mizuki x fem reader part two

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Alternate part. Mizuki meets you again and you grow close. The two if you start dating.

Mizuki's pov:

The three of us left and I figured I wouldn't see the beauty again.

I was wrong, because days later I ran into her. I wasted no time in talking to her. Y/n such a lovely name...

She was a dancing wanderer. I found myself growing closer with her. I soon realized I was in love with her.

Months later she was going to move again. I begged and pleaded and in tge process confessed. I felt horrified tgat she'd be disgusted, but the kiss she planted on my lips told me otherwise.

She told me she'd come back and give me an answer. I let her go, but not without giving her one of my snajes for divine protection.

And so I waited.

I ignored the curious faces of Nanami and Tomoe. I was not in the mood to be teased.

True to her word, y/n returned and settled down. She said she'd be my girlfriend. I introduced her to Nanami and tomoe, along with my former master.

Even from beyond the grave I know she's proud.

I felt so happy. It's hard to describe.

So now I'm currently on a date with her in the present right now. We're getting milkshakes and fries at (random or favorite restuarant).

I'm glad I met her. I couldn't ask for anything better.

I lean over and wioe the whip cream from her liomps. "You had something on your mouth babe" She blushes and I can't help but think it's adorable.

I'm not alone anymore master... there's no need to worry anymore. You can rest.

I love you and I love her.

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