Chapter 6: The Dragon Marine/Welcome To The Team

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(At Union's infirmary, another doctor is seen taking care of the unconscious Team STRQ since Recovery Girl refused to heal them and any of Zen's tormentors.)

(Some days earlier, Team STRQ is seen along with some devils as they stand in front of the headmasters.)

Summer: Team STRQ reporting for duty.

Ozpin: Good, I have a mission for you.

Tai: What could it be?

(Ironwood clicks a button, and the NATO flag is shown.)

Ironwood: NATO sent a Recon Team to investigate our secrets. Your mission is to destroy them before they can expose them.

Raven: (nods) Understood. It's past time those humans understood that the weak and powerless have no place in this world.

Aultcray: Then you know what to do.

(Team STRQ and the devils nod as they go for their mission.)

(Meanwhile, several members of NATO Recon Team led by Raymond Serizawa is seen gathering some intel that several noble devils planned to enslave an entire village and make its inhabitants their slaves. As they are about to contact their HQ, someone shoots one of the members.)

Raymond: What?

(They turn to see Team STRQ and several devils in the rooftop of a house.)

Qrow: You have evaesdropped our academy. As your punishment, you will die!

(NATO's Recon Team gets in their stances.)

Raymond: Battle Stations.

(The devils start striking as the NATO soldiers strike back. Team STRQ shoot, slash and punch some of NATO soldiers as Raymond summons a chaingun and shoots several devils. One of the soldiers successfully shoots down several devils, only for Tai to punch through him. Summer shoots some of the soldiers as well. Raymond then summons two USMC Blackout Combat Swords as he fights both Tai and Raven. As Tai is about to punch Raymond, he dodges, and he hits Raven instead.)

Tai: (gasps) Raven!

(Raymond stabs Tai's stomach with his swords. As he is about to behead Tai, Qrow stops him, and they clash their weapons as Qrow kicks Raymond and slashes his chest. He looks around and sees his allies laying in the ground, with blood leaking out of them, implying that they were dead.)

Qrow: It was obvious you couldn't win. Why bother trying?

(Suddenly Raymond activates his hidden power, and Team STRQ gasps in shock.)

Summer: Holy shit...

(Raymond is seen in his armored form as he charges at Team STRQ. Then a montage shows Raymond biring Summer's shoulder as she screams in agony. Then Raven is seen having her chest cut. Next Qrow is having one of his legs ripped. Tai is then seen pumped full of lead, and finally Raven screams in agony as Raymond digs his dragon claws into Raven's face. As the montage ends, Raymond is seen standing over an unconscious Team STRQ as he contacts the HQ.)

Raymond: This is Raymond Serizawa. We've been found out.

Ilir: (intercom) Well, that's quite unfortunate.

Raymond: That's not all. The noble devils are planning to enslave some villages, and make the inhabitants their slaves.

Ariadne: (intercom) Well, you know what this means, don't you?

Raymond: Yes. (stern) THIS. MEANS. WAR!

(Back to present, Team STRQ is seen still in coma.)

(Meanwhile at the abandoned Monarch Outpost, Kamen Rider Millennium comes out from the aurora curtain with Rachel as he reverts back to Zen Maverick, much to her shock.)

Rachel: (shocked) Zen? You're the one who saved me?

Zen: (smiles) Yeah, that's me.

(They then share a passionate kiss as some steps are heard. They turn to see Kataguri Serizawa and his team.)

Kataguri: You and Rachel got together again, I see.

Rachel: (to Zen) You know him?

Zen: Rachel Smith, meet Kataguri Serizawa. He saved me from Team STRQ when I was a child.

Kataguri: Pleased to meet you, Rachel.

Rachel: Likewise.

(Kataguri and Rachel shake hands, and Zen sees Lupin.)

Zen: Hey, it's you. (approaches Lupin) You're the one who stopped those pricks from confronting us.

Lupin: You're welcome kid. (bows) Lupin The Third, at your service.

Raven: I'm Rachel Roth, but I prefer being called Raven. Unlike the Branwen one, I'm half-demon.

Zen: Half-Demon?

Raven: (nods) Yes, unfortunately my stepfather made my mother commit suicide.

Zen: (gasps) How horrible.

(Rachel pats Raven's shoulder, and they nod at each other.)

Bumblebee: Salutations, I'm Bumblebee, one of the remaining Autobots on Earth. This is Hot Rod. He hates his own accent.

Hot Rod: Not a big fan of speaking French, you know.

Zen: I see...

(Zen chuckles as Tucker approaches him.)

Tucker: Call me Lavernius Tucker, captain of Reds and Blues.

Andrew: My name is Andrew Parker. I'm a direct descendant of Peter Parker.

Zen: The original Spider-Man?

Andrew: Yeah, when I got my powers, I saved a girl from a rapist. Unfortunately he was an Union Student, and days later, Kamui Woods killed my uncle.

Rachel: That bastard...

Andrew: Yeah, for them, being a hero is merely all about power and domination.

Tokuhiko: You tell me... (notices the MillenniumDriver) Hey, (to Zen) you're a Kamen Rider too.

Zen: Oh, you noticed. (Tokuhiko nods) So? What's your name?

Tokuhiko: Tokuhiko Demiurgos. (does some fighting poses) And what's your naaaaaaaame?

Zen: (does some fighting poses as well) I AAAAAAM ZEN MAVERIIIIIIIIIIICK!

Tokuhiko/Zen: (unison) WAA-CHAAA!

(Tokuhiko and Zen laugh at each other as Octavia and Rachel giggle.)

Rachel: Boys, right?

Octavia: You tell me.

(As they finish introducing themselves, Kataguri gestures them to follow him as they go to a secret computer room, where he clicks some buttons and the mugshots of some heroes and villains are shown.)

Kataguri: Here are some individuals that have been seen lately. The first one is Riku Mikoto. He became Kamen Rider Nephilim after being betrayed by his former friend Aster Shou, who becams the new Kamen Rider Decade. The second ones are an alternate Ichika Orimura, who became Kamen Rider Orga, and there is also his archenemy Dave Frank, who killed several guards who tried to arrest him. It's believed that both of them got revived by a virus named Dark Enchant. The weirdest part is that said virus comes from another universe, far from both Daikaiju-Verse and Megaforce-Verse.

Zen: So they are Outsiders...

Kataguri: Exactly. Now for the next ones. Jason Todd, who died at the hands of The Joker, and became Scorpion. He joined the League of Assassins, becoming its member until Salem killed Ra's Al Ghul.

Zen: Ra's Al Ghul...

Kataguri: He was like Jason's paternal figure. Changing topic, there's also Samuel Rose, codename: Soundwave. He outsmarted Kuroka Toujou, Le Fay Pendragon and even the White Dragon Emperor himself.

Zen: Okay... now I'm impressed.

Kataguri: There's also Raymond Serizawa, he was the sole survivor of NATO Recon Team who got killed by Team STRQ.

Zen: (clenches fists) Those bastards...

Kataguri: We must find each of them before Union does. (to Zen) So, are you with me?

Zen: (nods) Count on me, Mr. Serizawa.

Kataguri: In that case...

(Kataguri then gives a Monarch Badge to Zen.)

Kataguri: Welcome to the team.

(They then shake hands as the screen fades to black.)

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