Volume 11: Kirigami's Rider Time

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(A week later)

Kirigami: I'm tired.....

Ayaka: Don't be lazy Kiri-chan, tomorrow is the deadline now, and you still haven't done some work.

Kirigami: I'm just discharged from the hospital and when I'm out I have to deal with all of the media...


KirigamiIf you mean 75 villains they are my old school bullies and got kicked their asses out of school by me it's true. And that time as a duty of the President's duty and the Chief Regulatory Commissioner.

Naomasa: True.

Kirigami: I gave them a second chance to change but it's useless.

Naomasa: True.

KirigamiI'm sending one of their students to be in jail for trying to rape girls.

Naomasa: True. Maybe they knew you were in UA now so they took this chance to revenge on you. So... About creature?

Kirigami: Still don't know who it is. But it seems interesting to me.

Naomasa: They are like Megidoes, right?

Kirigami: He is different because other Megidoes can't regenerate like him. He is kinda of a fusion of God Beast, Animal, and Story types and it's stronger than 10 Nomus combined...

Midoriya: W-what?? It's stronger than Nomus??

Kaminari: Killed me, please...

Ashido: But you can fight right?? Because Aizawa-sensei told us you and him clash with each other and make USJ messed up like an abandoned building.

Kirigami: Well he told me still recover from getting sealed.

He shows a chip card to everyone.

Kirigami: This chip card is like a radio wave for Nomus to work according to the commander as he wants, but because it can't be controlled, it may be because the experiment is not completed or another theory.

Nezu: ???

Kirigami: Many different quirks on one dead body...

Midoriya, AM, Nezu, Naomasa, and RG now shivered because they knew what Kirigami knew even though they didn't tell him. He still figures it out.

Yaoyorozu: This i impossible, quirk can't pass it to the next person.

Jiro: That's just theory isn't it??

Kirigami: That's my imagination but because I'm fighting it... so I think this is a possibility. 1. They have a center that has an order to change this to that. 2. Many different quirks in one body that make him die. 3. After he dies so some doc can experiment with everything they can to make this perfected. 4. They are perfected or not they still lose their mind so they have chip cards to get the order because a dead body can't move, right?

Everyone thinks about what Kirigami told and they think this is possible because maybe this era will have someone who has quirks and can give and steal them, but Kirigami still have something on his mind

Kirigami: "Thought" That potato shit decided to take some support huh??  No matter! I will kill him! Along with Koichi and Akemi too. If that soba-addict and that porcelain bitch try to stop me, I will kill them too! 

Naomasa: Thanks for the information I'll go to do some papers and Raiden-san, take care of yourself....

As the detective goes out, Kirigami sighs for relief because he doesn't want to talk so much.

(Flashback End) 

By this time Kirigami had been discharged from the hospital, well he would have had a normal sleep if Ayaka hadn't been sleeping right next to him and his left hand was stuck between Ayaka's bombs.

Kirigami: "Thought" Goddamn! I thought she was flat! I don't know that she has a goddamn D-cup!

Upon observing Ayakas's cheerful and innocent face, Kirigami's smile grew wide. He had finally discovered the true motivation behind his fight. It wasn't simply about seeking revenge; it was about safeguarding the girl he loved. The love he harbored for her was an unwavering shield, prompting him to protect her at all costs.

Looking at Ayaka and then at the direction of the Wonder Ride Books, Kirigami immediately remembered that day, the day he escaped and became Kamen Rider.

(Flashback 10 years ago)

Kirigami: GRAHHHHHH!

A Kirigami who is only 5 years old is imprisoned in a containment chamber. In that chamber, there was a purple liquid. On the other side of the room, scientists were forcibly injecting more compounds into Kirigami's body. No matter how pitifully Kirigami screamed.

Scientist 1: This is wrong...

Scientist 2: I know... but... he has our family as hostages...

The scientist looked towards a screen connected to a certain room. In that room, many men, women, children, young people, and even the elderly were there. Those are the family members of the scientists participating in this inhumane experiment. And behind that inhumane experiment, were Todoroki Koichi and Yaoyorozu Akemi. 

The two of them are the ones who hid the Japanese government to deploy the "Super Soldier Nexus" experiment. Nexus is originally a Quirk belonging to the number 3 hero in the world, Cronus. However, while returning to Japan, Cronus was assassinated. Although they failed to take Cronus' life, they did succeed in taking a sample of Cronus' Nexus Quirk.

With the malice and greed of those two crazy people, they cooperated with All For One and he sponsored the samples for this experiment. And the samples here were originally orphans, quirkless children, or children with potential who were kidnapped to become experimental subjects.

After the end of the power transmission process. Kirigami's hair turned white, and a lightning-shaped scar appeared on his left eye.

Koichi: Yes... The experiment is a success!

The door to the room opened, and many guards entered and dragged Kirigami back to the common room. In that room, there were 35 other children, all of whom were subjected to the same experiments as Kirigami.

??????: "Yells" Kirigami!

(Asakura Takeru, Quirk: Wild Chimera)

Kirigami: "Weak voice" Takeru.... Rentaro.... Shinjiro.... Mihoshi

Rentaro: Come on, bro!

(Akiyama Rentaro, Quirk: Mechanize)

Mihoshi: Hey... don't be dead!

(Kirishima Mihoshi, Quirk: All For One)

Shinjiro: Hey, don't forget our promise!

(Kido Shinjiro: Quirk: Copy And Paste)

Kirigami: "Weak voice" Yeah... we... will... out of this place...

A guard came to make fun of us.

Guard: Morning, brats. I hope you sleep well, but I don't care. Now move your butts here!

Kirigami: "Weak voice" Go... to... hell! 

Suddenly, a red-haired man entered the room

(Todoroki Koichi)

Koichi: What's up, you brats! Well... I have news for you... all of you... will be free.

All the other children were happy, but Kirigami's group didn't feel the same way. And their bad feeling was right.

Koichi: "Smirks" In hell!

Suddenly, the guards dragged a child over and shot him to pieces. Everyone else was shocked, only Kirigami's group knew very well what happened.

Koichi: Experiment No. 036 successfully received the Nexus Quirk. It was not in vain that we stalked and assassinated Cronus. And now, for you losers. "Looks at the guards" Kill them, keep number 036. 

Then that trash goes out in joy and maniac. 

Guard: I hope they don't get mad if we're late. "Looks at Mihoshi and smirks" I'm gonna enjoy raping you... All For One's Daughter...

Mihoshi has wide eyes filled with shock and fear, but before he gets to do something, Takeru stands up and kicks him in the face.

Takeru: "Yells"  NOW!

In this pivotal moment, Takeru, Rentaro, Mihoshi, Shinjiro, and Kirigami collaborated on an ingenious plan. Each of them used their Quirks to overpower the guard. With swift movements, they escorted the other children out of the laboratory.

Furthermore, Mihoshi demonstrated remarkable compassion by rescuing the scientists from the influence of the control. This selfless act also led to the liberation of their families.

The scientists, grateful for Kirigami's group's assistance, provided them with a map that guided them to a different exit. While the scientists and their families safely departed through their new passageway, the brave children remained vigilant, ready to face any potential threats.

The team's ruthless actions led them to systematically eliminate the soldiers guarding the laboratory, providing Mihoshi with a rare opportunity. With their newfound freedom, they eagerly began searching for ways to exploit their newfound Quirks. Their escape seemed imminent until Takeru had a sudden change of heart. In a surprising display of strength, he transformed himself into a massive gorilla and flung Kirigami far away before the glass door could be sealed shut, ensuring their escape.

Kirigami: "Yells" GUYS!


Shinjiro: We'll stay and hold him back, run out of here quickly, don't let them catch you!

Kirigami: "Yells" BUT!

Mihoshi: "Transfer her last ember of AFO and other Quirks from Shinjiro, Rentaro, and Takeru" Our lives have ended here... but you must live on!

Rentaro: For us...

Rentaro, using the last embers of his Quirk, turned his hand into a wind turbine, pushing Kirigami out of the facility and closing the door with his own hand. Meanwhile, the four of them who stayed behind committed suicide with all of Koichi and Akemi's soldiers. 

Despite their prolonged stay, Kirigami grew exhausted and fainted from his relentless efforts to seek aid. As fate would have it, Raiden Shogun, who had already achieved remarkable fame as the No.3 Heroine at the age of 19, happened to be passing by at that precise moment.

Upon spotting Kirigami, All Might, and the U.A staff, Raiden Shogun immediately approached them. Kirigami regained consciousness just in time to witness the formidable figure of the Shogun standing before him, accompanied by the U.A staff.

Raiden Shogun (RS): Hey kid. You Ok?!

Kirigami: "Yells" LET ME GO! I HAVE TO FIND THEM!

Leveraging his immense strength, Kirigami shattered the imposing iron door and swiftly entered the laboratory. The heroes, in pursuit, found themselves amidst a scene of utter devastation. Lots of bodies lay strewn across the laboratory floor, a chilling testament to the ruthless battle that had transpired.

Eraserhead: What happened?!

All Might: I don't know... but... this is bad.

Raiden Shogun (RS): "Shocked" Holy shit... 

Kirigami stood frozen, his heart heavy with shock as he beheld the carnage within the ravaged building. The once vibrant space was now a desolate landscape of destruction. The sight of the lifeless bodies of his friends, once full of life and energy, now cold and lifeless, filled him with an overwhelming sense of grief. The realization of their loss was a bitter pill for him to swallow.


Present Mic: Hey...kid....

Kirigami: GRAHHHHHHHH!!!!

A column of purple light exploded into the air, forcing the heroes to retreat. From inside that pillar of light, Kirigami stepped out in his 100% Dark Nexus form. Inside the spheres are the bodies of his deceased friends. 

RS: "Thought" Nexus?! But...only Kagerou has it! Wait... this must be the "Super Solider Nexus" experiment!

Kirigami's assault on the heroes was spontaneous and involuntary. He seemed to be entirely unaware of his own actions and lacked any semblance of control over them. It took a considerable amount of time for Kirigami to regain his composure. Ultimately, Raiden Shogun had to administer an electric shock, causing him to lose consciousness and regain control over his actions.

Power Loader: This kid...

Midnight: And those corpses...

Midnight looked in the direction of the four spheres holding the bodies of Shinjiro, Rentaro, Mihoshi, and Takeru. She then looked in the direction of the other dead children.

Vlad King: Something bad must have happened here...

Nezu: "Super Soldier Nexus" ... that's what happened...

Recovery Girl: We have to bring him to the hospital first!

(2 Hours later)

Kirigami gradually woke up and found himself with many injuries and lying on a hospital bed.

Kirigami: Where...am...I?

Aizawa: In the hospital, kid...

Kirigami looked around and saw Nezu, Aizawa, All Might, Ei, and Makoto.

Kirigami: What... happened?!

Makoto: Well... you literately beat the hell out of the pro Heroes... Even my sister too...

Kirigami: Wait... you... you are... The Eternal Thunder Heroine: Raiden Shogun!?

Ei: "Smirks" A little fan of me, huh? But...what happened there?

Kirigami then recounted everything that had happened in detail. It was only for the first time that the heroes saw the cruelty that such a child had to go through.

All Might: Kid...we're sorry...

Ei: "Thought" This kid... "Talks" Hey, do you....want us to adopt you?

Kirigami: Are you...serious...

Makoto: We know how you feel kid, our parents were also gone when we were little. And we don't want you to feel alone...

Kirigami: "Hugs Ei" Thank you... mother... 

(Flashback End)

Kirigami then looked back at the tattoo on his hand, remembering the day he received the power to seek revenge.

(Flashback 9 years ago)

Kirigami was 6 years old at that time, it was 1 year after Kirigami escaped that laboratory and changed his name to Raiden Kirigami. He was sleeping when suddenly he saw a strange light. He opened his eyes and saw what was in front of him at that moment.

(God Beast Brave Dragon)

Kirigami: What... are... you?

Just then, Ei and Makoto entered the room when they saw that strange light. That dragon quickly left, but Kirigami quickly chased after it. Ei and Makoto also drove to follow Kirigami. Kirigami parkoured through the roofs of each house and saw that the dragon stopped in one place

(Fantastic Bookstore Kamiyama)

Kirigami: Why did you lead me here? 

That dragon roared and flew into that abandoned bookstore. Both Kirigami, Ei, and Makoto followed that dragon and saw...

Kirigami: This place...

Then, Kirigami raised his face up into the air and saw... 

(All Seikens and All WRB)

As Kirigami stood there, a profound sense of destiny seemed to wash over him. With a deliberate pace, he advanced towards the sword, which had been firmly entombed in the stony ground. Each step brought him closer to the fateful confrontation that awaited him.

Ei: "Yells" KIRIGAMI, DON'T!

Kirigami immediately pulled the sword out of the stone slab. All 11 Seikens floating in the sky fell and entered Kirigami's body, causing him to faint.

(Flashback End)

Kirigami: "Thought while looking at Ayaka's face" I will always protect you, even if my hands are stained with blood.

Then he sleeps with Ayaka in his arms. Gazing at Ayaka's peaceful slumber, Kirigami felt an overwhelming surge of determination to become a hero. His resolve transcended the pursuit of personal glory or merely surpassing his limits. He yearned to protect all that held meaning in his life.

His adoptive family, his newfound friends, and most importantly, the girl he loved stood as his greatest treasures. The loss of his friends had ignited a fire in his heart, fueling his desire to be strong enough to safeguard those he held dear. He envisioned a future where he could protect them from harm and ensure their safety.

See you at: Volume 12: Sport Festival Announcement

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