Episode 2: Mysteries and New Friends

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Two months.

It had been two months ever since the events of the betrayal. Well, for the spirits, it seemed that Shinn was the one who betrayed them. And they couldn't believe it would come to this. They knew they may have gotten on Shinn's nerves from time to time due to the fact he liked to relax a lot due to the times he would have to put his life on the line to help them and others, but he had never shown that he was angry with them to the point he would want to leave them.

That being said, considering the first encounters he had with them, it can be possible for someone to have some form of resentment.

But they had wish he wouldn't have never left them like that.

If it wasn't for Chris, Darren, Ryota, and Jo, they, except for Kurumi, could've gone inverse and end the world as we know it. They were glad that even if Shinn was gone, the boys would still help them out.

If only they knew the truth though.


Right now, we can see Tohka, Origami, Kaguya, and Yuzuru arrive at school. And for the past two months, going to school has been hard. As much as they knew that Shinn was the one who had abandoned them, they still missed them. Everyday, they hoped that it was some sort of bad dream, and that they would wake up from it, and they would see Shinn waiting for them with that same smile he had.

But it never came. It was just too hard for them to accept this reality. And it was the same for the other spirits.

Yoshino, Natsumi, Mukuro were saddened and depressed as they wouldn't come out to talk to anyone. Miku had made a hiatus to not sing for a bit as she couldn't find the need to do so. Nia also stopped her writing career for a bit aswell.

Kotori had it the worst. She knew Shinn the longest. And because of what was said in the recording, she blamed herself for what happened. After all, she was the one that got Shinn to go in and seal spirits.

Kurumi though seemed to be dealing with it weirdly. She had stopped talking for a bit, and she has now kept to herself. But it wasn't because she was depressed or anything. Rather, it seemed because of the fact she was more confused than sad.

So it really seemed that it was hard for the spirits as they couldn't understand it all.

Tohka: Why, why would Shinn do this? Did we hurt him that much?

Origami: I don't know how to answer. The only one who knows the answer to that, is Shinn. But he isn't here.

???: Hey girls.

They soon see Chris, Darren, Jo, and Ryota enter the room.

Chris: So, how are you all doing?

Kaguya: Well, we're doing ok...

Yuzuru: Correct, we're doing good...

The boys frowned at the girl's responses.

Chris: Hey, are you sure you're alright?

Ryota: Yeah, if there is anything you need, you can tell us.

Jo: After all, we are here for you.

Darren: Just name it.

The Tohka, Origami, Kaguya, and Yuzuru nodded as they sat down as the lesson began.

Later, when the lesson ended, the four spirits heading off before the boys could call out to them.

Chris, Darren, Jo, and Ryota frowned. It seemed that their plan wasn't going as they would've hoped. Ever since that day, the spirits had become so depressed that while they would talk to them, it would never get to anything beyond that. The spirits just isolated themselves from people in general.

Jo: Man, this sucks. Why can't we have the same love that they gave to Shinn?

Darren: Yeah, with that loser out of the way, I tried to have Kurumi to myself, but she kept ignoring me saying that she has something important to do.

Chris: I tried to call Miku, but she said she's busy with performing, even though she hasn't made a song in two months.

Ryota: To think that they actually cared so much about that coward. If this keeps going on, it would just be boring.

Chris: Hmm, I have an idea.

Darren: Oh, and what might that be?

Chris soon shows what appears to be a pink liquid in a veil.

Jo: Wait, is that?

Chris: Oh yes it is. The aphrodisiac that an old friend of mine gave. With this, we can use it to snap the spirits out of their depressed state and make them fall in love with us as they should.

Ryota: Hmm, I see then. So how should we do it though? After all, they rarely come out to talk with us.

Chris: We should wait for the right moment so that we can use it. After all, we don't have much, so we should wait to use it properly.

Jo: Sounds like a plan to me. I just sure hope we don't have to wait that long. I want to see Yoshino be happy again and play with me.

Darren: And I want to see the teasing Kurumi I know and love.

Ryota: Just wait. Like Chris says, we don't have much, and we don't want to waste it when this could be our only chance to make the spirits in love with us.

Jo: Ok then.

Darren: We'll wait.

Chris: I'm glad that you have agreed to be patient with me, my friends.


On the roof of the school, we can see Kurumi who was sitting on the bench that was found on the roof as she was thinking to herself.

It had been two months ever since Shinn had betrayed them. And as the months had passed, Kurumi began to think about it more and more. As there were things that didn't exactly make sense.

For starters, while Shinn got annoyed at times with them, but he was forgiving of them a lot of the time. So this would extremely be out of character for Shinn to do this. After all, she has shared some thoughts with Shinn at times, and never had he once had a thought that he both regretted and hated on the job he was doing. It was very clear that he loved her and the other spirits with all his being. Because if he didn't, why would he have have risked his life for them on so many occasions.

And then there was something that was off. When news about Shinn hit both the spirits and everyone who knew him, everyone was shocked and sad upon hearing that.

Everyone except Chris, Darren, Jo, and Ryota. They seemed to be fine and were trying to help out the spirits and everyone else. And while at first glance they may seem to be strong and are trying to help out so that everyone can be able to heal and move on, when Kurumi asked them about Shinn, they seemed to quickly answer questions and dismiss them as it was nothing.

Also, why were they the only ones that were sent the recording? When Kurumi asked for the footage, they didn't want to upset her so they didn't show her.

There were a lot of holes in their story that didn't make sense. Shinn wasn't the type of person who would just abandon the people he cares about just because they caused him some problems. In Kurumi's eyes, it seems that Chris, Darren, Jo, and Ryota knew more than they were letting on. It's almost as if...

Kurumi shook her head. They wouldn't be able to do what she thinks what might've happened. But the holes in the story easily point to them, so she couldn't ignore it.

Kurumi: *Thinking* What really happened to you, Shinn?

So, it would seem that she needed to go behind the scenes in order to find out the truth.

(Meanwhile, brought to you by this: )

Right now, we can be seen with Shinn and Ryutento as they are continuing on with their travels. 

You see, it had been two months since they had formed a contract and have begun to work together in order to both fight against the attacks of the Unisonkens, and in order to find a way to clear Shinn's name and expose the truth.

As they were busy on their journey, they came to find out something. Something that will prove crucial to helping the two reveal the truth.

It seemed that Chris, Darren, Jo, and Ryota had been very busy when Shinn was going around to save spirits. They had been to what appears to be other worlds that are connected to this world. And if they head into those worlds and check in, they might be able to prove that this wasn't the first time that the four had did something like this.

It took some time, but after a while. Ryutento managed to copy the data from the power that the four boys used to travel to the other worlds.

Ryutento: I got it done. Now we will be able to head to the other worlds your attackers went to in order to find out if they're more evil than we though.

Shinn: Yeah, it's best to check it out than to leave it, as I can't imagine what else they might've done just because they wanted to get girls to love them.

Ryutento: Good to hear that then. Ready to go?

Shinn: Yeah.

Ryutento soon begins to charge up his hand and manifest what appears to be a portal.

Ryutento: Man, it's good to have max strength back. Now let's head in.

Shinn: You got it.

Shinn and Ryutento soon headed inside as they then look inside to see what appears to be a large forest in front of them.

Shinn: Huh? Is this it?

Ryutento: I checked, and yes, this is the first world that they have been to. And it sure seems they were busy. Let's go on and see what is there for us to find.

Shinn: You got it.

The two soon began to walk on as they ventured into the forest and looked around, hoping to find anyone here.

As they were doing so, they soon heard what sounded to be sounds of grunting and weapons clashing.

Shinn: Um, did you also hear that?

Ryutento: I sure did. That means we're getting close to people.

As they headed on foward, they soon looked on to see what appears to be people with masks attacking a person who had no mask.

The person looks to be a young man about to be two years older than Shinn's age as he had brown spikey hair and blue eyes as he wore a black jacket, a white shirt, red trousers, and black shoes.

In the young man's hand was what appeared to be some kind of sword.

Shinn: Woah, we got to help him.

Ryutento: Hmm, I agree, something isn't right about those masks those people have.

Ryutento soon jumps in and charges up his fist before dashing down and punching the masked people back.

The young man looked on in shock.

Shinn soon came over.

Shinn: Nice on, Ryutento.

Ryutento: Thanks.

The young man soon spoke up.

???: Who are you guys?

Shinn: Um...?

Soon, they heard a growl as they then looked to see what appeared to be a large monster. But not just any monster, but a zombie dragon.

Shinn: Is that a dragon?!

Ryutento: A zombie dragon to be exact.

???: Damnit, I won't have enough energy for that...

Shinn: Don't worry...

Kazuto: Kazuto.

Shinn: Nice to meet you Kazuto, I'm Shinn, and this is Ryutento. And don't worry. We'll take care of this. You ready, Ryutento?

Ryutento: Hell yeah.

Shinn took out the Unison-Key driver and put it on before readying himself.

Shinn: Henshin!

Shinn activated the driver as he and Ryutento merged to become Kamen Rider Starvolt.

Kazuto: What the...Fairize?

Starvolt: Fair-what?

Ryutento: Shinn, just focus. After all, we got to fight this monster of all things.

Starvolt: Right. Now then, time to shock this guy.

The zombie dragon roared and charged at Starvolt as it tried to strike him down, but he managed to jump back to evade the attack before using the thrusters on his back to dash and kick the zombie dragon's face as it was knocked back hard into mountain.

Starvolt: Oh yes.

The zombie dragon soon fired acid at Starvolt, who was hit by it.

Kazuto: Shinn! Ryutento!

The zombie dragon soon goes in to hit for another attack, but was punched back as it showed that Starvolt was unfazed by the attack.

Kazuto: Huh, but how-

Starvolt: Acid resistant armor.

Starvolt soon looks to see the Zombie Dragon getting back up as he sees it growling and showing smoke.

Ryutento: Shinn, it seems we got to show off some new skills.

Starvolt: Wait, do you mean?

Ryutento: Yes, thanks to those victories against the Unisonkens.

Starvolt: You got it then.

Starvolt soon readied his star gauntlet as he takes out a card and scans it, which in turn, transforms his gauntlet into what appears to be a blade cannon.

Starvolt: Oh sweet.

The zombie dragon charges at Starvolt as Starvolt readied himself and dashes as he strikes the zombie dragon in the chest and fired many times as the zombie dragon roared in pain.

Starvolt: Now try this on for size!

Starvolt soon did a powerful blast as it then strikes the zombie dragon back.

Starvolt: Now then.

Starvolt readied himself as he pressed his Unison-Key driver.


Starvolt soon jumped up as his foot turned into a drill spike and his thrusters dashed him towards the zombie dragon as he then strikes it in the chest as it then explodes into nothing.

Starvolt soon lands out of the explosion.

Starvolt: There we go.

Kazuto just looked on in shock.

Kazuto: Wow.

Starvolt de-henshined as he turned back into Shinn and Ryutento.

Shinn: We did it.

Ryutento: We sure did.

Shinn: You ok, Kazuto?

Kazuto: Um, yeah, that was just amazing.

???: Will you stop looking in awe and introduce me?

Shinn looked around.

Shinn: Um, who said that?

Ryutento: It's coming from that sword.

Shinn: Huh?

Sword: You are correct.

Soon, the sword transformed into a girl that had orange hair down in twintails wearing a red dress as she also appeared to have orange fairy wings.

Shinn: ...Why am I even surprised at this point?

Ryutento: So, who are you?

Eryn: Don't you know? I'm a fairy, just like you.

Ryutento: Fairy? No, I'm a Unisonken.

Eryn: ...Unisonken?

Kazuto: Something tells me that you two aren't from around here.

Shinn: Well, you're right, and we'll explain.

Ryutento: But first, we need to get to somewhere that won't have us running into those masked people or zombie dragons like that thing.

Kazuto: Well, since you saved us, I guess we can take you to that place. Think of it like a base or something.

Shinn: Well, that sounds good to me then.

Ryutento: And me too. So please lead the way.

Eryn: Of course. Follow us.

Kazuto and Eryn led the way as Shinn and Ryutento followed them.

(Elsewhere, brought to you by this: )

Right now, we can see what appears to be a hole in dimensional space was there were four nations seen in this hole.

In this hole, we can see what appeared to be a figure busy checking out cameras around the world in order to make sure that everything was going according to plan.

However, the eyes of the figure soon caught something on the monitors as they see Shinn and Ryutento transforming into Kamen Rider Starvolt as they fought and defeated the zombie dragon.

???: Is that a fencer?

The figure soon makes sure to have a scanning on Starvolt, and finds out that the energy he had was different to the energy of fencers.

???: It seems whoever they are, they are not from this world. Which means they can quickly become a threat unless we take care of them quickly.

The figure was soon revealed to be a woman with pale purple hair, pale skin, and red eyes as she appeared to wear some sort of witch outfit.

This was Arfoire, one of the generals that was sent by Chris, Darren, Jo, and Ryota to invade other worlds and make them theirs.

Arfoire: And I'll make them regret from ever coming here.

NEXT TIME on Kamen Rider Starvolt:

Kazuto: Here we are.

Eryn: And that's what fairies, furies, and fencers are.

???: Who are these guys?!

Arfoire: Get them!

Shinn: Ready, Ryutento?

Ryutento: Ready, partner.

Shinn/Ryutento: Henshin!

Join in next time on Episode 3: Explanations and New Enemies.

AN: BOOM! Here is the new chapter. I hope you have enjoyed it. Be ready for the next chapter coming soon.

So in the meantime...


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