Prologue: An Emperor in Hell

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(A/N: Here's the Prologue for this story. It's short but the next chapter will be longer.)


(Opening: Hazbin Hotel Anime Opening)

(Opening Theme Ends)


The scene opens to a Mitsubishi XSA Car driving calmly across the streets as the driver is trying to make his way back home. The driver is a young man in his very early 20s. He's shown to have a lean yet muscular build with black hair and blue eyes.

This man's name is Shio Tokiwa, AKA Kamen Rider Ohma Zi-O.

Yes, you are hearing right. He's indeed the supposed 'Demon King of Time' or rather the son of one. Shio is a Japanese-American man who is the adopted son of Sougo Tokiwa, the former Kamen Rider Ohma Zi-O.

Years after defeating Aku Yami and saving the multiverse, things have been relatively peaceful for him, something that he truly liked. No more multiversal threats, no more fighting, and no more having to use the Ohma Zi-O driver again. After his 'journey', Shio felt that he had seen enough action and wished to just live a relatively normal life. Of course, there was still the fact he suffered through PTSD due to the horrific events he was forced to witness. Still, he had his father to help him which worked out eventually. After that, Shio just simply spent his life going through High School and then going to college in order to get a degree.

Yup, life was turning up well for him after all the crap he's went through. So, after buying some groceries by a supermarket, Shio drives back home, wondering what his father will be making for lunch.

Shio: "Wonder what dad's making for lunch. Hopefully its Ramen. Haven't had that in weeks... Huh... now I'm starting to sound like Naruto."

Unknown to him, by the time he gets back home, he'll soon get the visit of a lifetime.  One that will take him to a whole new adventure... and not in a fun way.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

Shio finally arrives home and prepares to park the car but stops when he feels an energy signature in his home. Narrowing his eyes, he focuses his powers, sensing that his father was alright, but then feels a powerful energy signature in his own home. This alarmed him but then he noticed it felt like a Wise One. Thinking that it was someone important, Shio gets out of the car and heads to the door.

Just as he was about to ring the doorbell, he jerked back when the door opened to reveal his adopted father, Sougo Tokiwa.

(A/N: Imagine he's older with some grey hair.)

Sougo was surprised at first before smiling at his son.

Sougo: (smiles) "Oh! Shio! You're here!" 

Shio: (surprised) "Uh... yeah?"

Sougo: (nods) "Good. Bring the groceries and come inside. We have a guest."

Shio: (confused) "A Guest? Is it a Wise One?"

Sougo: "Yes. He came here because it's very important. Sent here to give you an important mission. Get the groceries and come inside."

Nodding at his father's words, Shio nonetheless went back to get the groceries and went into the house.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

After a few minutes, Shio is seen coming into the house as he enters into the kitchen with the groceries. However, as soon as he entered into the Kitchen, he's soon surprised when he sees a familiar face. It was a Wise One named Valure, the very same being who gave him his Emperor Ohma Zi-O form before fighting Aku.

Shio: (surprised) "Valure?"

The Wise One turned to face Shio and smiled at him.

Valure: (smiles) "Hello Shio. It's wonderful to see you again."

Shio: (nods) "You too. Sorry if I sound rube but what are you doing here? It's been years since we last spoke."

Valure: (nods) "Indeed. I'll explain everything but for now, I believe there's some stuff you need to put away first."

Sougo: "We'll speak in the living room when we're done."

Shio: (nods) "Right."

Both father and son worked to put away the groceries. After a minute or two, it was all done as the trio made their way into the living room.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

After putting away the stuff, the trio are seen in the living room as Valure explains why he's here.

Valure: "I take it you're questioning as to why I'm here young Shio? I understand that with the threat of Aku and the return of the Dark Ones no longer a problem, we did indeed promise to leave you be and allow you to live your life normally if you want. However, something has come up and it requires your assistance. This is something we believe only you can do."

Shio: (curious) "What's the mission?"

Valure: "To know that you need to know where you're going to be sent to and... you're probably not going to like it."

Shio: (confused) "Why...?"

Sougo: "Listen son, um... how familiar are you with the Bible? Specifically, when it comes to Heaven and Hell?"

Hearing this confused the Kamen Rider, but he was well aware of the Bible. He wasn't that religious but his perspective on the supernatural changed when he became a Kamen Rider Ohma Zi-O and met the Wise Ones.

Shio: "Uh I'm pretty familiar. I know about God and Satan. I know Heaven and Hell where the opposites were Angels and Demons. The souls of the good and innocent go to Heaven while the souls of the evil and wicked go to Hell."

Valure: (nods) "That's right. I'll be blunt. The reason I'm here is because the Wise Ones wish to send you to a world outside our multiverse. One where the stories of the Bible are true. The stories of Heaven and Hell are indeed truly real. The universe you'll be sent to is an alternate version of Earth and the people there will need your help."

Shio widens his eyes hearing this. Now under normal circumstances if he was told all of this BEFORE he became Ohma Zi-O, he would've called the person crazy or delirious. However, given all the things he's been through and the battles he was forced to endure, he was pretty open to believing anything was possible, even if it all seemed irrational or illogical.

Shio: "Who do I have to do? I take it the humans of this Earth need my help."

To his confusion, the Wise One shook his head as he spoke how he wasn't going to this version of Earth.

Valure: (shakes head) "You're not going to Earth. Rather you're going to one of the supernatural realms. That is where your mission will take place."

Shio: "Okay so... I'm going to Heaven then?"

Valure: "No... you're going to Hell."

There was a defining silence for what seemed like an eternity until Shio spoke again.

Shio: "...... Come again?"

Valure: "I understand how this sounds but rest assured it's not what you think. You see, there is someone there in Hell who requires your aid to help make her dreams a reality. Despite her nature at being a demon, by no means she malevolent. In fact, you might actually find her presence quite comforting."

Hearing this got the Kamen Rider curious as to who he's assigned to look after.

Valure: "The person you've been assigned to help is a girl named Charlotte Morningstar, commonly called Charlie. She is the Princess of the Hell. Daughter of the Fallen Angel Lucifer and the first woman named Lilith."

As expected, Shio is shocked to the core as to who he's being assigned to help.

Shio: (shocked) "What? You want me to help the Anti-Christ?"

Valure: "Rest assured Shio, she's not 'evil' as you may think she is. Charlie may be the daughter of Lucifer and Lilith, but she isn't a monster. In fact, she's actually quite benevolent and caring. If I didn't know any better, she seen as someone who belongs in Heaven and deserves to be considered an Angel."

Shio: (bewildered) "That's... kinda hard to believe."

Valure: "If you don't believe me, then here's a photo of Charlie and her parents."

He manifests a photo and hands it to Shio. The Kamen Rider looks down at the photo, clearly seeing a family of three.

Shio starred at the photo with an intense look on his face. He was aware of the bible, especially when it came to the story of Lucifer and Lilith. Given their appearance, they sure do fit the description. However, it was the girl in the middle that caught his attention. He didn't know why but there was something familiar about her that he didn't quite understand why.

Valure: "Shio, I need you to understand right now that despite Charlie's nature and parentage, she is compassionate and empathetic to a fault, feeling genuine upset at the idea of harm coming to others. Furthermore, the main reason you're going to be sent there to help her is because she's trying to rehabilitate sinners and get them into Heaven."

Shio: (surprised) "Wait what?"

Sougo: "Believe me, I was surprised and shocked as you were. But after hearing his explanation, I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Besides I think it would be good for you to help an old friend of yours. Charlie will need your help."

Hearing what his father said got Shio confused. His father spoke as if he knew Charlie, yet he doesn't remember meeting her to begin with. It was impossible since he can't recall ever meeting the Princess of Hell herself.

Shio: (confused) "Dad what are you talking about? I never even met this girl to begin with. Much less someone who is Royalty from Hell itself."

Valure: "On the contrary you actually did meet her before. In fact, you also met both Lucifer and Lilith when you were a child."

Sougo: (nods) "He's right. Shio you actually did meet her before. You were six years old when we went on that vacation to America. We were at a playground and you playing on the jungle gym until you met a girl named Charlie. The same for her family. You've also met them in the past."

Shio: (confused) "What? But how can that be? Aren't they supposed to be from an alternate Earth? One from a separate multiverse?"

Valure: "Well there was an incident years ago, during your childhood. The barrier that separates our two multiverses had temporarily wreaked which allowed beings from the alternate universe to come to outs. It was an accident if you will. One that temporarily connected our two universes together at one point before being separated. You see, Lucifer and Lilith took their child Charlie to Earth for the first time as she was always curious as to how humans were. Of course, Lucifer and Lilith initially thought they were taking their daughter to their version of Earth, not knowing they had just entered into an alternate version entirely."

Sougo: "That was when we first met them. You remember when you were six and I took you to America for a vacation? On our last day, I took you to a playground and it was here you played with a little girl with blonde hair. That was when we also met Lucifer and Lilith. Of course, they used different names to cover their identities at the time."

Shio blinked at he heard this. His faced scrunched as he tries to remember a time he actually did go to America and played at the park as a child. All of a sudden, something in the back of his mind clicked as a memory his long thought forgotten had reappeared.


The scene shifts to show a 6-year-old Shio 'Jūbei' Akechi playing on the playground as his father watches from afar while sitting on a bench. The two were in America for a vacation trip. They were to leave for tomorrow to go back to Japan, but Sougo though it would be a good idea to spend their last day at the park for a day of relaxation.

As Shio continued to play and go down the slides, his eyes soon caught sight of a family strolling through the park. He didn't know why, but he felt there was something off about them. The entire family were blondes with a little girl around his age. Maybe a year younger.

Shio just shrugged and didn't pay much attention as he went back to playing. However, a few minutes later, he soon caught sight of that same little girl playing at the jungle gym. As she was playing, he watched as she accidentally began to fall down. She screamed, however before she fell down, Shio was quick and was soon able to catch her. As Shio held the girl, the two locked eyes as he asked if she was okay out of concern.

Shio: (concerned) "Are you okay?"

???: (nervous nod) "Y-Yeah. Thanks."

He nods as he gently sets her down. The two looked at each other before the girl introduced herself.

Charlie: "My name is Charlotte, but I like to be called Charlie instead."

Shio: (nods) "My name is Shio. It's nice to meet you."

Charlie: "Can you help push me at the swing set?"

She points to the empty swing set. Shio looks at where she's pointing at and the looks back at her with a nod.

Shio: (nods) "Sure."

The two make their way over to the swing set and Charlie sits down as Ship pushes her. She laughs as she goes high, telling Shio to push higher.

Charlie: (laughs) "Higher! Higher!"

Shio: (smiles) "Okay!"

As the two children were playing, Charlie's parents saw what was happening and were curious as to who the boy was playing with their daughter.

Lucifer: (curious) "Now who is that boy playing with our daughter?"

Lilith: (curious) "I'm not sure dear. But it appears she's having a fun time with him."

Lucifer: "Hm..." 

Later, it got late as both Shio and Charlie were forced to leave the park. The two walked together when their parents met them.

Lilith: (smiles) "Charlotte dear? Did you have fun?"

Charlie: (smiles) "Yup! And I made a new friend!"

She grabs Shio's arm and pulls him towards her, hugging the limb tightly.

Charlie: (smiles) "His name is Shio! These are my parents!"

Shio: (nervous smile) "Oh um... hi?"

He smiled nervously as both Lilith and Lucifer looked at each other before giving him a smile.

Lilith: (smiles) "Well hello here young man. Thank you for playing with our daughter. She's doesn't have that many friends."

Lucifer: (smiles) "Indeed. So, it is refreshing to see her getting along with children her age."

Shio: (nods) "Of course. I had fun playing with her."

Lilith: (curious) "Come to think of it, are you here alone?"

Shio: "I'm here with my father actually. He brought be here to the park."

Lucifer: "And just where is your father?"

Sougo: "That would be me actually."

The parents looked over to see Sougo coming towards them. Shio rushed and hugged his dad as the man introduced. himself.

Sougo: (smiles) "I'm Sougo Tokiwa. This here is my son Shio Tokiwa. May I ask who you two are and who this little girl is who played with my son?"

Lucifer: (smiles) "Greetings. I am... Lucas. Lucas Morningstar. This here is my wife Lily and my daughter Charlotte, but she likes to be called Charlie most of the time."

Sougo: (smiles) "It's a pleasure to meet you all. I hope my son didn't cause any problems for your daughter."

Lilith: (smiles) "On the contrary, it's quite the opposite. Your son has shown our daughter a wonderful time here. He makes her happy and as a mother, I'm glad to see my daughter had fun. Judging by your names, you both do sound Japanese."

Sougo: "Well we are actually from Japan. We just came here to America for a vacation."

Charlie looked at her new friend in surprise.

Charlie: (surprised) "You're from Japan?"

Shio: (smiles and nods) "Hai, watashi wa nihonjindesu. Nihon kara kimashita." (Yes, I'm Japanese. I came from Japan.)

Charlie: (confused) "Huh?"

Shio: (smiles) "I said, yes I'm from Japan. I came here for a vacation with my father."

The parents chuckled at this before Sougo spoke again.

Sougo: "I'm sorry but it's getting late now. Its best we get going."

Lucifer: (nods) "I agree. Come Charlie. Let's us."

Charlie: (nods) "Okay. Will I see you again?"

She looks at Shio and soon notices the look of sadness on his face. Sougo saw this and gently knelt down in front of her.

Sougo: (sad smile) "I'm sorry little girl but we probably won't be seeing each other again. Tomorrow me and my son have to leave and go back to Japan. This is goodbye I'm afraid."

Charlie: (sad look) "What? No!"

Charlie immediately grabbed Shio and hugged him, causing the little boy to blush. A few seconds later, the parents pulled their children away. However, walked up to Charlie and gently grabbed her hands, causing the little girl to blush. Sougo and Lilith couldn't help but find this adorable. But Lucifer's eye twitched seeing a boy hold his daughter's hands. Shio gave Charlie a reassuring smile.

Shio: (reassuring smile) "Hey don't feel sad. Maybe someday we'll see each other again. And then we can play again."

Charlie: "Really?"

Shio: (nods) "Yeah. Maybe we won't be seeing each other for a long time. But I'm sure if we do we can be friends again. Okay."

Charlie: (smiles) "Yeah! Okay!"

The two kids hugged each other again before leaving the park with their parents. As they were leaving, the two children waved to each other goodbye one last time before never seeing each other again for a long time.


By the time the memory sequence was over. Shio is shocked to his core when he now remembers that same little girl he once met in that park. 

Shio: (shocked) "Oh my gosh..."

Sougo: (nods) "Indeed. Though you two have met only one, the two of you were indeed friends. Of course, that was the last time the two of you would ever see each other again until now."

Valure: "Which now brings us back towards our main point. As I've said, Charlie seeks to better the lives of the people of Hell. Indeed, there are souls there who deserves damnation for their crimes and sins. However, there are souls who have been wrongfully sent there for sins that are either considered minor or don't even matter to begin with. I hope that your appearance in Hell will help correct the mistakes going on in Heaven. Heaven is not how it used to be, and I wish for you to hopefully set things straight."

Hearing this got Shio confused, wondering just what Valure meant by that.

Shio: (confused) "Huh? What's wrong with Heaven?"

Valure: "In the beginning, Heaven was a place of happiness and wonder. It was a place where the good and pure were allowed to enter. However, the Angels had begun to expand creation. As the years passed, Heaven was governed by a Council of Elders who were firm believers in 'Law and Order'. Their view on life is that of Black and White. They were not fond of the idea of 'Free Will' as you human would say."

Shio: (confused) "But what about God? Wasn't he the one who wanted to give humanity free will to begin with?"

Valure: (shakes head) "Though that is indeed what you've been taught, unfortunately that is far from the truth. On this alternate Earth, there is no God. He does not exist in this universe. Instead, it was merely just the Angels who created Heaven and Earth."

Shio: (confused) "Wait God doesn't exist in this Universe?"

Valure: (nods) "That's right. Because this universe we plan to send you is one created by us. We are the creators of Heaven, Hell, and Earth. In this universe, we created the Angel of Heaven."

This got Shio to widen his eyes in utter shock by this information.

Shio: (wide eyes) "You created Heaven and its Angels?"

Valure: (nods) "Yes. But we will explain that part later. Back to the matter at hand, it was not the Angels of Heaven who gave humans free will but rather it is someone who is seen as the ultimate evil in the Bible. That person being Lucifer himself."

The Kamen Rider widens his eyes hearing this.

Shio: (wide eyes) "What?"

Valure: (nods) "It's true. Lucifer is the one responsible and is the reason as to why humanity is given free will to begin with. Because of that 'Free Will', humanity misused it and thus allowed evil into the world. While Hell was indeed created, it got worse when Heaven made the heartless decision to begin the annual extermination event."

Shio: (confused) "Extermination?"

Valure: "To know that I believe it is best that we go back to the very beginning of creation. How we created this universe until it became what it is now."

The Wise One waves his hand, and an image appears as it being played like a video.

Valure: "After our war against the Dark Ones, life was allowed to return, and the multiverse thrived. However, that war had also gave birth to other multiverses which had their own alternate universes. We watched and explored, seeing civilizations rise and fall while also having their own cultures and religions. With us Wise Ones now left to our own devices, we grew curious and sought to create life ourselves in the form of what you humans would call a 'science experiment'. Out of curiosity, we would first create Heavenly beings you know in the Bible as Angels. The first of the Angels we created where the Archangels or as they would later be known as the Archangels. We would guide them and teach them as if they were our own children."

The Wise One showed the Kamen Rider how the Wise Ones created the Angels which in turn lead to the creation of Heaven. Shio watches as the Primordial beings of light were teaching their 'children' the ideals of wisdom and compassion.

Valure: "Eventually we created a universe in the form of the big bang and the Angels were meant to inhabit it. Soon we decided to leave them to their own devices and erased their memories while they still held onto our teachings, wishing for our creations to grow and create on their own."

Shio saw what looked like Biblically accurate Angels, only they looked 'somewhat' more humanoid compared to looking like Eldritch entities.

Valure: "However, out all the Angels of Heaven, there was one Angel who stood out amongst all the others. That Angel being Lucifer."

He reveals an image showing Lucifer in all his glory as he spreads out his six wings.

Valure: "Everything was good and peaceful, but Lucifer was a dreamer with fantastical ideas for all of creation. Though his intentions were considered good and pure at the time, this was not seen in a good light by the other Angels. He was seen as a troublemaker by the Elders of Heaven for they felt that his way of thinking was considered dangerous to their world."

Shio: (confused) "I thought that Lucifer was well loved by the Angels of Heaven but fell due to his pride and jealously against humanity."

Valure: "That maybe what's written in the Bible, but that's not how it really happened in this universe. After all, real life is far different compared to what's written in the story books. Despite Lucifer being one of the highest-ranking Angels at the time, he was despised and looked down upon by the other Angels. The Angels you grew up learning in the Bible are not the same ones as for who they really are in Heaven. Angels are strict on the concepts of Law and Order, demanding unquestionable loyalty and to follow orders without questions. They do not approve of the concepts of 'Free Will' as they see it as the root of all evil, evident by what's happened during the events of the Garden of Eden."

Shio: (confused) "Didn't you teach them the importance of Free Will?"

Valure: (shakes head) "No. We didn't at the time as we were already gone when our creations made their version of Earth. You see, when Earth was created, the Angels used the dust of the Earth and breathed life, creating Adam and Lilith. The first two humans to walk the Earth. They were created to be equals as the first of humanity, but Adam demanded control and Lilith refused to submit to her control, forcing her to flee the Garden."

Shio: "I take it this was when she met Lucifer?"

He had read some stories where Lilith met Lucifer and she was his lover.

Valure: (nods) "Yes. Drawn in by her fierce independence, Lucifer found her, and the two rebellious dreamers fell deeply in love. Together, they wished to share the magic of free will and so they made their way to the Tree of Knowledge. From there, they plucked an apple and gave it to Eve, Adam's new wife who was created after Lilith left. The pair wanted to share the 'Magic of Free Will'. However, when she took the first bite, the 'gift' came with a curse for this single act of disobedience had allowed evil to claim dominion over the Earth."

Shio: "The Fall of Man. But didn't Adam eat the fruit as well?"

Valure: (shakes head) "No. In this universe, despite what the Bible says, he never ate the forbidden fruit. Thus, he was allowed into Heaven and live his life there. Anyway, due to Lucifer and Lilith actions of bringing sin into the world, they had created a new realm of Darkness you would know as Hell. The order that Heaven desperately tried to maintain had been shattered and as punishment, Lucifer and Lilith were banished to Hell."

Shio: (confused) "What about the 'War in Heaven'? I thought he plunged 'Paradise' into a bloody Civil War."

Valure: (shakes head) "Not in this Universe. In this world, that was just a story made up by the Angels. There never really was a war to begin with. Moving on, while Lucifer would give up on his dream for Free Will, Lilith would thrive in her new domain. She would empower demon kind because as the numbers of Hell grew, so did its power. However, this was seen as that threat by Heaven as they made what could only be described as a heartless decision."

Shio: "I take it this is when you're gonna talk about the extermination?"

Valure: (nods) "Under orders by the Heavenly council, it was decided that every year, they would send down an army, an Extermination to ensure Hell and its sinners could never rise against them. Every year they would massacre Hells population and ensure they would never be a threat. I know you must think this is justified, but you need to understand that not all the denizens of Hell are truly evil. In truth, Heaven is corrupt to its very core. And humans suffer under their reign. You see, even after making mistakes or using self-defense to protect yourself, Heaven sees this as a sin and immediately damns that person to Hell. An example is killing an abusive rapist out of self-defense. That's seen as murder and immediately gets you sent to Hell. Stealing just to survive or to help others is also seen as a sin as Heaven damns them to Hell. Even females who are captured and raped are instantly seen as committing the sin of lust and thus damned to Hell. The point I'm making is that no matter how good a person is in life, if they even make a SINGLE mistake. A SINGLE 'sin', even if it is for a good and justifiable reason, Heaven will turn a blind eye and damn you to Hell."

Hearing this horrified Shio and it was proven true when Valure manifested the truth right in front of him. He sees good people getting into bad situation and are punished for it, leading to Hell. This also angered him because while he understood there were indeed individuals who deserve to go to Hell, there were people do deserve a second chance. He then looks at the Wise One with a horrified expression on his face.

Shio: (horrified) "How... How long have you known about this?"

Valure: (sigh) "We knew centuries ago. We watched, hoping our children would change their ways but it's clear they won't Hence why we're having this discussion right now. Even since we left the Angels to their own devices, we've seen then essentially run Heaven like some corporation. And I'm talking about the corrupt and careless kind of corporation, a place where the rich get richer, and the poor person be damned."

By now this honestly got Shio worried. If Heaven was essentially run by a corrupt dictatorship, this able made him scared about the fate of his deceased parents. It made him wonder if his parents did go to place considered Paradise. This didn't go unnoticed by Valure as he knew what he was thinking.

Valure: "I know what you're thinking, and I assure you that your parents are indeed in a better place. After their deaths, your parents are indeed in Paradise. They're aware of your actions and what you've done. They're proud of you but they do indeed regret leaving you in this world alone. Although, they're just glad someone found you and took care of you."

Hearing brought a sigh of relief for Shio. He was close to tears learning that his parents were aware of what he's done and how they're proud of him. Sougo gently rubbed the back of his son as he saw him beginning to sob.

Valure: "As for you Mr. Tokiwa, his parents are aware of you and how you took care of their son. They're grateful to you and are glad they you helped raise their child to be the man he is today."

Sougo smiled at that and nodded, happy to learn that Shio's deceased parents appreciated what he's done for their child. However, he now believed there were more pressing matters to deal with.

Sougo: (bows) "I thank you for your kind words, Valure. However, I believe it's we get back to the main point as to why you're here."

Valure: (nods) "Of course."

The Wise One then turns back to Shio.

Valure: "Shio, I understand that your days of fighting are now over, and I don't blame you if you don't want to go back fighting. But there are people who need your help. It's a lot to ask and I know there are indeed souls in Hell that do deserve damnation for their crimes. But there are indeed souls who deserve a second chance who only ended up there due to unfortunate circumstances. I can't force you to go there and I understand if you wish to refuse. But there are indeed people who need your help and you're the man for the job. Given how this universe is run, it cannot be allowed to go on. But as I've said, if you wish to remain here and live your life... then I suppose I understand."

Shio lowers his head as he begins to think about everything, he's learned so far. He didn't want to go on some 'grand adventure'. He honestly wished to just put this whole Kamen Rider business behind him and go back to having a normal life. However, now he's being visited and told to once again to suit up and fight. Of course, he now had to contend with the fact there's a universe where not only are Heaven and Hell real, but the whole system that governs them are all broken to their very core. This indeed angered him as he knows there are souls who were unjustly sent to Hell while there are souls who are indeed scumbags yet are allowed to go to Heaven.

Just as he was thinking longer and trying to come up with an answer, his father spoke up as he gave him some advice.

Sougo: "Son, as much as you don't want to hear this, there indeed will come a time where people will know about your powers. There are going to be a lot of people who are going to tell you how to use your powers, but it's up to you to make those decisions. You need to decide on what kind of person who wish to be. The choices you make are entirely your own and it's all up to you. However, I do ask that whatever choices you decide on... you make the RIGHT ones."

Hearing this made Shio think on his father's words. He then remembers growing up and how his father instilled into him a strong moral code on what's right and wrong. Finally, Shio spoke up as he looked a Valure and gave him his answer.

Shio: (nods) "...... I'll do it."

Valure: (nods) "Very well."

The Wise One stands up and lifts up the palm of his hand. Suddenly the area in front of them glowed blue before a portal opened up right in front of them.

Shio stands up, knowing full well it was his time to leave and go to Hell. He felt nervous that he's going to be meeting Lucifer's daughter as Valure turned to him.

Valure: "Take that portal. It will send you to Hell where you'll arrive at a place called Pentagram City. It's where you'll find Princess Charlie."

Shio: (nods) "Got it."

The Kamen Rider was about to leave before feeling a hand on his shoulder. Turning around, he saw his father speaking to him one last time.

Sougo: "Shio, promise me that no matter what happens, you'll be safe. This is Hell after and if it's as bad as they say it is, be sure you know what you're doing. Just... don't do anything stupid that will put your life in jeopardy, okay?"

Shio: (nods) "I will dad. I promise." 

Nodding, Sougo let his son go as Shio approached the portal. Taking a deep breath, the Kamen Rider entered the portal and goes to Hell.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

Elsewhere, the scene shifts to show a large city that's currently engulfed in chaos and anarchy. In truth, this place is literally Hell itself. Specifically in the Pride Ring called Pentagram City.

Just then, a blue portal opens up and it reveals to be Shio. Once stepping out and the portal closes behind him, he looks around as Shio finds himself in an alleyway.

Shio: (confused) "Where am I? Is this Hell?"

Shio looks up and glances up, only to be with a red sky with a giant red pentagram symbol. Widening his eyes, he sneakily gets out of the alleyway and looks around to see that he's in a town. However, what really gets his attention was the sight of a billboard that literally says, 'WELCOME TO HELL'.

He blinks in surprise as Shio realizes that he really is in Hell.

Shio: (surprised) "Huh... well now this is something I didn't expect. Thought this place would be more of a wasteland and not a city."

Still hiding, Shio glances around and sees demon walking around. Of course, he can see that some were either fighting and killing each other or just trying to survive. Regardless, he needed to hide himself until he can find Charlie. Using his powers, he puts on a disguise that covers his face and puts the black hood over his head. He then closes his eyes and used his power of Nigh-Omniscience to know everything he can about Hell.

He learns that the 'demons' here in this city were sinners who were once human souls before being condemned to Hell. Of course, there were other native-born demons in Hell such as Hellhounds, Imps, etc. However, what got his attention were the Overlords and the power they had here in Hell. Shio mentally reminded himself to be prepared should he be forced into a hostile confrontation against them.

After gathering all the information he needs, he's now ready to explore the city and hopefully find this 'Hotel' that run by the Princess of Hell. If she was indeed that very same girl he once met as a child, he hopes that she hasn't lost that innocence a long time ago.

Shio: (sigh) "... Well... Let's see what Hell has to offer."

The Kamen Rider makes his way into the city and begins exploring, preparing himself for whatever challenges await ahead.


(A/N: Finally done! I know you saw 'God', but I might change the image in case he has a different appearance, or he never shows up in the series, causing me to rewrite the prologue and remove the image. Again, it depends on how the series progresses. Anyway, the next chapter is the Pilot Episode where Shio meets Charlie and the gang.)

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