Chapter 1:Exploring And Fighting Villains

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Earth 119(Union City)(3rd POV)

We see Makoto and his friends are walking at the street as they look around and everything is pretty normal.

Kaylee:Huh..everything is still normal..

Ben:Yeah but we gonna watch out from those corrupted heroes.

Then we see Makoto is explaining about their previous journey from another Union Verse to Ozpina and Ironlady as they were shocked to heard that their alternate version of themselves was corrupted.

Ozpina:I can't believe that myself in alternate version was corrupted!

Ironlady:Yeah..especially me!...I mean an alternate version of me!

Makoto:Don't worry.We will take down those guys.

Rushia:Uh guys..we got some problem.

They look in front and saw there Nomu attacking the street as the civilians run away from the Nomu.


Makoto:*Sigh*Yep..It been long time I didn't fight the Nomu.I'm going in.

Kaylee:Wait Onii-chan!I want to go in too!

Makoto:Nah it too dangerous.I'll deal with it.

Kaylee:*Pout*Mean Onii-chan.

Makoto summon his Ghost Driver as he press the switch on his eyecon and insert to his Ghost Driver as he close it and the black parka came out and he does his pose.

Ghost Driver Announcer:Eye!Bacchiri Miro!


He pull and push the lever on his Ghost Driver as the parka came down to him.

Ghost Driver Announcer:Kaigan!Specter!

He then transformed into Kamen Rider Specter.

Ghost Driver Announcer:Ready Go!Kakugo!Doki Doki Ghost!

He pull off his hoodie and charge at the Nomu as he start punching it stomach before deliver a kick at it head as the civilians came out slowly and saw the scene.

Male Civilian 1:Who is that masked figure?

Female Civilian 2:I don't know.Is it a new hero?!

He summon his Gan Gun Hand into the battle as Nomu use it fist and deliver a punch attack at Specter but he use his Gan Gun Hand and block it as he scanned it using his Ghost Driver.

Ghost Driver Announcer:Dai Kaigan!

He press the trigger as his Gan Gun Hand came out with large energy hand as he attack and slap it using his weapon as the nomu back away a bit before roaring at him.

Makoto(Specter):Guess I have to use his form.

He pull out his eyecon before replacing it with another eyecon as he insert it and close it.

Ghost Driver Announcer:Eye!Bacchiri Miro!

He pull and push the lever as the purple parka came down.

Ghost Driver Announcer:Kaigan!Nobunaga!

He then transformed into Nobunaga Form.

Ghost Driver Announcer:Ware No Ikizama!Okehazama!

Female Civilian 3:Look!This time he change into purple!

He pick up his Gan Gun Hand as he set it to Gun Mode and scanned it using his Ghost Driver.

Ghost Driver Announcer:Dai Kaigan!

Gan Gan Miro!Gan Gan Miro!

He create two temporary row of copies of his weapons and aim it at Nomu as the Nomu charge at him but he press the trigger.

Omega Spark!

He fire a barrage of shots at Nomu as the bullets goes through it and it screamed before get down and exploded.

Makoto(Specter Nobunaga):Phew..Tough though.

???:Stop right there!

He look behind and saw there Pro Heroes.

Pro Hero 1:We are here to arrest you for using your power on public and being a vigilante.

Makoto Friends(Expect Ben):What?!

Ironlady:You kidding me?!This version of Pro Heroes are dumb!

Ozpina:Yeah!Really I don't care about the vigilante.They can just roam everywhere and kill some villains but why arrest them?!

Makoto(Specter Nobunaga) about...nope!

Pro Hero 2:Then we have no choice but to get you!

He charge at Specter but he disappear into blue mist as the mist came to the rooftop and turn back to Specter.

Makoto(Specter):If you really think you are a true heroes,then you are wrong about it.Ciao!


We see another Ozpin was working on his Evol Driver but then he heard someone stealing his line.

Ozpin:The hell?!Someone keep stealing my line for it!I wait till I get the person who said it!

Back To Earth 119

He turn into blue mist again and went to somewhere as Makoto friends follow it.

Pro Hero 3:Damn it!He got away!

Pro Hero 1:Don't worry.We have to tell this to the Union headmasters.

They head to the Union Academy as we see the blue mist go into the alleyway and transform back to Makoto as his friends has arrived.

Ben:You're okay?

Makoto:Yeah I'm fine.Gotta get away from those fake pro heroes.

Noah:Dude!That was badass!

Kaylee:Of course he is!Because he is my Onii-chan!

Makoto:Uh can you stop saying that Kaylee..

Kaylee:Oh sorry.

Kaira:Well first,we have to find a place to hide.Then we have to investigate about Union Academy.

Noah:Okay.Then we go now.

They left the alleyway but then we see two person came out from the darkness.

???:Are you sure that they are Kamen Rider Specter team.

???:Yeah.Your other version met them and help them fight against Dark Ghost.Oh boy..*Took off his glasses*Guess we have to meet soon....Specter.

Union Academy

We see those three Pro Heroes explain what happened to them to the headmasters as the headmasters reveal is Ozpin,Nezu,Sirzechs,James Ironwood,Chifuyu Orimura,Berezovich Kryuger and Enterprise.

Pro Hero 2:And that all!


Enterprise:So you're telling there the vigilante with blue masked battle against the Nomu and he turn into a blue mist and got away.

Pro Hero 3:Yeah!


Ozpin:Alright.You may leave.Let us know if you found anything.

Those Pro Heroes left as Sirzechs look at Ozpin.

Sirzechs Lucifer

Sirzechs:So what do we do about this vigilante?

Chifuyu Orimura

Chifuyu:I'll say that we capture him so we can get him to our side.

James Ironwood

James:Okay then I will call my army to capture him.

Then the door opened as it reveal is Team RWBY.


Ozpin:Ah look like they back.Do you capture our target?

Yang:Right here!

They brought a person and they throw it as it reveal a woman with purple haired as she is tied with rope and her mouth is gagged with duct tape.

Chiko Amagi(President Of Union City)

James:*Smirk*Good.Now take her to our prison.We don't need her anyways.


They take her away to her cell as the headmaster look at Specter photo.

Ozpin:Well let our plan start!

Next:Chapter 2:Ambush By Atlas And Two Mysterious Light

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