mizuki x fem reader

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Mizuki's pov:

I sigh annoyed as Nanami dragged me along with Tomoe to some faraway place. She was visiting some old friend of hers, who had become a shrine lord as well.

I was quite bored through the whole trip, because a certain fox bitch wouldn't let me flirt with Nanami.

While Nanami chatted with her friend, I gazed at her with a smile amused. Tonie disappeared to some other part of the festival.

I suddenly heard whispers and clapping. Curious I turned my head to the source of such attention. Oh would you look at that.

A group of dancers on the road. They had such an elegant aura as their bodies moved and their silk fluttered in tge wind.

The lead dancer locked eyes with me and smiled. I was startled by a striking pair of (eye color) eyes and her long (curly/straight/frizzy) (color hair)

I felt my breath stop. Just who is this woman?

She's gorgeous....

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