Episode 1: The Betrayal and Awakening

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Right now, we can see what appeared to be a forest as the clouds were grey with a lot of rain pouring down as there was some sounds of thunder here and there.

In this forest, we can see a young man with blue hair with brown eyes laying in the dirty floor of a forest as he was heavily injured. He had scars all over his body and he had what appeared to be a large slash across his chest. He also seemed to be badly beaten due to the fact he had many bruises on his body.

Blood was pouring out of his mouth as he struggled to keep conscious with his eyes as he felt that he could pass out any second, but no matter what, he refused to die.

He refused to accept his fate right here after what happened to him just only thirty minutes again.

But now, you may be wondering, who was this boy? What happened to him? And why did this happen?

Well, this all began just only eight hours ago.


Right now, we can see the said blue haired young man who was busy walking to school as he was wearing a school uniform. He let out a yawn but smiled as he looked at the sky.

This young man was known as Shinn Itsuka.

And while he may seem to be just your average highschool student, there was actually a lot more to him then one would expect at first glance.

You see, for two years, he had been secretly going around dating and sealing beings known as spirits. These are girls that have powerful abilities and weapons known as angels. And when they appear, trouble follows whether intentionally, or unintentionally.

So, the only way that Shinn could save them was that he would have to make the spirits fall in love with him and then kiss them. This would in turn seal their powers, and allow them to live a normal life that would keep them away from those who want to kill them, or use them.

And things were not always easy. After all, there were many attacks, meeting many enemies, and then nearly dying on many occasions.

However, he had managed to overcome these issues and make sure the spirits had a happy life.

Shinn soon arrived over to school as he then sighed and walked in.

Shinn: Well, I'm now in. Now to get ready to study for school.

Shinn soon was readying himself for class, but he was stopped upon he heard some voices.

???: Shinn!

Shinn soon turns to see four girls coming to him. One had long dark purple hair that was done in a pony tail as she had purple eyes. The second had short white hair with blue eyes. And the last two looked identical as they had orange hair with cyan eyes.

These were Tohka, Origami, Kaguya, and Yuzuru. Some of the spirits that he had saved in his journey.

Tohka: Oh, there you are, Shinn.

Shinn: Hey, there girls. Sorry, but I didn't want to be late to school since I was busy with an assignment.

Origami: You always seem to fall behind on that.

Yuzuru: Agreed. It's a miracle that you managed to get to that.

Kaguya: What they said.

Shinn just chuckled a bit before smiling.

Shinn: I guess I can just make the impossible, possible.

???: Well, there you go again.

Shinn soon turned to see what appeared to be four boys walking up to them.

The first appears to have long blue hair as he had amber eyes.

This was Chris Dragonius.

Next was a black haired young man that had blue eyes.

This was Darren Kurayami.

Next was a white haired young man that had light pink eyes.

This was Ryota Itsuka, a Shinn's older brother.

And finally, was someone who almost looked like Shinn, but had pale hair and golden eyes.

This was Jo Itsuka, or Jophiel for short. He wasn't a cousin or brother or Shinn, but in fact a secret angel that Shinn had in him when the former bonded with Shinn seven years ago.

These four boys were great friends of Shinn as they managed to help him throughout his time dating and sealing the spirits. Shinn owed them greatly as if it wasn't for them, he might've not have gotten to where he was now.

Shinn: Hey guys, so how are you doing?

Chris: Better than expected.

Darren: Yeah, we just barely managed to complete our assignments.

Ryota: And now we are drained from it.

Jo: Yeah, it was really hard.

Shinn: Well, now all we have to do is see if we passed or not.

Origami: if you boys are done talking, then please sit down. After all, class is now starting.

Yuzuru: Agreed. The Teacher is entering the room as we speak.

Shinn: Oh, really? Well, I guess then we can get to that now.

The class soon sat down as it was now time to begin the lesson. Everyone, except for Origami and Yuzuru, were anxiously waiting for their results.

And at the end of the lesson, they received the news.

Shinn: We now passed!

Tohka: Yay!

Chris: Well, it was now all worth it.

Darren: And at long last.

Ryota: Thank god for that.

Jo: Say, I think we should celebrate this!

Shinn: Really?

Jo: Yeah, after all, we managed to pass with flying colors. Heck, even Tohka passed.

Tohka: Does celebrating mean that food would be there?

Jo: Yeah, that would mean food will be there.

Tohka: Yay! Shinn, can we celebrate?

Shinn: Well...

Kaguya: Come on! We worked so hard for this, and it would be a shame for you to not throw something to make this moment special.

Yuzuru: Agreed. This seems to be a special occasion.

Shinn looks at Origami.

Origami: I can have this chance to make you something special again.

Shinn sighed but chuckled. He guessed that it wouldn't hurt for them to have a good time.

Shinn: Ok then, I guess we can.

Tohka: Yay!

Kaguya: Now you're talking.

Darren: You guys go on. Me, Ryota, and Chris want a chat with Jo.

Shinn: Um, ok then. See you later.

Tohka: Don't be late!

Shinn and the girls soon headed off, leaving the boys to talk about something.

Darren: Jo, why would you propose that? It's not that big of a deal.

Jo: I know. But if we do this, we can have a chance to do it.

The other three were confused until their eyes widen.

Chris: Wait, now?

Jo: Yes, we might never get another chance to do it if we don't do it now.

Ryota: Well, now that I think about it, it is about time we do it.

Chris: I agree.

Darren: Then it is settled. I guess we can plan it. But we have to do it carefully, after all, one wrong move and it can all fall done and it will be ruined.

Ryota: Relax, planning is my thing, so don't worry about that.

Chris: You better make it work then, Ryota.

Ryota: I will, I will.


It was now the end of school as we can now be seen at the Itsuka Residence.

Shinn was seen cooking some food with Jo as they wanted to make sure the food was amazing for everyone that was coming.

???: I see that you two are getting everything ready now.

Shinn looks to see a young girl with red hair down in twintails. This was Kotori Itsuka, Shinn and Ryota's younger sister, and another spirit he sealed.

Shinn: Oh, hey there, Kotori. And we're almost done.

Jo: Yeah, all the food is getting good.

Kotori: Well, it better be, all the others are waiting. Especially Tohka.

Shinn chuckled at that, knowing fully that is typical Tohka.

Shinn: Oh, look, it's now done.

Kotori: Oh, good then.

Jo: Then let's get the food to the others then.

They soon arrived to the table as they see Tohka, Kaguya, Yuzuru, and Ryota waiting for them. But with them were three other girls. One had blue hair and blue eyes as she had a rabbit puppet with her. The second looked to be around the same age as the first girl as she had green hair and green eyes. The last looked to be around Kotori's age as she had long blonde hair.

These were Yoshino, Natsumi, and Mukuro. Three other spirits that Shinn saved. The puppet with Yoshino was Yoshinon, which seemed to have its own personality that Shinn could never get over thinking about.

Mukuro: Umu, this looks amazing, Nushi-sama.

Shinn: Hey, Jo here also helped, so give him some credit.

Jo: Aw, you don't have to do that.

Yoshinon: Well, ain't this a very happy occasion.

Yoshino: Good job.

Natsumi: Sure is a miracle you all passed.

Shinn: Yeah, we heard that.

Tohka: Can we eat now?

Shinn: No, we still need to wait for the others.

Shinn soon heard the door bell ring.

Shinn: Speaking of...

Shinn then walks to the door but as soon as he opened it...

???: Darling~!

Shinn: Gah!

Shinn was hugged to the ground as he grunted a bit. He looked up to see a girl with bluish purple hair.

This was Miku Izayoi, another spirit he saved, and although she may have a thing for women, she also seems close to Shinn, though a little too much.

Miku: Good to see you, again, darling.

Shinn: Yeah, yeah, thank you so much, Miku.

???: Woo! Is it time?

Shinn looked up to see Origami, Chris, and Darren, but with them was also a short gray haired woman with cyan eyes as she wore glasses. This was Nia Honjou, another spirit he saved but at the same time, nearly failed to save due to some dire circumstances.

Nia: I'm impressed with the extent that you went on with this, Shinn.

Shinn: Heh, well, I did have help with this. So, I guess I shouldn't take all the credit, after all, this isn't about just me.

Nia: Yeah, fair point.

Miku: So, are we going to start now, darling?

Shinn got up.

Shinn: Not yet. We're still waiting for one more person.

???: Oh? Is that me?

Shinn nearly jumped out of his skin as he looked to see a black haired girl with long twintails as she had one eye covered. This was Kurumi Tokisaki, the last spirit that Shinn saved and it was due to the fact there were many conflicts between the two, but eventually, they were able to make peace.

Shinn: My god, Kurumi, why do you always do that...?

Kurumi: Oh, come on. You know you enjoy it.

Shinn sighed before shaking his head.

Shinn: Whatever, let's just enjoy this day.

Everyone nodded as the night went well, as everyone was cheering and having fun to celebrate the happy occasion, though there was some trouble due to the fact everyone had to be trying to stop Tohka from eating all of the food that was there for them since they all knew Tohka took part for the food as much as she wanted to spend time with those that she cared about.

As the night went on, Shinn then tapped a glass cup as everyone soon looked at him with interest.

Shinn: Oh good. Listen up, I want to say that I'm glad that where we have come at. Despite the many hardships we may have faced. The various experiences that we had to learn from. And the upcoming challenges that we have to go on to face, at least we are doing it together. After all, we managed to get this far, and we did it because we never let anything bring us down. So if anything comes up, we'll face it together. And I'm glad to have you all with me. I wouldn't trade you, even for the world.

Everyone clapped upon hearing Shinn's speech as Shinn smiled. He meant every word that he said. He wouldn't have traded any of them for the world.

As they were getting back to partying, Nia spoke up.

Nia: Um, guys, we're out of drinks.

Shinn: Oh, I thought I made sure I to buy enough for all of us. I guess I'll go and get some more.

Jo: Hold on, Shinn. Me and boys will come with.

Shinn; Are you sure?

Ryota: Yeah, we're sure. After all, we can give the spirits some girl time.

Miku: Girl time?!

Shinn: Not that girl time, Miku.

Miku: *Pouts* Aw...

Shinn: Well, ok then. Come on.

Shinn, Jo, Ryota, Chris, and Darren soon headed out to get the drinks.

Ryota: Hey guys, let's take this way, it's a short cut.

Chris: You heard him. Off we go now.

They soon headed off to take the short cut. But as they were going, Shinn began to notice that something was off. He had been on this path before, and it was never a short cut by any means. Maybe they wanted to spend some bro time together? But why would they lie about this being a short cut? After all, if they wanted to have bro time, they just could've asked.

Shinn: Um, guys? Why would this be a shortcut? If you wanted some bro time, you could've just asked-

Before Shinn could finish, he felt something stab him in the gut as he saw a blade had pierced him.

Shinn: W-What...t-the-ack!

Shinn was hit down to the ground before he managed to slowly get up to see Jo, Ryota, Chris, and Darren glaring down at him as Jo's right arm was a blade and it was covered in blood. It was Shinn's own blood.

Darren: Have bro time with you? I'd rather cut my throat then to spend time with someone like you.

Shinn: W-What are y-you guys d-doing-Gah!

Shinn was punched by Ryota.

Ryota: Silence worm. No one wants to hear you speak.

Chris: Agreed, you worthless piece of crap.

Chris kicked Shinn in the ribs as Shinn coughed up some spit.

Shinn: Ack!

Darren grabbed Shinn by the hair and then began to beat him up before kicking him down to the ground.

Shinn: U-Ugh...w-why..? W-Why a-are y-you guys...d-doing this..?

Jo: Oh, so you want to know? Well, it's simple. Though I doubt that your pea brain can register that.

Darren: You don't deserve to have the spirits loving you. The fact you made them fall in love with you is disgusting. You had nothing.

Ryota: Yeah, you're nothing more than just a weakling who can't do anything but be a coward.

Chris: We deserve to have those girls. We have powers and you don't have anything.

Jo: So if you care about us, go and die. And don't worry about the spirits, we'll just tell them that you got sick and tired of them and never want to see them again.

Shinn: N-No...

Before Shinn could finish, Ryota knocked him off a cliff as Shinn fell to the abyss.

Darren: The deed is done.

Ryota: I told you that we would be worth it.

Chris: But, what about Jo? He's Shinn's angel, and if that waste of space dies, so will Jo.

Jo: Oh, don't worry about that. Ryota managed to find a way to keep me alive even if that little sucker dies.

Ryota: Because in all honestly, you're more of a brother than that shit will ever be.

Darren: Heh, we all are brothers.

Ryota: Good, now let's get to the girls so we can finally finish the ntr.

Chris: I'll have Tohka and Miku. Those girls really are cuties.

Darren: Kurumi is mine, Ioved the times she gave that pussy the scares of his life.

Jo: Yoshino is mine, she is little sister material for me.

Ryota: Well, I guess the others are for me. That is good.

(Back to the Spirits)

It has now been an hour, as the spirits were now getting concerned. After all, how long would it take to get some drinks when the shops were only five minutes away. Something was wrong, they could feel it.

Tohka: Um, when are they coming back?

Kotori: I don't know. This isn't like them to take this long.

Yoshino: U-Um, should we go check?

However, the door opened, which made the spirits sigh in relief, but their relief was cut short when they noticed that Shinn was not with the boys ans the boys seemed to have solem looks on their faces.

Origami: Um, where is Shinn?

Nia: Yeah, and what happened? You guys look like something bad happened.

Jo: Girls, we have some bad news.

The spirits had widen eyes.

Darren: Shinn, has abandoned us.

Kaguya: What?!

Yuzuru: Impossible. Shinn would not do that.

Chris: It's true. Shinn has left us. He wants nothing to do with us.

Ryota: And he sent this video.

Ryota soon showed a video of Shinn wearing a homeless man outfit as he had an angry look.

Record Shinn: Listen up, I am done. I am sick and tired of wasting and risking my life to save pathetic girls like you. 

The spirits looked on in shock.

Record Shinn: Kurumi, you are nothing more but a sadistic bitch who only kills because you lost your friend, oh how sad, well fuck off.

Kurumi had a surprised look.

Record Shinn: Mukuro, you tried to freeze everyone because of your yanderish behavior, so I don't want to deal with your bitch ass.

Mukuro: N-Nushi-sama...no...

Record Shinn: Nia, you were right, you can't trust anyone, so I hope you're happy that I'm leaving an old hag like you.

Nia: W-Why...?

Record Shinn: Origami, you nearly got everyone killed because you killed your parents, so fuck you of trying to be like Batman.

Origami: Shinn...

Record Shinn: And you, Natsumi, you're just an ugly little shit that is so worthless, trash won't accept you.

Natsumi: I knew it...

Record Shinn: And Miku, I would never think of dating a lesbian whore like you. And you deserved to be cancelled for being a lesbian.

Miku: N-No! D-Darling!

Record Shinn: Kaguya and Yuzuru, you both fight for stupid reason and nearly killed people! You both deserve to die!

Kaguya: S-Shinn...

Yuzuru: W-Why...?

Record Shinn: Yoshino, you're nothing more than a crybaby who has to rely on a stupid puppet to talk to others.

Yoshino begins to cry as Yoshinon didn't say anything.

Record Shinn: Kotori, you are second worst. You lied to me about everything. You used me as some kind of tool to get the spirits and put me in situations that nearly costed me my life! Well, I am no longer your brother.

Kotori couldn't say anything. How could she? After all that she was hearing, it hurt her too much.

Record Shinn: And then there is you, Tohka.

Tohka felt tears welling up in her eyes, not wanting to hear what Shinn had to say, but it was no use.

Record Shinn: You're the reason all of this happened. You nearly killed me when we first met, and you did it again just because I was with another girl. You were right, you don't belong here, and I wish we never meet again.

Tohka began to bawl out her eyes as she felt her soul shatter.

Record Shinn: So, I am officially leaving. I hope you all have miserable lives.

The recording ended as the spirits, except for Kurumi who was left stunned, began to cry their hearts out, not believing of what they had both seen and heard. Shinn hated them.

The boys began to hug the spirits close.

Chris: Shhh, it's ok. We're here.

Ryota: We're sorry that you had to hear that, but you had a right to know.

Jo: But don't worry. We'll always be here for you. No matter what happens.

Kurumi was still in shock as she began to think to herself. Why would Shinn do this? Something didn't add up.

She was cut off as she felt a hand on hers as she saw Darren who gave a comforting smile.

Darren: It's ok, Kurumi. I'm here.

Kurumi: Um, right, thank you.

As the spirits, except Kurumi, cried, the boys were mentally grinning. They have done it. They now had the spirits to themselves, and nothing would stop them from having the love they deserved. Because Shinn was no longer alive.

Or so they thought.


And thus, leads us to where we are now. Despite the injuries due to the stab, beatings, and fall he took, Shinn slowly managed to pick himself up in order to try and find shelter to get away from the rain that was falling onto him.

After a while, he soon finds a cave to take shelter until the rain clears away. He could see that the flames that he received from Kotori when he sealed her begin to try and heal him, but it was working at a very slow rate. This could be due to the fact that Jo's blade can nullify regeneration for a bit.

As Shinn sat at the wall of the cave, he noticed something glowing. It appeared to be a orangish yellow orb glow.

Feeling curious, Shin managed to move himself to the object as he then sees that it was some kind of belt that had a dragon head on it.

Shinn feeling more curious reached out and then grabbed the belt, but as he did so, there was a burst of energy that surrounds Shinn, and knocks him to the ground.

And when they happened...everything around him went black.


Right now, we can see Shinn waking up as he groaned and held his head in pain as he groaned.

Shinn: Ugh, that hurt...

Shinn soon noticed that he was healed up, but it felt that it wasn't with the flame that healed him as he stared on in surprise.

Shinn: Oh, but how? How did this happened?

???: It's because of the fact you activated me.

Shinn looked around but couldn't find the source of the voice.

???: Look down.

Shinn soon sees the belt and looked confused.

Belt: Yes, it is me.

Shinn: Huh?!

Then, the belt began to glow before releasing what appears to be a blue figure as he had yellow glowing eyes.

Shinn: Oh my god...

???: Heh, thanks for freeing me. I've been stuck in there for who knows how long. I saw you were injured, so I then decided to heal you up in order to make up for it.

Shinn: Um, ok then...but, who exactly are you?

???: Oh, my dearest apologies. My name is Ryutento. What's your name?

Shinn: Um...I'm Shinn. Shinn Itsuka.

Ryutento: Huh, well, nice to meet you, Shinn. I see you were in some big trouble earlier. So, what happened?

Before Shinn could explain, a quake was heard outside.

Shinn: Um, that doesn't sound good.

Ryutento: I'm pretty sure if you hear something like that, it wouldn't sound good.

Shinn and Ryutento looked at each other before heading out as they looked to see what appeared to be some kind of large monster as it roared.

Shinn: Um, what the heck is that?!

Ryutento: Damnit. They found me.

Shinn: Found you?

Ryutento: Look, get out of here. I don't want you to get killed here because of me.

Ryutento soon dashed foward and began to fight the large beast as it tried slashing at him, but he managed to dodge the attacks before charging up his fists.

Ryutento: Take this!

Ryutento then fires a big blast of electricity and cosmic energy as it strikes the monster in the face.

Ryutento: Got you!

Ryutento's eyes widen in surprise as he then sees that while the monster was somewhat damaged, it also seemed unfazed by the attack.

Ryutento: Oh, boy-Ack!

The monster soon hits Ryutento back as Ryutento landed by the wall of a mountain as he grunted in pain.

Ryutento: Ugh, damnit...I guess I'm not at full power yet...

Ryutento soon looks up to see the monster was about to strike him down, but Shinn got in and got him out of the way.

Ryutento: Ugh! Shinn, I told you to run!

Shinn: I couldn't just leave you to die. You saved my life, so I return the favor.

They soon hear the monster roar out again as it was heading towards them.

Shinn: Can we outrun it?

Ryutento: No. Don't get me wrong. I am a fast runner, but at my weakened state, we wouldn't get far. And we have no chance of beating it unless...

Ryutento looked at Shinn.

Ryutento: Our bodies become one.

Shinn: Ew, no. I'm not gay.

Ryutento facepalmed.

Ryutento: Not that way. You still have that belt?

Shinn looked at the belt that he still had.

Shinn: Um, yeah? Why?

Ryutento: That belt will allow us to combine and transform. But to do so, we must form a contract to prove our partnership. Are you willing to do so? There's not turning back if you do so.

Shinn thought for a bit. He knew there could be a problem when doing so considering the fact this monster was after Ryutento and not him, but he had to fight.

Shinn: Alright then. Let's do it.

Ryutento: Good.

Ryutento soon held out his hand as Shinn shook out as a surge of energy surrounded them forming a contract as the key forms.

Shinn soon puts on the belt.


Shinn readied himself as energy surged around him as Ryutento flew into the air above him.

Shinn: Henshin!

Shinn inserted the key and turned it as Ryutento formed onto him.

A black undersuit formed around Shinn before a blue and grey armor formed onto him along with a blue and grey mask with orange eyes formed onto his head.


Shinn looked at himself in shock.

Shinn: Woah...what just happened...?

???: We transformed.

Shinn: Huh? Ryutento?

Ryutento: I'm in your head. This is our fusion. Now come on, Shinn, let's do this.

Shinn: Ok, you got it.

Shinn readied himself as the monster growled and rushed over at him as Shinn did the same.

The two soon punched at each other, only for Shinn's punch to be stronger as the monster was punched back.

Shinn: Wow, I'm that strong.

Ryutento: Shinn, stay focused!

Shinn nodded before bending backwards to dodge a slashing attack from the monster as he sighed in relief before getting up and then kicking at the monster in the face as it grunted.

This allows Shinn to punch at the monster many times.

Shinn: Now for this!

Shinn then does a side kick at the monster's ribs as it let out a very loud roar in pain.

Shinn: Woah...

Ryutento: Shinn, now try to fire a blast from your gauntlet.

Shinn: Gauntlet?

Shinn noticed that he had a gauntlet on his right arm.

Shinn: Oh, I see.

Shinn aimed his gauntlet as it soon transformed into a hand cannon and began to fire rapidly at the monster many times as the monster was hit back and explosions were made during the process.

Ryutento: Good, now charge it up and hit him with all you got.

Shinn: Got it.

Shinn turned his gauntlet back to normal mode as he then began to charge it up with what appeared to be a mix electricity and cosmic energy before dashing over and then punches at the monster hard in the chest, knocking it back.

Ryutento: Now then, end it while you still have the chance.

Shinn: Got that too.

Shinn soon pressed the key on the Unison-Key Driver before turning it.


Shinn readied himself as thrusters appeared on his back before he jumps up and then does a power kick towards the monster as he bursts through the monster and lands as the monster explodes behind him.

Shinn: Woah...

Ryutento: Heh, not bad for a noob. It sure feels good to kick butt like in the olden days.

Shinn soon took off the Unison-Key Driver as he turned back to normal and Ryutento appeared aside him.

Shinn: Wow, that is something.

Ryutento: And was fun.

Shinn: But I want to know, what was that all about?

Ryutento: ...I'll tell if you tell?

Shinn: I guess that's fair.

Later, we can see Shinn and Ryutento sitting at a campfire as they were ready to tell their stories.

Shinn: So, Ryutento, what is your story?

Ryutento: You see, I'm from a race of beings from far away from your world known as the Unisonkens. We used to come from a world that had enough energy to keep us living there. However, due to a civil war that raged on for millions of years, the world shut down, and we were forced to go on and find a new world to live on. Eventually, we managed to find your world, but they decided to go to the extreme by making the Unison-Key Driver. A powerful weapon that can combine both a Unisonken and another being to form and become the ultimate warrior. I knew that they would be trying to conquer this world and purge all life on it. But I managed to take the Unison-Key Driver, but I was pursued by the others and was sealed into the belt, on one hand, it meant they couldn't track me because I was in the belt. But on the other, I was trapped inside and couldn't get out. But now, I'll be a attracting Unisonkens like moths to a light.

Shinn: Wow.

Unisonkens: Yeah, I'm sorry for getting you into this.

Shinn: It's not your fault. I kinda got myself into this mess for being with the wrong people.

Ryutento: So, what is your story?

Shinn sighed.

Shinn: It all began two years ago. On that day, I met a girl who I named Tohka, and I learned about the spirits. For those two years, I went out of my way to save them in order to save them and give them a chance of a normal life so that they wouldn't be hunted or killed. And while they had their problems, I managed to help them. And I wasn't alone. I had great guys who were brothers and friends to help me when I struggled. But, it turned out, it wasn't the case. They actually hated me because of the fact they were jealous of me having the spirits being in love with me. So they tried to kill me. And that's how you found me.

Ryutento: Wow, I'm sorry for hearing that. But that's really the saddest thing about betrayal. It never comes from your enemies.

Shinn: Yeah.

Ryutento: So, what are you going to do now?

Shinn: I...I don't know...

Ryutento: Well, if it were me. I would try to make sure that those guys get exposed for what they did to you. If they were willing to go so low just because of the fact they were jealous, then they don't deserve to have a chance.

Shinn: But how?

Ryutento: You got me. We're partners now. And since you agreed to the contract, I'll help out. After all, we still have to deal with more Unisonkens in the future. So whatever happens. We'll do it together.

Shinn was surprised but smiled.

Shinn: Thank you.

Ryutento: So, what should we call ourselves when we're fused? After all, we'll be working together, so we need a name.

Shinn thought about it. Before he got an idea.

Shinn: Starvolt. Kamen Rider Starvolt.

Ryutento: Kamen Rider?

Shinn: Yeah. They're masked superheroes that fight to protect peace and justice.

Ryutento: Hmm, I like it. Kamen Rider Starvolt it is then. And as long as we work together. We'll be able to stop the Unisonkens and clear your name.

Shinn: Ok then, Ryutento.

The two then exchanged a fist bump with each other.


We can now be seen on what appears to be a ship as on a chair, a figure with red eyes as he saw the fight seen play out in front of him.

???: Hmm, it seems that Ryutento has awoken and has found a partner. I guess I will have to send out more troops to deal with them before they become too much of a threat.


NEXT TIME on Kamen Rider Starvolt:

Tohka: I still can't believe Shinn did this to us...

Chris: Don't worry, you have us.

Kurumi: *Thinking* What really happened to you, Shinn?

Ryutento: It seems we have some new friends.

???: Who are you guys?

Shinn: Um...?

Join in next time on Episode 2: Mysteries and New Friends!

AN: BOOM! Here is the chapter of my original Kamen Rider series. Special thanks to KamenAegisWarrior for the art of Kamen Rider Starvolt, the Unison-Key Driver, Ryutento, and the opening. Please check out his own Kamen Rider story since I got inspiration from it.

So in the meantime...


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