Chapter 2: It's Dating "Time" 2015 (Date A Live 2015) (PART 1)

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Hey everyone! It's me, Shadow 264 and WELCOME once again to the very second episode of Kamen Rider Zi-O (I am a Crossover Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Zi-O)! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER ZI-O!! Kamen Rider Zi-O is owned by Toei and the crossovers are owned by specific companies created them. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

It was a peaceful afternoon at Eurasia as the people there are carrying out their everyday lives. Some doing their jobs, exercising, running around and some sitting on benches or chairs resting on the tables or playing board games.

It was a peaceful afternoon until an explosion had to ruin it all, causing the people at the certain section of the city to run for their lives. As they all ran, a mutant with a mix of a human figure and of a monster waloed along the streets as she continued to battle against her opponents who are several number of girls and a boy.


The creature roared as it slashed her weapon at the boy, with the twins lifting him up to safety as they dropped him off at the rooftop of a building.

Shido: You can't take her head-on!!!!

???: Yes. We all can. Kaguya, let us assist Tohka and the rest.

Kaguya: Yeah, Yuzuru!

And with that, the sisters swooped down to deal with the warrior-like being together with Yoshino, Tohka and Kotori. As they Tohka gave this warrior a slash in the chest, she somehow blocked it with her own sword, to her shock.

Tohka: Wha-?? How?!

???: FOOL!!! I am you!

Tohka: W-what?!

???: Fool! Can't you see the similarities?! But, either way, I will be off now as I need to find Shido that you took from me!

Tohka: You will never have him!!!!

???: Very well....

She said it in a terrifying way as the other version of Tohka struck Tohka by using the identical sword that Tohka is using but, demonic. Tohka was being dragged backwards due to the attack inflicted by the demonic version of herself as she rams through a building, causing some debris from the ceiling to collapse on her, to everyone's shock.

Yoshino: Tohka!

Yuzuru & Kaguya: Tohka!!

Shido: TOHKA!!!

As they looked at where Tohka landed, the other being began to cackle as she swung her sword around as she began to drag its tip against the ground as she walked towards Tohka.

Yuzuru, Kaguya, Miku, Kotori and Yoshino soon took action as they gave their all as they tried to damage the being that looked like Tohka, but it's not, but to no avail as the being blocked and dodged all of their attacks like as if it was nothing, and sent a huge shockwave at them, causing them to fall before them as they are now too weak.

Miku: She's.... too... powerful.....

Yuzuru: Y-yes.... her power doesn't match.... to Tohka's power....

As the spirits tried to get up, due to exhaustion, they fell once again as they knew that the being that looked like Tohka has drained them from their powers by just one shockwave.

As Kotori tried to reach for her weapon as a last resort, the being then step on her hand as Kotori screamed in pain, to Shido taking notice of it as his eyes widened.

Shido: KOTORI!!!!!!

???: You, Kotori, also known as the fire spirit!! Well, hate to extinguish your flame... BUT THIS IS WHERE YOUR CORPSE WILL LAY ALONG WITH THE OTHERS!!!!!!! FINALLY, SHIDO WILL BE MINE!!!!

The being said as she raised her sword in the air as she was about to inflict a finishing blow on Kotori

Shido: NOOOOO!!!!!!!


Tenma exited out from his portal, only to see a crator, filled uo by tonnes of buildings. He looked and explored more at this beautiful world from his time mazine as he was in awe with the sight he is witnessing.

Tenma: Well, this has gotta be the most beautiful places of all Time!! Look at this baby!! Didn't earth discovered this city yet???

He said as he lets his ship fly around the city as he scanned for what this city has in store for him.

Tenma: Wow. Eateries, cinemas, science stuff and many more than earth. This place is something els--

As he was about to finish, he was soon alerted by radar that there are people to look at. As he saw this, he began to scroll down the list of people he need to see or observe.

Tenma: Hmmm... looks like there are some people I need to watch over. (Typing and swiping the screen in front of me) (A/N: A few swipes and many minutes of typing later,) hmmmm... Tohka, Yoshino and Yoshinon? (Giggles) a puppet? Nicccccccce. Anyway, Yuzuru, Kaguya, Miku, Kotori and Shido. Ooookay, never knew yhese girls like that dude but.... okay then.

As he finished his sentence, his ship is now experiencing some kind of turbulance as he tried steadying his ship as the pulse flew past them.

After regaining his time mazine's balance and after the shockwave past us, his eyes widened as he has never experienced a shockwave stronger than this.

Tenma: Whoa.... never experienced something that powerful like that before.... but whatever it is, I'm going to find out what's going on before Time runs out. Go Go Sanchez, Search Mode.

As he said his Voice Recognition Search Code, a screen showed the whole view of the city as a Target is seen floating aroubd the screen, trying to triangulate where the shockwave came from.


It took a few minutes as he waited patiently for it to find the source of the shockwave until the radars detected something at the South-West Quardrent of this city, to my shock when it told me what is going on there now.




Tenma: ... shit.

He said plainly as he got the news from his search mode AI. He soon looked at his Ziku-Driver, Z-iO and Decade RideWatch as he grip them tight as he smiled.

Tenma: Welp, let's make good history as I'm the Time-King of Wooorlds~!!!

He said as he stepped on the accelerator hard, making the Time Mazine to go faster, towards the scene of the battle. As he swiftly descends towards the scene, he soon saw a teenage boy at the top of the building as he is watching the battle taking place.

Tenma: hmm? What's that boy doing there??? Oh well, fuck Time, let's find out.

He said as he lands his Time Mazine behind the boy without him noticing. While Tenma is alighting from his ship, tonnes of ice shard-like projectiles flew up and began to fall, targetting the teenage boy as he looked in horror, to Tenma's shock.


I quickly placed my Ziku-Driver on while placing Z-iO and Decade RideWatches onto the Driver as I flipped the Driver, 360° acquiring its Super form.




(A/N: Kamen Rider Zi-O Decade Armour.)

He ran in his super form as he summoned his Ride HeiSaber....


(A/N: Ride HeiSaber.)

... while he turned the clock hand on the Saber many times, acquiring Ryuki's ability while pulling the trigger.




He then rushed up in front of the boy as his sword engulfed in flames while he slashed all of the projectiles as they exploded into pieces, to the boy's shock.

After striking all of the projectiles away from him, Tenma turned and looked at the boy to ensure he is ok.

Tenma: You okay, kid?

???: Y-yeah. Who are you?

Tenma: Tenma Sanchez. You are?

???: Shido.

Tenma: Nice name.

Shido: Thanks. And thanks for saving me from that Tohka.

Tenma looked at Shido with a surprised look as he looked below of the building as he sighed.

Tenma: I knew it.

Shido: What? Knew what?

Tenma: That, Shido my friend, is called Another Warrior. This one, is named after your "girlfriend", called Another Tohka.

Shido: Another Tohka?

Tenma: Yep. She resembles to the original and her abilities are like no other to do a horrible purpose.

Shido: And that is?

Tenma: To be the Next and new Demon King to my guess on things and Time.

When Shido heard this, his eyes widened with shock as he watched Another Tohka attempting to kill off his "girl" friends. He looked at Tenma as he worriedly asked.

Shido: Is there a way to destroy or defeat her?!

Tenma: There is. One, be at the actual year. Shido, what year is this?

Shido: This is the year 2015? Why?

Tenma: Great. Did you see anything on her?

Shido: No. Except the fact tha-- wait! There were something on her. It said Tohka's name on the left Shoulder Armour and the year, 2015 on the right!

Tenma: NICE!! In order to destroy this beast, we must be at the actual year where it was born, basically it's this year, 2015.

Shido: Okay. What's the second?

Tenma: Second, I must be in an accurate form that takes up the looks, appearance and the abilities of Tohka in order for it to work. Different-wise well,... it's still works anyway.

Shido: Okay. And hey, can I ask you something real quick?

Tenma: Ask away, Time is off the essence.

Shido: What is on your belt?

Tenma looked down to see his RideWatches as he answered his question.

Tenma: That my friend, are called RideWatches.

Shido: So that's what they're called?

Tenma: Huh? You seen a RideWatch?! Shido, you have a RideWatch? (Watching Shido nodding) If you have it now, you have to tell me!

Shido: Yeah. But this one has a face of Tohka. Have a look.

Shido said as he fished out his RideWatch from his pocket and showed it to Tenma, earning a gasp coming out from him, to Shido's confusion.

Tenma: When did you get this?

Shido: Two months ago.

Tenma then places his armoured hand onto Shido's shoulders as he tells Shido the good news.

Tenma: Shido, you just signed a Time Ticket to victory for your friends down there.

Shido: Y-you mean they are going to win this when you are around?

Tenma: Hmph! Duh. Here. Pass me the RideWatch. I want to show you something cool when we get down there.

Shido, out of options gave the RideWatch to Tenma as he nod his head.

Shido: Alright. Let's go a-- WAIT!!! WE ARE GOING DOWN THERE?!?!

Tenma then turned the lense of the watch as he pressed the button on the watch, activating the RideWatch...


... and grabbed Shido. Tenma smirked as he ran towards the edge of the top of the building as he jumped off the building while placing the RideWatch into the extra slot on the Decade RideWatch as the Ziku-Driver and the Decade RideWatch itself announced;

Ziku-Driver & Decade RideWatch: FINAL FORM TIME - T-T-T-T-TOHKA!!


Kotori, Tohka, Yoshino/Yoshinon, Kaguya, Yuzuru and Miku are lying on the ground, weakened and their powers completely drained due to the wrath of Another Tohka.

Another Tohka made her way towards Kotori who is on the ground as she placed her foot on the top of Kotori's head as she motioned her opened palm forward towards Kotori as an energy ball formed to everyone watching this horrifying sight.

Another Tohka: Sorry to burst your bubble but.... your time of being Shido's play things... are over.





Just as Another Tohka was about to launch her projectile, she and the about-to-fallen heroes heard someone yelling as Another Tohka looked back to see a mysterious armoured rider with wings as he slashed Another Tohka with different colour slashes, representing each spirit from this world that Shido met, to the heroes' shock while the warrior gave Another Tohka a swipe of his weapon, slashing her to one side, crashing through a building.

After the move has been played, the spirits slowly got up as they looked at the unknown warrior who saved them, while seeing Shido running towards his sister as he helped her up after being pinned down by her head by Another Tohka's foot. 

(A/N: This Angelic Form will combine to Kamen Rider Zi-O Decade Armour.)

As he tends to Kotori, the unknown warrior soon has the same Bulky barcode-like armour chestplate on his upper torso,his arms, wings, legs and dressing are based on Tohka's Full Armour (A/N: From the movie itself.). Armour parts will be covering the exposed areas for details to activate the full body of DecadeTohka Armour. Wingspan and blades on the wings will be longer and larger with two Broadswords connected at the side of his waistline as means of dress-code and for weaponary used whenever he wants to use it anytime soon.

For his Zi-O Decade Armour head piece, the Television Screen-like face turned on to reveal Zi-O Decade Armour's face as it began to turn faces from Ghost Damashii, to Build Sparkling, to Ex-Aid Mighty Brothers XX and to Tohka Angelic Form. Once the panel of Tohka's Angelic form has replaced Zi-O Decade's face, the screen divided itself into four quarters as the four pieces of the screen went diagonally around his face to give a prism-like look, revealing Tohka's Angelic form's face with Zi-O's clock hands gimmick and Decade's head piece gimmicks on him.

Then, a bow appeared on her head as his purple long hair began to appear as his head transformation is done along woth his rider body. To finish of the transformation, the barcodes on the chest plate began to change as the barecode on his right shoulder now says Tohka and the barcode on the chestplate now says Angelic in japanese.

Everyone looked in shock as Kotori and Kaguya began to ask.

Shido: Kotori, you okay...???

Kotori: I'm fine.... but....

Shido: No buts! I'm glad you are okay.

Kaguya: Well, since she is okay, don't mind telling us who that unknown warri--

Before Kaguya could even finish, the spirits, Shido and the unknown warrior heard a book opened as the pages of the book began to flip to a correct page. Everyone except for the warrior looked back as the Person wielding that specific book began to narrate the scene.

(A/N: ??? = Woz.)

???: REJOICE!!! The heir to wield the power of all riders! The ruler of time travelling beyond time and space to reign over past and future! His name is Kamen Rider Zi-O: Decade Tohka Armour! 

When everyone heard the narrative speech, their eyes widened when they look back at the warrior.

Kotori/Shido: Tohka?!

Tohka: Armour?!

Yoshino: Zi-O?

Everyone watched on as they looked at the warrior's appearance which is based on Tohka's Angelic Armour set as Yoshinon, Yoshino's puppet and companion sound of.

Yoshinon: Time King! Called it for a person who has a watch for a face! (Thumbs up)

The warrior took one step as he introduced himself.

???: My name is Tenma Sanchez, and I am a Crossover Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Zi-O. And I'd say, it's dating time.

To be continued....

And that's all, folks! The second episode of our Kamen Rider Zi-O (I am a Crossover Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Zi-O.). So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself a

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what Iprefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of Kamen Rider Zi-O (I am a Crossover Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Zi-O.) insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our Kamen Rider Zi-O (I am a Crossover Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Zi-O.)! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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