Chapter 5: Time to get my Peerage on 2018 (Highschool DxD Hero) (PART 1)

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Hey everyone! It's me, Shadow 264 and WELCOME to the fifth episode of Kamen Rider Zi-O (I am a Crossover Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Zi-O)! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER ZI-O!! Kamen Rider Zi-O is owned by Toei and the crossovers are owned by specific companies created them. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!! 

In the Time Portal,

3rd Person's POV:

Tenma's Time Mazine is seen flying through the portal as Tenma and Woz are seen making their way to the year 2018 where they will claim another RideWatch. While making their way there, two more Time Mazines appeared behind Tenma's as they went on the same speed as the Mazine in front of them.

(A/N: Time Mazine - Geiz and Woz Units in Vehicle Modes.)

Woz: Here they are, Mr. Sanchez.

Woz said.

Tenma began communicating with the two Mazines' pilots.

Tenma: My name's Tenma Sanchez. I'm Kamen Rider Zi-O II Decade, and I'm on a quest in defeating Ohma Zi-O and other powerful enemies out there.

??? (By via Communications): Name's Haruto, Haruto Kawafuji. Kamen Rider Geiz, and Geiz Revive. Same apply like you but I'm on a hunt to hunt down one Another Rider who's a God.

Tenma/??? 2 (By via Communications): Now that's sweet./That's awesome.

Kawafuji (By via Communications): Thanks, guys.

??? 2 (By via Communications): My name is Nova Newton. Kamen Rider Woz, like your companion there but pretty much  different there, Mr. Sanchez. And I'm on a hunt of Futuring Another Riders, Warriors and Characters.

Tenma/Kawafuji (By via Communications): Okay, cool./Nice.

Nova (By via Communications): So, you here to rid of Another Warrior from High School DxD?

Tenma: Yup. Looks like you heard the briefing, too.

Kawafuji (By via Communications): Yes.

Nova (By via Communications): Indeed, and we're here to give you a hand.

Tenma: Alrighty then, dibs on the Welsh Watch.

Kawafuji (By via Communications): Dibs on the Vanishing Watch!

Nova (By via Communications): Dibs on the Golden Monarch Watch!

After saying that, there was a brief moment of silence. A few seconds later, they began to laugh as they sped of to the year 2018.

Woz: (sighs) Teenagers...

Tenma: (Composing himself) Anyway.... let's start with a plan when we get there.

He said as the four began to plan what they have to do when they arrive.


Inside a Game Field located inside a section of the Dimensional Gap protected by a barrier, Rias Gremory was seen watching Issei in his Balance Breaker - Scale Mail Cardinal Crimson Promotion in a hand-to-hand combat against Sairaorg in his Balance Breaker - Regulus Rey Leather Rex, and things were about to get heated up between the two.

(A/N: Issei in his Balance Breaker - Scale Mail Cardinal Crimson Promotion.)

(A/N: Sairaorg in his Balance Breaker - Regulus Rey Leather Rex.)

Outside the Game Field, the audience at the audience stand and Asia Argento are seen cheering Issei on while watching Issei and Sairaorg are exchanging blows, with strong blow after strong blow with the commentator stating everything that is happening inside the battlefield.

While the battle is seen heated up with the audience cheering Issei on, outside the stadium, a time portal opened for three Time Mazines to emerge from it and land in front of the stadium doors for Tenma, Nova, Kawafuji and Woz to alight from the Mazines as they begin to plan out what they have to do.

Tenma: Alright. Know your roles, guys?

Woz: I'll be the other Announcer with Sir Naud Gamigin.

Kawafuji: I'll follow Tenma to claim the Welsh Dragon RideWatch and Vanishing Dragon RideWatch.

Nova: I'll find Azazel to claim the Golden Dragon Monach Watch.

Tenma: Good, guys. We know our roles, now let's save the world from Ohma Zi-O, Another Welsh Dragon and your enemies.

Tenma said.

The three nod as they went to their separate ways with Kawafuji following Tenma from behind to claim the RideWatches.

At the Arena,

Asia is seen standing at the the platform the Gremory Family were stationed on when the elevator doors opened for her to take notice of it when she turned back. When the elevator doors opened, Tenma and Kawafuji are seen emerging from the elevator as they made their way to Asia in a rush.

Asia: Oh, umm... sorry, you shouldn't be--

Tenma: Sorry, kid. We don't mean to judge but, to hell with that. Your two friends in there are in danger. Grave danger.

Kawafuji: Yeah.

They said.

When Tenma and Kawafuji said that, Asia's expression turned worrisome.

Asia: What? What's going on?

Tenma: We have believes that another version of your friend in there, is about to make its debut in the ring to tango with your two friends and your opponent.

Asia: But, that should be impossible. He's beaten it before.

Kawafuji: It?

Asia: His fake copy which took the form of the Juggernaut Drive. Loke was responsible of that....

Tenma: Well, sorry to disappoint but this time, Loke isn't apart of this.

Asia: The Khaos Brigade?

Tenma: No... it's an up-close in person kind of thing. However, we have reasons to believe that you have something that can defeat it.

Kawafuji: Yup. Which is why we need to know if you have picked up something along the way here or did anyone give you anything?

Asia: Well.... I didn't pick up anything on my way here but.....

Asia said as she rummaged through her brown satchel slung on her right hip until she fished something out.

Asia: Oh! A shopkeep wanted me to have this back when Issei and I were in Kyoto. He said to give this to someone who can travel through time and space.

Tenma: Well, good news, Princess. We're the guys. We just got her from another time, you see.

Kawafuji: And we're here to save their and yo--

Just as Kawafuji was about to finish, an explosion was heard inside the Game Field for Tenma, Kawafuji and Asia to look backat the screen and for the audience to gasp at the unknown object they are seeing while the battle has been taken place which is displayed on screen, to Tenma and Kawafuji's surprise that its here.

Kawafuji: -- asses.....

Tenma: Awwwww shit! He's here.

Asia: Who's here?

Tenma began explaining to Asia on what's happening right now. While doing so, Kawafuji called both Nova and Woz, in which they both replied.

Kawafuji: Nova! Woz! Progress!!

Woz: I'm at the door of the Announcer Room where Sir Naud Gamigin is.

Kawafuji: Great! Nova?

Nova: Both Gold Dragon Monach Miride- and RideWatches! Azazel was a bit uncomplient but he turned complient when he saw the situation. He's a nice guy to talk to.

Kawafuji: Super!

Kawafuji turned to look at Tenma.

Kawafuji: Tenma! They've got it! We need to get in there, NOW!!

Tenma: Alright! (Looks at Asia) Asia, we need your help. We need these Watches for a very special purpose.

Asia: I'm not sure..... What do they wield? Sacred Gear?

Suddenly, a burst metallic-like noise was heard for everyone to hear and look at the screen to see that there is some kind of being emerging from its crimson metallic crust that crash landed in the Game Field. Tenma and Asia looked at each other for Tenma to answer her question as quickly as possible.

Tenma: In short, something like that, but better. Which is why I need your help. I need your help to use your healing powers on these RideWatches.

Asia: But, why?

Tenma: Asia, your power is an important asset to these RideWatches' activation. So, we need your assistance on this as Rias and Gold-Lion Man in there, won't be able to land hits on this dude except for Issei. Although he mayhave a fighting chance but,.... he will still not hold out for long.

Tenma implied.

Asia pondered about this. Then, she nodded at him that she'll do it.

Asia: (Nods) Okay. But just one more thing. Will Issei and Rias be alright when these watches are used?

Tenma: To assure you, they will once these watches are active, my dear.

Asia: Well... okay.

Asia said.

Then, she placed her palms over the two RideWatches as her Sacred Gear became active. As her Sacred Gear activated, a flash of Green Light shined on the Two Blank RideWatches for them to shine the same coloured-light that Asia's Sacred Gear is giving out.

While Tenma, Kawafuji and Asia are getting the RideWatches ready, inside the Game Field, the being finally emerged to reveal itself as a Red Dragon-like being that Issei and Rias knew from before, to their shock.

(A/N: Juggernaut Drive. Have Issei's name on the left shoulder armour and the year numbers 2012 and 2018 on the right shoulder armour.)

Rias: Is that?!

Issei: The fuck?! The Juggernaut Drive?!

Sairaorg: Is that...

Issei: I destroyed that Doucher last time.... Loke brainwashed Rias the last time as well....

Sairaorg: Loke....

Rias: Issei, wait! That's not Loke's doing this time!

Issei: (Looks back) What?!

Rias: Azazel has informed me on what is happening! This is not Loke's doing! This is something else, Issei!!

Outside, everyone looked in horror and with a lot of worry as there is an intruder in the Game Field for the Announcer to state that the Final Match must be cancelled, but-

Naud Gamigin (On Announcer Screen): It looks like we have an Intruder that's impersonating Issei's Sacred Gear, and it has eyes on Rias Gremory, Sairaorg Bael and Issei Hyoudou! (looks elsewhere) We have t-

- an arm holding onto a book went in front of his face, to Naud's confusion to see who placed an arm and bookin front of him. Then, -

Woz (On Announcer Screen): Show must go on, sir. For "Royalty"~

Naud Gamigin (On Announcer Screen): R-Royalty?

Woz (On Announcer Screen): Yes. And now, (Reveals myself on screen) Let's give the audience what they deserve.

- Woz intervened preventing Naud Gamigin to cancel the match as he has other ideas in mind while showing himself while placing his book (Calendar) close to his chest in front of to everyone on screen as he began to explain the situation.

(A/N: Woz.)

Woz (On Announcer Screen): Ladies and Gentlemen. Angels, Fallen Angels and Devils. Your Co-Announcer, Woz shall bring you to Salvation and the truth on the situation that is happening in the game Field. The being you all, Issei, Sairaorg and Rias are seeing before you, belongs to no one. It belongs to a Rogue Priest that the Gremory Family sliced to pieces aka,... Freed Sellzen. The being that Freed is wielding is known as Another Warrior called, Another Issei - Another Welsh Dragon. He wishes to be King of this World, 2018.... a better King of Harem than Issei Hyoudou.

Naud Gamigin (On Announcer Screen): So uh,... Woz you said your name was?

Woz (On Announcer Screen): Yes.

Naud Gamigin (On Announcer Screen): How are they suppose to defeat this False Issei Hyoudou?

Woz (On Announcer Screen): Time will tell, Announcer. As my Overlord is preparing himself to assist.

Naud Gamigin (On Announcer Screen): Overlord?


It has been two minutes now and the RideWatches are almost ready, to Tenma's relief. As Asia and Tenma saw to the RideWatches' completion, Asia began to talk to Tenma.

Asia: Freed Sellzen...

Tenma: I know. Our Announcer aka, Woz, a friend of mine told me everything before we initiated the plan. My enemy has been bringing past enemies of every Universe back to life by having Freed to be an example to not  just go back in time to destroy Issei, but he's here too to destroy him, too.... and you as well due to your past history with him.

Asia: Bringing someone back from the dead to do evil? uuuuh,.... that sounds terrifying....

Tenma: Yup. It's terrifying as fuck, Asia. But dont worry. We'll return him to the date he's suppose to die in hell. As after all, you hold tickets that will save your friend's life and his harem shit.

Asia: I see! So, which year did Freed come from?

Tenma: He came from the year 2015, the day after he got sliced in pieces by your Knight.

Asia: Oh? Xenovia?

Tenma: Close. The correct answer is, Kiba.

Asia: I see. Still, I'm happy that they were around to rescue me.

Tenma: Treasure them, ya?

Tenma said with a smile.

Asia: I always do. (Smiles) By the way, I didn't get your name, Mister.

Tenma: Tenma Sanchez. And you must be, Asia, correct?

Asia: Yes. Nice to meet you. And who's he on the phone?

Tenma: That's Haruto Kawafuji.

Kawafuji: Excuse me. (Moves away from my phone while covering it with my palm) Hi. Haruto Kawafuji. Nice to meet you.

Asia: Nice to meet you both.

Tenma: Feeling's mutual.

Kawafuji: Same. And uh, excuse me again.... (Goes back on the phone) Hello? Uh, yeah-

Asia: He's busy. 

Tenma: Yup. Busy with our plan which is still in motion. Ah~! Looks like our Dragon Watches are done.

Tenma implied.

Both Asia and Tenma looked down to see Asia's Sacred Gear finally paid off when the Blank RideWatches turned into 'Welsh Dragon' RideWatch and 'Vanishing Dragon' RideWatch. Tenma looked up to Asia as he nodded at her while Asia had a shocked look in her face.

Tenma: Well, now would ya look at that.

Asia: Oh my.... I never knew that came out of me.

Tenma: That's because you and Issei have "Limitless" Potential. What your King doesn't know was, you and Issei will become something extremely powerful. What you see here, is basically a taste of your "Limitless" Potential.... and there will be more to come, Asia.

Asia: I see.

Asia said in understanding.

Tenma: Haruto, let them know we are on the way now. We got them!

Kawafuji: Alright!

Haruto said as he dialed Woz and Nova's number, for Tenma to look at the Announcer Screen noticing Woz to nod slightly. Then, Haruto hung up his phone.

Kawafuji: It's done.

Tenma: Okay, then.

Tenma said as he stood up.

Tenma: Let's go.

Asia: Wait! Tenma!

Tenma looks back.

Tenma: Yeah?

Asia: Please save Rias and Issei.

Tenma: You know we will.

A few Minutes later,

Outside the Stadium,

The trio excluding Woz are seen in front of Tenma's Time Mazine as they showed the watches they have collected so far.

Tenma: Nice. Good work, guys.

Nova: So, what's our final phase?

Kawafuji: Yeah?

Tenma: Now? We save them. Go "Time" anyone?

Nova: Yeah.

Kawafuji: It's Go Time!

The Trio said while wearing on their Ziku-Drivers and BeyonDriver around their waists as they placed their RideWatches and MirideWatch onto their Drivers as they were about to acquire their Armour Forms.

Tenma, Kawafuji & Nova: HENSHIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They yelled.

After yelling 'Henshin', rotating their Ziku-Drivers 360 on the Ziku-Driver (Ziku-Driver) and closing the crank-in handle on the BeyonDriver (BeyonDriver), they transformed into their individual rider forms with their individual Armour Forms.

-RIDER TIME! (Electronic beat) KAMEN RIDER~ ZI-O! ARMOUR TIME! (Techno Rock music) KAMEN RIDE! WOW! DECADE! DECADE! DE~CADE! (Decade's transformation sounds)-

-FINAL FORM TIME! I-I-I-ISSEI! (Welsh Dragon's roar)-

-RIDER TIME! (Electronic riff) KAMEN RID~ER GEIZ! (Electronic beat music mixed with Vanishing Dragon's transformation theme) BALANCE BREAK! VANISHING DRA~GON! (Vanishing Dragon's roar)-

-FUTURE TIME! (Transformation sound and music of Azazel's Artificial Sacred Gear)  DOWNFALL! YOUR'S TRULY! BALANCE BREAK! FUTURING DRAGON MONARCH! DRAGON MONARCH! (Fafnir Dragon's roar)-

(A/N: Tenma's Rider Form. Combine these three pictures together.)

(A/N: Haruto Kawafuji's Rider Form. Combine these two pictures together.)

(A/N: Nova Newton's Rider Form. Combine these two pictures together.)

After transforming, Tenma is in his usual Zi-O - Decade Armour with the same Bulky barcode-like armour chestplate on his upper torso but this time, his arms, wings, legs and armour are based on Issei's Welsh Dragon Cardinal Crimson Promotion (A/N: From the series itself.). Armour parts from the Cardinal Crimson Promotion will be shown all over the form's full body of DecadeCardinalCrimson Armour. Cardinal Crimson Arms, Legs, lower torso and the form's enclosed wings will be shown as armour for this form. For his Zi-O Decade Armour head piece, the Television Screen-like face turned on to reveal Zi-O Decade Armour's face as it began to turn faces from Ghost Damashii, to Build Sparkling, to Ex-Aid Mighty Brothers XX, to Tohka Angelic Form and to Cardinal Crimson Form. Once the panel of Cardinal Crimson form has replaced Zi-O Decade's face, the screen divided itself into four quarters as the four pieces of the screen went diagonally around his face to give a prism-like look, revealing Iseei's Cardinal Crimson form's face and head piece with Zi-O's clock hands gimmick and Decade's head piece gimmicks on him. To finish of the transformation, the barcodes on the chest plate began to change as the barecode on his right shoulder now says Welsh Dragon and the barcode on the chestplate now says Cardinal Crimson in japanese.

Haruto Kawafuji is in his Geiz Armour module on with Vanishing Dragon's Armour on. Its head will have Vanishing Dragon's head piece with Geiz's Eye-Visors to say 'Vanishing Dragon' in Japanese. His arms and legs will wield the Vanishing Dragon Scale Mail's Armour. For his forearms, expose the RideWatch holders on the Scale Mail's arms and for his thigh armour, the form will have Vanishing Dragon ability plates to show the Vanishing Dragon Scale Mail's gimmick, It will also wield Vanishing Dragon Scale Mail Breaster in which the Orbs on the scale mail will protrude out of the armour on its chest to give the Scale Mail gimmick and this form will wield Vanishing Shoulders which is a fusion of Vanishing Dragon Scale Mail's Shoulder Armour and Wings combined together. Finally, its back armour will have a Tail and an extra pair of Vanishing Dragon Scale Mail Wings connected at the back.

Nova Newton is in her Woz Armour Module on with Golden Dragon Monarch aka, Downfall Dragon Another Armour's Armour on (A/N: Downfall Dragon Another Armour came from the Golden Dragon Monarchaka, Fafnir. So, it's indeed fair to have a RideWatch nicknamed after Fafnir. Any issues, look at Wikipedia Fandom.). It's head will have Downfall Dragon's head piec and horns with Woz's Eye-Visors to say 'Monarch' in Japanese. The form's clock hands on top of the form's head will turn into Downfall Dragon's aka, Fafnir's horns which will lead to the back of its head. The strap that runs down of Woz's torso will be extended down below the Driver at knee-level, reinforced with Downfall Dragon's Armour and orbs protrutding out like Zi-O and Geiz's Armours stated above to give it the gimmick and detail. Its shoulders will have Downfall Dragon's shoulder with similar orbs protruding out to show the form's gimmicks. The form's arms and legs will have Downfall Dragon's armour combined with Woz's arm and leg armour. Finally, its back will have another set of Downfall Dragon's shoulder for armour, a tail and six pair of Fallen Angel wings connected behind the form's back.

After donning their Rider and Armour forms, Nova Newton began to Iwae.

Tenma: Nova. Guess you should know what to do.

Nova: Yup. I sure do.

Nova said.

Nova: IWAE!!!!! Subete no raidā no chikara o uketsugu mono, kako to mirai o shihai suru taimukingu! Kare no namae wa, kamen rai dā jiō dikeido issei u~ēruzudoragonkādinarukurimuzon'āmā de, kamen raidāgaizuvu~arivu~anishingudoragon'āmā to watashi, kamen ra idāu~ozuazazerudaunfōrudoragon'āmā no tasuke o karite imasu. Kore wa kare dakedenaku, watashitachi ga sarani betsu no kyarakutā no chikara o uketsugu shunkandesu!

(A/N: ENGLISH TRANSLATION - Nova: IWAE!!!!! The one to inherit all Rider powers, the time king who will rule over the past and the future! His name is Kamen Rider Zi-O Decade Issei Welsh Dragon Cardinal Crimson Armor, with the aid of Kamen Rider Geiz Vali Vanishing Dragon Armour and I, Kamen Rider Woz Azazel Downfall Dragon Armour. This is the moment that not only he, but we inherit yet another Characters' power!.)

Tenma: Straight to the point. Like it.

Nova: Thanks. Now, let's save them.

All: YOSH!!!!!


In the Game Field,

Another Issei Welsh Dragon is seen fighting against Sairaorg and Issei in his Cardinal Crimson Promotion, and it would seem that none of them could withstand Another Issei's wrath and power.

Issei: DAMN!!!

Sairaorg: Issei! Whatever we're doing doesn't seem to work at all! He's been diviving and blocking our power! Even worse still, my Sacred Gear is reaching its limit.

Issei: Yeah, you and me both!

Sairaorg: Regulus. Can you hold out for a little longer?

Regulus (Armour): I can hold out till I reach my limit, Lord Sairaorg!

Issei: Ddraig?

Ddraig (Armour): We are almost at our limit. Cardinal Crimson Promotion will dissipate in moments. You should be careful and conserve your energy.

Issei: Yeah... Sairaorg?

Sairaorg: Yeah, let's do this.

Another Issei Welsh Dragon roared loudly to get both Sacred gear users' attention. After it got their attention, it flew swiftly towards Issei and Sairaorg only for it to swoop pass them as the two dodged its charge. Then, Issei launched his Crimson Blasters at Another Issei Welsh Dragon for it to take one projectile but to deflect another for the deflected projectile to get bounced back at Issei, only for Sairaorg to take the hit as he punched the projectile with his own fist.

Sairaorg then advanced next towards Another Issei Welsh Dragon as he lay a flurry of powerful punches at him, only for Another Issei to block that one final powerful punch that would have destroyed his armour, to Sairaorg's shock. After blocking Sairaorg's punch by grabbing its fist, it used its free claw to punch Sairaorg away for Issei to catch him.

Issei and Sairaorg with their Balance Breaker Sacred Gears badly damaged still stood up strong despite the damage they were inflicted by Another Issei Welsh Dragon.

Issei: Rias! Stay where you are! We'll hold him off!!!


Issei: We'll hold the line as long as we can from this faker, right Sairaorg!!

Sairaorg: Heh! You bet!!

Rias watched in worry as Issei and Sairaorg hold down the fort to protect her from the Another Warrior. Then, the trio noticed the Another Warrior's chest armour suddenly opened up to reveal the same launcher hidden behind the armour as it began to charge up, to Rias's worry.


Issei: That's The Juggernaut Drive's ability I used when we killed Shalba!!!

Sairaorg: (Growls)

At the Announce Screen,

Naud Gamigin (On Announcer Screen): It looks like Another Issei is about to use Longinus Smasher to incinerate Rias Gremory, Issei Hyoudou and Sairaorg Bael!!!!

Woz (On Announcer Screen): That would be the end of them? Heh, that wouldn't be a chance.

Naud Gamigin (On Announcer Screen): And how would you know that, Woz?

Woz (On Announcer Screen): You'll see as the other three will be arriving in the fray~

Back in the Game Field,

Another Issei Welsh Dragon soon fully charged his Longinus Smasher as he aimed it at both Issei and Sairaorg. After which, he launched a devastating beam at them,- 


- only for it to be countered by a Triple-Slash Attack created by three powerful warriors of time with very powerful weapons to deal with the Another Warrior, to Rias, Issei and Sairaorg's shock.

Issei: The fuck-?!

Sairaorg: Who the heck deflected that powerful beam?!

Rias: Issei!!! Someone's in there!

Issei: I saw! But who are-

Just before Issei could finish his question, his eyes widened when the fog cleared away, it showed three similar Sacred Gears in their Scale or Armour forms. One's the Welsh Dragon Cardinal Crimson, the other is White/Vanishing Dragon Scale Mail and the last is Downfall Dragon Another Armour.

Rias: Issei, Vali and Azazel's Sacred Gear?! But how?!

Issei: What the balls?!

???: (Points Ride HeiSaber at Issei) Don't worry, kiddo. We got this covered.

Issei: Huh?

Sairaorg: Do you know wh-

???: (Pointing at Issei while looking at Sairaorg) No sweat. We know who he is, Regulus and Sairaorg.

??? said as he looks at the Another Warrior with his two allies.

???: My name is Tenma Sanchez. These are my back-up, Haruto Kawafuji and Nova Newton. We're here to whoop your ass, Freed.

When Tenma said this, this shocked Issei and Rias more about this.

Issei: Wait?! That thing is Freed?!?!?! I thought Kiba took care of him?!

Rias: Impossible! Kiba...

Tenma: Yes, that's the Freed you know and no, that's not the Freed you know now. That Freed you see now was the one that Kiba killed by cleaving Freed to pieces 3 years ago when you and Rias tried to rescue Asia.

Issei: Yeah, I remember that.

Sairaorg: But how did he survive???

Tenma: That's something you should ask him.

Tenma implied.

Then, he heard a maniacal laughter from Another Issei Welsh Dragon for them to look at it as the creature began to speak in a voice that Issei and Rias know while revealing his Chimera-self by unraveling its Juggernaut Drive's head, to their shock.

(A/N: Freed Sellzen's Chimera form.)

Freed: (Maniacal Laughter) You do know how to find things out real quick. YES!!!! I AM FREED SELLZEN IN THE FLESH!!!!!!!!!!! did you miss me, Red Dragon Emperor?

Nova (Inner Thoughts): He's crazy?

Tenma (Inner Thoughts): Yup....

Issei: How are you alive?!

Freed: Excellent question, dear boy~ After being cut to pieces, someone came up to me and offered me this form!!!!!!!!!! He restored me, you see, and I'm thankful he did.... (Maniacal Laughter)

Tenma: Is that person donned in black and gold armour? 

Freed: Nope. Not exactly. But, he's similar but in a different way.

Tenma: Okay????

Freed: Anyway~ someone pieced me up together and placed a watch inside of me for me to achieve your Juggernaut Drive, Issei! Do you like it?

Issei: The fuck with that!!!!!!

Freed: After that, he transported me here, instructing me to ERASE Issei Hyoudou's existance from the VERY DAY BEFORE HE WAS EVEN BORN TO NOW!!!!!!!!!!

Issei: Then,.... that means I won't be Harem King of the World!!!!!

Issei complained.

Freed soon laughed when Issei said that for Tenma, Haruto and Nova to ready themselves to strike.

Rias: Issei...

Issei: I won't let you erase my time!!

Tenma: Issei!!!

Tenma yelled while holding his arms out to block Issei's way, to his shock that he yelled.

Issei: Hey!!! Don't y-

Tenma: I'M NOT KIDDING!!!! 

Issei: Huh?

Tenma: This is not about you or your dumb harems, this time. If you strike rashly, not only you will disappear from time and space, YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY AS WELL!!!!!! Do you fucking want that!?!?!?!?

Issei: Wha- no bu-

Tenma: No buts. It's our fight for now.... so stay back.

Tenma said.

Then, Tenma, Haruto and Nova took a step as they readied to attack, to Freed's amusement.

Freed: So, you three want to get in my way in destroying Issei Hyoudou?!

Kawafuji: Not just that. WE, are gonna place your dead carcasses back to 2015 where you belong.




(A/N: Chou Dai-Saber (A/N: Chou Dai-Saber looks similar to the Ride-HeiSaber but its different as the colour scheme will be White, Blue and yellow with gold tints and outlines instead of its base colour.), Zikan Zax - Axe form and Zikan Despear - Yarisugi form.)


Tenma: FUCKING GLADLY!!!!!!!!!!

Tenma, Haruto and Nova charged towards Freed who's now Another Issei Welsh Dragon as Haruto struck first by using his weapon to strike Another Issei Welsh Dragon's arm away from him as he placed 'White Licorice' (Origami from ) RideWatch onto his weapon-



- for a huge laser-like weapon to form on the blade of Haruto's weapon as he swung it left to right repeatedly at the Dragon's chest. After giving it a flurry of slashes, Another Issei Welsh Dragon points its two hands in front of Haruto for Freed to launch two beams at him, but to no avail as Haruto held his left hand up in front of the dragon's two claws to-

Kawafuji: GEIZ KAWA DIVIDE!!!!!!!!!!

- launch a beam as well, inside the Another Warrior's beam, dividing the beam's power till Haruto's enemy's beam shrunk till it disappeared like as if the Another Warrior is launching nothing, to Freed's shock.

Freed: WHAT?!?!?!?! HOW DID YOU--


Haruto yelled as he flew backwards and threw Zikan Zax in its Axe Form down towards the Another Warrior. Then, the weapon flew down and thrust itself through its chest by its blade, only to leave the handle and the RideWatch used exposed for the Another Warrior to shriek in pain. While the weapon is left there, thrusted deep in its chest, a laser-like blade emerged from the blade of Zikan Zax as it began to bind the Another Warrior.

Another Issei Welsh Dragon looked down at Geiz's weapon as it grabbed the handle of Zikan Zax and tried to pull it out, only for Nova to kick its arm away from the weapon and to grab Zikan Zax,-

Nova: you're disgusting.....

- pulling it out from its chest as she thrusts Zikan Despear through him while pulling it out from its chest, giving the Another Warrior a flurry of thrusts and jabs. Then, she pressed the "Kamen" button on the Despear and swipe her finger on the button's scanner up and down multiple times and spun her spear around behind her while donning her fighting stance.



Nova smirked behind her rider mask as her Zikan Despear began to glow brightly to form a Light Zikan Des-Spear, throwing it at Another Issei Welsh Dragon, targetting the same spot where a hole was form, only for it to cleave its right arm off as Another Issei Welsh Dragon moved away but it was not fast enough. After its right arm got cleaved off, it soon grew a Chimera arm which belonged to Freed but this time, his arm wields the similar powers given by the AnotherWatch.

Tenma then rushed in as both his arms and legs transformed into Solid Impactor Booster which is a combination of Cardinal Crimson Promotion and Welsh Dragonic Rook, gave Freed aka, Another Issei Welsh Dragon a left hook punch right in the face for it to stagger backwards. Then, Tenma used his one foot to stomp at its feet to stop it from staggering, only for the Rider to land a double punch in the face for the Another Warrior to fly back and land on the ground, rolling.

Looking on, Tenma sees that Freed has stopped rolling as he flew up to him and gave Tenma his own punch by his own Chimera right arm along with some strength given by the armour's power, for Tenma to get dragged backwards for Issei and Sairaorg to catch him before he fell on his butt, for Haruto and Nova to look back.

Tenma: I'm okay!!

Kawafuji & Nova: (Nods)

Tenma: Thanks.

Issei: Hey, no problem, man. 

Sairaorg: No problem, kid. That's some power you inflicted on that Rogue Priest.

Tenma: Thanks. Issei, Sairaorg. You guys wannaget back a lil'. Trust me.

Issei: Uhhh, okay?

Issei and Sairaorg took a step back for Tenma leaned forward and placed his left leg forward to gain balance as his Welsh Dragon Cardinal Promotion Wings, not one pair, but two pairs opened up, equipped with Crimson Blasters at each wing. Then, he point his palms aiming at Freed/Another Issei Welsh Dragon while he was in combat against Haruto and Nova.

Tenma: GUYS, TAKE COVER!!!!!!!!!

Haruto and Nova looked at Tenma while blocking the Another Warrior's knuckles as they kicked it away from them and moved away from firing ranged. Once in range, Tenma pressed on the RideWatch-




- activating his ability, causing Tenma to launch powerful beams from the wings of the armor and from the palm of his hands, which struck Freed real hard at the chest causing the that strike to explode a bigger explosion upon impact, to Issei's shock.


Tenma: (looks back at Issei) If you boost more, you'll get more laser cannon wings.


Tenma: You can actually summon more wings if you want.

Issei: ARE YOU F-ING KIDDING ME?!?!?! He's shitting me, isn't he?

Ddraig (Armour): No. He's not. He's actually right. If we boost more power and train more, we can obtain that kind of power.

Issei: Whoa... he's total badass... and here I thought he's a bag of dirty douche-water...

Sairaorg: Impressive.

Both implied.

As if on queue, Haruto and Nova returned to stand side by side with Tenma as they don their fighting stance.

Kawafuji: Dude. Nice shot.

Tenma: Think you got him?

Nova: Uuuuh, guys....

Nova said with worry.

Everyone looked at the location where the beams hit Another Issei Welsh Dragon, only for him to be seen still surviving and standing after that impact, showing most Freed's Chimera's form now, while his armoured chest is currently opened up, for him to charge his weapon.

Issei: THE WHORE?!?!?!

Tenma: He's still standing?!

Freed: Glad you noticed. Issei's not the only one who's wielding the power of the vanishing dragon, you fool!!!

Sairaorg: Now this is bad... Regulus....

Regulus (Armour): Still sustaining. Don't do anything rash, Lord Sairaorg!

Rias watched in worry until someone stood beside her as the some one passed her a special RideWatch.

???: Here.

Rias: Huh?

???: This'll help take this shithead down for good.

??? said.

Rias then took the watch as it glowed brightly in her hand. When she looked who it was that gave her that watch, he was however gone from existance, only for her to hear his voice.

??? (Voice only): Oh, and another thing. Send my kid my regards.

Rias (Inner Thoughts): Kid.... is he referring to the one wearing Issei's Sacred Gear....????

Rias thought about it.

As soon as Another Issei Welsh Dragon fully charged its weapon, Freed yelled;


Longinus Smasher was fired and it was a large beam this time from the previous. Tenma, Haruto, Nova, Issei and Sairaorg looked in worry, trying to figure out how to get out of this as if they move or one of them moves, the beam will still hit them as the crazy rogue priest is a psycho and will do anything to take them down. As everyone looked on, Issei hurried Tenma to do something while giving something to Tenma, for Tenma to smirk.

After smirking, the audience, Asia and Rias watched with mixed emoions of worry, fright and horror that the Another Warrior struck them all, except for Rias. The Announcers who have been commentaring this whole battle on screen were shocked as well except for Woz.

Naud Gamigin (On Announcer Screen): Looks like the fake version of Issei has struck them, and he may strike Rias down as well. Someone ge-

Woz (On Announcer Screen): No need for that, Sir Naud, you unfilial fool.

Naud Gamigin (On Announcer Screen): But.... they'll die!!

Woz (On Announcer Screen): They're fine..... and I can tell the King of Hell, the General Azazel and many others are getting ready, so folks! Need not worry. They are still fine.

Woz implied.

The audience looked at each other in confusion trying to find out what's going on, even Naud Gamigin doesn't know what's going on.

Naud Gamigin (On Announcer Screen): They're alright? Bu-

Woz (On Announcer Screen): Watch, as the new form of my Overlord, will be arriving in mere moments.

Woz said for everyone in the stadium and on screen to look at the other screen showing the battle going on. In the Game Field once again, Freed wielding the power of Another Issei Welsh Dragon laughed maniacally to see that killing them is accomplished, that's so he thought.

Just as he was about to aim Longinus Smasher at Rias, a huge light binds him to see the source of the light is at where he shot down the five warriors, to his confusion.

Freed: Huh?! WHAT'S THIS?!?!?

Freed questioned.

While asking what was that, the fog cleared to see that someone are standing there, for his eyes to widen up to see Issei and Sairaorg still alive along with the three riders, but this time, something was different about them when this happened;










(A/N: Zi-O Trinity - Sacred Gear Trinity Armour. Combine these four pictures together.)

After transforming, Tenma, Haruto and Nova fused together to become Zi-O Trinity with "ONE" major difference and that's the Zi-O Trinity RideWatch. The Zi-O Trinity RideWatch is made to be placd at the right side of the Ziku-Driver slot this time with its three-layered flaps to open on the right instead of the left for the Sacred Gear Trinity RideWatch to be inserted at the left side of the Ziku-Driver slot.

Zi-O Trinity's body except for his arms (A/N: The central area belonging to Zi-O is what I'm referring to.) will be armoured up by Issei's Welsh Dragon Cardinal Crimson Promotion Armour combined with some of Zi-O Trinity and Zi-O's parts such as the Breaster Zi-O, Recon Strike Suit, Trinity Time Leg, Sona Count Pad, Cubic Leg Armor and Trinity Shoes (A/N: Mostly its gold parts of the said parts above will be exposed on the combined armour of Issei's cardinal armour and the said parts from Zi-O Trinity.). This form will have two pairs of combined wings made of Cardinal Crimson Promotion, Vanishing Dragon Scale Mail and Azazel's Fallen Angel Wings and will have three Dragon tails belonging to Welsh Dragon Cardinal Crimson, Vanishing Dragon Scale Mail and Downfall Dragon Another Armour connected on the back of the armour, The strap on this form will remain the same. And finally, on Breaster Zi-O, the face of Zi-O's indication eye (Eye Visors) will spell out 'Welsh Dragon' in japanese instead of 'Rider in Japanese, its head frame will be Cardinal Crimson Frame with its head and horns protruding out of the armour to give it some detail and for his own Longinus Smasher ability and the Meson and Baryon hands will be connected onto the horns located on top of the Dragon's frame togive it a Double Armour gimmick.

Geiz's right arm except for the form's whole body and his left arm will be armoured up by Vanishing Dragon/White Dragon Scale Mail's Armour combined with some of Geiz's parts such as the Shoulder Geiz, Trinity Time Arm, Trinity Hand and Cerberus Arm Liner R (A/N: Mostly its gold parts of the said parts above will be exposed on the combined armour of Valis white dragon armour and the said parts from Zi-O Trinity's right arm.). The right arm's forearm will be armoured by the Vanishing Dragon Scale Mail's arm. Two blue orbs will be on its right arm, in between the RideWatch Holder and its slots apart from each other to form a diamond-like formation. The face of Geiz, like Breaster Zi-O will spell 'Vanishing Dragon' on its indication eye (Eye-Visors) and the face frame will take the form of Vanishing Dragon Scale Mail's head, combined with its eye-visors protruding out to give it some spike and detail. Geiz watch strap that goes from the form's head to some parts of the armour on the chestplate and to the arm will have a different colour scheme of white (Replacing the black coloured strap) with gold outlines (Replacing the red coloured outline on the strap). And finally, some of the Vanishing Dragon's armour parts will fuse with Welsh Dragon Cardinal Crimson Zi-O Trinity fusion's legs to give it a Double X-Treme gimmick.

Woz's left arm except for the form's whole body and his right arm will be armoured up by Downfall Dragon Another Armour's Armour combined with some of Woz's parts such as the Shoulder Woz,  Trinity Time Arm, Trinity Hand and Cerberus Arm Liner R (A/N: Mostly its gold parts of the said parts above will be exposed on the combined armour of Azazel's downfall dragon armour and the said parts from Zi-O Trinity's left arm.). The left arm's forearm will be armoured by Downfall Dragon's arm. Ensure the RideWatch Holder and slots are exposed and ensure its arm has purple orbs for detail. The face of Woz, like Breaster Zi-O and Shoulder Geiz, will spell 'Monarch' on its indication eye (Eye-Visors) and the face frame will take the form of Downfall Dragon's head, combined with its eye-visors protruding out to give it some detail, ensure the horns on the head are shortened to give the arm more mobility. Woz watch strap that goes from the form's head to some parts of the armour on the chestplate and to the arm will have a different colour scheme of gold (Replacing the black coloured strap) with black outlines (Replacing the green coloured outline on the strap). And finally,  some of the Downfall Dragon's armour parts will fuse with Welsh Dragon Cardinal Crimson Zi-O Trinity fusion's legs to give it a Double X-Treme gimmick.

Finally to top it of, the Helmet of Zi-O Trinity will utilize Cardinal Crimson Promotion head with the White Dragon Scale Mail's head pieces to be connected and fused together on the right side of the helmet together with the watch strap and Downfall Dragon Armour's head pieces to do the same on the left side of the helmet but this time, the left side of the Rider helmet will have horns to give Downfall Dragon's gimmick. The visor will spell 'Sacred Gear' in Japanese instead of 'Rider' and will be split into three colors to represent the three Dragons that compose Zi-O Trinity - Sacred Gear Trinity Armour: Ddraig (Red with Green outlines; Center), Albion (White with Blue outlines; Right), and Fafnir (Gold with Purple outlines; Left). Each color glows independently when a certain Dragon's power is used (A/N: For example, the White and Blue portion of the visor will glow if Haruto's Vanishing Dragon power is used.).

After Issei, Sairaorg, Rias and Freed aka, Another Issei Welsh Dragon looked at the Tenma, Haruto and Nova's combined form, they all looked in shock to see that three Sacred Gears are now merged to one.


Outside at the audience stand, podium platforms and at the Announce Screen, everyone looked in shock to see the end result that everyone inside the Game Field survived by an unexpected twist in the game.

Naud Gamigin (On Announcer Screen): My, oh my! Looks like our newcomers have merged to one! Woz, what is this?

Woz (On Announcer Screen): You asked the right person. Allow me to give you a lesson.

Naud Gamigin (On Announcer Screen): Uuuuuh, what?

Woz (On Announcer Screen): Sir Naud! Ladies and Gentlemen, Angels, Devils, Phoenix, Dragons and to one and all! 

Everyone in the stadium look at the Announcer Screen.

Woz (On Announcer Screen): Heika no eikō o abite kudasai! IWAE!!! San-Ri no dansei no chikara ga, doreigu, Arubion, fafunīru to shite shira reru 3ttsu no seikuriddogiadoragon to issho ni atsumatte iru yōdesu. Men to tomoni mirai o tsukuridasu kunshu, soshite doragon-tachi!!!!!! Soshite kare no namae wa kamen raidājiotoriniti - seikuriddogiatorinitiāmā! Shitagatte, kore ga atarashī rekishi ga umidasa reta shunkandesu.

(A/N: ENGLISH TRANSLATION - Woz (On Announcer Screen): Bask in your Majesty's glory! REJOICE!!! The Power of three men have apparently gathered along with the three Sacred Gears Dragons known as Ddraig, Albion and Fafnir! The monarch who will possibly create the future with Men, and DRAGONS ALIKE!!!!! And his name is Kamen Rider Zi-OTrinity - Sacred Gear Trinity Armour! And thus, this is the moment a new history was created.)

Everyone looked at the screen which shows a battle taking place as they looked in shock at the final product of three Sacred Gears and three Riders merged to one. In the Game Field, everyone felt the same way, as well and at the same time, confused.

Rias: A Trinity Fusion of three balance Breakers?! That's merely impossible!!

Sairaorg: But how?!

Issei: DUDE!!! How did he....

Ddraig (Armour): This is impossible!

Issei: Huh?

Ddraig (Armour): None of the Sacred Gears have the ability to fuse together! I heard rumors that if two or more are merged, the wielders never survived!! How is this possible that they have managed it?!

Tenma: All in good time, guys! But now.... we got a Chimera and Another Warrior to toast!!!

Freed: YOU STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!!!!!

Nova: All in good time, Freed Sellzen. But that's only after....

Nova implied, stopping halfway.

She summoned Azazel's Magic as the Gold and Purple portion of the Trinity Rider's Eye-Visor began to glow, wielding not just Azazel's power but somuch more. Then, Azazel's magic circle was summoned on her left as she slot her hand in, pulling out Ex-Durandal engulfed in a spear of light that Azazel would use, to Issei's shock.



Issei: (Looks at Rias) HUUUUUUHHHH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


While Issei was so damn confused and after the fusion rider pulled out that combined weapon, Nova control the fusion rider for her to pose a defense stance with her weapon in hand in a form of a sword (Excalibur) and a spear (Spear of light).

Nova: ...... WE WILL TAKE YOU DOWN AS ONE!!!!!!!

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The fifth episode of our Kamen Rider Zi-O (I am a Crossover Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Zi-O.). Huh? A Trinity Fusion and Trinity Armour made of three dragon Sacred gears; Welsh Dragon, Vanishing Dragon and Downfall Dragon? So soon? Wonder who gave that to Rias.... So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what Iprefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of Kamen Rider Zi-O (I am a Crossover Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Zi-O.) insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our Kamen Rider Zi-O (I am a Crossover Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Zi-O.)! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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