Chapter 4: Date A Live vs OMA Zi-O (Date A Live 2015) (PART 3)

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Hey everyone! It's me, Shadow 264 and WELCOME once again to the very fourth episode of Kamen Rider Zi-O (I am a Crossover Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Zi-O)! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER ZI-O!! Kamen Rider Zi-O is owned by Toei and the crossovers are owned by specific companies created them. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

As we land inside the Fraxinus, everyone including Tenma rushed out from the Time Mazine heading towards the bridge as they were greeted by the ship's crew members.

(A/N: Fraxinus.)

(A/N: Fraxinus Bridge.)

Crew Members: Welcome back, Captain!

Kotori: Yes, thank you.

Tenma: So, you're the captain of this ship?

Kotori: Lucky Guess, yes.

Shido: I know it's hard to believe but, she really is one.

Tenma: Whoa.

Kotori: And to rectify it, yes, I'm the captain this ship. Kannazuki, this time is no fun and games. do you still have high signitures of the warrior clad in gold?

Kannazuki: He appears to be at that--

Tenma: Small playground at the hill over there.

Kotori: Well, yeah... you can put it that way.

Yoshinon: He seems to be waiting for something. Question is, what is he waiting for?

Tenma: I know what he's waiting for.

Everyone looked at Tenma as he said this, knowing that he knows something on what he's doing, while waiting for his next reply.

Tenma: He's waiting for another Quake to happen, so that he can use the Another Origami RideWatch to power it up, to give himself power for him to become hing of this world.

Everyone looked at him with shocked faces as a new spacial-quake happened above their ship, to their shock.

While it began to happen, the city down below went on high alert as the people down there began to evacuate to the nearest shelter. That was the time when when Oma Zi-O looked up from the playground as he soon used two RideWatches to absorb the Spacial-Quake as acquire a Fully loaded RideWatch and Another RideWatch.

After absorbing the energy from the spacial quake, the RideWatches in Oma Zi-O's possession are now ready in use as they are now Origami and Another Origami RideWatches, to everyone's shock on board the Ratatoskr.

Tenma: The playground top hill??? Noice.

Kotori: That's how he-

Tenma: He has a lot of ways on getting them. But right now, I.... no, (looks at Zi-O RideWatch) We need to fuck'im up until he's dead.

Kotori: (sigh) seriously language. But anyhow, let's take him down.

Shido: But, Tenma, does he have powers like Another Tohka?

Tenma: I'm afraid so, yes. Which is why I have an idea when he use those RideWatches against us.

Kagura: Fill us in with the details.

Yuzuru: Yes. Fill us in.

Tenma: Okay. Here is what we are going to do. First, we shall--


It has been an hour an a half and a few minutes, and a few seconds since they've worked up a plan to defeat Oma Zi-O. Once they have finally agreed on that plan, they all began to commence the battle as Tenma used his Time Mazine to land him at the playground where Oma Zi-O stood, waiting.

At the playground, Oma Zi-O is seen opening up a portal as he three Another Origami RideWatch into it as he closed the portal. Then, he turned the lense of the RideWatch as he activates it,--


--summoning a pair of Mal'akh Heavenly Wings made out of several numbers of Golden Feather-like Pillars which when put together, forms a crown and into several weaponry forms.

Then, Oma Zi-O motioned his right hand forward, commanding the pillars to tilt until their tips faced forward as they began to charge up and fire at the city.

Oma Zi-O: Once I used this power to overthrow this place, it will soon be my new kingdom, to overthrow my world once again when I return back to my mortal-self to become Immortal once again!!

Tenma: You know what? I beg to differ as it's time for you to go back to where you came! And where you came, is "Time" HELL!!!

Tenma's POV:

When Oma Zi-O heard my voice, he together with the pillars turned as he looked at me, only to be punched in the face real hard.

Oma Zi-O: You'll pay for that....

Me: Money or Watches.

Oma Zi-O: YOUR LIFE!!!!!

Me: Boy, can't you take it down a notch a bit?

Oma Zi-O made a pulse to repel me, just as planned as I motioned something bwhind my back as Kaguya and Yuzuru flew past me from behind as they created a huge bow and arrow by using their own weapons as they launched their shot at him and due to him being caught off guard by my sudden charge and throwing me back by using his ability, this caused the projectile to graze him at his side, making him loose his Grip on the RideWatch and to make him lose his armaments surrounding him, to his shock.

Oma Zi-O: How can this..... be?!

As he was still shocked about what happened, he sensed something cold reaching his legs. He looked down to see that his legs are frozen.

Yoshino: Tenma-kun, I got him!

Oma Zi-O looked back as he saw a huge rabbit with a hooded girl riding on it as they were the cause of his legs being frozen.

Me: Great work, Yoshino! Yoshinon!

Oma Zi-O: Damn you..... HYAAAA!!!!!

He yelled as he swayed his arm forward to conjour two Blade Rouze cards to be shot at the flying Rabbit, but to no avail as they shattered due to the melody being heard.

Oma Zi-O: What?!

Tohka: Nice save, Miku!!

Miku: Thanks.

As such, Tohka and Miku went up and held onto Oma Zi-O's arms so he can't unleash his abilities, as he struggled.

Tohka: TENMA, DO IT!!!!

Me: Then when I say go, you let go!!

Tohka and Miku nod as I placed three RideWatches onto my Ziku-Driver and flipped it 360 as I acquired Zi-O DecadeTohka Armour once again, wielding Ride HeiSaber and Chou Dai-Saber, turning their hands to acquire their attacks.



Me: Here we go!!

I pulled the trigger as I charged towards Oma Zi-O as I yelled--


--at the two spirits as a signal, indicating them to let go while my finisher on my swords are now fully charged up and ready.




I yelled as I did a cross-slash at Oma Zi-O, breaking the ice while hurting the demon king, to him yelling in pain as my finisher is done.

3rd Person's POV:

Tenma looked at the debris and noticed that Oma Zi-O was still up, but weakened, to everyone's shock.

Tohka: How is he still standing?!

Yuzuru: Objection. He should have been dead by the impact by now.

Oma Zi-O's eyes glowed bright red as he created a pulse, causing all the spirits to lose their power and Tenma to fall prey for his power and not losing his Armour form. Oma Zi-O chuckled as he sees this.

Oma Zi-O: Teamwork is for the weak. The strong live, the weak die..... that's how the world works!! And you..... protecting the weak doesn't get you anywhere, Mr. Sanchez. That's why you are weak.

Tenma: Well.... true.... but sometimes... (gets up) you need someone to do the dandy work to assist ones life. You are not being weak when you have a team. You are just getting stronger when teamwork is involved...

Kotori (by via earpiece): Tenma!!! It's ready!!

Tenma: Heheh. Send it over!

Kotori (by via earpiece): It's dropping in above you in 5!!

As he heard this from Kotori, he soon looked up to see a small Module for Decade RideWatch as he swiftly grabbed it and looked at it.

The small Module looked like a RideWatch Armour Moduler that allows one to wield more than 1 armour at will. It looked similar like Decade RideWatch but half of it, and it does connect to the Decade RideWatch. Tenma then looked up and gave the sky a thumbs up.

Tenma: Thanks!!

Then, he looked back at Oma Zi-O. As he had a smirk on his face.

Tenma: You see, Oma Zi-O. I'm not alone. I've got friends and new ones to guide my path to Kingship,.... with Sougo Tokiwa, Geiz, and Woz

He said as he turned the lense of the RideWatch as he activates Origami RideWatch.


After activating the Watch, he pressed a button on top of the Armour Moduler, activating it.


After prepping everything up, he connects the Moduler to the Decade RideWatch as it then locked itself in place with the Decade RideWatch. Then, he inserts Origami RideWatch in, sliding it into the module, acquiring its armour mode.

Ziku-Driver & Decade RideWatch: FINAL FORM TIME! - T-T-T-T-TOHKA! OR-OR-OR-ORIGAMI!

His Driver and RideWatch announced while the same Tohka Full Armour is formed, a pair of Mal'akh Heavenly Wings made out of several numbers of Golden Feather-like Pillars which when put together, forms a crown and into several weaponry forms.

Origami's spirit Dress soon turn into a dress coat for armour as it equipped itself onto the form itself with clear crystals embedded onto his arms and legs for armour as well, to everyone and Oma Zi-O's shock.

(A/N: Zi-O Decade Tohka Origami Armour. Ckmbine the pics and you will see what it will look like eventually.)

Oma Zi-O: Impossible!!

Tohka: Now what form is this???

As Tohka said that, feather-like pillars from nowhere started shooting from behind Tenma as he looked back to see Origami shooting feather-like pillars at Oma Zi-O as she was filled in with the info by Kotori.

Tohka: Origami!!!

Origami: Tohka!!! Are you alright!?

Tohka: I'm alright.

Tohka implied while Shido's band of spirits gathered together as they looked at Tenma's new form.

Origami: Who's he?

Miku: Tenma Sanchez. And it would seem he is wearing some kind of new armour this time.

Kaguya: Wonder what armour is i--

???: REJOICE!!!

The girls then got a fright when they saw Woz appeared out of nowhere as he addressed Sanchez's new form aka, upgrade form.

(A/N: Woz.)

Miku: Would you please stop that!?!

(A/N: Music starts here.)

Woz: The heir to wield the power of all riders! The ruler of time travelling beyond time and space to reign over past and future! His name is Kamen Rider Zi-O: Decade Tohka Origami Armour! And in this moment, he has recieved the power of another character of proclamation. Now, bare witness to the advent, and the new age of our one true king!

Tenma: Oma Zi-O!! Now I say this.... (points at Oma Zi-O) It's dating time~!

Tenma's POV:

I implied to Oma Zi-O, jumping forward as I levitate towards him while Oma Zi-O was swiftly moving his hand forward, causing a cyclone with a mix of green and purple (Kamen Rider Double) in it to strike me, but to no avail as the feather-like pillars around me created a cyclone of their own, to surpass Oma Zi-O's attack.

As I was close to him, I wield Halvanhelev and Sandalphon. However, while wielfing Sandalphon, the Pillars began to merge with it as it formed a huge sword, as long and big as Halvanhelev, and with my might, I gave Oma Zi-O a flurry of slashes, giving him a significant amount of damage and to cause him to stagger backwards.

Oma Zi-O growled at me as he summoned both Kamen Riders Kuuga and Double, commanding them to charge at me. I smirked.

Me: You think these will work? Try this on for size!!!!

I said as I wield my portal gun and placed my Decade RideWatch with Tohka and Origami RideWatches as they are still connected on the watch onto the gun as I put a time-set to '2015', shooting two Time Portals, summoning Tohka in her Spirit Full Armour Form and Origami in her Spirit Inverse Form as they both fought one enemy with Tohka fighting against Kuuga and Origami against Double.

Oma Zi-O: I'm impressed with your weapon. But it is futile whilst challenging me!!!!!

Me: Then, let's fight ourselves, too!!

I said while placing the Watches back onto the Driver while charging towards Oma Zi-O, with him delivering flurry of punches at me which was suppose to repel me from him, but to no avail, to his shock. He soon tried kicking me with a drill outlined with galaxy-like stars (Kamen Rider Fourze), but as usual, to no avail.

Oma Zi-O: How....

Me: When you have double coats for armour, nothing is impossible.

I said as I punched Oma Zi-O causing him fo stagger backwards. Meanwhile, the 2-vs-2 Battle was still going on as they began to rap this up with them acwuiring their finishers at each other, blowing themselves up while pixelating away into data, to everyone who are watching this having shocked looks in their faces.

At my side, I kicked Oma Zi-O to suppress his ability to pulse me backwards as he tried using other abilities to take me down, but to no avail as I kept using the pillars around me to block, dodge, defend and counter his attacks.


I look backwards as I see Tohka and Origami willing to help as I nod at them.

Me: Then, Tohka! Origami! Get in on this! The rest just cover us!!!

All: Right!!

As such, Tohka and Origami advanced forward towards me to join in the battle while the rest flew up in the air to cover us. Tohka went in front of us as she gave Oma Zi-O a flurry of slashes with Oma Zi-O trying his best blocking them.


Oma Zi-O: Hmph! Like I care!!! HYAAA!!!!

Oma Zi-O raised his hand up, summoning bats (Kamen Rider Kiva) to distract Tohka. While the bats were flying around, Yoshino riding on the huge rabbit-like puppet beast aka, Yoshinon unleashed a gust of wind from Yoshinon's mouth, freezing the bats in place, allowing us to get back on track. Then, a sharp tune sung by Miku was heard, causing the ice to break in pieces, along with the bats as Origami advances in with her feather-like pillars spinning around her, damaging Oma Zi-O's RideWatch holders and his armour.

While Oma Zi-O was distracted by Origami's attack, Kaguya and Yuzuru shot a combo shot at me, catching it as I treated their attack as a spear and threw it at Oma Zi-O.


Origami looked back as she quickly flew out of the way with the spear-like beam piercing through Oma Zi-O's inpenetrable armour, to everyone's shock.

Oma Zi-O: H-how... I-I am- I am un-BEATABLE!!!!!

Me: Easy! What everyone was merely doing was to open a weakspot at you. Looks like they have opened a huge one at that. Ladies~?

I implied to those in the air as they launchdd their attacks at him, to hold him down firmly to the ground and freeze him in place. Then, Tohka and Origami went in between me as I readied myself.

Me: Have anyone of you done kicks before?

Tohka: Uuhh, yeah?

Origami: In my AST Training, why?

Me: We're gonna rap this up now.

3rd Person's POV:

Tenma implied to the girls as he pressed on the button on Decade RideWatch, acquiring his finisher.


Tenma: GO GO SANCHEZ....

He stopped midway as he threw his swords at the Frozen Oma Zi-O, piercing through the ice as he finished his finishing move name.


He yelled as he jumped in the air first, followed by Tohka and Origami as the trio reached their tipping point and began their descend and did a triple kick towards the ice with the frozen king inside.

As our kicks made contact with the ice, the ice began to shatter with cracks all over it as we went through it, destroying Oma Zi-O completely at the same time, to our relief.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

Yoshino: We got him!!

Kaguya: We did it.

Yuzuru: Yes. His body should be in pieces by now...

Miku: Well, at least it gave me the opportunity to ring a few notes on him!

After we land, Tohka, Origami and Tenma stood up and looked at each other as we gave each other nods of agreement that the deed is now done. As we looked at each other, a purplish black mist appeared above the remains of Oma Zi-O as it returned to its original body, to everyone's shock.

Kotori (by via earpiece): What?! That's impossible!!!

Shido (by via earpiece): No one could ever have survived that!!!

Me: He can.

Oma Zi-O: Know this, Tenma! You may have won today, but next time, you will face your end, of your existance.

Me: Sure. I'll be waiting.

Oma Zi-O growled as he disappeared in front of us, go our surprise.

Me: Yeah, screw off in another world and I will find you. Where ever you are.

A few hours later,

At night,

Shido: Are you sure, Tenma???

Shido asked as I was about to take my leave to another world by the use of Time Mazine.

(A/N: Time Mazine.)

Me: Sorry, ladies. Sorry Shido. But a job's never done with Oma Zi-O still around.

Yoshino: But you will be fine when we meet again, right?

Me: Yep. I will.

I said as I hugged Yoshino, and her puppet Yoshinon hugged me, too.

Me: Come on, guys. Can't leave us hanging now, huh?

Shido shrugged his shoulder as they went up for a group hug. After a while, we stopped the hug as I looked at everyone.

Me: Welp. I guess... this is goodbye. Oh! And thanks by the way, for assistjng me in this task.

Kotori: No worries, Tenma. If you need anything, you let us know. That's our thing.

Shido: Yup.

Me: (chuckles) I see.

Kotori: But still, thanks for helping us, too.

Me: No prob.

I said as I gave a two finger salute at Kotori, in which she giggled at the sight.

Me: Well, I gotta go now. I will see you in a while if I come by for a visit.

(A/N: Music starts here.)

I said as I boarded the Time Mazine as it began to levitate and take off, with the spirits, Shido, Kotori and Origami waving farewell to me. After watching their world slowly fading away through the clouds, I opened up a Time Portal and went through it as it closed behind me.

(A/N: Time portal. To what i call it. If there is a term for it, do let me know. ;) .)

While I was piloting the Time Mazine, Woz appeared right beside me as he spoke with me on matters regarding my new quest.

Woz: You have done well, Mr Sanchez. You have acquired Tohka RideWatch from the 2015 era and Origami RideWatch from the 2019 era.

Me: Hmm??? 2019 era?

Woz: Origami has two forms. Remember the time she said AST?

Me: Yeeeaaah???

Woz: That's her other form in her AST Combat form from the 2013 era.

Me: Why is she here in the 2015 era when she is at the 2019 era???

Woz: Let's just say she has personal things to take care of many years ago, now, her past and her childhood years when she lost her parents.

Me: I see. Hopefully things will clear out. So!! Woz. Where to next???

Woz: Now, Mr Sanchez. We are going to an era 2018 where a Red Dragon and White Dragon are born. However, since the Red Dragon has the power of the White Dragon back in the 2013 era, the White Dragon known as the Vanishing Dragon RideWatch is in the 2018 era along with the Welsh Dragon RideWatch.

Me: Cool. Then we must go there.

Woz: Yes but, we have a problem there as well.

Me: Shoot.

Woz: Before coming to you, I have recieve reports that Another Welsh Dragon will be on their way. Furthermore, they are in the Masters Tournament and currently, Issei Hyodou is going against Riser Phenix which further increases the Another Character's thirst for blood.

Me: Okay, then we need to get there, FAST!!! Can we get someone to get there in time.

Woz: As a matter of fact I have already sent two. One is like Geiz, the other like me. They are on their way to your rendevous point at the place of the Tournament.


I celebrated while yelling as I pick up the pace to the year 2018 to deal with the threat which was about to happen shortly while the game is about to play out.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

To be continued.....

And that's all, folks! The fourth episode of our Kamen Rider Zi-O (I am a Crossover Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Zi-O.). Well, it would seem that Oma Zi-O's plan has been foiled and Tenma and his first group of buds have defeated them. Amd it would appear that Tenma will be heading to the 2018 era to go head to head with Another Welsh Dragon where ever he is, so stay tuned. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what Iprefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of Kamen Rider Zi-O (I am a Crossover Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Zi-O.) insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our Kamen Rider Zi-O (I am a Crossover Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Zi-O.)! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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