Chapter 1: Prolonge

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Hey everyone! It's me, Shadow 264 and WELCOME once again to the very first episode of Kamen Rider Zi-O (I am a Crossover Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Zi-O)! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER ZI-O!! Kamen Rider Zi-O is owned by Toei and the crossovers are owned by specific companies created them. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

It was a normal day in Japan. It was a peaceful day with people doing their everyday routine, playing with their kids and all the other working and funfilled activities until, an explosion was heard at the eastern parts of Japan.

At the area of Japan, due to portal Mazine travelling, the entire of Japan has become a battlefield for three of our riders versing the Mighty Demon King of Time, Oma Zi-O. It was punch after punch, kick after kick, slash after slash, science after science, shot after shot and magic after magic with two Zi-Os in their Decade form, Geiz in his Genm armour form, Tsukuyomi wielding a FaizPhone and Oma Zi-O being,... Oma Zi-O took damage after damage by their own attacks as the five warriors didn't ahow signs of exhaustion and they don't seem to be backing down.

The entire battle was going to end with bloodshed until Oma Zi-O and the other Zi-O Decade Armour known as, Tenma Sanchez had other ideas.

Oma Zi-O: You are going down!! Zi-Os, Geiz!!

Geiz: Not when I'm still standing, Oma Zi-O!

Sougo: We are going to take you down, whatever it takes!!

Tenma: And when we take you down, we are going to make a crown out of you and after that, we'll get some of the best ice cream in the multiverse that everyone has been looking forward to!! And plus, if you think that you made a guy who you destroyed for so many years by your power of time, well guess what? I've made the stars that became the carbon of your mother's ovaries, dammit!!

Oma Zi-O: Okay, that's it!! You asked for it as you've just signed a death wish to Oma Zi-O!!!! 

He roared as he pressed the button on his Ziku-Driver as he spun the Driver, acquiring his finisher.



Tenma: Zi-O, Geiz, let's do this!!!

Sougo & Geiz: YEAH!!

Tsukuyomi: WAIT!!!

The three implied as they did the same as Oma Zi-O, acquiring their own finishers.





They all activated their finishers as they all gave it their all to defeat Oma Zi-O, but to no avail as when their finishers are in contact, the blast was so great that it caused a megaton shockwave to occur and for them to get thrown backwards, causing them to fall onto the ground.

Tsukuyomi ran towards them as they ensured that they are alright while pointing her FaizPhone in its gun mode at the area where Oma Zi-O has fallen, whereas for Oma Zi-O, he struggled to get up as proof to be told, he kept falling for a few times due to that tremendous amount of power emitted by their clashed finishers.

When he finally got up, he looked at his enemies as he stated;

Oma Zi-O: Not bad.... but not good enough!!! As long as I still stand, I will still destroy you... AND YOUR TIMELINE!!!! And when I do.... YOU WILL ALL BE NOTHING!!!!!!

Tenma: Oh yeah?! I crafted the guy who created the world you are standing on!!

Oma Zi-O: I am the one who is going to get you killed by destroying myself who turned out to be that Zi-O in the future and past!!!!

Geiz: I don't get it!!!



He roared as he shot a beam from the palm of his hand, directly at Sougo in his Zi-O Decade Armour form, Geiz in his Geiz Genm Armour form and Tsukuyomi directly, but to no avail as Tenma fished out his portal gun as he aimed it at the beam.

Tenma: I beg to fucking differ you Time-King pieces of shiiiiiiiiaaat!!!

He exclaimed as he shot a portal blast at the beam as two beams collided with each other, causing a huge explosion to occur, creating a huge blackhole to be created to everyone's shock.

And the best part was, Oma Zi-O felt his Time clone being ripped away from him as it got sucked into the blackhole, to Oma Zi-O's shock.

Oma Zi-O: WHAT?! NO!!!!

Geiz: Sanchez?! What just happened?!

Tsukuyomi: WHAT'S HAPPENING?!?!

Tenma: His time clone, which I predicted has been sucked into the blackhole. Now, he is mortal, like us!!

Oma Zi-O: Without my clone.... I can no longer... be... immortal.... (growls)

Oma Zi-O growled as he roared, disappearing out of sight, knowing that the battle is over, for now. As for the group of four who remained, they notieced that the blackhole is not closing.

Tsukuyomi: The portal is not closing!

Tenma: This is what happens when a time beam and a portal beam comes in contact! Now you just have to sit back and watch the hole suck up this timeline!!!

All: WHAT?!?!?

Geiz: Do you know how to stop it?!

Tenma: I know how but, I have to go inside the blackhole and stop it from the inside.

Sougo: Does it work?!

Tenma: If you are a sciencetist? Yes!

Geiz: Then good luck, Zi-O. Come back. We still need you.

Tenma: I know....

He exclaimed for the last time as he jumped inside the blackhole.

Tsukuyomi: You think he will be okay at the other side?

Sougo: He will.

Tsukuyomi: How do you know about that?!

Sougo: Because I believe in him... like he does for me.

Tsukuyomi, Sougou and Geiz looked up as they watched on as the Blackhole is still sucking up time.

Inside the Blackhole, Tenma is now altering his portal gun as he aimed it around the blackhole.

Tenma: Okay, let's do it...

Exclaiming, he shot several rounds on his portal gun, as portals began to form around at the insides of the blackhole, causing the blackhole to implode by itself slowly as the portals slowly absorbed the blackhole entirely, making the trio to watch the blackhole in front of them to close in itself due to the portals created inside of it.

Sougo: Tenma....

Everyone watched the empty land as their fight was over for now, knowing that Tenma's battle is not over yet, at the other side.

Meanwhile inside the blackhole, Tenma is seen inside of it as he summoned a Time Mazine so that he can stop falling inside the blackhole which he knew that falling inside of it will take an eternity to get out of.

Tenma: Okay, this is taking faaar too long. (Fishes out FaizPhone, summoning Time Mazine)


As if on queue, Time Mazine in vehicle mode appeared out of its portal as a ramp leading inside the cockpit opened up. Tenma soon grabbed the end of the ramp as he stood on it while running inside of the vehicle, deactivating his Zi-O Decade Armour form as he took the controls of the vehicle, summoning a Time Portal in front of them.

Tenma soon presssd the accelerator as the vehicle flew through the portal in a fast pace, awaiting for his return but, what he doesn't know is that he will be awaiting a very first crossover when he passes the exit portal when he opens it.

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The first episode of our Kamen Rider Zi-O (I am a Crossover Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Zi-O.). I know this is short because I'm still recoverjng from my depression but, I tried my best to get the story going a bit here today. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what Iprefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of Kamen Rider Zi-O (I am a Crossover Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Zi-O.) insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our Kamen Rider Zi-O (I am a Crossover Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Zi-O.)! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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