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Makoto Universe(3rd POV)

We see a person is trying to find his jacket as his sister name Kaylee Fuwa knock at the door.

Kaylee Fuwa

Kaylee:Onii-chan are you done?

???:Just a second Kaylee..

He open the closet and found his jacket as he grab it and wear it as the screen reveal his appearance.

Makoto Fuwa

Makoto:And I'm done.

He open the door and saw Kaylee is waiting for him.

Kaylee:Come on.Ben is waiting for us at the street.

Makoto:Right let go.

They wear their shoes and Makoto lock his apartment door as they start going to the street.


We see a person is watching his phone while waiting for someone as he see Makoto and Kaylee came and the screen reveal his appearance.

Ben Richardson 

Ben:You guys finally here.

Makoto:Sorry for the wait.I was finding my jacket that my girlfriend Clara made me.

Ben:Well let have a walk and then we go get some foods.


They start walking at the street as Kaylee start asking to Ben.

Kaylee:So was yesterday?

Ben:It was pretty normal..I trained a lot just to get you love it.*Smile*

Kaylee:*Chuckle*You don't need to train hard yourself.


Suddenly they heard someone attacking as they follow the sound and saw four villains are attacking.

Villain 2:Take that hero!

He fire a fireball at the heroes as they dodge it.

Villain 4:This is for All For One and Salem!

He create some rockets and fire at the heroes as they dodge and some of the vehicle exploded.

Ben:Well long time we didn't fight some bad guys huh?

Kaylee:Yeah..*Turn to Makoto*Onii-chan?

Makoto:*Smirk*Let do this guys!

Makoto and Kaylee summon their Ghost Driver as Ben pull out a device fork and tap it.Makoto and Kaylee press their eyecon and insert to their Ghost Driver.

Ghost Driver Announcer:Eye!/Eye!Bacchiri Mina!/Bacchiri Miro!


They pull and push the lever on their Ghost Driver as they transformed into Kamen Rider.

Kamen Rider Specter

Ghost Driver Announcer:Kaigan!Specter!Ready Go!Kakugo!Doki Doki Ghost!

Kamen Rider Kanon Specter

Ghost Driver Announcer:Kaigan!Special!Yukou Saiko!Special Na Ghost!Go Go Go Go!

Kamen Rider Hibiki

Makoto(Specter):Let's go!

Kaylee(Kanon Specter)/Ben(Hibiki):*Nodded*Right!

They charge at the villains as they start attack them.

Villain 3:It those god damn Kamen Rider!

He put both of his hand on the ground as it send out purple electric on the ground but Specter summon his Gan Gun Hand and block it.

Kanon Specter is punching at Villain 1 stomach as the villain grab her fist.

Villain 1:You think your fist can beat me?

Kaylee(Kanon Specter):*Smirk*Yeah.With this!

She deliver a kick at the villain face as he is knocked unconscious.

Kaylee(Kanon Specter):Don't mess with a girl!

Hibiki use his drumsticks and attack Villain 2 as he block the fireballs using his drumsticks and he deliver his flaming drumsticks at him as the villain got hit and got down as he passed out.

Ben(Hibiki):Phew.I'm still stronger huh.

Specter use his Gan Gun Hand and start slashing at Villain 4 but another villain fire his red laser from his mouth and hit at Specter as he got down.

Villain 3:Try to defeat us huh?

He about to get him when suddenly a shot was fire at the villain as they look behind and saw it was Ozpina and Ironlady with her Atlas soldiers.


Jamie Ironlady

Ironlady:Surrender yourself Villains!

Villain 4:Never!

He fire his rockets at the Atlas Soldiers but then someone block it as the smoke clear out and it was Kamen Rider Necrom and Kamen Rider Dark Necrom Pink.

Kamen Rider Necrom

Kamen Rider Dark Necrom Pink

Noah(Necrom):Don't you dare to hurt our soldiers.

Rushia(Dark Necrom Pink):You will be paid for hurting our people.

They charge at the villains as Dark Necrom Pink start punching rapidly before deliver a kick at Villain 4 stomach.

Noah(Necrom):*Grab Specter*Are you okay?

Makoto(Specter):*Got up*I'm fine.Thank Noah.

Dark Necrom Pink fire her pink energy orb at Villain 4 as he got hit and exploded.

Villain 4:Ahhh!

Noah(Necrom):Let go finish it.


Specter pull and push his lever while Noah flip his Mega Ulorder and activate his finisher.

Ghost Driver Announcer:Dai Kaigan!Specter!Omega Drive!

Mega Ulorder Announcer:Destroy!Dai Tengan!Necrom!Omega Uruoudo!

They jumped and deliver their flaming kicks at Villain 3 as they kick through and the villain exploded.They turn back to human as their friends arrived.

Kaylee:Noah!Rushia!I haven't seen you guys.


Noah:Haven't seen us?It just 1 month after all.


Rushia:Quiet Onii-chan!At least we happy we meet again.

Atlas soldier then arrest those villains as Ironlady came to Noah.

Ironlady:Your new weapons really give us a lot of good for our soldiers.

Noah:*Smile*Glad to heard.

But then Ozpina run faster to Makoto as she jumped.



She hug Makoto as they got down while she still hugging Makoto.

Ozpina:*Smile*Do you miss me Makoto?

Makoto:Yeah...I mi-miss you..!Stop hugging!I..can't breath!

She stop hugging as she look at them.

Ozpina:Well it been a long years since Salem and All For One are dead from that Dark Ghost.


But then Kaira came out from the vehicle and run to Noah.


Noah:What wrong Kaira?

Kaira:Master!I detected something unknown in front!


They look in front as they saw a light came in front as it reveal a little girl with white haired and blue eyes.

Ben:Who is that?

Makoto go in front as he tried to ask the little girl.

Makoto:Hey...are you okay little girl?

Little Girl:...Please help....You are our...only hope...


Suddenly the little girl disappear as a portal appear in front and start sucking them in.


He tried to run away but he got suck in.



They tried to hold back but they also got suck in.


Earth 119(Union City)

A portal open at one of the building rooftop as it came out Makoto and his friends as they got up and look around.


Ironlady:Where are we?

Noah:I don't know.


He walk at the edge and saw there a lot of posters of Union Academy.

Ben:I think we in another world of Union Academy.

Ozpina:Huh?There another Union Academy?

Ben:Yeah..we been in one of another Union Academy but they were corrupted and we manage to defeat them.

Makoto:Well if this one is still corrupted....*Look back*We will help our people from those fake heroes.


A red portal open up as a person came out and look at Union City as the screen reveal his appearance.

Adam(Alternate Alex)

Adam:Another Union City huh?Well I will help Ironwood to rule it.Hehehe.HAHAHA!

He laugh evily as the screen show the title.

"Kamen Rider Specter:It's Now Or Never!"

Next:Chapter 1:Exploring And Fighting Villains

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