S1/Ep.0: That's Entertainment

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(A/N: Okay so here is the first episode. If you haven't watched the Pilot, there here you go. Watch it in order to avoid spoilers.)


(A/N: If you have watched this and is up to date, then enjoy the Chapter. I made some changes and additions in this episode.)


Episode Summary: Follow Charlie, the princess of Hell, as she pursues her seemingly impossible goal of rehabilitating demons to peacefully reduce overpopulation in her kingdom. After a yearly extermination imposed by angels, she opens a hotel in hopes that patients will be 'checking out' into Heaven. While most of Hell mocks her goal, her devoted partner Vaggie, and their first test subject, adult film-star Angel Dust, stick by her side. When a powerful entity known as the "Radio Demon" reaches out to Charlie to assist in her endeavors, her crazy dream is given a chance to become a reality.


(Opening: Hazbin Hotel Anime Opening)


(Opening Theme Ends)


(BGM: I'm Always Chasing Rainbows)


The scene opens with a voiceover of the princess of Hell singing as a black screen opens to show the words:

Spindle Horse


Charlie: "♫ At the end of the rainbow, there's happiness. ♫"

A human is shown falling down from the sky as a rainbow burst upwards through the clouds.

Charlie: "♫ And, to find it, how often I've tried. ♫"

The scene shows souls falling down and being damned to Hell as Charlie is seen being told off by her father.

Charlie: "♫ But, my life, is a race. Just a wild goose chase. ♫"

Camera pans over to where a figure was pointing at, which shows Hell being circled by Angels.

Charlie: "♫ And, my dreams, have all been denied. ♫"

The scene changes to show Charlie looked down and sad.

Charlie: "♫ Why have I always been a failure? What can the reason be? ♫"

A shadow of Lucifer looms over a disappointed Charlie as demonic arms and tentacles covers the screen.

Charlie: "♫ I wonder if the worlds to blame. ♫"

The Earth rotates as many eyes begin to surround it.

Charlie: "♫ I wonder if it could be me. ♫"

The Exorcists are seen smiling deviously as they look down upon the souls they have gotten rid of. The scene turns to black as the camera focuses on the middle Exorcist's face and halo.

Charlie: "♫ I'm always chasing rainbows. ♫"

The scene fades in on graffiti and signs that says 'Fuck You, Heaven'.

Charlie: "♫ Watching clouds drifting by. ♫"

More sights are shown like 'Punishment' and 'Your Days Are Numbered' can be seen throughout Hell.

Charlie: "♫ My schemes are just like all my dreams. ♫"

The scene changes to a balcony that reveals a young woman named Charlotte Morningstar or Charlie Magne, the daughter of Lucifer and Lilith.

Charlie: "♫ Ending in the sky. ♫"

Charlie heads towards the hotel's balcony as she releases fireworks that signals the rest of Hell that the extermination has ended.

Charlie: "♫ Some fellows look and find the sunshine. ♫"

A handful of demons are seen checking the area to see if the coast is all clear.

Charlie: "♫ I always look and find the rain. ♫"

An Overlord opens the blinds to her room, revealing the display of fireworks. The camera then proceeds to show a four-eyed Overlord, as well as Lucifer himself hiding in the shadows, present in the same room as her.

Charlie: "♫ Some fellows make a winning sometime. ♫"

At The Porn Studios, Velvette takes a selfie with Vox whereas Valentino is not amused when he sees that he got a text from his employee.

Charlie: "♫ I never even make a gain. ♫"

Two demons check to see if Franklin is still alive and proceed to head offscreen as the cannibals waiting nearby pounce onto her dead body.

Charlie: "♫ Believe me. ♫"

Rosie then crosses out Franklin's name from the sign above their business.]

Charlie: "♫ I'm always chasing rainbows. ♫"

A demon can be seen cleaning up what's been left of the extermination as other demons begin to freely walk about in the open. Back with Charlie, she's seen having tears stream down her eyes as she finished the song.

Charlie: (crying) "♫ Waiting to find a little bluebird... in vain. ♫"

Charlie looks back at the Clock Tower as it resets the timer for the next yearly cleanse. On the Clock Tower shows multiple posters but the biggest kicked is the painting of a menacing demonic figure with a malevolent smile on its face.

(Background Music Ends)

Soon the screen goes black and then reveals the title showing the words 'Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel'.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

Unknown to Charlie, Shio had listened to her song as he hid from across the building on the other side. He had just arrived minutes earlier as he saw Charlie approached the balcony. No one saw him as he used his powers to make himself invisible and hide his energy signature from Hell's population. It was a useful ability he obtained after becoming a Celestial God. Given the fact he now has the power to do whatever he wants, making himself undetectable was easy as pie.

So, as he was exploring Hell, he was able to locate Charlie and head to her location. Wanting to know just who he was dealing with, Shio decided to hide himself as he observed her from afar. When he saw Charlie for the first time, he was honestly surprised by her appearance and was then taken aback when he listened to her sing. Hearing her sing made him mesmerized before getting out of the trance. Honestly, he didn't trust her at first, so he used his powers to look into her past and see who Charlie really is as a person. Using his time manipulation, he glimpsed into Charlie's past life to see all the events leading up to her right now.

Sure, he knew this was an invasion of privacy, but come on. He was literally in Hell right now. He had to be prepared against the worst-case scenario. For all he knew, Charlie could've been evil, and he might have to fight her. Worst case scenario he might even had to kill her. So, he was surprised when he finds out that in her past, she actually and truly grew up to be a compassionate and benevolent person. Despite being the Princess of Hell and the Spawn of Lucifer, Shio can honestly say that Charlie grew up to be the very definition of what it means to be an Angel.

Sure, he saw she had her ups and downs, but he saw Charlie grow to be a mature and compassionate person. Of course, he knows about her current relationship with a girl named Vaggie who he presumes to be a sinner, but he also knows about the past relationship with a guy called Seviathan von Eldritch until she broke up with him. But he was also greatly surprised when he learns that currently Lucifer and Lilith were in a divorce and haven't seen each other for years.

Of course, he was pretty annoyed and angry that Lucifer practically ignored his daughter and disapproved his daughter's dreams of rehabilitating demons. As such, the pair haven't seen each other in years, leaving Charlie to basically fend for herself. Remembering his mission, he was determined to actually help Charlie and make sure her dreams come true for redeeming demons. He just hopes this doesn't backfire and cause trouble.

After learning all he needs from her, he snaps back to reality.

Shio: (whisper) "Well... maybe she won't be so bad after all. I guess after all these years... you're still that same little girl I once played with at the park."

The Kamen Rider watches Charlie go back to her room as a Limo appears at the doorstep. After a few minutes, Charlie comes back out and enter the Limo as it drives off to who knows where. Not wanting to lose her, Shio unfurls his wings and secretly follows Charlie as he chases after the Limo.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

The scene changes to the Clock Tower and screaming is heard as a sinner has fallen into Hell, resulting in him being transformed into a demon. 

Four-Armed Demon: "AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!"

He falls face-first onto the road and is surprised to see that he is still 'alive'.

Four-Armed Demon: (groans) "Ugh. Huh?"

 He checks himself and is overjoyed to be fine.

Four-Armed Demon: (surprised) "Oh! I'm alive! I'm alive-"

Suddenly he gets run over by a Taxi and stops at the side of the road. The door opens to reveal a Gay Porn Star with white fur and the appearance of an anthropomorphic spider named Angel Dust.

???: (snickers) "Heh. Thanks for the fun time, hot stuff!"

Angel pushes his hand through his hair and closes the door.

Angel: "Yeah, yeah, listen."

He fixes his hair more as he continues.

Angel: "Keep this discreet, you hear me? I can't let it get out I'm offerin' my services to randos on the street! It was a quick cash grab.

He makes a gesture with his fingers and snaps his fingers at him, smiling.

Angel: (smiles) "Ya got it?"

The Demon Sinner in question is shown to have black fur who is named Travis.

Travis: (laughs) "Pfft! Whatever you say, slut! Muhehehehehehe!"

The Porn Star pretends to feel offended before turning back to him.

Angel: "Ouch! Ooh! Such an insult! Let me know when you've come up with something creative to call me..."

He looms over Travis and points at him with all his index fingers through the Taxi.

Angel: (smirks) "... you sack of poorly packaged horse shit! Tell the missus I said 'hi'."

He does a quick kiss on his lips before backing away.

Angel: (smirks) "Shnuckums!"

This makes the demon feel defeated as he rolls up the window and prepares to drive off.

Travis: (annoyed) "Pack a - puh..."

As Travis angrily drives off, resulting in a car crash down the road. Back with Angel Dust, he looks behind him to see a vending machine for his namesake drugs. He goes for the 'Angel Dust' and smirks. As he gets a hold of it, a random demon runs by and steals his drugs.

Feathered Demon: (smirks) "Yoink!"

Angel: (annoyed) "Hey!"

Feathered Demon: (smirks) "Up yours, drag show!"

Just as he was about to escape, a large boulder falls out of the sky and completely crushes the feathered demon alongside Angel's drugs. Angel gasps in horror seeing this.

Angel: (horrified gasp) "Oh, my GOD!"

He leans in to pick up what's left of his pack of drugs with a devastated look on his face.

Angel: (devastated) "MY DRUGS!"

He clenches the cloth angrily.

Angel: (angry) "Damn it!"

Just then, Angel glances upwards to see a warship passing by, firing its weapons and destroying everything in its surroundings.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

The camera zooms in on the war ship, revealing a snake like demon named Sir Pentious.

Also, inside the ship are his henchmen known as the Egg Bois.

The snake sinner is operating the controls to his ship as he laughs manically.

Sir Pentious: (maniacal laugh) "Ahahahahahahahahahahah! Those other cowardly ssssinners dare not hinder my territorial take over! A wise decision! The power of my machines are unmatched!"

He proceeds to push two levers as his hood flares open.

Sir Pentious: (smirks) "No other demon can compare to the likesss of I!"

Egg Boi #23: (smiles) "Gee! That was pretty swell, boss!"

Egg Boi #666: (smiles) "Yeah!"

Other Egg Boi: (smiles) "You really showed them what for! I liked when you shot them with your ray gun!"

 He hand mimics the action of a shooting ray gun before getting slapped away by Sir Pentious.

Egg Boi #23: (sad tone) "I wish he'd shoot me with his ray gun!"

The other Egg Boi pats him in sympathy. Sir Pentious shifts his eyes in annoyance bfore flaring his hood open.

Sir Pentious: (smiles) "At this rate, I will seize control of the entire west side of The Pentagram by day's end!"

He pushes a few buttons and pulls the levers towards him.

Sir Pentious: (smiles) "And nothing, not a single beast in this inferno of suffering will be able to take back this empire from..."

He squeezes an Egg Boi with his tail, nearly killing him.

Sir Pentious: (smiles) "... my constrictive grasp!"

An Egg Boi suddenly pops on screen and pops open a bottle of whiskey onto Sir Pent's face. Sir Pent proceeds to swat said Egg Boi aside and throw the other one away.

Random Egg Boi: (cheers) "Oh, boy!"

Ignoring the idiocy from his henchmen, Sir Pentious had a sinister smile as he feels as though he's achieved victory.

Sir Pentious: (sinister smile) "Hell will be mine! And everybody will know the name of Sir Pen-!"

Suddenly he was interrupted when someone yelled at him, catching Sir Pentious and the Egg Bois off guard.

???: "EDGELORD!"

The snake demon takes offense to this interruption.

Sir Pentious: (offended) "Pardon?!"

He looks around angrily and eyes the two Egg Bois behind him.

Sir Pentious: (glares) "Who said that?! What did you just say to me, you fried chicken fetuses?! (hisses) Speak up!"

Random Egg Bois: (petrified) "That wasn't us, Mr. Bossman."

Suddenly they can all hear sizzling when suddenly a small bomb with a print of a skull on it breaks through the window of Sir Pent's ship. It then lands right between Sir Pent and the two Egg Bois. This freaks them out as the bomb proceeds to blow up, leaving red smoke behind.

Sir Pentious coughs and hacks as he tries to get rid of the red smoke caused by the bomb. As the smoke clears up, the owner of the scream is revealed to be a girl who looks like to be a cyclops with an X as a pupil named Cherri Bomb as she prepares another bomb in hand.

Cherri Bomb: (smirks) "You lookin' for a fight, old man?!"

She juggles around her cherry bomb.

Cherri Bomb: (smirks) "Why don't you get that tinker toy bullshit off my turf before I..."

Proceeds to throw and catch the bomb.

Cherri Bomb: (smirks) "... smash it?!"

A large pipe falls on top of an already dead Egg Boi, crushing him as Sir Pent and Cherri momentarily look at the carnage.

Cherri Bomb: (grins sadistically) "... More!"

Sir Pentious: (hood flares open) "Oh! You wanna go, missy?! Well, I'm happy to oblige! Ahahah!"

The snake demon sinner is then backed up by his henchmen of Egg Bois as they're all armed to the teeth with various weapons.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

The scene changes to show the logo for 666 News is shown on a black background.

It is followed by the day's newscast of Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench.

Katie: (smiles) "Good afternoon, I'm Katie Killjoy."

Tom: (smiles) "And I'm Tom Trench! Chaos out at Pentagram City today as a turf war is raging on the west side!"

An image of Sir Pentious is shown trying to be hip, followed by a drawing of Cherri flipping the bird is shown.

Tom: (smiles) "Between notable kingpin, Sir Pentious, and self-proclaimed spunky powerhouse, Cherri Bomb!"

Katie: (smiles) "That's right, Tom! After the recent extermination, many areas are now up for grabs!"

A live clip of Cherri and Sir Pentious's clash is shown. Cherri grabs one of the Egg Bois and throws it at Sir Pentious before the snake demon grabs his henchmen and throws it back at the Bomber Sinner.

Katie: (smiles) "Demons all over Hell are already duking it out to gain new territory!"

Undeterred, Cherri is shown chucks the bomb upwards before grabbing the random Egg Bois and snap his shell wide open. She grabs the bomb and places it inside the shell of the dead Egg Bois before hurling it back against Sir Pentious.

Tom: "Those two seem to be really going at it, huh?"

The final scene shows Sir Pentious being mortified as the egg impacts him and explodes.

Katie: (smiles) "Looks like they're fighting tooth and nail..."

She literally fishes out a tooth and a nail respectively from her mug of coffee... 

Katie: (smiles) "... for that hot spot!"

... before proceeding to swallow said tooth and nail.

Tom looks over at the live broadcast, focusing on Cherri as he wiggles his eyebrows.

Tom: (wiggles eyebrow) "And I'd sure like to nail her hot spot! Hoohoo!"

Katie: (laughs) "Haha, you are a limp-dick jackass, Tom! Or should I say..."

She pours scalding hot coffee onto Tom's crotch, causing him to convulse and curls in agonizing pain.

Katie: (smirks) "... no dick?"

Tom: (painful groan) "Ugh...not again!"

A pop-up screen shows a picture of Charlie as Tom can still be heard whimpering in pain in the background.

Katie: (smiles) "Coming up next, we have an exclusive interview with the daughter of Hell's own head honcho who's here to discuss her brand new passion project! All that and more, after the break!"

She crushes her mug in her hand and turns to Trench who's still in pain.

Katie: (glares) "Suck it up, you little bi-!"

The news cast cuts off and goes on a commercial break with the words 'OFF-AIR' on screen.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

The scene changes and pans out to a nearby screen, focusing on Charlie and her girlfriend as she fixes Charlie's bow. The girlfriend in question is shown to have gray-lavender skin with a slate-gray eyepatch that sports a red pink 'X' shape on her left eye.  Her name is Vaggie.

In truth, Vaggie was actually a former Exterminator Angel before she was cast out due to showing mercy, thus making her a 'Fallen Angel'. Of course, Charlie doesn't know that and Vaggie wishes to keep it that way.

Vaggie: (exhales) "Okay. You remember what to say?"

Charlie: (inhales and smiles) "Yes! Let's do this!"

Vaggie speaks in both a serious and worried tone.

Vaggie: (serious and worried tone) "Just, look at me and I'll mouth it to you."

The Princess of Hell sighs as she bends backwards before speaking.

Charlie: (sigh) "Come on, Vaggie! I know what to say!"

She walks over to where the counter filled with donuts are.

Charlie: "I just feel like we need to...I don't know..."

She grabs and throws a doughnut away.

Charlie: "... make things sound more exciting!"

Suddenly she gasps as an idea pops into her head.

Charlie: (gasp) "Hooo! What if I si-"

Vaggie cuts her girlfriend off as she knows what she's gonna say.

Vaggie: (smiles) "Sing a song about it?"

Charlie: (smiles) "You knew I was gonna say that!"

She boops Vaggie on the nose as her girlfriends fixes her bow again.

Vaggie: (smiles) "Because I know you. But please don't sing!"

She gently shakes Charlie.

Vaggie: (worried) "This is serious!"

Charlie: "Well, you know, I'm better at expressing myself and my goals through song!"

Charlie stands on the table where two goat like demons named Razzle and Dazzle are happily munching on doughnuts, watching her.

Vaggie: (worried) "But life isn't a musical, hon."

Vaggie places her hands on her hips as Charlie looks a bit dejected before beaming with happiness again.

Charlie: "Fine. But I have these other ideas of what to say!"

She starts bouncing a bit as she shows Vaggie a piece of paper.

Charlie: (smiles) "The highlighted bits are the best part!"

The Fallen Angel squints her eyes as he looks at the paper.

Vaggie: (worried) "Uh, it's all highlighted. Is this a drawing...?"

The picture shows a 6-step instruction with the final part showing a drawing of demons with Halos over their heads while standing on a cloud and a rainbow above them.

Charlie: (excited smile) "Yes! That's the happy ending, see?!"

She begins to fantasize about making her dreams a reality.

Charlie: (excited smile) "Everyone smiling and happy in Heaven!"

The Fallen Angel pinched the bridge of her nose as she doesn't think this is a good idea.

Vaggie: (worried) "I don't think it's that simple. Just please follow the talking points we went over. And (grabs Charlie to face her) do... not... sing!"

Charlie: (annoyed) "Okay, fiiiine."

The Princess of Hell then speaks in a 'manly voice' as she tries to be playful with Vaggie.

Charlie: "I'll just have to resort to my impeccable improv skills!"

She salutes to Vaggie as she walks over to Katie Killjoy while the Fallen Angel herself looks worried. Charlie is seen walking up to Katie Killjoy nervously as she tries to go for a handshake as the new anchor woman is seen smoking a cigarette.

Charlie: (nervous) "Hiii! I'm Charlie."

Katie: (annoyed glare) "Katie Killjoy."

She blows out the smoke of her cigarette and throws it away.

Katie: (mocking smirk) "I'd say it's a pleasure to meet you, but that would be a lie. And you can put that away."

She gestures to Charlie's hand.

Katie: (mocking smirk) "I don't touch the gays. I have standards!"

Charlie: (nervous) "Yeah? How's uh... how's that working out for ya?"

 She turns to look around nervously as on top of her show a sign saying 'HELL'S #1 News'.

Katie: (annoyed glare and smirks) "Look, my time is money. So, I'll keep this short."

She proceeds to poke Charlie on her chest before poking her on the nose.

Katie: (annoyed glare and smirks) "You're not here because we wanted you here. You're here because Jeffrey couldn't make it for his cannibal cooking segment."

A billboard of Jeffrey's cannibalism cooking show titled 'It's Dahm Good!' can be seen in the background. Katie has an arrogant smile as she fluffs her hair.

Katie: (arrogant smile) "You might be some royal big shot, but that doesn't mean shit to me. I'm too rich and too influential to give a flying fuck about what some tux-wearing demon 'Princess' wants to advertise.

Tom can be seen shaking his head in disapproval as Katie boasts about her wealth and influence on Charlie.

Charlie: (nervous) "But I-"

She cut off when Katie pokes her chest again to prove her point.

Katie: (arrogant smile) "So, don't get cute with me, honey, or I will FUCKING bury you!"

Just then, one of the News Staff is heard.

News Staff: "And we're live!"

Killjoy rushes back to her desk, holding papers while cracking her neck.

Katie: (smiles) "Welcome back! So, Charlotte!"

The spotlight flashes her way as Charlie smiles nervously.

Charlie: (nervous smile) "It's... Charlie."

Katie: (strained smile) "Whatever. Tell us about this new passion project you've been insistently pestering our news station about!"

It's clear the newswoman is trying desperately to hold her outburst by clenching her pen extremely tightly.

Charlie: (nervous) "Well..."

 The Princess looks around as Vaggie motions her to go on, allowing her to clear her throat and exhales.

Charlie: (sighs) "... as most of you know, I was born here in Hell and growing up, I always tried to see the good in everyone around me."

Killjoy looks board until she spots a slug and stabs it with her pen, causing the slug's blood bursts all over with sadistic glee.

Charlie: "Hell is my home and-"

She gets a bit of slug blood splattered across her cheek which she then wipes off before continuing.

Charlie: "-you are my people. We... we just went through another extermination."

Vaggie is seen giving Charlie two thumbs up as Killjoy quickly starts to lose interest.

Charlie: "We lost so many souls, and it breaks my heart to see my people being slaughtered every year. No one is even given..."

She slams fist on table, waking Killjoy up.

Charlie: "... a chance!"

She walks up from Killjoy's desk as she walks towards the audience.

Charlie: "I can't stand idly by while the place I live is subjected to such violence!"

She soon walks around the audience as she smiles.

Charlie: (smiles) "So, I've been thinking: Isn't there a more humane way to hinder overpopulation here in Hell? Perhaps we can create an alternative way to change souls through... redemption?"

She throws her arm around one of the News Cast's staff members.

Charlie: (smiles) "Well, I think yes! So, that's what this project aims to achieve!"

The Princess then returns to Killjoy's desk.

Charlie: "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm opening the first of its kind! A hotel that rehabilitates sinners!"

As soon as she said those words, everyone looked at her as if she had grown a second head. Furthermore, her broadcast is being shown at The Radio Shack, which many other demons are also watching by the streets and everywhere else in Hell. On TV, the silence causes Charlie to lose her confidence significantly.

Charlie: (nervous) "Y'know? 'Cause hotels are for people passin' through... temporarily..."

Inside a bar, a Lizard demon struggles to hold in his laughter as he can't believe what he's hearing.

Lizard Demon: (laughs) "Ahahaha! IS this girl for real?! She thinks- You hear what she thinks?! She thi- HAHA! Ah, she's nuts. 

He walks out of The Kaiju Klub with his friends. The scene cuts back to the demons watching her broadcast from The Radio Shack.

Charlie: "I think it'll serve a purpose... a place to work toward redemption... yay...!"

Outside the Radio Shack was Shio as he was watching the news. He had decided to leave Charlie be and head somewhere to where the news was being played, leading him here. Luckily none of the demon took notice of him as he continued to watch the news. Seeing how badly things were going for Charlie, the Kamen Rider couldn't help but feel bad for her.

Suddenly Shio feels a chill go down his spine as his eyes glance to the side to see a figure walking up to the new broadcast. Given the power he was radiating, Shio knew he was seeing an Overlord. He glances away, hoping the sinner won't take notice of him.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

Back inside the news studio, Vaggie looks on nervously but is angered when she hears what the cameraman says.

Cameraman Demon: (snickers) "Stupid bitch."

The Fallen Angel punches the cameraman square in the face, sending her flying back. For Charlie, she looks around saddened as she's not getting the response she wants.

Charlie: (saddened) "Look, every single one of you has something good, deep down inside. I know you do!"

She leans how on her elbows as she hold her head but then her eyes go wide with an idea.

Charlie: (smiles) "...Maybe I'm not getting through to you."

Soon both Razzle and Dazzle are then alerted that Charlie's about to sing and that she may need their back-up vocals. Vaggie takes notice of the and facepalms as she worried about what's to come.

Vaggie: (facepalms) "Oh, no..."

(BGM: Inside Of Every Demon Is A Rainbow)


Charlie snaps her fingers as the room turns dark and a spotlight is shown over a piano that Charlie, Razzle and Dazzle start performing on.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

Meanwhile, back at The Radio Shack, the Demon Overlord and his shadow can be seen tilting their heads curiously as their smiles widen.

Likewise, the other demons were curious as to what's going on. As for Shio, he's also gotten curious as he knows that Charlie apparently loves to sing. Of course, he glances at the Overlord warily as he gets himself ready in case he needs to make a break for it.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

Back in the News Studio, Charlie begins singing.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ I have a dream, I'm here to tell! ♫"

She walks away from the piano as two news staff look at each other.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ About a wonderful fantastic new hotel! ♫"

Charlie takes out a drawing of the 'Happy Hotel'.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ Yes, it's one-of-a-kind! Right here in Hell, catering to a specific clientele. ♫"

She faces the crowd and then boops Dazzle's nose as the two goat demons sings with her. 

Razzle and Dazzle: "♫ Oooh, ooh, ooh~ ♫"

Killjoy is in a confused shock while Trench looks around confused.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ Inside of every demon is a rainbow! ♫"

She throws her arm around the necks of two bird demons.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ Inside every sinner is a shiny smile! ♫"

She passes through a few demons before going underneath a hellhound's tail. As she was making it to the stage, she's also seen dodging attacks from a few demons trying to chop her down with eithers axes or meat cleavers.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ Inside of every creepy hatchet-wielding maniac is a jolly, happy cupcake-loving child! ♫"

She hands the masked demon a sparkling cupcake and pats his head.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ We can turn them 'round! ♫

She turns to face Killjoy and Trench.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ They'll be Heaven-bound! With just a little time, down at The Happy Hotel! ♫

The camera pans to the audience where Vaggie stands with a disappointed expression.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ So, all you junkies... ♫"

Takes out syringe from a doll demon's head.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ ... freaks... ♫"

Takes a pic with a Siamese twin demon in its cage.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ ... and weirdos. ♫"

Fends off a several-eyed blob demon.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ Creepers... ♫"

Stares at a snail demon out the window.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ ... fuck-ups... ♫"

Boops a couch demon on the nose.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ ... crooks, and zeroes... ♫"

Returns the stolen money to charity.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ ... and down-fallen superheroes... ♫"

Throws her hands behind the necks of two supervillain demons.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ ...help is here! ♫"

The scene changes to a water pier.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ All of you cretins... ♫"

She dips her hair into the water by the pier.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ ... sluts... ♫"

Holds out a pair of panties in disgust.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ ... and losers... ♫"

Calls her rival a loser.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ ... sexual deviants... ♫"

Backs away from the sex offenders.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ ... and boozers... ♫"

Turns to face a depressed demon.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫... and prescription drug abusers... ♫"

Throws away the drugs a blue demon is taking into a burning trash can, much to his utter horror.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫... need not fear! ♫"

The scene changes to what looked like a Hospital.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ Forever again... ♫"

A demon lands on a wheelchair and is pushed by Razzle towards Charlie and Dazzle.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ ... we'll cure your sin! ♫"

She shows the demon her clipboard which says 'Diagnosis: Evil' and then 'Prescription: Love + Fun 😇' - Dr. Charlie.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ We'll make you well... ♫"

Dazzle injects a happiness serum into the patient, which makes the demon shed a tear of what he's feeling, indicating he doesn't like it.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ ... you'll feel so swell! Right here in Hell... ♫"

She trails as she briefly turns to her full demonic form before going back to normal.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ ... at the Happy Hotel! ♫"

Razzle then continues to play more aggressively on the piano while Charlie slides over to Killjoy's right side.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ There'll be no more fire... ♫"

Hellfire appears before sliding over to Trench's left.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ ...and no more screams. ♫"

An image of demon screaming in agony are shown.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ Just puppy dog kisses... ♫"

She holds a dog close to her face... 

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ ...and cotton candy dreams ... ♫"

... and holds out a stick of cotton candy.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ ... and puffy-wuffy clouds... ♫"

She cuddles both the dog and cotton candy.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ ... you're gonna be like 'Wow!'. ♫"

The camera pans out showing the clouds forming the word 'Wow!'.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ Once you check in with meee ... ♫"

She shows a check-in chart.

Vaggie is seen with both her hands covering her face, completely embarrassed by what's going on and what her girlfriend is doing.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ So, all your cartoon porn addictions... ♫"

Confiscates a neckbeard demon's cartoon porn magazine.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ ... vegan rants... ♫"

Confiscates a vegan demon's Hellphone and takes a selfie with it.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ ... psychic predictions... ♫"

Confiscates the spell books and crystal ball of a psychic demon.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ ... ancient Roman crucifixions... ♫"

She avoids running into a crucified demon and knocks over two other crucified demons.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ ... end right here! ♫"

She throws away all the confiscated items off a cliff.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ All you monsters... ♫"

She clenches the hands of two monstruous demons.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ ... thieves, and crazies... ♫"

Points finger guns over a dog demon trying to steal baguettes from an insect demon whose hood flares open.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ ... cannibals... ♫"

Tempts the cannibals with a severed arm on a plate.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ ... and crying babies... ♫"

Looks at a possum mother and her rabid babies, annoyed.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ ... frothing mouths that's full of rabies filled with cheer! ♫"

Pulls a hellhound with rabies close to her into a hug.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ You'll be complete! ♫"

Charlie completes a puzzle demon as the camera pans out.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ It'll be so neat! ♫"

A wrecking ball demon destroys the puzzle demon as Charlie gives two thumbs up.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ Our service can't be beat! ♫"

Charlie is seen wearing a Hotel doorman uniform.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ You'll be on easy street, yes! ♫"

She leans into three demons before hugging all three of them, which also includes a demon sinner named Mimzy.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ Life will be sweet... ♫"

She briefly turns to her demonic form.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ ... at The Happy Hoteeel! ♫"

She twirls around happily in flames as she jumps up, revealing a land made of candies and sweets behind her.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ Yeah! ♫"

Finally, Charlie ends the song, rather exhausted as everyone in the news station looks at her with both utter and total disgust and disbelief.

(Background Music Ends)

========== (Scene Change) ==========

Back to where the Radio Shack is, Shio saw the whole thing and given the reactions by the demons, he couldn't help but look at her sympathetically. It was clear she had both good and benevolent intentions, but given the plane of existence he was in, the Kamen Rider knew this was no place for that kind of attitude.

As much as he didn't like to say or think this, Shio knew that someone was gonna have to slap this girl hard and make her face the true reality of the situation at hand.

Shio Thoughts: (quiet sigh) "Charlie... you idiot..."

========== (Scene Change) ==========

Back in the news studio, there was pure, deathly silence in the room for a few seconds until one demon spoke up to give his opinion.

Top Hat Demon: "Wow! ...That was shit!"

As soon as he said that everyone in the audience including Killjoy and Trench begin to laugh at Charlie. Charlie looks crushed and devastated and slumps back down to her seat. There was a boo section in the news and the demons look uninterested.

Blue Flame Demon: (deadpan) "Booooo!"

Katie: (mocking laugh) "What in the Nine Circles makes you think a single denizen of Hell would give two shits about becoming a better person?! You have no proof that this little experiment even works! You want people to be good?! Just... because?! 

Everyone continues to laugh as Charlie tries to explain herself.

Charlie: (hopeful tone) "Well... we have a patron already, who believes in our cause, and he's shown incredible progress!"

Hearing this causes Killjoy to have a feign shock.

Katie: (feign shock) "Oh? And who might that be?"

In a desperate attempt, Charlie tries to look both smug and confident.

Charlie: (smug and confident) "Oh, just someone named... Angel Dust!"

Tom: (confused) "The porn star?"

Killjoy turns to Trench menacingly as she scratches the table.

Katie: (menacing smile) "You fucking would, Tom!"

This causes him to look away as Killjoy turns back to Charlie.

Katie: (mocking smile) "In any case, that's not even an accomplishment. I'm sure you could get that hooker to do anything with enough booger sugar and lube."

She motions doing a handjob as Charlie tries to argue back.

Charlie: (glares) "Oh, I beg to differ!"

She begins counting her fingers to list all the things he's done.

Charlie: (glares) "He's been behaved, clean, and out of trouble for two weeks now."

Suddenly one of the news staff is heard about an upcoming development.

News Staff: "Breaking News!"

Grinning madly at this, Killjoy shoves Charlie off her desk as she gets back on the news.

Katie: (grins) "We are receiving word that a new player has entered the ongoing turf war! Let's go to the live feed."

The live feed on the news is played, showing Angel Dust himself stepping on an Egg Boi and throwing a grenade over at Sir Pentious with visible laughter in the background as Charlie stares at the screen in both defeat and horror.

Charlie: (horrified mutter) "Oh...shit."

Angel: [Live Feed] "I'm a bad person!"

Seeing this, Katie leans in behind Charlie as she has an arrogant smile on her face.

Katie: (arrogant smile) "'Oh, shit' indeed! It looks like the one who just joined the battle is none other than (feign gasp) porn actor, Angel Dust!"

A background image shows Angel Dust in a movie poster titled 'Angel Dust in Well, Ok!' (18+). Killjoy then turns to Charlie as she shakes her fist.

Katie: (arrogant smile) "What a juicy coincidence! You must feel really stupid, right now."

Both Killjoy and Trench proceed to laugh at Charlie as they do Jazz hands

Killjoy and Trench: (grins) Ratings!"

Charlie stares at the live feed in distress and attempts to block it from the audience's view. But to no avail as she just appears behind the live feed.

Charlie: (terrified) "Don't look at this!"

Katie: (mocking smile) "Well, it sure looks like your little project is dead on arrival."

She looms over Charlie as a shadowy figure as menacing red eyes stare back at her.

Katie: (mocking smile) "Tell us, how does it feel to be a total failure?"

Killjoy backs away as everyone in room starts bursting into laughter again. Charlie tries to think of a comeback until her eyes land on Killjoy's pen and she takes it.

Charlie: (glares) "Yeah, well... How does it feel that I got your pen, huh?!  ...Bitch!"

As soon as Charlie said that everyone in the studio instantly stopped laughing while Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench give her the death stare, making the Princess of Hell laugh nervously as she puts the pen back down.

Charlie: (nervous laugh) "Ehehe... Oops?"

Not wanting to get involved in a vicious cat fight, Tom Trench runs off set while Killjoy's demonic form reveals itself as she looms over Charlie from the shadows, letting out a demonic roar.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

Back with Shio, he soon hears the sound of fighting and explosions. Look to his side, he can clearly see the Gang War happening from afar. Normally he felt as though this wasn't his problem. However, he shook his head as he feels as though he needs to intervene.

With a begrudging sigh, Shio turns and runs towards the battle, using his godly powers to get there at inhumane speed.

As he was leaving, he didn't notice that same red clothed Overlord was watching him with a keen interest.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

Meanwhile, back to where the Gang War is going, purplish red smoke transitions into Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb fighting Egg Bois. The two are seen hiding in a makeshift trench as Cherri Bomb fires a rocket launcher.

Cherri: (smirks) "Heyyy, thanks for the backup, Angie!"

Angel: (laughs) "Hahaha! You kiddin'? This is the best action I've seen in ages!"

He puts hands behind his head in relaxation. Cherri then throws another Cherry Bomb, causing an explosion.

Cherri: "Where've you been, anyway? I thought you up and died or some shit."

Angels helps light another bomb and hands it to her.

Angel: (rolls eyes) "Oh, I wish! I've been staying at this crappy hotel on the other side of town. Some broads are lettin' me stay rent-free if I play nice."

They both cover their heads as the explosion sets off behind them, then grin at each other as they jump into the field. As the Egg Bois continue to charge at the duo in waves upon waves of numbers, Angel is seen firing his M1928 Thompson as he was monologuing in annoyance.

Angel: (annoyed shrug) "Y'know, no fights, no pranks, no 'problematic language'... Her words, not mine."

The Spider Demon then steps on a broken tile, launching an Egg Boi airborne and shoots him from behind as he sighs again.

Angel: (sigh) "These crazy bitches are no fun! I've been clean for two weeks!"

The Cyclops demon was in disbelief while smiling.

Cherri: (smiles) "Ho-ly shit!"

The Pornstar then looks down at the leftover egg smudge on his finger.

Angel: (smirks) "Well, sorta clean."

He then murders another incoming Egg Boi with a wooden bat.

Angel: (smirks) "Just clean as you can get from a shitload of Bolivian marching powder!"

Suddenly a chain gets wrapped around him and thrown aside by Sir Pentious. Landing hard on the ground, Angel doesn't feel any pain but instead feels aroused.

Angel: (moans and smiles) "Ohh~ Harder, daddy~!"

For the Snake Sinner, he seemed to have taken it seriously.

Sir Pentious: (gasps) "Son?!"

Angel looks at the guys with a 'WTF' look. Just then, Cherri comes knocking in like a train and kicks Sir Pentious to the side. Getting back up, Sir Pentious growls and hisses as his hood flares open.

Sir Pentious: (growls and hiss) "Grr! You whores have no classss! In war, the side remembered is the side with the most... ssstyle!"

He adjusts his tie as Cherri decapitates another Egg Boi.

Cherri: (smiles) "Or the side that ain't dead!"

Angel is then able to stand up and removes the chains restricting him.

Angel: (smirks) "Speakin' a style, is your hat like, alive or something?"

Sir Pentious: (smiles then glares) "Oh! Well, that's none of your GOD DAMN BUSSSSINESS! Now, is it?"

Angel: (chuckles) "Hah, would that make your hat the top and you the bottom?"

A sign that says 'Loser' can be seen in the background pointing at Sir Pentious as an Egg Boi acknowledges the roast.

Egg Boi: (cups hands) "Oooooh!"

This earns him a pebble thrown at him by Sir Pentious as he's enraged at what Cherri and Angel said.

Sir Pentious: (enraged) "I'm going to blow you to bitssss!"

Angel eyes the guy up and down before noticing a sign called 'PUSSY' being pointed at him.

Angel: (smirks) "Hm, kinky!"

His hood flares up when he takes notice of the sign pointing at him.

Sir Pentious: (glares) "Oh, not like that! Pervert!"

The Snake Sinner knocks the Egg Boi away as another Egg Boi with a tentacle launcher aims at the pair, causing Angle to push Cherri to the side out of fear. The Egg Boi fires, resulting in Angel getting tangled up in all the tentacles.

Sir Pentious: (grins) "Not so cocky now, are we?!"

However, Angel was undeterred by this.

Angel: (unamused) "Y'know, you really gotta watch what comes outta ya mouth. I've been making these sex jokes the whole-"

His limbs get pulled on as Sir Pentious reveals a drill which jump starts*.

Angel: (wide eyes) "-TIME! "

Sick of this, he reveals his third pair of arms carrying a gun.

Angel: (annoyed) "And it's obvious ya ain't catchin' on. I mean, it's just... sad!"

He wields his Thompson SMG and opens fire at Sir Pentious, sending him flying back. Cherri soon goes next to him.

Cherri: "So, think you're gonna get in a lotta trouble for this?"

He shrugs as he retracts his arms.

Angel Dust: (shrugs) "Eh, what's one little brawl gonna cause?"

========== (Scene Change) ==========

Back at the 666 News Station, both Charlie and Killjoy can be seen trying to duke it out on each other like it's some sort of WWE match while a fire alarm goes off in the background. The reason is because Trench enters the scene, covered in flames.

Tom Trench: (horrified scream) "WHY WON'T ANYONE HELP ME?!"

========== (Scene Change) ==========

Back with Cherri and Angel, the pair look to see another army of Egg Bois marching towards then as they prepare for battle.

Cherri: (smirks) "Glad you haven't changed!"

She gently slugs him on the arm.

Cherri: (smirks) "You know you're my favorite guy to party with!"

Angel: (grins) "You know it, sugar tits!"

The Cyclops demon takes out one last bomb and lights it up while Angel takes out his Thompson SMG and reloads it.

Cherri: (smiles) "You ready to finish this?"

Angel: (smiles) "Born ready, baby!"

With on final battle, Angel and Cherri pounce onto Sir Pentious and his army as they prepare to clash, letting out war cries as they charge against each other.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

In the 666 News Studio, Charlie and Killjoy are still at each other's throats screaming while Trench is still on fire, screaming in agony.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

Angel and Cherri clash against Sir Pentious and his army as gunfire and explosion are heard in the air. As that was happening, a little succubus girl is seen trying to hide from the carnage as she tries to find her parents. Suddenly, Cherri throws the last bomb but misses. Instead, she watches as the bomb rolls over to where the child is, making her mono eye go wide.

Cherri: (wide eyes) "Oh shit! A kid!"

Soon the fighting stopped for a bit as all eyes focused on the child, including the news station. Just as the bomb was about to explode, a golden blur zoomed by, taking the kid with them. For a moment, everyone was quiet and what was going on, until they saw it was Shio holding the succubus child in his arms. The public couldn't see his face due to being covered by a hoodie and a black balaclava mask.

Jumping away to the far side of the battle, he sets the child down and whispers her to run. The child nodded and ran away as she saw her parents. Normally it would be odd for Shio to rescue what was essentially a creature of darkness, evil, and lust. However, regardless of the nature or species, the Kamen Rider still saw a child and knew he needed to act, hence why he saved her.

With the kid out of the way, Shio turns his attention back to the trio of sinners and egg army as even the news station was focused on him. An Egg Boi charges at Shio with an axe, but the Kamen Rider was quick as he quickly pulled out and shot him dead with Zikan Girade in Zyu Mode.

Sir Pentious: (grins) "Well what do we have here? Another wannabe trying to take over this part of Hell? As if I'll let that happen."

Shio: "You got the wrong idea. I just arrived at the wrong place at the wrong time. So if you'll just let me leave-"

Sir Pentious: (laughs) "Ha! As if you'd expect me to believe in such a lie! Now away with you!"

The snake sinner then pulls out a rocket launcher and pulls the trigger, launching multiple missile all at once. However, Shio wasn't even the least bit scared. Instead, he summons the Kamen Rider powers of Kabuto, Faiz, and Drive and combines their powers to allow him to go super-fast at light speed. One of the abilities he's learned to master is combing the powers of different Kamen Riders which help give him more power.

Soon the symbols of Kabuto, Faiz, and Drive appear behind Shio before disappearing. 

[Kabuto! Clock Up! + Faiz Accel! Start Up! + Drive! Tridoron!]

Just as the missiles were able to impact him, Shio disappeared in the speed of light. As soon as the missiles impacted the ground and caused an explosion, Sir Pentious had thought for sure he killed him.

Sir Pentious: (grins) "Ha! Well, that was easy!"

Egg Boi #13: (smiles) "You said it boss!"

Suddenly the Egg Boi was killed, and then multiple Egg Bois were murdered in an instant, either they looked to be shot or sliced in half. Sir Pentious saw this and was shocked.

Sir Pentious: (shocked) "What?! What's happening?! What's going on?!"

Suddenly Shio appeared right behind him and then kicks him into a nearby building, causing him to smash right through the wall. The Egg Bois saw this and gasped in horror.

Egg Bois: (horrified gasp) "Boss!" 

The survivors quickly rush to their leader, leaving Angel and Cherri to face him.

Shio: "Well that's that. Time to go."

He was about to leave until he sees a bomb roll in front of him. Reacting quickly, Shio kicks the bomb away and jumps back as it explodes. Turning around, he sees both Cherri and Angel grinning at him.

Shio: (mutters) "Oh come on."

Cherri: (grins) "Whatever trick you did was pretty cool, but this is the end of the line for you."

She throws three Cherry Bombs, but Shio hold his hand out, stopping them midair. Using telekinesis, Shio hurls the bombs back at the two demonic duo, allowing the bombs to land in front of them.

Cherri: (wide eyes) "Oh shit!"

The two jump away as the bombs explode. The two get back up as Cherri glares at the Kamen Rider.

Cherri: (glares) "So that's how you wanna play bitch?"

Shio: (glares) "Hey you tried to kill me. All I did was self-defense."

Angel: "Allow me toots."

He brings up and aims his Tommy Guns at Shio, opening fire and emptying a full whole mag. However, he's shocked to see the bullets impacted a golden energy shield and the rounds fall harmlessly down the floor, leaving Shio relatively unharmed. The Kamen Rider looks at the Spider Sinner with a deadpanned look on his face.

Shio: (deadpanned) "Really? You honestly though that would work?"

Cherri: (grins) "You think your hot shit huh? Not on my turf! Come on Angel! Let's get him!"

Angel: (grins) "Right behind ya!"

The two sinners charge at him and Shio starts dodging their attacks. Shio was dodging Cherri's fists and back kicks her away. Angel opens fire with his Thompson SMGs, but Shio aims his Zikan Girade in Zyu Mode and opens fire multiple times, the rounds impacting and destroying the guns. As they were fighting, the news crew was filming the whole thing.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

Charlie and Kaite were still duking it out and causing a mess of things. Meanwhile, Vaggie is seen watching the live TV feed and she sees the battle going on against the mysterious individual.

Vaggie: (angry and annoyed) "Oh what the hell is that Gay Slut doing now?"

========== (Scene Change) ==========

Back with Shio, he kicks Angel in the dick, causing him to scream in pain.

Angel: (agonizing scream) "OW! WHY MY BALLS?!"

Using his distraction, Shio grabs Angel by the neck and throws him against Cherri, causing the two to be thrown away like ragdolls. The Kamen Rider thought he was done until he heard sizzling. Looking down he saw a Cherry Bomb in front of him. Before he could react, the bomb exploded.

When the dust and smoke cleared, Shio was relatively fine, but parts of his clothes were damaged. However, the most striking to happen was the fact that his hood and mask were burned off, allowing his face to be shown. This was noticed by Cherri who widens her single eye seeing an actual human in Hell.

Cherri: (wide eyes) "Wait a minute... your HUMAN?!"

Hearing this, Shio looks to a nearby window and sees that his head was fully uncovered, now allowing all of Hell to see his face. His eyes go wide seeing his cover was now blown.

Shio: (wide eyes and mutters) "Well shit."

Angel: (smiles) "Holy fuck! Not bad looking either!"

He glances at the two. By now he was getting annoyed at them and now sought to finish them off.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

Back at the 666 News Station, things have finally calmed down as both Charlie and Katie stopped trying to kill each other while Tom was finally doused in water, allowing him to no longer be on fire. 

However, all eyes for on the TV screen showing an actual human in Hell. The ones most affected were Charlie and Vaggie who couldn't believe who ended up in Hell.

Charlie: (wide eyes) "There's a human here?!"

Vaggie: (wide eyes) "How is he not dead?!"

========== (Scene Change) ==========

Back at the turf war, Shio shoves the demonic pair back with a telekinetic blast. Shio thought of something and decided to use on of his transformations in order to get this fight done so he can go back to Charlie.

Shio Thoughts: (sigh) "Screw it... might as well use it. Then again, I suppose this would be a good warm up to make sure my skills didn't get rusty."

He glances at Angel and Cherri, seeing the two get back up again.

Shio: (glares) "You two are stubborn I'll admit. But it's clear you're both running out of gas. Just give up and I'll walk away."

Cherri: (laughs) "Ha! Like that'll happen! This the most fun I've ever had! No way I'm gonna let you go now!"

Angel: "Yeah! I still want payback for destroying my gun jerkoff!"

The Kamen Rider shook his head at their stupidity. Then again, this was Hell, so it was to be expected.

Shio: (shakes head) "If you IDIOTS think you can beat me, then you're all bigger fools than I thought."

Angel: (smirks) "Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do about it?"

Shio glares at the demons, his eyes glowing red as golden lightning appears around his waist before manifesting into the Ohma Zi-O Driver. This catches their attention as they see the strange belt.

Cherri: (confused) "What's up with the belt?"

Suddenly, lava appears to surround Shio before transforming into a holographic clock below him. This shocks Angel and Cherri as the two back away.

Angel: (shocked) "What the shit?!"

As the two sinners were distracted, Shio raises his arms, preparing to activating his transformation. 

Shio: (glares) "Henshin!"

Without warning, Shio slams his hands on both sides of the driver, activating the transformation sequence.

[Shukufuku no toki! Saikō! Saizen! Saidai! Saikyō ō!]

Golden rings surround and rotate around Shio before exploding.

[Ohma Zi-O!]

As the dust and sand cleared, its revealed to show Shio being transformed into Kamen Rider Ohma Zi-O.

Shio looked at the two sinners before unleashing a powerful wave of aura that sent the two crashing down. It was like a massive weight being pushed down upon them. As for both Angel and Cherri, the two were literally on their knees as they struggled to breath due to the godly aura he was emitting.

Angel: (shocked) "Who the fuck... is this guy?! An... Overlord?!"

Cherri: (shocked) "I don't... know. Oh Hell... I can't breathe."

Shio: "Do you surrender? You can't possibly beat me now."

Cherri: (huff) (huff) "Not... a... chance..."

Somehow, the two were able to stand back up and face Shio. Cherri somehow manages to pull out a giant bomb and light it up before throwing it at him. However, Shio just raises his arm and conjures up a black hole, absorbing and sending the bomb somewhere else. This obviously shocked the sinners seeing what happened. 

Cherri: (shocked) "Seriously?!"

Angel: (shocked) "Was that a black hole?!"

Shio: "My turn."

He uses the power of Kamen Rider Knight and uses one of the abilities as the symbol appears behind him before disappearing.

[Knight! Trick Vent!]

Soon Shio glows and out came four clones of the Kamen Rider, shocking and surprising everyone who was watching. Of course, the gay spider sinner had a perverted smile on his face after seeing multiple copies of Shio.

Angel: (perverted smile) "Well now that's a neat trick. I can certainty have some fun with that."

Shio: (annoyed glare) "Yeah right. I don't swing that way pervert. I'm straight."

Suddenly, the five Ohma Zi-O teleported before surrounding both Cherri and Angel. Before they could react, they raise their arms and launch a powerful torrent of lightning. The two to scream in agony before stopping, causing the two sinners to fall down and becoming unconscious.  Shio saw they were badly wounded but still alive. The four clones disappear as the Kamen Rider nods in approval.

Shio: (nods) "Yup. Still got it."

Suddenly he hears footsteps, causing him to turn around to see Sir Pentious and his Egg henchmen standing before him. The sinner was badly damaged as his clothes were torn and looked to be almost black and blue.

Sir Pentious: (glares) "You! You'll pay for what you've done! Look at what you did to my suit!"

Shio: "Are you serious? You're acting like a child."

Sir Pentious: (glares) "Get him!"

The Egg Bois charge with various weapons in hand. However, Shio just raises his right hand and snaps his finger. In an instant, all of the surviving Egg Bois exploded, killing them all and leaving Sir Pentious all by himself. The sinner looked terrified seeing that he was now all alone. It was clear he had essentially just picked the wrong fight.

Shio: "Leave now. There is now need for further conflict.

Sir Pentious didn't know whether it was pride, bravery, fear, or something else. However, the sinner still refused to back down from this opponent.

Sir Pentious: (glares) "N-Never! I... I will never surrender!"

This causes the Kamen Rider to sigh in annoyance. Fed up with all this BS, Shio decided to finish all this right now.

Shio: (annoyed sigh) "Okay you're getting annoying now so I'm ending this."

He outstretches his arm as the Kamen Rider Build symbol appears next to him as he summoned a weapon.

[Build! Fullbottle Buster!]

Grabbing the weapon in sword mode, Shio rushes at Sir Pentious and starts attacking him. The sinner screams in pain before being kicked in the chest as it sent him flying back to the other side of the streets. Switching to cannon more, Shio bends down and aims the cannon at the sinner.

Sir Pentious: "Ow! That hurt! Oh..."

His eyes go wide seeing the cannon being aimed at him as Shio charges the weapon.

[Full Full Match Desu!]

Shio then pulls the triggers as it fires three blue balls of energy.

[Full Full Match Break!]

Before Sir Pentious could react, the rounds impacted him and caused a powerful explosion. He was still alive but was seen flying in the air as he was heading towards the other side of the city. Just as he was soon to be gone, he said one last thing, promising revenge against him.

Sir Pentious: (glares) "CURSSSSSSSSSE YOUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

With the snake sinner now gone and all opposition now dealt with, Shio De-Henshins , returning back to normal. Seeing the damages done, he feels as though it was time to leave.

Shio: (whisper) "I better leave."

A portal opens behind Shio, and he goes through it, leaving the scene. What he didn't know was that same Overlord had seen the whole thing, including Shio's reveals at being human and him transforming into Ohma Zi-O. The Overlord had a sinister smile on his face as an idea came to mind.

???: (sinister smile) "Interesting... so a human ended up in Hell. This could be... entertaining."

========== (Scene Change) ==========

After the whole fight and Shio disappeared to who knows where, the scene changes to show royal family limousine driving back to the Hotel. When Charlie and Vaggie found Angel Dust, they saw he was in bad shape and patched him up as he put him in the limo. As for Cherri Bomb, she was able to recover and made her way elsewhere.

Right now, Charlie can be seen hugging her knees and looking out the window when her jacket is ruined after Katie Killjoy attacked her, while Vaggie sits next to her, glaring furiously at Angel Dust whose covered in some bandages after the beating he took. Charlie sighs as Vaggie's eye twitches at Angel Dust, who can be seen amusing himself by playing with the car window roller repeatedly.

Eventually Angel takes notices of the look he's getting as he sees Vaggie scrunching up her face.

Angel: (shrugs) "... What?"

Vaggie: (furious) "What? WHAT?! What were you DOING?!"

The Fallen Angel was so furious that she rips a bit of her hair off.

Angel: (sigh) "I owed my girl buddy a solid! Isn't that a 'redeeming quality'? Helping friends with stuff?"

Angel does air quotes and rolls eyes. Charlie shifts her eyes to the arguments as Vaggie yells at him more.

Vaggie: (furious glare) "Not with turf wars that result in territorial genocide!"

Angel: (laughs) "Eh, you win some, you lose a few hundred. Ehahahahahah! It wasn't that bad, anyway."

He then proceeds to once again play with the button of the car window roller but stops when Vaggie throws an unfolded pocketknife at the window roller. Vaggie's glare intensifies as she somehow let's out an animalistic growl.

The Spider Sinner gives an annoyed glare as he brushes his hair back.

Angel: (annoyed glare) "Aw, come on! I had to! My credibility was on the line! I mean, what kind of reputation would I have if people found out I was tryna go clean? It just throws out my entire persona!"

He proves his point by suggestively pushes up chest floof.

Vaggie: (furious glare) "Your credibility? What about the hotels?!"

She gestures at a defeated Charlie.

Vaggie: (furious glare) "Your little stunt made us look like a fucking joke!"

Angel: (scoffs and smiles) "No, no, no, babe. Jokes are funny! I made you look... uh, sad and pathetic!"

The camera pans to Charlie who feels even worse when she hears what Angel is saying.

Angel: (smiles) "Like an orphan... with no arms... or legs... Oh! With progeria!"

Charlie covers her face as she feels like she's all the things Angel is saying. As for the Gay porn Star, he also feels annoyed.

Angel: (annoyed) "Great! Now I'm bummed thinkin' about it!"

He then starts looking around the limousine for a drink.

Angel: "This thing have any liquor?"

Vaggie: (glares) "Can you please just try to take this seriously?!"

Angel finks a dust bunny and flicks it away.

Angel: (smirks) "Fine, I'll try. Just don't get your taco in a twist, baby! 

He snaps a finger at her while smiling which pisses Vaggie off.

Vaggie: (glares) "Was that you trying to be sexist or racist?!"

Angel: (groans) "Whatever pisses you off more."

This pisses the Fallen Angel even more as she looms over Angel.

Angel: (annoyed) "Is there seriously no liquor in here?!"

The Fallen Angel then returns to sit next to Charlie as she crosses her arms.

Vaggie: (glares) "I'm gonna kill 'im."

Angel: "Too late, toots."

Vaggie grits her teeth and growls.

Angel: (smirks) "Wait! Would that make me double dead? Hah, and where exactly do I go? To Double Hell? Hahahahahahahaha! Sorry, you're stuck with me, bitch. Get used to it."

Angel folds his arms confidently. As for Vaggie, every word the Gay Porn Star had said as only made her angrier and angrier as she looks like she's about to explode.

Vaggie: (furious) "¡Con una mierda, malparido hijo de-!" (For fuck's sake, you bastard son of-!)

Angel: (smiles) "Listen, who cares if some jackoffs got hurt? Most of 'em are ugly freaks. Look around!"

He looks out the limousine window, smirking.

Angel: (laughs) "You got a bunch a fuckin' Harlequin babies down here!"

Vaggie: (annoyed and smug smile) "You're one to talk."

Angel: (glares) "Hey!"

He motions to his body.

Angel: (smirks) "This body is flawless! Everyone wants summa me.

He pushes up chest fluff.

Angel: (smirks) "And I've got the creepy fan letters to prove it!"

He takes out a letter from in between his chest floof and reveals it to Vaggie that features a small picture of a dirty naked old man, who ironically has a 'No Angel Dust' tattoo, smothering his mouth on an Angel Dust body pillow and a message at the bottom saying 'Show me your feet!! -Bryrin, #1 Fan/Critic'.

Charle sees this and is also disturbed while Vaggie gives a menacing growl.

Vaggie: (menacing growl) "Grrr..."

Charlie: (glares) "That was really uncool, y'know, Angel."

The Fallen Angels looks at Charlie before motioning towards Angel.

Vaggie: (growls and glares) "'Uncool'?! After that train-wreck, there is no way anyone is gonna wanna stay at the hotel! All thanks to you and your selfish bullshit!"

Angel: "Does that mean I don't have a free room anymore?"

Hearing this, Vaggie furiously glares and motions a 'What do you think?' kind of way. Unbothered, Angel just snaps his fingers.

Angel: (uncaring) "Ah...well, shucks."

Before things could escalate, Charlie attempts to diffuse the situation.

Charlie: (reassuring smile) "Hey, come on."

She takes off her ruined jacket.

Charlie: (reassuring smile) "We don't know if things are over yet! Try to relax, Vaggie.'"

She puts a hand on Vaggie's left shoulder.

Charlie: (reassuring smile) "I-It'll be okay!"

Hearing this, Vaggie smiles at Charlie softly. However, there was another thing the trio needed to discuss.

Charlie: "By the way, Angel do know who that human was? You know the one who transformed and caused you to become injured?"

Angel: (shrugs) "Don't know. Thought he was some whimp who was easy picking but clearly, I was wrong. When he transformed, the guy gave off an aura that would make him seem like an Overlord."

Vaggie: "Well he's clearly powerful and dangerous. After how easily he dealt with you and the others, I'm surprised you're still alive."

Angel: (shrugs) "Yeah well I'm made of some sturdy stuff."

Charlie: "I don't know you two. Angel when you fought him, I think he was holding back. He clearly wasn't going all out. Angel... I think he could've killed you and possibly all of use in just a single attack."

Vaggie: (worried) "What... do you mean?"

Charlie: (sigh) "Well... when I saw him transform, the power he emitted was unlike anything I've felt. It was enormous. Far greater compared to any Overlord that exists here in the Pride Ring. I dare say the energy he emitted makes him more dangerous compared to even the most powerful rulers here in Hell. If I didn't know any better... I'd say he's probably even more powerful and dangerous compared to my father."

Hearing what Charlie says shocks the sinners. The two were in disbelief hearing that she admits there is someone more powerful and dangerous compared to her own father. The literal supreme ruler of Hell itself.

Vaggie: (shocked) "Hon do you have any idea what you're saying? There is no way any demon is more powerful compared to your father. That's crazy talk."

Charlie: (sigh) "I know Vaggie. Believe me, I know. But I felt the power he emitted. I almost fell to my knees as I felt the life being sucked outta me."

Angel: (shrugs) "Well she's not wrong. When that head honcho became that armored dude, I could barely breath in his presence."

Vaggie: (worried) "Shit... this isn't good..."

Charlie: "Look we can worry about that later. Hopefully he's not here to cause trouble. Let's just get back to the Hotel."

The pair nodded towards the Princess as the ride back to the hotel was quite. However, unknown to Vaggie and Angel, Charlie's mind drifted over to that strange human. She didn't know why but for some reason there was a sense of familiarity with him. When she saw his face, something in the back of her mind made her feel like she met him before. However, that was considered impossible as all she ever saw was a total stranger.

Sure, there was that one time she went to the human world, but she never did much nor interacted with the humans there. Yet she can't get that feeling out of her that she's met this human before. She'll just have to wait and see as she hopes she gets to meet him eventually.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

The scene changes to show the limousine arriving at the entrance of the Hotel. Soon they get out and once they get the entrance, the hotel doors open, revealing a very old and dirty establishment. There was a banner that said 'WELCOME' and some balloons, but instead the place just looked like a haunted house.

Vaggie just throws herself on the couch, facing the wall as she lets out a tired sigh.

Vaggie: (tired sigh) "Ugh!"

As for Angel Dust, he seen going over to a fridge and opens it to see what he can eat. Rummaging through it, he pulls out a box that said 'Popsies'. He just shrugs as he begins eating one while Charlie takes a seat on a crate, still looking rather depressed. Angel took noticed and shrugs.

Angel: (shrugs and smiles) "Eh, it's probably a good idea to get some actual food in this place. Y'know, to feed all the wayward souls you got in here! Ahahaha! Ahaha...! eh... ah..."

That remark didn't make her feel better. If anything, it made Charlie feel even more depressed. Seeing this, Angel closes and fridge and attempts to comfort her, but he decides to back off, knowing that he wouldn't be of much help.

Charlie shifts her eyes towards Angel before looking towards the entrance. Wanting some alone time, she exists the Hotel and pulls her phone out in an attempt to call her mother.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

Shio is seen making his way over to where the Hotel is. After dealing with the turf war, he saw the limousine and covertly followed it, leading him to his current location. As he made his way forward, he saw the door open and quickly hid. Peering out from the corner, he saw it was none other than Charlie as he took notice that she was pulling out her phone to call someone. The phone seemed to have gone to message as the Kamen Rider saw the Princess of Hell trying to leave a message.

Charlie: (sighs and nervous smile) "Hey, mom. I know I keep calling and you must be busy... Really busy... But, um, the interview didn't go well and..."

She soon shrinks to her knees as she had a disappointed look on her face.

Charlie: (disappointed tone) "... I don't know if I'm ever going to make a difference."

She starts tearing up and a few tears fall down her face before she wipes it off.

Charlie: (cries) "I don't know what I'm doing. I could really use some advice, mom. I... I think dad was right about me... Ahah, oof. Eh, anyway..."

She wipes her face once more and stands back up.

Charlie: (nervous smile) "I'll stop talking before this gets long. Love you... bye..."

As Charlie ends the call, Shio saw the whole thing and couldn't help but feel bad for her. He saw her slump back down onto the floor and silently begins to cry again. Deciding now was the best time to reveal himself, he slowly makes his way towards her. His footsteps were silent as he saw the Princess didn't notice him. He stood next to her as Shio tried to introduce himself.

Shio: (nervous) "Uh... Hello?"

Hearing his shook Charlie out of her mood and looks up in shock to see who was standing right in front of her.

Charlie: (shocked) "Wha?! OMG! It's you!"

Instantly she stands up as she now faces the human she saw on the news. Compared to her, he was relatively tall, being a head taller at her as she reached only up to between his neck and chest. As for Shio, he had a feeling that she saw him on the news.

Shio: "I take it you saw me on the news?"

Charlie: (nods) "Yes. I also saw you transform as well. How did you do that? Are you a Demon Overlord."

Hearing this, the Kamen Rider could help but find it ironic. His father before him was said to be destined to be the 'Demon King of Time' until he changed his fate, seeking to change the future to make the world a better place and ensure he NEVER becomes like his future self. Of course, that didn't exactly mean his father could get rid of the Ohma Zi-O Driver belt so easily. Despite changing everything for the better, his father still had the Ohma Zi-O Driver and knowing he couldn't really get rid of it, he sought to hide it away for safe keeping in order to make sure no one could have that power ever again. Of course, when Aku appeared, Shio was given the belt and made as the new 'Demon King of Time' until he would later ascend to becoming an Emperor and now currently a literal God.

Back to the matter at hand, Shio shook his head as he answered Charlie's question.

Shio: (shakes head) "Not... exactly. I mean... I'm not a demon but... I'm not exactly human either."

Charlie: (confused) "What do you mean? What are you then?"

Shio: "It's... complicated. Listen all you need to know is that I'm not here to cause trouble."

Charlie: (nervous smile) "Oh! Well... my name is Charlie Morningstar. It's nice to meet you sir."

Shio: (nods) "Uh, yeah. It's nice to meet you as well your highness. My name is Shio Tokiwa, but just call be Shio for short."

Charlie: (nervous smile) "Well uh... welcome to the Happy Hotel Shio! Did you come here to check in or..."

Shio: (nods) "Actually uh... that's exactly what I'm here for. If it's alright with you, can I come inside? There's some things I wish to talk to you about."

Charlie: (smile) "Of course! Come on in!"

She opens the door and grabs Shio's arm as she drags him in. Once inside, Charlie calls out to both Vaggie and Angel, telling them they have a new guest.

Charlie: (smile) "Vaggie! Angel! Come here! We have a new guest!"

Confused, the two made their way over to Charlie and are shocked at who they see.

Angel: (shocked) "What's he doing here?!"

Vaggie: (glares) "YOU!"

Shio: (mutters) "Oh crud."

The Fallen Angel grabs her spear and runs towards him. She was about to stab him, but Shio was able to grab the handle and rip the weapon away from her. He then backs away as he threw the spear away. Just before things could escalate, Charlie gets in front of her girlfriend and tries to calm her down.

Charlie: "Vaggie stop! He's a guest! Stop fighting!"

Vaggie: (shocked) "WHAT?! Are you insane! You've seen what he's done on the news! He could be dangerous!"

Charlie: (nervous smile) "I know how this all looks and sounds, but he said he came here to talk to us. Besides, he also said he wasn't here to cause trouble."

Shio: (nods) "She's right. Look believe it or not, I came here to actually help you. If you just listen to what I have to say first, then you'll understand."

The Fallen Angel looked at Shio before looking at her girlfriend. After a few seconds she sighs and then complies with her girlfriend's request.

Vaggie: (sigh) "Fine..."

Nodding, Shio gave her back her spear when Angel came up to speak.

Angel: "Seriously you sure it's a good idea for him to be here? He seriously messed me up and my gal Cherri."

Shio: (scoff) "Last time I checked, you and your 'friend' tried to kill me. All I did was self-defense."

Angel: "Hmph. Self-defense my ass. You electrocuted us."

Shio: (rolls eyes) "You brought that on yourselves."

Charlie: "Okay enough. Please let's not fight here no more."

Shio, Angel, and Vaggie looked at each other before finally agreeing. However, it was then Charlie asked the Kamen Rider a question she was most curious about.

Charlie: "So if you don't mind me asking, how did you do that?"

Shio: (confused) "Do what?"

Charlie: "You know, the whole transformation and cloning part. Along with your powers and how you summoned weapons to fight. I mean, the power you unleashed was unlike anything I've ever felt."

Shio: (surprised) "Wait you felt the power I unleashed?"

Charlie: (nods) "Well yeah. I mean it really wasn't that hard to notice. It was so powerful that it rivaled my father. I'm pretty sure all of Hell felt it as well."

Shio Thoughts: "Aw shit."

Hearing this brought worry for the Kamen Rider as his actions may have inadvertently attracted unwanted attention he REALLY didn't need. Considering the fact this was Hell, he was certain he may encounter demons, especially Overlords, who will take a keen interest in him and want his powers. He has to prepare himself in case he might be fore to deal with such a scenario.

Charlie: "So... how'd you do it?"

Shio: "Well it's kinda hard to explain and you might not believe me at first."

Vaggie: (annoyed) "Look will you just tell us? You are wasting our time here."

Shio: (annoyed) "Jeez you don't have to be such a jerk you know."

Angel: (shrugs) "Hey you can't blame her. She hates all males and looks to be jealous her girlfriend is interested in you."

Shio: (rolls eyes) "Great I gotta deal with a racist feminist."

Vaggie: (glares) "What was that shithead?!"

Charlie: (pleads) "Vaggie please...?"

She gently grabs her girlfriend's shoulders and tries to calm her down, which works. Shio sighs as he just comes out with it.

Shio: (sigh) "The reason I'm able to transform is due to this belt."

He manifests the Ohma Zi-O Driver on his waist which surprises the sinners.

Shio: "I'm what you would call a Kamen Rider. There are others like me, and we're known for being warriors of justice. Protectors of the innocent."

Charlie: "So you're like some kind of superhero?"

Shio: (shrugs) "Something like that. Furthermore, I'm not exactly from here. As a matter of fact, I'm not ever from this universe entirely."

Vaggie: (confused) "Wait what? What do you mean?"

Shio: (nods) "It's exactly what I mean. Tell me, do you believe in other worlds? Better yet, do you people actually believe in different parallel or alternate universes?"

Charlie: (surprised) "Wait they're real? There are actual parallel or alternate universe?"

The Kamen Rider can hear the tone of excitement in her voice.

Shio: (nods) "Yes. In fact, I came here on purpose in order to help you, Charlie. My... superiors told me of your plan to redeem sinners and they wanted to send me here to help. At first, I didn't wish to come here considering the fact that this is Hell and you're essentially the Anti-Christ. No offense."

Charlie: "None taken."

Shio: "But after telling me what kind of person you are and why you're doing this, I relented and agreed to try and help you. It's clear you believe in giving other's second chances and in many ways, I agree with your views as well."

Hearing this brought a smile on Charlie's face as she instantly pulled the Kamen Rider into a hug.

Charlie: (smiles) "Oh thank you so much! That's very sweet of you!"

While Charlie was hugging him, Vaggie glared at Shio murderously as she was jealous seeing her girlfriend with a man. Meanwhile Angel almost burst out laughing when he saw the expression of Vaggie's face. Shio, meanwhile, felt awkward as he gently patted her back. Soon the two separated as Vaggie then asked the questions.

Vaggie: "So what exactly are you? You clearly can't be human because if you were, Hell would've mutated you into a sinner."

The Kamen Rider was silent as he tried to think of the words to say. Eventually, he spoke and what he said caught then off guard.

Shio: "...... Would you believe me if I told you I was a God? A Primordial Deity who can change and reshape the very fabric of creation itself."

There was a moment of silence as the trio tries to process what Shio was saying until Angel and Vaggie spoke their minds.

Angel: "... Really?"

Vaggie: (glares) "Okay seriously don't fucking bullshit us."

Shio: (sigh) "Look I know this all sounds unbelievable-"

Vaggie: (glares) "You damn right this is unbelievable! Are you playing with us right now?!"

The Kamen Rider sighs and instead his raises his hand as it glows. Before the trio could react, their eyes suddenly glow golden and soon a whole flood of information entered into their minds. Shio didn't reveal much, but the information he gave them was how he ended up becoming a God and how the Wise Ones sent him here to help with the Hotel. He also showed them about the history of the Kamen Riders and how they've been battling the forces of evil to save innocent lives.

However, there were some things he left out such as Aku Yami and the atrocities that monster had committed, more specifically all the rapes and genocides he committed. He didn't need to traumatize them who those kinds of images. Furthermore, he also made sure not to show them that he was technically considered a King, and an Emperor, the supreme ruler of his multiverse and all Kamen Riders from the past, present, and future. He didn't consider himself 'royalty' and didn't wish to be seen as such.

After a few seconds, their eyes returned back to normal and soon everyone was wide eyes in shock that were was a literal deity in their room.

Vaggie: (wide eyes) "You're not... lying at all. You really are a deity."

Shio: (nods) "Yeah. And I got both the powers and wings to prove it."

Standing up, Shio unfurls his wings, raising them up in all their glory for all to see. The trio gawked as they can feel the godly aura emanating from him.

Charlie: (shocked) "You look like... an Angel... an Angel from Heaven."

Shio: (nods) "Perhaps, but I'm not really an Angel at all."

Of course, Shio once again became annoyed when Angel made both a perverted and lewd suggestion.

Angel: (perverted smile) "Heh, so you're a God right? Meaning you have the power to do whatever you want? How about you use that clone ability of yours in order to give me a gangbang orgy."

Shio: (annoyed) "Absolutely not. I'm not going to use my powers just to satisfy your sexual fantasies or desires you pervert."

Angel: (whine) "Aw come on! What's it gonna cost ya? I can show you a good time in the bedroom bub."

Shio: (annoyed) "No means no. Besides, I already told you I don't swing that way. I'm straight and into girls, even though I'm not in the market to get a girlfriend."

Before Angel could even respond, he screamed in agony as Vaggie grabbed and started crushing his balls.

Angel: (agonizing scream) "OW! WHY?!"

Vaggie: (glares) "Be quite pervert! I don't need you to turn this Hotel into a whore house!"

Angel: "Okay! Okay! I'll stop! I promise!"

Vaggie let him go but not before saying one last word.

Angel: (mutters) "Bitch..."

Vaggie: (glares) "WHAT WAS THAT?!"

Angel: (rolls eyes) "Nothing. Nothing at all."

Charlie: "So these Wise Ones? They're basically the Gods of your universe and they helped create everything? And you were turned into a deity and got sent here to help me with the Hotel?"

Shio: (nods) "Yes. I'm not sure about the Heaven of this world, but the Heavenly beings from my world believe that your ideas of redemption are worth something for. That's why they sent me here to make that dream a reality. Although I will admit. I initially to come here and help since well... this is Hell after all. As for you, your Highness, considering who your father is and what you really are, I was honestly unsure if I should meet you. You are the Anti-Christ after all. The one prophesized to bring about the Apocalypse on Earth and end all human life. However, I can clearly say that you're none of that. Seeing you now, I can clearly see that you're a benevolent and caring person who cares for others, despite their actions. Again, no offense to all I said."

Charlie: (smiles) "None taken. I understand. And just call me Charlie. I'm not all for formalities."

Shio: (nods) "Very well... Charlie. Hence why I'm here. Seeing your intentions, I sincerely and genuinely wish to help you. I too believe in second chances and will do all I can to help out."

As the two conversed, both Vaggie and Angel had quite the reaction to the interaction. Vaggie's eye twitched in both annoyance and jealously seeing how the two interact. As for Angel, the Gay Porn Star snicked seeing the jealously Vaggie has against Shio.

As for Charlie herself, she felt happy that there were some divine deities who actually believed in her ideas for redeeming sinners. Even if they weren't from Heaven, Charlie can tell that Shio did believe in her dream of giving second chances and she was grateful for it. However, once again, Charlie couldn't help but find Shio familiar. For the Princess of Hell, she felt as though she's met him before, and I can't understand why.

Shio: "Anyways, since I'm going to be staying here for the foreseeable future and help you all out with the Hotel, I'd like to know if there are any rooms available."

Charlie: (smiles) "Of course! I have the perfect room for you! I officially welcome you to the Happy Hotel! But... well... sorry if the place is a total mess though."

The Kamen Rider looked around and can indeed see that the place looked like a total dump. He then gets an idea on how to fix all of this.

Shio: "You know... I can fix that."

Vaggie: (confused) "Huh? How so?"

Shio: "Watch."

Turning to face the interior of the Hotel, Shio snaps his fingers and soon the place is engulfed into a bright white light. The trio had to cover their eyes but when the light died down, they're all shocked at what they see in front of them.

Instead of the Hotel looking like an abandoned building looking to about to collapse, the whole place looked completely renovated and good as new. The furniture was all in excellent and top quality. The wallpapers, paintings, and walls all seemed to be repaired and more presentable, at least in the eyes of demons. The windows were stainless, and the wood was polished to mint condition. All in all, the Hotel now looked perfect, easily making the building look like a 5-star hotel for a place where the rich and elite can check into.

For Vaggie, Angel, and Charlie, they all had various reactions. However, all of them were the same as they couldn't believe that the Hotel had vastly improved greatly.

Vaggie: (shocked) "This is just... woah and... unbelievable..."

Angel: (smirks) "Damn now this is my kind of crib."

Charlie: (amazed) "This is incredible! Thank you so much!"

Before Shio could react, Charlie rushed over and gave him a big hug. Although he stumbled at bit, Shio was able to regain his footing and hold Charlie in place in order to make sure they don't fall over. He gently hugs her back and nods towards the Princess.

Shio: (nods) "You're welcome. I told you, I'm here to help."

Suddenly, Angel spoke up as the group saw the TV being turned on.

Angel: "Hey guys, check this out."

Turning their attention to the TV, they see the 666 News where the group sees Kaite Killjoy slandering the Happy Hotel for her own amusement.

Katie: (smiles) "And we're back to 666 News. Today's story surrounds the resents events pertaining to the 'Happy Hotel' which we all know is nothing more than a fucking joke. The Princess of Hell actually thinks sinners wish to go to Heaven? Much less are even capable of redeeming themselves. She's nothing but an immature brat if she thinks she can get people in her crappy Hotel."

Tom: (smiles) "She sure is Killjoy."

Katie: (laughs) "I mean, Hello! This is HELL for Lucifer's sake! Everyone knows that Heaven doesn't give a single SHIT about us! Why do you think those annual exterminations keep happening?! That little whore better grow up and start acting like a REAL adult by facing reality. And that song she made? Hah! It was so stupid that is made her sound like some little bitch living in a fantasy!  I can't believe we're gonna have someone like her as a ruler! Her parents must be so disappointed in her that her own mother should've gotten an abortion!"

Tom: (smiles) "You said it Killjoy!"

The two new anchors laugh on the news as the group watches what's going on TV. Vaggie gritted her teeth in anger at all the awful things being said against her girlfriend while Angel looked indifferent.

Vaggie: (glares) "Son of a-! She'll pay for what she said about Charlie!"

Angel: (shrugs) "Eh what you expect? Not like anyone in this shithole gives a damn about second chances."

Shio narrowed his eyes in anger at what Killjoy had just said. However, he soon hears the sound of sobbing and crying. Glancing down, Shio sees Charlie was not only sad, but he can see tears of sadness streaming down her face.

Vaggie sees this and tries to comfort Charlie. The Fallen Angel pulls her into a hug as the Princess sobs into her arms. Seeing this caused Shio to clench his fist in rage. Looking back at the newswoman named Kaite Killjoy, Shio releases a powerful and malevolent aura as golden energy begins to surround him. This seems to catch the trio's attention and they begin finding it hard to breath feeling the energy emanating from him, causing an immense amount of pressure in the room. Suddenly, what Shio did next shocked them.

Shio tilts his head a bit and without warning, the sound of a 'SNAP!' is heard on live TV. Soon an agonizing scream is heard, and the trio look to the TV screen to see Kaite Killjoy howling in agony on the floor. The reason is due to the fact the audience can see that Killjoy had her left leg broken. The bone looked to have been snapped in half and leg looked to have been torn in two. Charlie, Angel, and Vaggie can see the lower half of her leg hanging limply as they can see the bone sticking out and blood began to spray all over the floor. As that was happening, Killjoy continues to scream in agony while holding her now left stump.


Soon the live TV footage is cut, and it switches to a different channel. Shio had a satisfied smirk and took notice of the trio giving him looks. He just shrugs in response.

Shio: (shrugs) "What? She was a bitch."

Vaggie: "I can't believe I'm saying this but... thanks. How you did it, I don't care."

Angel: "Well fuck you sure showed her."

The Kamen Rider then saw and took notice Charlie sat down on the couch, facing the other way. Although he didn't see her face, he can tell she still felt upset about all the hurtful things thrown at her. Shio then walks over and sat down next to her as he spoke.

Shio: "Hey I know things seem terrible right now, but I'm sure things will get better eventually. You just have to keep the faith."

However, Charlie still didn't say anything. Instead, he continued to hear her quite sobbing as he looks down to see tear drops still hitting the floor.

Shio: (sigh) "You know, before coming her I did hear you on the news. More specifically I also heard you sing."

Charlie: (sad whisper) "Did you also laugh and make fun of me as well?"

Shio: (smiles) "On the contrary, I actually liked it. They way you sung, even if it was a bit... morbid... it was beautiful actually."

Hearing his words surprises the group as Charlie now looks at him as she can see a benevolent smile on his face.

Shio: (smiles) "Obviously Hell is an awful place for... obvious reasons. Yet you've shown that you're different that everyone else. You care Charlie. You care for these sinners, even if they don't care about you. I can clearly tell that despite all the crap and insults you're put through; you never gave up and kept trying to do the right thing. You like a guiding light in this darken abyss and just trying to make everyone's live better. Even if they don't deserve it, you still try. If you ask me Charlie, your actions and personality make me see and believe that you're an Angel sent down from Heaven to try and help these wayward souls to find peace in a better place. Which is ironic since technically you're still a demon."

Hearing this brought a smile on Charlie's face, along with a small blush that reddened her cheeks. Vaggie's jaw dropped when she saw the interaction while Angel gave a teasing smirk towards the Fallen Angel.

Angel: (smirks) "Heh, looks like you got some competition-GAH!"

Immediately, Vaggie punched Angel in the balls, casing him the fall over and hold his family jewels in pain as Vaggie glares at him.

Vaggie: (glares) "Cállate pendejo." (Shut up asshole.)

Angel: (painful groans) "Why? Why is everyone hitting me in the nut sack today?"

Suddenly, their conversation was soon interrupted when they all hear a knock at the door. The group gives each other looks before Charlie stands up and make her way over to the door. She seemed hesitant and contemplate whether or not she should open the door. Against her better judgement, she decides to open the door anyway.

What she saw was a tall figure clad in a red suit and a microphone staff. It's revealed to be a sinner named Alastor, AKA the Radio Demon.

Charlie widens her eyes in pure terror as she recognizes him. Alastor gives a sinister smile as he tries to speak.

Alastor: (smiles) "Hel-!"

Charle slams the door in front of him. She looks to the side for a brief moment before opening the door again.

Alastor: (smiles) "-lo!"

The Princess slams door in front of his face once more before turning to where Vaggie is sitting.

Charlie: (scared) "Hey, Vaggie?"

Vaggie: (annoyed) "Whaaaat?"

Charlie: (nervous smile) "The Radio Demon is at the door!"

In an instant, the Fallen Angel sits up in shock.

Vaggie: (shocked) "What?!"

Shio: (confused) "Huh?"

Angel: (confused) "Uh... who?"

The Princess grabs her face and pulls it down as she has a look of sheer terror and worry.

Charlie: (worried and terrified) "What should I do?!"

Vaggie: (glares) "Uh, well- Don't let him in!"

Charlie thinks about Vaggie's advice while Ship pulls out his weapon, the Zikan Girade in Zyu Mode. Deciding to disregard her girlfriend's advice, she make her way over to the door and opens it, revealing Alastor.

Alastor: (smiles) "May I speak now?"

Charlie: "You may..."

Suddenly the Radio Demon reaches his hand out.

Alastor: (smiles) "Alastor! Pleasure to be meeting you, sweetheart!"

He then grabs Charlie by the arm and pulls her towards him.

Alastor: (smiles) "Quite a pleasure!"

He then let's her go and let's himself in.

Alastor: (smiles) "Excuse my sudden visit, but I saw your fiasco on a picture show, and I just couldn't resist! What a performance! Why, I haven't been that entertained since the stock market crash of 1929! Hahahahaha. Sooo many orphans..."

He walks further into the Hotel until Vaggie stops him when she pointed her spear at his chest.

Vaggie: (glares) "Stop right there, cabrón hijo de perra (bastard son of a bitch)! I know your game and I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone here, you pompous cheesy talk show shitlord!"

Both Shio and Angel pop their heads in, one wide eyes in caution while the other is unamused. The Radio Demon seemed undeterred as he uses his fingers to push the spear away.

Alastor: (chuckles and smiles) "Dear, if I wanted to hurt anyone here..."

Suddenly he speaks in a demonic and sadistic tone as the while area begins to distort with demonic symbols.

Alastor: (demonic smile) "I̷̛̼̗͕͌ ̷̦̎w̷̮͒Ơ̶̬͇̈́͒u̸̜̅L̶̛̟͝d̴̙͕̮̾'̷͖̞̐͒̈͜V̵͔̊e̷̡͌͊ ̵̥͑d̴̻̟̖͌̚O̴̥̼͖͐͑̑ṇ̴͕̪̏̚Ĕ̶̫͇͠ ̵͔͖͕̎͝s̴͇͕̫͠Ò̶̖̣ ̴̞̮̋́͝a̶̲͈̓L̵̲͈̉̅͜ŕ̵̭͋E̷̪̼̺̔͗a̸͍̚D̶͉͍͈͂͠ỹ̷̜́.̷͍̋̌͌.̷̣̰̫̆̿͠.̷̢̘̯͗̋̀"

Both Charlie and Vaggie just stare at him in fear while Shio looked ready to pull the trigger. Alastor then snaps back to reality.

Alastor: (smiles) "No! I'm here because I want to help!"

Charlie: (confused) "Say what, now?"

Alastor: (smiles) "Help! Hahaha, hello? Is this thing on? 

He taps on his mic.

Alastor: (smiles) "Testing, testing!"

Somehow the Microphone opens its single eye.

Alastor's Mic: "Well, I heard you loud and clear!"

Charlie: (nervous smile) "Um, you want to help? With...?"

He then teleports behind the two using his shadow.

Alastor: (smiles) "This ridiculous thing you're trying to do! This hotel! I want to help you run it."

Charlie: (confused) "Buuut... why?"

Alastor: (smiles) "Hahaha, why does anyone do anything? Sheer, absolute boredom! I've lacked inspiration for decades."

Charlie looked at the radio demon with a bewildered expression as Alastor rested his arm atop Vaggie's head, much to her annoyance.

Alastor: (smiles) "My work became mundane, lacking focus..."

He then shoves Vaggie offscreen.

Alastor: (smiles) "...aimless! I've come to crave a new form of entertainment! Hahaha!"

Charlie: (nervous smile) "Does getting into a fistfight with a reporter count as entertainment...?"

Alastor: (laughs) "Hahaha! It's the purest kind, my dear: Reality! True passion! After all, the world is a stage, and the stage is a world of entertainment."

The Kamen Rider narrows his eyes at Alastor. Although he wasn't as powerful compared to him, Shio can tell he was still dangerous. He had felt this guy was here for another reason and it surly wasn't for 'entertainment' as he calls it.

Shio: (narrows eyes and mutters) "Okay... I don't like this guy..."

Charlie: (uncertain smile) "So, does this mean you think it's possible to rehabilitate a demon?"

Alastor: (laughs) "Hahahahaha!"

He shakes a hand in front of her.

Alastor: (smiles) "Of course not! That's wacky nonsense!"

Hearing deflates Charlie's hope while Alastor shakes his head back and forth.

Alastor: (shakes head) "Redemption, oh the non-existent humanity! No, no, no, no. I don't think there's anything left that could save such loathsome sinners!"

He looks over to Vaggie who is offended and Angel who just shrugs as the pair sat on the couch.

Alastor: (smiles) "The chance given was the life they lived before; the punishment is this!"

He stretches his arms out, gesturing the entirety to all of Hell.

Alastor: (smiles) "There is no undoing what is done!"

The Kamen Rider then glares at the Radio Demon with his arms crossed.

Shio: (glares) "So then if you really don't believe in her cause, why bother even coming here to begin with? You know she's not gonna allow you to ruin this right?"

Alastor: (smiles) "Consider it an investment in ongoing entertainment for myself!"

The Radio Demon pulls Charlie close to him and then twirls her.

Alastor: (smiles) "I want to watch the scum of the world struggle to climb up the hill of betterment only to repeatedly trip and tumble down to the fiery pit of failure!"

Although freaked out, Charlie removes his hand from her back.

Charlie: (freaked out) "Riiiight."

Alastor: (smiles) "Yes, indeedy!"

He then grabs her by the waist and drags her offscreen.

Alastor: (smiles) "I see big things coming your way and who better to help you than I?"

He stops for a but before turning to Shio.

Alastor: (smiles) "In fact, you good sir being a guest here will bring unwanted danger that would surely ruin this place! Oh, I can't wait for the carnage that's about to ensue."

Shio: (confused) "What?"

Alastor: (smiles) "Yes my dear boy I've seen your powers. Quite the performance you've made out there on the news too! Especially that transformation of yours! My oh my, I've nearly wet my pants after witnessing such terrifying display of power! I dare say it surpasses even the most powerful overlords as I'm sure all of Hell had felt your tremendous might!"

Shio: (mutters) "Yeah... don't remind me."

Alastor: (smiles) "Although it is curious to see how you haven't turned into a demon. Then again, I can clearly sense you aren't human either."

Charlie: (confused) "Wait you know he isn't human?"

Alastor: (smiles) "Indeed my dear! Although I am curious to see what you would've looked like if you were one of us."

Shio: (annoyed) "Yeah I think I'm good. Glad I won't be trapped in this literal Hell hole."

As Charlie and Shio were talking with Alastor, Vaggie and Angel saw the whole interaction.

Angel: (confused) "Uh, so... uh, what's the deal with Smiles over there?"

Vaggie: (confused and shocked) "Wait, you've never heard of him before? You've been here longer than me!"

The only response she got was Angel Dust giving a clueless shrug.

Vaggie: (glares) "The Radio Demon. One of the most powerful beings Hell has ever seen?"

Angel: (shrugs) "Eh, not big on politics."

Vaggie: (side eyes) "Ugh!"

She then leans in on Angel Dust as she begins her story.

Vaggie: (side eyes) "Decades ago, Alastor manifested in Hell..."

The scene changes to a visual presentation of Vaggie's story regarding Alastor. Horrifying images and scenes are played as Vaggie speaks about the tale of Alastor.

Vaggie: "... seemingly overnight. He began to topple Overlords who have been dominant for centuries. That kind of raw power had never been harnessed by a mortal soul before. Then, he broadcast his carnage all throughout Hell just so everyone could witness his ability. Sinners started calling him 'The Radio Demon' ...as lazy as that is. Many have speculated what unimaginable force enabled him to rival our world's most ancient and destructive evils. But one thing's for sure: He's an unpredictable source of danger, a wicked spirit of mystery, and a violent monster of chaos, the likes of which we can't risk getting involved with unless we want to end up erased!"

Angel: (raised eyebrow) "Ya done? (Laughs dryly) He looks like a strawberry pimp."

Vaggie: "Well, I don't trust him!"

Angel: "To be fair, do you trust any man? Any men? Men?"

The Fallen Angel just gives Angel as deadpanned look before going to where Charlie and Shio are. She grabs her girlfriend by the shoulder and forces her to look at her in a worried tone.

Vaggie: (worried) "Charlie, listen to me. You can't believe this creep! He isn't just a happy face! He's a dealmaker! Pure evil! He can't be redeemed! ...And is most likely looking for a way to destroy everything we're trying to do!"

Charlie: (worried) "I... (sighs) we don't know that! Look, I know he's bad, and I know he probably doesn't wanna change, but the whole point of this is to give people a chance!"

Alastor is inspecting a portrait of the royal family.

Shio: (sigh) "Look I know it's not my place to butt in, but Vaggie here may have a point. I speak from experience when I say there are some people who just can't change and there are those who revel in the suffering of others. Alastor looks to be one of these people."

Charlie: "Even so, we need to have faith that things will be better! How can I turn someone away? I can't. It goes against everything I'm trying to do. Everything I believe in."

She puts her hands on Vaggie's shoulders.

Charlie: (smiles) "Just... trust me. I can take care of myself!"

Vaggie: (worried) "Charlie, whatever you do, do not make a deal with him!"

Shio looks over to see Alastor making a gesture with his hand, seemingly focusing on Vaggie.

Charlie: (reassured smile) "Don't worry, I picked up one thing from my dad! (imitating her dad's voice) You don't take shit from other demons!"

She walks off to where Alastor is, leaving both Shio and Vaggie worried.

Charlie: "Okay, so, Al. You're sketchy as fuck and you clearly see what I'm trying to do here as a joke."

As Charlie turns away, glowing red symbols start to appear beside Alastor which quickly disappear after Charlie turns back to Alastor.

Charlie: "But I don't. I think everyone deserves a chance to prove they can be better. So, I'm taking your offer to help. On the condition that there be no... (makes gestures with hands) tricks or voodoo strings attached."

Alastor: (smiles) "So, it's a deal, then?"

As Alastor rolls his eyes at that last statement, he twirls his mic staff and presents his hand for a handshake as green energy bursts throughout the hotel. But Vaggie and Angel back away due to immense amount of power and are forced to cover their faces from the bright light. Shio, who was unaffected, immediately takes out his Zikan Girade in Zyu Mode and aims the weapon at the Radio Demon. However, just as the situation was about to escalate, Charlie refuses the handshake.

Charlie: "Nope! No shaking! No deals! I... hmm..."

She walks away a bit before looking back at the Radio Demon.

Charlie: "As princess of Hell and heir to the throne, I, uh, hereby order that you help with this hotel. For as long as you desire."

A howling wolf can be heard in the background as Charlie looks over to Vaggie for approval who just gives a side eye of being unsure how the respond. The Princess then looks at Shio who was still aiming his weapon.

Charlie: "And Shio, please... put the weapon away. I got this."

The Kamen Rider looks unsure at first before lowering his weapon and holstering it. Charlie then glances back towards Alastor.

Charlie: "Sound fair?"

The Radio demon rubs his chin, contemplating his answer.

Alastor: "Hmm..."

Retracting his mic staff, he agrees.

Alastor: (smiles) "Fair enough!"

The Princess sighs in relief hearing this and gives a double thumbs up.

Charlie: (relived sigh) "Cool beans."

Alastor walks past Vaggie and Angel as the two try to stay clear of him.

Alastor: (smiles) "Hmm hm hmm hmm..."

He continues to hum while looking around before stopping in front of Vaggie.

Alastor: (smiles) "Smile, my dear!"

He tickles the underside of her chin, causing the Fallen Angel to growl in anger.

Alastor: (smiles) "You know you're never fully dressed without one!"

He walks away as he continues humming. He then goes back to where Shio and Charlie were.

Alastor: (smiles) "So where is your hotel staff? I know the place looks clean and presentable but were gonna need help if we're gonna maintain it."

Charlie: (nervous) "Uh, well-"

Camera pans to Vaggie who's staring at Alastor dead in the eyes.

Shio: (sigh) "Yeah... we're gonna need more help."

Alastor: (adjusts monocle and laughs) "Ohohoho, you're going to need more than that."

He then walks towards Angel Dust. 

Alastor: (smiles) "And what can you do, my effeminate fellow?"

Angel: (perverted smile) "I can suck your dick!"

Mic feedback can be heard in the background as Alastor tries to process what he was just offered.

Alastor: (laughs) "HAH! No."

Angel: (scoffs and smiles) "Your loss."

Alastor: (smiles) "Well, this just won't do!"

He summons his mic staff.

Alastor: (smiles) "I suppose I can cash in a few favors to liven things up."

With the snap of a finger, a new fireplace has replaced the hotel's new one as he approaches it and picks up the mysterious figure covered in soot, which then opens its eye and stares at the group behind him. She then poofs off the soot from her body and is revealed to be a sinner named Niffty.

Alastor: (smiles) "This little darling is Niffty!"

She then drops to the floor unaffected.

Niffty: (smiles) "Hi, I'm Niffty! It's nice to meet you! It's been a while since I've made new friends!"

She eyes the four individuals.

Niffty: (confused) "Why're you all women? (gasp) A man!"

Before Shio could react, she pounced on him and held him close to her face. The Kamen Rider jerked his head back as he saw the crazed grin on the sinner's face.

Niffty: (crazed grin) "Wow you look so handsome! And you're eyes! They look like jewels! Mind of I pluck them out?"

She holds up and needle and Shio quickly shook his head.

Shio: (shakes head) "Uh no thanks!"

He grabs the little lady and hands her back to Alastor who he then promptly let's go back onto the floor. Suddenly, they hear and see a few bugs and critters roaming around the hotel, something that doesn't go unnoticed by Niffty.

Niffty: "Oooh, man! This place is filthy! It really needs a lady's touch!"

She grabs a spider and crushes it.

Niffty: "Which is weird because you're all ladies, no offense. Except for that one guy."

She stares offscreen as she takes out a feather duster.

Niffty: "Oh, my gosh! This is awful!"

She speeds clean throughout the hotel, even though most of the place is polished and nice.

Niffty: "Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope!"

She spots a cockroach and stabs it with a sewing pin.

Niffty: "Nope!"

The five stares at Niffty when suddenly a green glow is seen, and voice is heard. They turn to see an unknown cat demon is seen on a gambling table. It's revealed his name is Husk.

He lays the cards down in the table, showing he's won.

Husk: (smirks) "Hah! Read 'em and weep, boys! Full Ho-"

Suddenly demonic illusions and voices distort the surroundings temporarily before things go back to normal. Husk then looks around and take in his new surroudings.

Husk: (confused) "-tel? What the fuck is this?

Looking around, he spots Alastor, eliciting an angry purr as he points at him.

Husk: (glares) "You!"

Alastor: (smiles) "Ah, Husker, my good friend! Glad you could make it!"

The Radio Demon puts a hand on his shoulder until he pushes it away and points back at him.

Husk: (glares) "Don't you 'Husker' me, you son of a bitch! I was about to win the whole damn pot!"

He gestures to the all the winnings he earned, only for it all to disappear into nothingness.

Alastor: (smiles) "Good to see you too!"

Husk: (angry facepalms) "What the hell do you want with me this time...?"

Alastor: (smiles) "My friend, I am doing some charity work so I took it upon myself to volunteer your services! I hope that's okay!"

Husk: (glares) "Are you shittin' me?!"

Alastor: (smiles) "Hmm... No, I don't think so!"

Furious, he shoves Alastor off.

Husk: (furious glare) "You thought it'd be some kind of big fucking riot just to pull me out of nowhere?!"

The camera pans to Alastor dusting himself off.

Husk: (furious glare) "You think I'm some kind of fucking clown?!"

The Radio Demon grins as if he's about to laugh.

Alastor: (grins) "Maybe!"

Husk: (glares) "I ain't doing no fucking charity job."

Alastor the teleports behind him through his shadow.

Alastor: (smiles) "Well, I figured you would be the perfect face to man the front desk of this fine establishment!"

He gestures towards the bar he made out of his magic.

Alastor: (smiles) "With your charming smile..."

He pulls Husks' lips into a forced smile.

Alastor: (smiles) "...and welcoming energy, this job was made for you! Don't worry my friend..."

The Radio Demon walks over to the bar, revealing the soles of his shoes to have deer prints.

Alastor: (smiles) "...I can make this more welcoming! ...If you wish."

He makes a bottle of 'Cheap Booze' appear out of nowhere. Husk stares at the booze for a second before glaring back at his tormenter.

Husk: (glares) "What? You think you can buy me with a wink and some cheap booze?!"

He grabs the booze and looks at it. 

Husk: (glares) "...Well, you can!"

He takes a sip and begins downing the booze down his throat. On the other hand, Vaggie refuses to have a bar in the Hotel, seeing the mayhem it will most certainly cause.

Vaggie: "Hey, hey! Hey, hey, hey! No! No bar, no alcohol! This is supposed to be a place that discourages sin! Not some kind of mouth...brothel...man cave!"

Before she could continue on ranting, Angel Dust tackled Vaggie to the ground as he tries to prevent her from getting rid of the bar.

Angel: (glares) "SHUT UP! SHUT! UP! We are keeping this!"

He points to the bar with all his fingers before sliding over to flirt with Husk

Angel: (flirty tone) "Hey~"

Husk: (glares) "Go fuck yourself."

In response, Angel briefly holds Husk's face.

Angel: (flirty tone) "Only if you watch me~!"

Just then, Charlie comes up and learns forward towards Husk, welcoming him to the Hotel.

Charlie: (smiles) "Oh, my gosh! Welcome to The Happy Hotel! You are going to love it here!"

She tries to go for a handshake but instead Hush just reaches and grabs the booze.

Husk: (annoyed glare) "I lost the ability to love years ago."

He then continues to chug down his booze.

Alastor: (smiles) "So, whaddaya think?"

Charlie: "This is amazing!"

She rubs her cheeks excitedly while Vaggie had her arms crossed.

Vaggie: "It's... okay."

Shio: "Although a bar could indeed cause some problems, as long as they drink moderately it should be fine."

The Radio Demon then reels Shio, Vaggie, and Charlie into a tight group hug as he laughs.

Alastor: (laughs) "Hahaha! This is going to be very entertaining!"

(BGM: Alastor's Reprise With Lyrics)


He then let's go of Vaggie and Shio before summoning a fireball, launching it to the hotel ceiling just so he could distract Charlie fast enough for him to shove both Vaggie and Shio offscreen. He dresses himself in a tux and matching top hat.

Alastor: (smiles) "♫ You have a dream! ♫"

He twirls Charlie and dresses her up.

Alastor: (smiles) "♫You wish to tell! ♫"

He turns to both Vaggie and Shio who are now both on the floor.

Alastor: (smiles) "♫ And it's just laughable. ♫"

The scene pans to Vaggie fuming in rage and glaring hatefully at Alastor while Shio looks both annoyed and confused. He turns back to Charlie and tosses her mid-air.

Alastor: (smiles) "♫ But, hey, kid, what the hell? ♫"

The background behind Charlie changes to neon-colored lights featuring two apples and a skull. The Radio Demon then catches Charlie by the hand as they both tap dance together.

Alastor: (smiles) "♫ 'Cause you're one-of-a-kind! A charming demon belle! ♫"

The two then slide down the railing of the stairs.

Alastor: (smiles) "♫ Now, let's give these burning fools a place to dwell! ♫"

He then dresses up the rest of the hotel staff with Shio now wearing a uniform and a fedora hat.

Alastor: (smiles) "♫ Take it, boys! ♫"

The Radio demon snaps his fingers, allowing shadow demons to appear from the floorboards and begin playing their instruments as Vaggie tries to talk to Charlie who is having too much fun. Alastor pulls her in with him and the others as his shadow demons surround them.

Shadow Demons: "Boo!"

Alastor: (laughs) "♫ Haha! Inside of every demon is a lost cause! ♫"

He puts a fedora on Angel's head as he snaps his fingers back to himself.

Alastor: (smiles) "♫ But we'll dress 'em up for now, with just a smile! ♫"

Alastor put on a hat and scarf on Vaggie before slapping her butt, much to her anger.

Shadow Demons: (smiles) "♫ With a smile! ♫"

Alastor: (smiles) "♫ And we'll chlorinate this cesspool with some old redemption flair! ♫"

He kicks off skull which Niffty rushes in and cleans off.

Alastor: (smiles) "♫ And show these simpletons some proper class and style! ♫"

He summons a shadow clone of himself.

Shadow Demons: "♫ Class and style! ♫"

He then snaps away his shadow.

Alastor: (smiles) "♫ Oh! Here below the ground- ♫"

He twirls and dances with Charlie before pinching her cheeks.

Alastor: (smiles) "♫ -I'm sure your plan is sound! ♫"

He continues to hold hands with Charlie as they both twirl around and around.

Alastor: (smiles) "♫ They'll spend a little time, down at this Hazbin Ho- ♫"

(Background Music Ends)

Suddenly, the hotel door explodes, knocking Niffty offscreen as Shio, Charlie, Alastor, Angel Dust, and Vaggie look outside. As soon as they did, the group sees it's none other than Sir Pentious' warship that is hovering outside the hotel. He pops his head out of his warship as she looks down at him.

Sir Pentious: (laughs) "Hah! Well, well, well. Look who it is harboring the striped freak and that human with the weird power! We meet yet again, Alastor!"

Alastor: (confused smile) "Do I know you?"

Hearing this deflates his ego a bit before flaring his hood again.

Sir Pentious: (glares) "Oh, yes you do!"

He goes back into his ship to activate his main weapon.

Sir Pentious: (smiles) "And this time, I have the element of-"

He pulls a lever, revealing a deadly cannon that whirls to life and is preparing to fire.

Sir Pentious: (laughs) "-SURPRISE! Ahaha! I'm so evil!"

Just as the cannon was about to fire, a 'SHING!' his heard as the cannon detaches from the ship, and it then kicked far away. It's then heard landing somewhere before a loud explosion is heard. Soon everyone is confused until they saw Shio holding Morning Light and the Katana was drawn. He sheaths his sword before glaring at the warship.

Shio: (annoyed) "That's it. I'm gonna deal with this freak."

He then manifests the Ohma Zi-O Driver around his waist as lava appears to surround Shio and then transform into a holographic clock below him. This shocks almost everyone as they can feel the rising level of power.

Husk: (shocked) "What the hell is going on?!"

Angel: (shocked) "Oh fuck! Not again!"

Husk: (shocked) "You know what he's gonna do?!"

Vaggie: (shocked) "Everyone get back! Now!"

Unfortunately, it was too late to do anything.

Shio: (glares) "Henshin!"

He slams the driver on both sides and activates the transformation. Golden rings begin to surround and spin around him as an announcement it being heard.

[Shukufuku no toki! Saikō! Saizen! Saidai! Saikyō ō! Ohma Zi-O!]

The golden rings bust, unleashing a wave of energy, revealing Shio in his armor called Ohma Zi-O. As soon as he begins to manifest his powers, everyone falls down to their knees due to immense power Shio was emanating. Even Alastor was forced onto his knees as he realizes the power Shio possessed far exceeded his own. This caused everyone to gasp for air as they feel an immense amount of pressure pressed down on them and their life being chocked outta them.

Vaggie: (gasping) "What... that Hell... is... this?"

Husk: (gasping) "There's no way... he's an Overlord... He's gotta be... one of the deadly... sins."

Charlie: (gasping) "This power... it's even greater... than my father!"

Alastor: (gasping) "To make me... fall on... my knees... how... despicable..."

Inside the warship, Sir Pentious is horrified as he realizes his had just screwed up big time.

Sir Pentious: (horrified) "Oh shit... I fucked up..."

Before the sinner could react, Shio raised his hand out and the warship began to be surrounded in a golden aura. Soon the Kamen Rider behind to slowly close his hand and the warship began to be crushed inwards. Sir Pentious and the Egg Bois all scream and panic in horror as they all try to escape. However, the aura surrounding them prevented any and all hope of escape. Soon explosions are heard until the crew is all crushed within the interior. As soon as the explosions stopped, the warship was now nothing more than a giant ball of metal that was crushed in the worst was possible. 

Seeing no use for this, Shio reels his arm back and then hurls it forward, allowing the giant hunk of metal to sour upwards and be throw towards the other side of the city. As soon as Shio was done dealing with Sir Pentious, everyone looks at Shio with utter shock and horror. The only exception is Alastor who is grinning menacingly in satisfaction.

There was a brief pause and a whole lot of tension before Alastor broke it.

Alastor: (grins) "Well that was entertaining! Anyways, I'm starved! Who wants some Jambalaya? My mother once showed me a wonderful recipe for Jambalaya."

He then walks back to the Hotel as everyone else followed.

Alastor: (smiles) "In fact, it nearly killed her! Hahaha! You could say the kick was right out of Hell! Ohoho, I'm on a roll! Yes, sir! This is the start of some real changes down here! The game is set! Now..."

Alastor uses his magic for the last time in the episode to change the sign atop the hotel from 'Happy Hotel' to 'Hazbin Hotel'.

Alastor: (sinister laugh) "...Stay tuned. Hahaha...!"

========== (Scene Change) ==========

Back at the crater to where the ship was thrown and smashed, Sir Pentious is revealed to have survived the beating served by Shio along with Egg Boi #23.

Egg Boi #23: (smiles) "Now will you shoot me with your ray gun?"

Not wanting to deal with his minions BS, Sir Pentious just collapses out of exhaustion.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

After the whole incident with Sir Pentious, things have finally calmed down. However, just before everyone turned in for the night, Shio asked both Charlie and Vaggie to see him on the roof as there are something things he wished to talk about. Although confused at first, they agreed and then later at night, all three of there are seen standing on the roof.

Shio: (nods) "Hello there."

Charlie: (nervous smile) "H-Hi."

Vaggie: "So why did you call us here?"

Shio: (sigh) "Well I came here for two things. The first involves Charlie and the second involves my honest opinion for the Hotel."

Charlie: (confused) "Me? What do you need from me?"

Shio: "Charlie, this come off as strange and awkward but... do you remember me? It's been a very long time since we last met. Specifically, when we were just children, but do you recognize me in some way?"

Now this got Charlie confused while Vaggie narrowed her eyes, wondering just what Shio was talking about.

Charlie: (confused) "What? What do you mean? We just met today, right?"

Shio: "Actually this is the second time were saw each other. The first time... we when you and your parents arrived on Earth. More specifically at a park. After all, there was ONE time you went to Earth before, right?"

Hearing shocked Charlie. She never told anyone, besides Vaggie, that she had actually been to Earth. Although she barely remembers her short time on Earth due to being a toddler at the time, she still knows for a fact that she had been to Earth before just one time with her mom and dad. Yet here in front of her was a person who apparently knows her past and seems to be familiar with her.

Just who was this person?

Charlie: (shocked) "How... How can you know this? Just who are you really?"

Shio: "I'm a friend Charlie. In fact, we actually met once before at a park. Please try to remember. During that one time you went to Earth, your parents took you to a park to play and it was there you actually met a little boy who you played with. Think hard and try to remember."

For the Princess of Hell, her face scrunched up a bit as she tries to remember. She tries her hardest to think and remember when all of a sudden, a memory she long though forgotten was soon unlocked and then those same memories began to flood her mind. Charlie widens her eyes in utter shocked as she begins to remember and now fully recognizes the man in front of her.

Charlie: (shocked) "It... can't be... Shio? Is... Is that really you?"

Shio: (nods and smiles) "Yeah. I'm glad you remember me now. I know it's been a long time but-OOF!"

Before he could react, Charlie jumped at him with a hug and wrapped her arms around his neck. Vaggie saw this and her jaw dropped once again seeing her girlfriend hug this young man tightly. As expected, this caused her to glare furiously in both rage and jealously.

Charlie: (smiles) "Oh my gosh! It's you! It's really you! I can't believe I get to see you again! It's so wonderful so see you again!"

Although initially caught off guard by the hug, Shio returned the gesture and gently wrapped his arms around her, also pulling her into a hug. The Kamen Rider both smiled and nodded, happy to see that Charlie now remembers him.

Shio: (smiles and nods) "It's good to see you too Charlie. It was quite a shock and surprise for me when I learned you were my childhood friend. Even though we just met only once as children. Still, I'm just... glad you remember me now."

Charlie: (smiles) "As am I! I have SO much to tell you! But first, you should know that this is my girlfriend Vaggie!"

She grabs the Fallen Angel and pulls her towards her, showing her off to Shio.

Shio: (nods) "Yeah we met."

Of course, Shio noticed the hateful glare Vaggie was giving him, and he honestly knew why, but kept his mouth shut.

Charlie: (smiles) "Anyways, I know I've said it before but welcome to the Hotel! I hope you enjoy your stay here and I'm so happy to know you're here to help make this place work."

Shio nods, however, there is also the second part that he needs to discuss with them.

Shio: (nods) "Thank you. However, there's also the other thing I wish to talk about. Specifically, about the Hotel itself."

Hearing this got their attention as the lesbian couple looked at him confused.

Charlie: (confused) "What do you mean?"

Shio: (sigh) "Look I'm going to be blunt with you. This Hotel project won't work-"

Hearing this caused Charlie to feel dejected, seeing that Shio really didn't believe in her dream and that he was lying. As for Vaggie, as expected she was pissed.

Vaggie: (furious glare) "Are you fucking kidding me?! Are you telling us that this Hotel is nothing but a FUCKING joke?! Is everything you said about helping us nothing but a FUCKING lie?!"

Shio: (glares) "Let's me finish."

He let out a bit of his Godly aura, causing Vaggie to shut her mouth.

Shio: (sigh) "Look, I do indeed believe in the idea of redemption, but I'm trying to be realistic here. This is HELL after all and know for a fact this project of yours won't work for all demons. No doubt there will be some demons who don't wish to do the work. There will be demons who will see this place as a waste of their time. And finally, there will be some demons who don't want to change for the better. That there are demons here to LOVE who and what they are. They LOVE being sinful. They LOVE committing acts of evil. They LOVE making others suffer for their own selfish greed and self-interest. I've seen it before, and I've seen those who truly aren't capable of redemption."

Vaggie: (glares) "Oh yeah? What would you know huh? What could you possibly have gone through to make you have that kind of mindset?"

Shio starred at her in silence, causing tension to rise in the air and making Charlie feel nervous. Eventually the Kamen Rider sighs as he decides to tell them the truth. More specifically Aku Yami and the atrocities he's committed. However, he was also going to show them his followers and how many of them were so evil they were beyond redemption.

Shio: (sigh) "I know because I was forced to become what I am now. I never wanted this, specifically I never wanted to be a 'God'. But events in my universe had forced me to become what I am now. It's time you know the real truth on how I really came to be."

It was then Shio explained to them about how he became a Kamen Rider due to a monster named Aku Yami. He told them about the atrocities and war crimes he's committed, including acts of rape and genocide of entire universes. Shio even used his powers to show a projection on the battles he was forced to endure and the atrocities he was forced to witness. He explained further about the Wise Ones and then he spoke about the Dark Ones. Although he won, it came at a severe and horrible cost.

However, what really got the attention of the Lesbian couple was the human followers of Aku who became evil Kamen Riders and sought to make all life suffer. Shio explained how these three Riders were humans who lived tragic lives. He spoke and showed them how they have suffered endless abuse and torture from their peers and even their own family members. It was here Charlie and Vaggie witnessed how these people gave into their own inner darkness and committed acts of atrocities as a means of revenge. They see Shio trying to talk and reason with them to stop, but it all proved to be fruitless as they refused to give up the power they were given and want revenge on the ones who made them suffer. After that, Shio explained how he was ultimately forced to kill them and then he spoke about his final battle against Aku Yami before finally killing him.

By time Shio was done explaining and showing everything, the faces of both Charlie and Vaggie had one of shock and utter horror. They were horrified at the carnage that unfurled before them, the sheer devastation and genocide as made them feel a mixture of emotions. Charlie was a sobbing mess due to seeing such horror and suffering being inflicted upon so many innocent people. Vaggie felt numb as her mind was unable to process everything she had just witnessed. It took a few more seconds until Shio spoke again.

Shio: "Now do you see what I mean. While there are indeed sinners who deserve redemption or a second chance to find peace, there are those who don't care or are unable to. Charlie, I know that you wish to see the good in others, but you need to face the harsh reality that not EVERYONE is good deep down. Perhaps maybe at one point they were a good person. However, that fire of hope had died out long ago. I'm not saying this project of yours will fail. I wouldn't be here if I didn't believe in your dreams. It could very well help people, but what I'm saying is that you need to be careful who you let in. Please just... don't make the same mistakes I made when trying to help others, only for them to stab you in the back."

After Shio finished explaining, both Charlie and Vaggie stood in silence, trying to comprehend his words and explanation. Normally Charlie would've said something but giving people a second chance and seeing the good in them, but after witnessing all the crap Shio went through and the people he encountered, she slowly began to understand his perspective. However, she still held hope and was glad he still believed in her cause.

Charlie: "Okay well... maybe we might not be able to help everyone but... we can still help those we can... at least those who deserve it."

Shio: "That may be so, but now there's another issue we need to deal with. More specifically we need to deal with Heaven."

Charlie: (confused) "What? Why?"

Shio: "Charlie if this Hotel is going to work, then we need to convince Heaven to give this place a chance and stop the exterminations. However, that'll be easier said than done as I doubt Heaven will try to listen or believe in any of this. We'll need evidence to make this work. But then again, even if we do have the evidence, I doubt this will deter Heaven's thoughts of stopping the extermination. They'll most likely want to continue it indefinity."

Charlie: (confused) "Huh? Why wouldn't they stop? Isn't this a way to stop all this bloodshed?"

Shio: "Keep in mind that this is HELL after all. It's a place where the worst of the worst end up here for all the sins they committed back on Earth. Yes, not all sinners are truly 'Evil', but there are those who are evil to their core. As for why Heaven wouldn't be on bored with this Hotel idea, well we need to think about the people living in Heaven. There could be victims up there who went through the worst, unimaginable pain they were forced to endure, and the cause of their misery will be your subjects. There could be a woman in Heaven who had to deal with an abusive husband and had to go through years in order to overcome her trauma. One of your subjects could've killed a mother's child and show absolutely no remorse for one's actions. A pair of mothers and fathers could've lost their son and daughter who were married to a murderer who did nothing but laugh and taunt us during at their grief. Then there could be one individual who simply had their life cut short and the one responsible was allowed free to leave. All of these actions were done by YOUR subjects who have committed these crimes and just don't give a damn."

The Kamen Rider sighs before speaking again.

Shio: (sigh) "The point I'm trying to say here is that there are millions, if not BILLIONS of residents in Heaven who have suffered due to what your subjects have done to them during their lives on Earth. They most likely wouldn't accept this Hotel idea because they don't want to deal with the very people who have caused them nothing but trauma, pain, agony, and so much more. They don't want to relive their past because they fear those same people will force them to suffer through the agonizing torture your subject out them through. That's why they wouldn't accept this Hotel. They'll want to destroy before there's a chance to make your dream a reality. Heance why they will still fully support the extermination."

Hearing this caused Vaggie to look at her lover in worry.

Vaggie: (worried) "Hon, as much as I hate to say it... I have to agree with him on this. I know it's a hard pill to swallow, but I think Shio might be right that Heaven will NOT be on bored this idea."

Hearing this caused Charlie to be stunned with silence. A few tears went down her face as she began to see the flaw in her dream. She began to understand that even if she wanted her fellow sinners to learn forgiveness and get redemption, she now understands that the people of Heaven will NEVER accept them. She sniffs and cries a bit, unsure where to go from here.

Charlie: (sniffs) "Well then... what are we going to do?"

Shio: "I still believe this project can work. We just need to tell the people of Heaven that if this Hotel is going to work, it's going to be a selective process. Do you know any spells or magic that can act as a lie detector?"

Charlie: "I... I think so. I believe there are a few spells I like those I should be able to conjure up."

Shio: (nods) "Good. We'll need that to make sure any sinners we take in are genuine and aren't trying to get into Heaven to mess things up."

Vaggie: "Mess things up in Heaven? What do you mean?"

Shio: "What I mean is that when sinners are redeemed and go to Heaven, we gotta make sure they're the right ones. Otherwise, we could send the wrong people and they'll start causing chaos in Heaven. That will give Heaven a reason to do away with this project and resume the exterminations."

Hearing his reasons made Charlie and Vaggie nod in understanding. As harsh as it sounds, they can indeed see his reasoning. Shio then looks at Charlie and speaks in a serious tone.

Shio: "Charlie, listen to me. I know this is something you don't wish to hear, but this has to be said. In Hell, it not all puppies and rainbows and whatever 'happy thoughts' you can think of. The world is a harsh and merciless place. One filled with nothing but disappointment and failure. The reason is because there could be sinners here to who have been wronged and suffered at the hands of people they thought they could trust. No doubt they've been betrayed and backstabbed by the very people they were supposed to count on. It's for this reason it would've made them bitter and resentful, causing them to go down a dark path and cause them to end up here in Hell for their deeds. The sooner you realize and see this, the better."

Charlie: (whisper) "I... I think I... understand."

She spoke in a whisper as Vaggie comforted her.

Shio: (nods) "Good. It's getting late now so let's all just head to bed."

The pair agreed as they went back inside the Hotel and go to bed, not knowing that fates have been intertwined. Unknown to everyone, the actions Shio will take will change the fate of all creation in this universe... for better or worse.


(A/N: Yeah, I know I used the redesigns, but I couldn't find good images for the designs of the Pilot Episode. I mean, the series is already out so might as well use them. Anyway, Shio had finally met the gang and next chapter is where he's gonna meet Adam. Yeah, it's gonna go as well as you'd expect. As in, Shio's gonna hate the guy and resist the urge not to murder him.)

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