Author's Note and Prologue

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A/N : There there guys! This is the prologue to my new book. Now to get to the basics of things...I love wrting and I really appreciate your support in this book series I am doing. If you no have clue what I'm talking about and just clicked on this...Well This is Book Two!! I wanted to do this before Christmas because I find Christmas a really romantic holiday, The colors of red and burgandy are everywhere and it feels warm and comforting. It helps me write I guess.... But Enough About that! Let's begin shall we?

Tomoe: " WAIT!"

Author: 'Puts down Popcorn' " Wha?"

Tomoe: " Did you think I would agree to this!?!"

Author: Oh Relax...."

Tomoe: " Its a romance book......."

Author: "Yep! Starring you, aren't you so happy!?"

Tomoe: 'Lights fox-fire and snarls'

Author: " I'm writing so stop pouting you BAKA!!"


It starts where we left off, No, Really it Does! It starts with a young fox, His eyes are violet and his hair is white. He's handsome and yet naive in many things. His name is Tomoe, And he became very respected of the gods. No. Not all of them. Some he hadn't even met after all those years and some were fine with him as long as they didn't see him. The only Person that truly accepted this young teenager was Mikage. The god of Match-Making. He had taken Tomoe in at his most heart crushing time in life and had, in a way, raised him to be who he was now. Tomoe could open up now and he enjoyed his job, For being a familiar to someone who sees you as family isn't that bad. There was also Inari. The god with all the answers ( And food....Cause he's a harvest god of course...)Tomoe was okay with Inari, But of course they still couldn't stand each other at all... Inari was like a second father, that sometimes stood in Mikage's stead. There was many battles that were fought. Some emotional and other's With swords and blood. The fox even leveled a moutain and saved the small demons on it. He made a home for them, So that they could live in a place like him. The teen Matured a little more over the years. His height was picked up by an inch or two and the kimono's he wore seemed to fit him right now, But he was childish in many ways. He still got embarrassed and his attitude told the world he hadn't grown much at all. Some gods say that it is only like he had been at the shrine for a few days. His complection had not changed and he looked the same as before, Except, he did smile more now. Some women called him a young man, and in a way he was. He had grown to some level and degree, but his heart was still soft in some ways. He helped others even when he didn't want to. For that was were his heart was. But Then, All that was loved by the fox. Everything he trusted in was ripped away from him, and his life turned into a lie....

20 Years ago......

      Rain poured along with the tears that streamed down his face. That Idiot Mikage!! It had been three days and there was still no sign of him. He wasn't at Izumo, he wasn't at any conferrance or meeting. He said he was going to town. Out of all the 500 years Tomoe knew him, it had seemed normal at the time, But he should have known that the cold icy wind that went through the shrine meant only one thing.

He was gone, and he wasn't coming back.

Tomoe cursed and screamed out his anger at the wind. Nothing would calm him down, Nothing could help him from breaking. All this time he was told he would never be alone again. The one thing that scared him the most had come true and it was because the person he trusted the most, Lied.

Tomoe ran down the stone pavement towards the small city in the distance. He had been there several times in the last few days, but still couldn't find anything. He had to keep trying, and when He found the god he would kick him so hard he wouldn't be able to see straight for days. Then Tomoe wouldn't talk to him and make him apologize for leaving like this. The fox kept running as the rain soaked him through his hakamashita. He was cold, He was hungry but he had to keep looking. Tomoe spotted a human walking by and nearly froze. His fear of humans wasn't strong anymore but it still lingered. Still....The human could know something. He tried to ask him bit the small man freaked out, threw his liquior on the ground and took off running saying he was stopping for now on. Tomoe rolled his eyes in frustration and sore under his breath. Yep, Humans were still an eye-sore. Tomoe shivered under his cloak and pulled it closer. It then proceeded to slip down his shoulder in a wet clump. He was soaked and shaking, and Helpless....

Always...I'll always be there if you come with me......


Come with me to my shrine! I'm sure you'll be welcomed and I will be there always...

LIAR!!!! Tomoe screamed at the wind and dropped to his knees. Pain shot through his chest and he started to sob in the rain. He was alone again.....And there was nothing he could do about it. No-one cared. They wouldn't help him and Inari look. The shrine spirits tried to comfort him but Tomoe would just sit but the shrine door and cuddle a pillow; That pillow held most of his tears. Why had Mikage left? Tomoe wanted to know...Was it something he did? What if he had changed that? Would Mikage have stayed? Tomoe nearly rechted and his heart ached beyound compare. He didn't want to move from the spot he was in, So he cuddled his arms around him and sat there on the Stone. His eyes ached from all the crying he had done. He hadn't slept in days and he felt sick and alone...Tomoe choked out a sob and whimpered at the nothing-ness around him.

"Hey Kid..."

Tomoe looked up and saw Inari hovering over him with an umbrella, "You'll catch your death of cold out here..."

"I don't care anymore...." Tomoe winced.

It grew silent except for the harvest gods sigh. Then Tomoe felt something warm go around him. Inari had laid ablanket over his head and ears.

"Come of kid...Let's get you home."

Tomoe nodded and slowly stood to his feet.

Hold down the fort until I get back....

When is that?

Through the years...

During those twenty years the fox said close to nothing. He didn't do much at all. In fact he would mostly drink himself to sleep, or go to the Red Light District for some fun. Sometimes he would spend his whole night having fun and wouldn't come home, And when he did return his face was downcast and broken. He was trying to fill the void in his life, but couldn't find anything. The fox, However, Still held a kindness in his heart. The shrine spirits saw it, and they respected him for it. Because if it was any normal person, they would have no kindness in them at all...He would clean and keep quiet. No-one ever heard him say anything. The only person that could talk to him was Inari. He came and visited almost every-day. He would talk to Tomoe about the weather and the harvest, he even invited Tomoe to have dinner at his house, but everytime...Tomoe declined. He wouldn't leave the shrine. His power kept it beautiful and Tomoe got used to maintaining it. There was never a hole or leak in the roof. The only thing that Tomoe could say was that the shrine was cold. For when Mikage left, the warmth left with him. The fox was yet again, alone......

There you guys go!! The first chapter to this book will be coming next, And don't worry it's not sad or depressing. It's a proper romantic comedy!! So sit back and enjoy the thrills and chills to the very end!!

(( Sorry, I had to say that and also....Disclaimer: " I do not own Kamisama Kiss or its Charaters, ( Even though I wish I did.....) { This disclaimer is for all the chapters because I'm not typing this over and over again. THANK YOU! }

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