them get up.)

Adam: Whatever, I don't need them to defeat you!

Millennium: I'll be the judge of that. (pulls out a card) Now, it's millennial time.


(Millennium (Birthright) then jumps and flies as Adam tries to shoot him, but he dodges the bullets.)

(Meanwhile, Ilia and Trifa charge at Sasword and Saga while Bumblebee blasts several incoming White Fang Soldiers, and Lupin shoots Perry's arms.)

Lupin: Looks like I still got this.

(A White Fang Lieutenant charges at Tucker, who slashes his arm off at "Jetstream Sam" Style. Spider-Man, Raven and Hot Rod fight the remaining White Fang Soldiers.)

(Back to Millennium (Birthright), he dives as he punches Adam's face, breaking his mask.)

Adam: My mask...

Millennium (Birthright): A shame nobody will know how disgraceful you truly are, Adam Taurus.

Adam: (stern) You're the one to talk, human. Or whatever you are.

(Adam tries to slash Millennium (Birthright), who catches his sword, and breaks it, much to his shock. Millennium then uses a finisher card.)


(Millennium (Birthright)'s arm glows bright, and he flies towards Adam as he punches him through several buildings as he screams and explodes.)

(Back to Sasword and Saga, they finally overpowered Ilia and Trifa as the former decides to finish them.)

Sasword: Rider Slash!


(Sasword slashes both Ilia and Trifa as they scream in pain and explode.)

Sasword: Good riddance.

(Millennium then reverts back to Zen Maverick as he approaches his teammates (who already defeated the White Fang Soldiers) along with Mizore.)

Saga: So you can turn our enemies into allies...

Millennium: No. I can only have control over kaijus... somehow...

Sasword: We'll cross the bridge later. Let's get outta here.

(Millennium then summons the aurora curtain, and then he and his team walk through it as the screen fades to black.)

(To be continued)

A/N: Titanus Mizore is a Kaiju OC that belongs to KaijuMaster20

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