Episode 1 - The Birth of a New King (2020)

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The Heisei Era... The time when evil rises and the world was on the brink of its own destruction. But whenever there is evil, there is good.

And that's where the Kamen Riders are born.

Masked armored warriors who protected the world from evil. Some are good, and some are bad.

Of course like they say, every good story starts with the main character born of light.

Unfortunately, that's not the case with this story...

The story begins with Y/n sitting on the bench, reading a book in front of a wonderful view of the city of Tokyo.

Y/n: *sigh* Well then. *close book*

Y/n is then seen walking back home. He was walking through the city, bought some groceries his father asked him to get, and ride the subway all the way back.

Y/n is then seen back at his home and opens the door.

Y/n: I'm home...

Y/n's father: Ah, Y/n welcome back. Did you get everything on the list?

Y/n: In here.

Y/n's father: ....Mm, yep, you definitely got everything I need. Good job, Y/n. I'm so lucky to have a son like you.

Y/n's dad then pat and brushed his son's hair, to which Y/n chuckled a little bit.

Y/n's father: Hang on just a minute, I'll make something good for us to eat.

Y/n: 'kay.

But while Y/n made his way to the dining room, a picture is shown of his mother.

The next day...

Y/n is seen walking to school early in the morning

note: here's what Y/n school uniform looks like

As Y/n continues to walk, he begins to narrates.

Y/n(narrates): Everybody has something others don't have. Such as having a dream, without it, they have no reason to move forward. But what good is having a dream if you can't accomplish it. Yet, they just keep pushing and pushing themselves so they can make it come true. ...If that's the case, then what is my dream?


Most of Y/n's classes are over, and it's the beginning of lunch time.

Y/n doesn't have anything to eat or feels like doing anything else except for waiting for his class to start.

But then, a young beautiful girl came from out the door and waved to Y/n.

???: Hey, Y/n!

Y/n: Koemi.

Koemi: Eh, Y/n why aren't you having lunch?

Y/n: Didn't bring it, besides I'm not hungry.

Koemi: Again?! Y/n, you know that's bad for your health if you keep doing this. ...Well, no worries, I always come prepared. Ta-da!

Koemi then showed a bento she made just for Koemi. Since both her and Y/n are childhood friends since kindergarden, Koemi always made bentos for him.

Y/n: You didn't have to do that for me. I don't want to-

Koemi: -Waste my time?

Y/n: Heh, so you know what I was going to say.

Koemi: Of course, and besides, you're a very important person to me, so I always worry about you. Here.

Y/n: Well, I am kind of hungry. Thank you again, Koemi.

Koemi: *giggles* Your welcome, Y/n.

But as Y/n was in the middle of eating his meal, there was suddenly an earthquake.

All the students panicked after witnessing it and began to wonder what's going on.

Student: Hey, look!

As the student got the attention of the others, they look outside the windows and saw something unbelievable.

There are a bunch of giant robots outside, shooting laser beams and destroying the city,

Y/n: What the...

Then, an announcement was made to the teachers and students to evacuate.

While the students are running for their lives in terror, Y/n kept staring and what's going on.

But all of a sudden, one of Y/n's pockets began to glow and Y/n grabbed looked at what was inside.

Y/n: A watch? But how did-

Koemi: Y/n!

Y/n: Koemi?

Koemi: What are you still doing here? We need to get out of here now!

Y/n: W-Wait!

Koemi grabbed Y/n's arm and both of them escaped out the building.

However, what's happening around Japan is worse than anyone has feared. The giant robots are still going on a rampage and destroying everything.

Y/n and Koemi are still running away, hoping to get to safety.

Koemi: Y/n, what do we do?!

Y/n: We can think later! Right now, less talk and more running.

But just as they were running, the giant robots suddenly launched something up in the sky.

What landed are a bunch of new robots called, Kasshine.

And, again, like the giant robots, the Kasshine around started to destroy everything and hurt civilians.

Some even landed right in front of Y/n and Koemi.

One even grabbed Koemi and started pulling her away.

Koemi: Hey, what are you doing!? Let me go!

Y/n: Koemi!

Koemi: Y/n!

Y/n started to get angry rather than afraid, and started to fight against the Kasshine holding Koemi hostage.

Surprisingly, Y/n managed to push the Kasshine away and save Koemi.

Y/n: Koemi, are you okay?

Koemi: *nods*Yes.

However, the group of Kasshine started to approach the two, but Y/n started to get up and protect Koemi.

But just when they were about to fight, time suddenly stopped, and only Y/n was able to move.

Y/n then observed what's going on around him. He even got close to the Kasshine and waved his hand, but their not moving.

Y/n then went to Koemi's side.

Y/n: Koemi. Koemi!

???: I'm afraid she can't hear you. ...I stopped time so I can speak with you.

All of a sudden, a cloaked man approached Y/n. However, thinking he's an enemy, Y/n still stayed cautious.

???: Please be eased, I'm not here to harm you.

Y/n: Who are you? What do you want?

???: Who I am does not matter right now. What I want, is to give you some grave news.

Y/n: What do you mean.

???: I'm afraid this world, is already destroyed.

Y/n: What?

???: Even if there's still a way, it's already too late. It's already doomed.

Y/n: No way. That can't be true!

???: However, I can give you the chance to save it. You do indeed have the potential.

Y/n: Potential... of what?

???: Of becoming a king, or something more greater.

Y/n: King? You're joking right?

???: That is up to you to believe, but now you must make a choice. Either to become a king, or to leave your world in ruins.

Y/n then stays silent for a minute, and looks at the city, then at Koemi.

Y/n: So there's no way out of this... Fine, if it's to save Koemi and this world, then I'll do it!

???: A wise choice. Then allow me to grant your wish.

All of a sudden, the mysterious watch Y/n has transformed.

Y/n: Now this is getting weird... But, now what?

Y/n then turned the watch to see a face.

The cloaked man then gave Y/n a mysterious belt.

???: Here, you need this to activate that ridewatch you have.

Y/n: Ridewatch? This thing?

???: I am sure you can figure out the rest. Remember, you have the power to be king.

The cloaked figure then disappeared in thin air.

Y/n: Hey, wait!

Y/n then stares at the items he suddenly received. Then he looks at the frozen Kasshine

Y/n: ...A king, huh? *puts the belt on* If that's who I'm going to be, then I will make you all bow down before me.

Y/n then presses his ridewatch's button.

Ridewatch: (Digital beeping) Zi-O!

Y/n then puts the ridewatch on the belt, pressed the button on top and did his pose.

Y/n: Henshin.
note: (his pose and transformation is same as Tokiwa Sougo's, but he uses his right hand to turn the driver)

Ziku Driver: Rider Time! (Electronic guitar) Kamen Rider Zi-O!

Just after Y/n's transformation, time returned to normal.

Koemi: Eh, what just? ...*shocked* Y/n, is that... you?

Y/n: Koemi, stay back. Leave this to me.

Kasshine1: Zi-O!?

Kasshine2: It can't be... How is it that-?

Y/n: So, this is Zi-O? Heh. Alright enough talk, because your time is up.

The Kasshine began to engage, and Y/n, who transformed to Kamen Rider Zi-O, walked towards them.

The Kasshine may have Zi-O out numbered, but he managed to defeat each one of them with his fighting and exploding fists.

Some were able to survive and others began arrive to join in.

Zi-O then summoned his weapon, the Kuro Zikan Girade.

Zi-O was defeating them with his weapon in sword form(Ken) with a couple of slashes to them individually.

But then a bunch of other Kasshines appeared out of nowhere.

Zi-O: Called more of your friends? Sorry, but that won't do.


Zi-O's weapon then transformed into a gun(Zyu). With his fast sharpshooting, he was able to eliminate most of the Kasshines.

Zi-O threw his weapon out of the way and began to finishing move on the last Kasshine.

Ziku Driver: Finish Time! Time Break!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

note: see only to 0:21

Zi-O: *exhales* Haaaaaaaaah!

All the Kasshines in the area were then destroyed.

Koemi: Y/n! *jumps and hugs him*

Zi-O: H-Hey!

Koemi: Are you okay?

Zi-O: Y-Yeah, I'm fine.

Koemi: I can't believe you actually did it.

Zi-O: *nods* Mm, but...

Even though the Kasshines were defeated, it didn't make a difference in stopping all this destruction.

Y/n and Koemi looked at the destruction from afar together.

But then all of sudden, a huge white light appeared and pulled Y/n and Koemi in it.

Koemi: Y/n!

Zi-O: Koemi!

To be continued...

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