Volume 10: The Hidden Truth About Kirigami

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Right now, the Narukami gang, class 1-A, All Might and Aizawa, Ei, Makoto, Ayato, Thoma (Ayato's assistant), Yae Miko (Ei's best friend), Yae Sakura (Makoto's girlfriend and Miko's twin sister), Kujou Sara (Ei's assistant) are waiting for Kirigami, who is in the ICU room.

Ayaka: "Crying" Kiri-chan...

Thoma: Mi'lady, you have to calm...


Ei: My son...

Sara: Shogun-sama... I'm sure that he will be fine.

Miko: Ei...

Ei: But...he...he...

Ayato: Ei, we have to calm down. As long as the doctors don't speak up, we still have hope.

And now the light of the ICU room now closed and a doctor came out

(Doctor Nakadai Chuuya)

Ei: Nakadai-sensei! How is my son?!

Ayaka: "Crying" Please...tell me that he is fine!

Chuuya: Thank god that everyone got that boy there in time, otherwise... I don't dare to imagine the outcome after that. How should I put it, 9 ribs were broken, all four limbs were broken. Internal organs were nearly crushed, combined with internal bleeding. But for the time being, Raiden Kirigami is recovering quite well. He will have to stay in the hospital for a week, and he won't be able to use Quirks or weapons while he's in the hospital.

Makoto: Thank you doc!

As Chuuya walked out, everyone looked in the window and they saw Kirigami had to use the breathing apparatus and body was covered with bandages and remained unconscious, which they looked at and worried for Kirigami's safety.

Ayaka: Kiri-chan...

Sakura: Thank god, the boy is gradually recovering.

Ei: Yeah...

After hearing the news that Kirigami would wake up in a week, Ayaka felt happy, but then she turned on Yandere mode and turned to class 1-A. At this moment, she was ready to draw her sword to prepare for a bloody massacre.

Ayaka: "Grins" Give me... one reason so that I don't hesitate to kill all of you! 

Yaoyorozu: "Scared" Kamisato-san... can we...

Ayaka: "Grins" Quiet, porcelain bitch! 

Todoroki: Hey, that's not...

Ayaka: "Grins" Shut the fuck up, villain! You just like your family, you, and every single one in your goddamn house!

Thoma: Mi'lady!

Ayato: "Touches her shoulder" Ayaka, put the sword down!

Ayaka: But...onii-chan!

Sara: Kirigami will wake up, I'm sure of it! Don't do anything that can affect your family!

Heizou: She's right, they are not worth it!

Midoriya: I don't understand! Does he have any grudge against the Todoroki family and the Yaoyorozu family!? And what's with the fact that he's the Twilight Swordsman?! What is he hiding?

All Might: Young Midoriya, stop!

Midoriya: No, we need to figure this out. Right when I first entered class, I noticed that his eyes were filled with murderous intent as if he wanted to devour Todoroki and Yaoyorozu. Along with that comes his killing without hesitation. Even All Might.... you know about him... you really know about him! Please...we want some answer.

Right now, the people involved don't know what to say. Besides the fact that it's a national secret, they also don't want to bring up Kirigami's painful past anymore.

Makoto: Ei, I think we should tell those kids as well. Kirigami won't be able to keep this secret forever. If those kids took the risk of entering Kirigami's forbidden cemetery, those kids would also track down all the information about Kirigami.

After a minute of hesitation, Ei made a decision.

Ei: Fine.

Aizawa: However, you guys need to remember, the upcoming information is top secret at the national level. If you guys say a word... then you and your entire family will be charged with treason and will be sentenced to death without any hesitation! Understand?

1-A: Yes sir.

Ayato: So... what do you want to know?!

1-A: His quirks, his power, and his secrets! 

Ei: The Quirks Kirigami has in him right now are not innate. That is the product of an inhumane experiment. 

Kaminari: "Scared" W...What kind of experiment?!

All Might: "Super Soldier Nexus" Experiment, an experiment to implant the Nexus Quirk into the body. Once a compatible person is found, it will create a Super Soldier capable of surpassing Heroes and Villains. Combined with cloning technology, it is possible to create an army of invincible Super Soldiers. However, the nature of Nexus Quirk is a form of amorphous matter, also known as Dark Matter. Anyone with this Quirk can create or destroy all things. Because the mechanism of this Quirk is to control Matter and Dark Matter. So in theory, Kirigami has reached the threshold of "God".

(A/N: Kirigami temporarily healed All Might and increased All Might's duration to 6 hours.)

Bakugo: And what is so special about this quirk?

Makoto: Anyone who masters the Nexus Quirk will be able to do unimaginable things, far beyond normal standards, such as traveling across the multiverse, traveling through time and space, rewriting reality and countless more.

Ayato: However, the fearsomeness of this Quirk is most evident when Kirigami is in Dark Nexus state. It will slowly erode the user's humanity, turning the user into an emotionless fighting machine.

Yaoyorozu: But if that Quirk is so dangerous, why does Raiden have it?!

Aizawa: Kirigami's power right now... is the result of an experiment. You guys probably remember the explosion in the suburbs of Tokyo 10 years ago.

Kirishima: I know that. That event has made that suburb uninhabitable for the past five years. It will take some time for the area to become habitable again. Wait... do you mean...

All Might: Yeah.... Kirigami was the only survivor of that event... And he is also... The Experiment No.36.

At this moment, class 1-A was really shocked because they now understood the meaning of Kirigami's words at the cemetery. Kirigami had to endure countless inhumane experiments to escape and regain his freedom.

Ashido: So...that graveyard...

Heizou: That graveyard is where Kirigami buried his friends at the experimental center. Or in the words of the animals in that organization, "Failed experiments need to be destroyed."

Miko: The Quirks that Kirigami has now are originally the Quirks that Kirigami's deceased friends possessed. Wild Chimera, Mechanize, Copy And Paste, Elemental Manipulation, Mind Reader, Truth Eyes,... and a lot of more... "Looks at Kirigami" Kirigami now, in addition to possessing his original Molecular Manipulation Quirk, not only carrying the most dangerous Quirk in the universe, but he is also carrying the wishes of the children who died in that inhumane experiment.

The entire class of 1A hung their heads in shame. They had previously blamed Kirigami's poor upbringing and overdependence on his family for his arrogant attitude. However, the real reason for his behavior lay far deeper.

Kirigami's facade of confidence and ego was merely a way to mask his underlying pain and vulnerabilities. Ten years prior, he had experienced a traumatic event that left him deeply wounded. This event scarred him emotionally and fueled his insecurity, leading him to develop an armor of arrogance as a defense mechanism.

When Bakugo was about to speak, he met the sharp, sword-like eyes of the Narukami Gang. Ayaka's cold, cruel gaze; Yoimiya's furious gaze; Heizou's disdainful gaze; Kazuha's indomitable gaze, and Shinobu's insane gaze. For the first time, Bakugo was truly silent.

Ashido: But why does he hate Todoroki-san so much?

All Might: Even though all those who participated in the experiment died, Kirigami learned the truth about those behind and pulling the strings of this experiment. Todoroki Koichi and Yaoyorozu Akemi are currently the number 1 suspects.

Todoroki: "Shocked" My...uncle?!

Yaoyorozu: "Shocked" My....aunt?!

Sakura: "Of two siblings, the elder must pay." That's what he said when he was fighting with villains as Twilight Swordsman.

Hearing that, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu immediately remembered the words, no, more accurately, the anonymous letter they received. When they showed the letter to the pro heroes...

Heizou: "Shocked" This is...Kirigami's handwriting!

Yoimiya: So this further proves that Todoroki Koichi and Yaoyorozu Akemi were indeed involved, or worse, related to that experiment.

Shinobu: Kirigami this time sought out anyone who shared blood with those two people.

Yaoyorozu: "Shocked" No... It can't be...

Todoroki: "Shocked" I know he and my old man are jackasses...but...experiment on him...

Aizawa: And before you ask, he really is Twilight Swordsman. 

Ei: Kirigami received his powers a year after I adopted him. At first, I just thought it was because he still hadn't gotten over the psychological trauma. But that was until I saw Kirigami talking to a fire dragon that materialized right in our house. Makoto and I followed Kirigami and saw that he had appeared at an abandoned bookstore. 

Makoto: The moment Kirigami touched the rusty sword embedded in the stone, 11 swords fell from the sky and entered Kirigami's body. After learning the origin of the above power, Kirigami took the name Twilight Swordsman to purge villains and fake heroes.

Iida: How many people know about this?!

Miko: The Raiden Family, me, my sister, The Kamisato Family, the Narukami Gang, and U.A Staff.

1-A: "Turns to Aizawa" You know?!

Aizawa: Of course we know. And I won't stop him from getting his revenge!

Iida: But...

All Might: You kids need to understand that you are living in light and luxury so you have never seen the darkness of the world. Kirigami had to experience that darkness and return from hell. So Kirigami became someone who walked between the lines of white and black. You guys need to know clearly that you and Kirigami are from two different worlds.

Class 1A realized the remarkable privilege they enjoy, protected by the love and care of their families. Kirigami, unfortunately, experienced a harrowing reality check when forced to participate in a cruel and unethical experiment on children. This experience left him feeling abandoned and without the knowledge of his biological family or the experience of paternal love.

If heroes are angels in heaven, villains are devils in hell. Kirigami exists in a state of moral ambiguity, an antihero—a shinigami willing to commit violent acts despite his good intentions. His willingness to shed blood to protect those he cares about showcases his unwavering determination and complex moral code. 


Kirigami was standing in his subconscious.

???: You are pathetic!

Kirigami: What do you want, Nexus?

A dark shadow appeared and took the form of Kirigami

Nexus: You are pathetic why didn't you allow me to kill those villains? Your hatred toward them is so delicious. Why don't you give in to your hatred so you can be finally relieved!?

Kirigami: Shut the fuck up! I indeed hate my old self and I want to get my revenge...but I don't want anyone innocent to get hurt. I won't let anyone stop me from being a hero. I would be a hero like I want. One where I could give those who don't have a voice be that voice for them. To stand up to don't who don't have power to show the world that you don't need a strong or flashy quirk to be a hero. You need heart. A good heart that screams that you want to be a hero. And I will be a hero because I'm not alone. After all, I have people in my corner who would always be there to support me and give me the courage to face any challenges. I will face it no matter what I will become a hero. But most of all... I will protect her...

Nexus: What if people oppose that? Face it Kirigami, you are in the darkness! Put as much distance between you and the truth as you want, it changes nothing... Pretend to be anything you are not... Anti-hero... Son... Student... Friend... Brother... No matter what you do in life. You are a monster!

Kirigami: You're right... but... I'm not your monster anymore.

Nexus: Remember each time you use my power I will try to corrupt you and do things that you wouldn't dream of doing.

Kirigami: You will try, and you will fail!

{Back to reality}

Ayaka: We want this to be secret for all of us because Kiri-chan is willing to save them so I've to shared something to you. I don't want everyone to make him think too much.

Midoriya: Thanks for sharing with us...

Yoimiya: I hate to admit it... but Kirigami already considers you guys friends.

Uraraka: But why? He always acts arrogant and says harsh things!

Shinobu: But through his action, it is most obvious.

Kazuha: Kirigami is the type of person who shows through his actions, not his words.

Heizou: The very fact that he protected you guys was a confirmation that Kirigami somehow considered you guys friends.

Kirigami: *Groans*

Kirigami is now able to open his eyes and see everyone is now nearly with him and gets a hug from Ayaka

Ayaka: "Crying" KIRI-CHAN!!!!!

Kirigami: My head.... 


Kirigami: Aya...don't cry anymore. Your face has turned very pale. Crying a lot is not good

This was also the first time everyone witnessed the gentleness coming from Kirigami, a person with a sky-high ego and no regard for anyone else.

Kazuha: How's your head?

Kirigami: "Smirks" Still on my neck!

Kazuha: Good, 'cause we can't let you die until Ayaka says this. And this is personal.

Yoimiya: You heard him! Everyone out!

So the Narukami gang took everyone out, leaving Ayaka in the hospital room with Kirigami.

Ayaka: Hey..about your past...Well...

Kirigami: I know... Mom told them. I can sense it. And... I'm just... a little mad... that's all. But... when I use Primitive Dragon... I feel... scared...

Ayaka: I'm scared too... I just don't want to lose you... I...well... "Start to blush"

Kirigami: Aya... "Start to blush"

Kirigami's gentle hand wiped the salty tears from Ayakas cheeks. The two of them exchanged a slow, wary glance. Ayaka's piercing icy blue eyes met Kirigami's deep purple eyes. Closing their eyes, they leaned in, their lips softly colliding. A sudden realization washed over them, causing them to pull apart. Both their faces flushed with a delicate blush.

Kirigami: "Blushes" Our...

Ayaka: "Blushes" First...

Both: "Blushes" Kiss... 

While the two were immersed in a romantic feeling of euphoria, Ei and Miko poked their heads in and took photos. That made Kirigami and Ayaka even more embarrassed. And just as Kazuha and Heizou were about to pull out their phones...

Kirigami: I'll give you three seconds to put your phones away before I send you two to hell.

Before class 1-A was about to say anything, Makoto pushed everyone aside to give Kirigami and Ayaka some private time.

Kirigami: "Blushes" I guess we are...

Ayaka: "Blushes" Yes but...

Ayaka then pulled out a scroll and a pen from her "Bombs" and placed them on the table. Kirigami immediately picked it up and read it. (You know what I mean for bombs right?)

Kirigami: I, Raiden Kirigami, commit to Ms. Kamisato Ayaka the following terms: 1. To spoiled Ayaka at all times. 2. Do not contact any girls of the same age except Naganohara Yoimiya and Kuki Shinobu. 3. Do not talk too closely with female students at U.A, whether they are seniors or not. 4. Do not betray Ayaka. 5. Ayaka is always right. 6. If Ayaka is wrong, review clause 5. 

Kirigami looked towards Ayaka and saw that her eyes were red with blood. Ayaka often turns her eyes red when angry, well that's what Ayato said. But this time, Kirigami couldn't escape Ayaka.

Kirigami: Hello darkness, my old friend... Even Mumeiken Kyomu can't help me this time...

Ayaka: Sign it, my love!

Kirigami had no choice but to sign this "Love Contract".


Kazuha: Well...he doomed. And I ain't help!

Ei: "Thought" I should use this on him...


On a plane, a person wearing a black suit and blue tie was sitting and admiring the scenery when suddenly...

???????: ACHOO! Who is saying bad things about me!? If I find out, I'll send you to hell!

Then the person took a picture out of his pocket and looked at it. That was a picture of that person taken with Ei when she was in high school.

???????: Wait for me. Your kitsune has returned!

See you at: Volume 11: Kirigami's Rider Time

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