Episode 2 - Evolution! (2017)

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After the events of being engulfed in that bright white light, Y/n found himself in his bedroom.

Y/n: Uh, aah! *pant* *pant* Wow, what that was a horrible dream.

After Y/n got up and drank some water, he can sees his ridewatch on his desk.

He rushes towards it, picks it up, and turns it to see the face of (dark)Zi-O.

Y/n: This is... So that wasn't a dream after all.


Y/n's dad was serving a customer, who finished and left. I forgot to mention this, but Y/n's dad runs a small ramen shop.

Y/n's father: Thank you, and please come again.

Y/n is then seen coming downstairs, looking tired.

Y/n's father: Ah, Y/n, good morning!

Y/n: Mm, morning...

Y/n's father: That's kind of rare of you to sleep in, it's already the afternoon, you know that?

Y/n: Um, dad. Do you remember a robot invasion destroying the city a while ago?

Y/n's father: Eh? What are talking about, Y/n? Oh, you must be having another one of those nightmares. Hang on, I'll make something good for you to eat. Hey...!

Y/n then grabs his ridewatch and stares at it.

Y/n: *thoughts* Strange, those things that attack the city, I'm sure their real. After all, this thing proves it. So why is dad, and everyone else alive? And more importantly, what happened to Koemi? I wonder if she's alright?

Then, someone walked in through the door with the rear of the bell from the door.

Y/n's father: Ah, another customer! Please sit anywhere, one of our waiters will be right over.

The guy then came and sat beside Y/n.

???: I'm glad to see you're doing well, Y/n.

Y/n then turns to see it's the same guy he met earlier.

Y/n: You!?

???: So you remember me.

Y/n: Why? How are you here?

???: It's understandable how you have so many questions since of what happened earlier. But please allow me to order my meal first.

Y/n then stares at the cloaked man the rest of the time.

While both of them are having their meals, Y/n decided to speak up.

Y/n: Alright, old man, or whatever your name is. What's going on here?

???: Very well then, allow me to explain everything of what you must know. The events of what you witnessed earlier, was the inevitable.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Y/n: Huh?

???: However, the power you have obtained to face that threat is that of a Kamen Rider.

Y/n: Kamen... Rider. What's that?

???: I'm afraid I can't tell you, for that is for you to define it. But that's beside the main point, look at this.

The cloaked person showed a book to Y/n, and saw it being blank.

Y/n: Why are you showing this to me? All the pages are blank.

But the cloaked person turned to a page with words on, that suddenly vanished.

Y/n: This is...

???: This world, the world where you are living right now is destroyed.

Y/n: So, the whole invasion thing, was real. But wait, who did it?

???: This is the work, of an incredibly evil overlord... Ohma Zi-O.

Y/n: Ohma... Zi-O.

He then shows a small hologram of Ohma Zi-O to Y/n.

???: Indeed, he is a cruel and wicked king, someone who obtained the power of Zi-O, similar to you. He is obsessed with ruling everything since he dreamed of becoming king. ...And so, he has began his reign of terror, destroying not only this world, but other worlds as well. Using the power of the riders.

Y/n: The power of the riders?

???: Therefore, if he succeeds in destroying your world, then not only will it cease to exist, but Ohma Zi-O will become the ultimate being, who cannot be stopped.

Y/n: As much of hearing of saying that's good news for him, that definitely doesn't sound good. But wait, you said this world is already destroyed, right? So how are me, my dad, and everyone else are still alive?

???: I have used the last ounce of my power to send you back in time, 6 months before this world's destruction.

Y/n: So that's how. But that still means everything will be destroyed, right?

???: ...There is another way.

==Stop music here==

The cloaked man gave Y/n a suitcase filled with blank ridewatches.

Y/n: Ridewatches. But what are these for?

???: These will help you in your mission. You are to travel the universe and collect the powers of the kamen riders. With their power, you may be able to stand against the inevitable.

Y/n: *holds two ridewatches* So, if I collect the powers of other Kamen Riders like Ohma Zi-O has, I can save this world?

???: Is that not what I said?

Y/n: .....Wait, how can I travel through worlds?

???: I'm glad you ask. These ridewatches happen to be special, if you throw them, a portal will open up, bringing you to another world or another time. However, once you use them, unless you can absorb the power of a rider in that world or time, you cannot return to this world in this period of time.

Y/n: Wait, seriously!?

???: However, that is a chance you are willing to take, correct? I must warn you though, this journey will be dangerous and will cost you your life. So, what will you choose?

Y/n began to be unsure as he continues to stare at the ridewatches.


Y/n is walking around, thinking about what the cloaked person said. Then, he heard a noise.

???: Y/n!!!

Y/n then was hugged all of a sudden by Koemi.

Koemi: Y/n, thank goodness I found you!

Y/n: K-Koemi?

Koemi: Are you okay? After we were blasted by that bright light, I've desperately been looking for you.

Y/n: Wait, you remember everything that happened!?

Koemi: Yes, with the whole robot invasion. The last thing I knew, I woke in my bed like all of that didn't happen. Anyway, I'm so glad you're okay.

Y/n: ...Koemi. We need to talk.

One full story later...

Koemi: So, our world can still be destroyed?

Y/n: *nods slightly*At least that's what the old man said.

Koemi: No way...

Y/n: *picks up his Zi-O ridewatch* But, I can still save this world.

Koemi: Y/n... No, I won't let you. I don't want you to risk your life!

Y/n: But if I don't Koemi, then who's going to save us 'till then?

Koemi: That's...

Y/n: I didn't choose to be this... But if I can get the riders' powers, become king, then I can save us.

Koemi: Y/n...

Y/n: I'm sorry, Koemi. But I have to do this, there's no other way.

Koemi: ...I understand. But, I'm going with you.

Y/n: What?!

Koemi: *giggles*Come on, Y/n, I know you heard me.

Y/n: No I did , but... Koemi don't you even know what you're saying? The old man said this is going to be dangerous, there's a chance that you-

Koemi: I know that! But, I just don't want you to go alone. I don't want you to be by yourself. *smiles*So I'm going with you, and that's that.

Y/n: *sigh*Seriously?

???: It seems you've made your choice.

The cloaked man suddenly appears.

Koemi: Y/n, is he-

Y/n: Yep, that's him.

???: I see you picked an acquaintance of yours. Good, because you can't face these challenges alone. Remember, you have the potential to become king.

Then he vanishes.

Y/n then picks up a ridewatch.

Y/n: Are you ready? No turning back now.

Koemi: Yeah, I'm fine as long as I'm with you Y/n.

Y/n then throws the ridewatch and both him and Koemi enter the portal.

Meanwhile in the other world...

The world Y/n and Koemi are about to arrive in has some sort of weird wall covering all of Tokyo. As well as a strange tower.

Y/n and Koemi then came through out the portal and saw their surroundings.

Y/n: So this is, a new world...

Koemi: It really is. But that tower looks very creepy.

Y/n: Well, all I got to do is absorb one of the riders powers in this world, and we're out of here.

But as the two question further, they turn to see a group of people and went to check it out.

They all sound worry and wondering about something.

Y/n and Koemi went and talked to one of the citizens.

Koemi: Um, excuse me?

Civilian: Huh, what?

Y/n: We want to know what's going on here.

Civilian: What are you nuts? Haven't you guys heard the news already? Some guy name Evolto, or whatever is going to destroy the world.

Y/n: This world is going to be destroyed?

Civilian: Well we hoped not, because the Kamen Riders are trying to stop that freak.

Koemi: Wait, Kamen Riders?

Civilian: Yeah, everyone kept calling them the enemies, but I'm more on the side that they're heroes.

Y/n: So where are they now?

Civilian: My guess is they're at the top of that tower somewhere.

Y/n and Koemi then stepped back and thinked for a minute.

Koemi: What do we do? How are we going to get to the top of the tower?

Y/n: Well-- *pulls a weird-looking ridewatch* Huh, when did I have this in my pocket?

Y/n presses the button of that ridewatch and it transformed to a bike.

note: it's more black and has red outlines though.

Koemi: Wow, it's a motorbike!

Y/n: We could probably get to the tower now.

Y/n and Koemi got on, put on their helmets on, and rode to the tower.

Meanwhile on top of Pandora's Tower...

Sento Kiryu, Ryuga Banjo, and Gentoku Himuro are currently fighting Evolto.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Just when Rouge was about to be finished, Evolto was suddenly hit by a few shots.

Everyone was surprised and turned to Y/n and Koemi still on the bike.

Y/n actually used his weapon while not transformed

"Zikan Girade!" "Zyu!"

Evolto: What?

Y/n took off his helmet and went to the three good riders' side.

Koemi: Are you two okay?

Misora: Who are you?

Y/n then looked at the three riders, then turned his face towards Evolto.

Genius Build: Hey! Who are you?

Y/n: Y/n L/n. Kamen Rider Zi-O.

Cross-Z Magma: Haah?

Evolto: Impossible. Nobody should be able to get inside the tower.

Y/n: Sorry, rang the doorbell, but you didn't answer. ...I'm surprised you were able to defeat these three. That power you have, makes me feel interested.

Genius Build: Wait. Evolto is too strong for you, you won't last against him!

Y/n: *brushes him off*Shut up. Don't tell me what to do.

Y/n then puts the belt on.

Evolto: *laughing* I don't know who you are, but I'm impressed you made it this far. However, this is where you will meet your end like the rest of this planet.

Y/n: This isn't where it ends, this is where it begins, at least to me. And if you're trying to destroy this world, then I'll destroy you.

Y/n then holds out his ridewatch.

Y/n: Now then, bow down to your king.

Ridewatch: (Digital beeping) Zi-O!

Y/n: Henshin!

Rider Time! (Electronic guitar) Kamen Rider Zi-O!

Zi-O: I believe your time... is up.

Evolto: *chuckles* Interesting, I accept your challenge.

Y/n then charges towards Evolto.

Genius Build: Let's help him.

Cross-Z Magma: Right!

Then, all four riders began to fight Evolto at once.

Then it's realized all four good riders were equal to Evolto's strength.

Evolto: Looks like I underestimated all of you. However!

Evolto then used his strength to fight back, and he managed to send all the four riders to the ground again.

Genius Build: We just need to destroy that Evol-Trigger!

Rouge: *screams*

Rouge then started to attack Evolto, and he manages to deal heavy blows only to the Evol-Trigger.

But Evolto grabs and chokes him.

Evolto: Try all you want, but you will never atone your sins!

Rouge was sent flying and tries to get up.

Rouge then started attacking again.

Evolto: Impossible! His hazard level is rising!?

Rouge: *pant* Father, you were right. It's the not the people in power who make a country. It's the people who grant them that power!

Rouge - Crack Up Finish!

With that final attack, Rouge was able to destroy the Evol-Trigger. But he started to fade away after he de-henshins.

Gentoku: Father. Did I measure up to you at all...?

Then, Gentoku faded away. Everyone began to get saddened.

Saya: Gen-chan!

Koemi: He... died.

Y/n then looked down for a moment.

Genius Build: Another life... lost. *sob* *sob*

Y/n then looks at Sento and picked him up by the collar.

Misora: Sento!

Koemi: Y/n!

Cross-Z Magma: You bastard, what are you doing!?

Zi-O: Why are you weeping like that? ...This is no time for crying, that's not going to bring him back!

Y/n then punched Sento and looked down on him.

Zi-O: He sacrificed his life to give you a chance to save the world. If you want him to live on in a way, then don't let this all be in vain!

Genius Build: Zi-O... *gets up*...You're right. We are going to finish this, once and for all.

(What he looks like right now.)

Evolto: Ghk, I may have lost the Evol-Trigger. However, no matter how much your hazed level rises by your rage, you will never defeat me!

Genius Build: You don't understand. The Rider System doesn't get stronger from pain or hatred. It's the wishes of every single person that fuel us!

Zi-O: Hmph, well said.

Cross-Z Magma: Yosh! Let's go!

Zi-O - Finish Time! Time Break!

Genius Build - Ready? Go! ...Genius Finish!

Cross-Z Magma - Ready? Go! ...Volcanic Finish!

All three riders unleashed all their power on Evolto, while he made his last stand throwing a punch.

But in the end, Evolto was defeated and the scenery returned.

Cross-Z Magma: *pant* *pant* Did we do it?

Evolto: Impossible... How did I lose, to mere humans?

Genius Build: That's because we're human. It's true we tend to be stupid at times. But when we're on the right track, then we have the potential to achieve incredible things.

Y/n then de-henshins and walks over to the fallen Evolto.

Evolto: What do you want now?

Y/n: Your power may have been used for evil. *pulls out the ridewatch*But with it as mine, I'll make sure it will be put into some use.

He holds the ridewatch towards Evolto and his power, his evol driver and bottles have been absorbed into it.

Y/n then sees and turns the ridewatch.

Ridewatch: (Digital beeping) Evol!

Evolto: N-No! What have you done!?

Genius Build: Hey! What happened?

Y/n: I absorbed this guy's power. But never mind me, do you have something important to do?

Genius Build: Oh, that's right!

Sento and Banjo got the black and white panels and merged them together.

Genius Build: Time to open the door to a new world!

The Pandora box then shoot a beam of light to the sky, bringing the other world together.

Build: Now all we have to do is throw you to that light!

But as they are still talking, Y/n went to Koemi's side.

Y/n: Come on, we have to get out of here!

Koemi: But what about-!

Y/n: They'll be fine, we have to go now!

But before they ran out of time, they were suddenly saved by the cloaked man.

Y/n: You...

Now it only sees as the two worlds are about to come together.

To be continued...

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