Chapter 3: It's Dating "Time" 2015 (Date A Live 2015) (PART 2)

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Hey everyone! It's me, Shadow 264 and WELCOME once again to the very third episode of Kamen Rider Zi-O (I am a Crossover Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Zi-O)! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER ZI-O!! Kamen Rider Zi-O is owned by Toei and the crossovers are owned by specific companies created them. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

Everyone watched on as they looked at the warrior's appearance which is based on Tohka's Angelic Armour set as Yoshinon, Yoshino's puppet and companion sound of.

Yoshinon: Time King! Called it for a person who has a watch for a face! (Thumbs up)

The warrior took one step as he introduced himself.

???: My name is Tenma Sanchez, and I am a Crossover Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Zi-O. And Woz, thanks for spending time narrating that.

Woz: (Bows) My pleasure, my Lord.

Tenma: Now, you must be Another Tohka?

As if right on queue after I finished asking my question, Another Tohka burst out from the rubble that crushed her as she roared, looking at me after finishing her roar.

Another Tohka: That's right!! And you must be Sougo's newest recruit?!Impossible! And furthermore you're me as well?! H-how did you achieve that RideWatch!?!?!

Tenma: Never revealing its secret, Time-Jacko Mother Fucker... -_-

Another Tohka: Then prepare for a world of hurt, Crossover-Time Boy!!!!!!

Tenma: (Swaying my arms in a swaggiah gangster-like way 😎😎) Well, BRING IT ON, BUTTERCUP!!!!!!!!!

Tenma's POV:

Another Tohka roared as she charged towards me while raised her sword at me as I just stood there doing nothing at all. Just as Another Tohka's sword was about to reach my neck, I countered it by wielding Ride HeiSaber, to Another Tohka's shock as I used this chance to focus on my momentum of my HeiSaber to push her away as I slashed her a few times with the Chou Dai-Saber which reached her while she was still being flung away.

After striking Another Tohka down, I began to fly towards her location as she came up in front of me, with the attempts of taking me down by her sword. But, I was too quick for her as I turned the hand on my HeiSaber and Chou Dai-Saber as I selected a good series and ability. After which, I immediately pressed their triggers on their specific sabers.






Just as Another Tohka's blade was about to touch me, everything went slow-motion around me as I took this as an opportunity and struck her many times with two of my abilities as she took a lot of hits.

Once my barrage of attacks was done, I waited until time began to flow smoothly once again as I witness Another Tohka being taken down by my flash-like slashes while being taken up in the air and down to the ground, to everyone's shock.

3rd Person's POV:

Shido and the rest of the spirits saw Tenma wielding all these powers, they were shocked that he only can take this monster down.

Kotori: How? How is that he can and we couldn't??

Miku: I don't know! Whatever weapons he has, it seem to be working!

Shido: It's not just that!

All: Huh?

Shido: You just have to have the right weapon to deal with it. That's the other thing.

Kaguya: And that right weapon is what he is holding, right???

Yuzuru: Yes. His swords are effective to her. Within a few more hits, she's done.

When they heard this info, they returnex their attention to Tenma as he kept slashing away at Another Tohka, giving her critical damage, and to top it off, he gave a hard left kick, causing her to be thrown back, hitting against the walls of a building with debris falling on top of her.

Tenma's POV:

Seeing that Another Tohka is weakened and totally exhausted from the fight that I'm putting up, I kicked her to aside as I announced that my finisher is about to commence.

Me: Okay, let's end this!

I then removed Tohka RideWatch from the Decade RideWatch as I place it on my Chou Dai-Saber and Decade RideWatch on HeiSaber. Once that is done, I thrust my HeiSaber into the ground as I turned the clock hand on the sword a few times.

Once that is done, I threw the Saber in the air and did the same to HeiSaber. Once the same process is accomplished, I caught Dai-Saber as I prepped myself up, for the final blow on Another Tohka.




Tenma: Sorry, Another Tohka to waste your "Time". Looks like the original and Zi-O DecadeTohka, are staying. Why? Because your "Time" of terror, is over.

I pressed the triggers of my HeiSaber and my Dai-Saber as I commenced my finishers.



I slashed both my sabers to the left which caused my slashes to hit her more than fourty times although it was just two slashes. Then, I double slashed her on the right which gave the same effect as the left double slash. Finally, I raised my saber in the air in an 'X' Formation while two blades from my sides detached and conbines to my sabers, to my shock.

But, heh, what the hey... I smiled as I looked at Another Tohka and swund my blades downwards, hard, somehow slashing Another Tohka fourty times, once again, causing her to blow up and she was never seen again but, only for her host to be seen lying unconcious with Another Tohka RideWatch beside her.

Me: Naaaaaaaaaaaiiiiled it in the Clockworks.

I said as I walked towards the unconcious victim as I picked up the Another RideWatch as I packed inside my Time Case which is meant for Imprisoning the Another RideWatches inside for further testing.

Me: One down, many many more to go. (I got up with the suitcase and turnsd around to see Shido and his girls) OH! Shido. Gals. You all okay?

Shido: Yeah. Thanks for saving us. You really did a number on that girl.

Me: Yeah, well. You can relax as she will survive. The power on that Another Being used too much of her power, causing her to be exhausted and drains her energy. So, for now she is in "Time" resting for a bit. So, someone should call an ambulance and, you all are~????

Shido: Oh. This is my sister, Kotori. These are my friends, so called, "girlfriends". (Glaring at Kotori)

Kotori: What?!

Shido: Anyway, this is Yoshino. The white Rabbit is named Yoshinon.

Yoshinon: HI! Question, are you TimeMan?

Me: (giggling)

Shido: Anyway, These are Kaguya and Yuzuru, as you may know, they are sisters. And this is Miku, she's a vocalist.

Me: A singer. Nice.

Tohka: So, what's your name?

Me: My name is Tenma Sanchez.

All: Hi.

Me: Hey.

Shido: So, I mean to ask but, why are you here?

There was a slight pause as I began to answer as I know they will hardly believe what I am about to say. So, I took a deep breathe as I explained.

Me: I am here because I am going after a Demon King by the name of Oma Zi-O. I sensed his spiritual and Kingly spirit here. So, I am here to find it, and destroy it.

When everyone in front of me looked at each other, Kotori began to speak.

Kotori: Okay. We believe you as, this being who is an imitation to Tohka said something about a lookout point to find us and that warrior which is you. She said that it will be hard for us to find it. So, we would be asking you back.

Tohka: And why does he have someone being possessed by that creep that look like me?!

Me: That is because he believes that he can rule the world with many number of imitations to make people think that we are all the bad guys.

3rd Person's POV:

When everyone heard this, they were shocked and taken aback at Tenma's response as Kotori recieved a call from her ship. Her eyes widened when listening to the message as she nods her head. Then, she hang up her phone as she looked at Tenma as she addresses him.

Kotori: Okay then. Tenma, come with us. We will help you find your guy. For now, let us go to our ship.

Tenma: Sure. How about I give you guys a ride. My Time Mazine is just up at that Building. (Points at where I met Shido)

A few minutes later,

And with that, everyone went on board the Time Mazine in Vehicle mode as Tenma is now piloted it to take to the skies as they are on their way towards Kotori's ship to see what message was given to her.

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The third episode of our Kamen Rider Zi-O (I am a Crossover Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Zi-O.). I wonder who is watching them? Is it Oma Zi-O? Will Tenma's quest be accomplished in this world so as to move to the next, find out on the next episode. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what Iprefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of Kamen Rider Zi-O (I am a Crossover Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Zi-O.) insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our Kamen Rider Zi-O (I am a Crossover Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Zi-O.)! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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