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A/N : " And so starts the first chapter of my book. This book is supossed to be more based off of the manga, than anime...It may still have things from the Anime but it's mostly Manga based, But it won't be exactly like the manga either, I will be adding some of my own ideas..Cause, It is a fan-fiction... Also this chapter might be long because I'm just starting it off and I'm trying to get it established so... And Notes from the author to you...

Author: " I Love the Cover Picture!!! Who ever drew it...Thank you. Credits to you...." **Nosebleed**

Tomoe: ".........W-h-a-t....i-s.....t-h-a-t?!?"

Author nearly passes out while Tomoe panicks

Now you know....

                 Nanami Momzeno, age 17, homeless....I ralltled that off in my mind and silently swore. That idiot old man!! He left me alone and stole all this mouths food money, Then he signed the lease over so that the house could be given away. I couldn't beileve it when they came to my door and demanded that I got out. Men and their gray uniforms came in and threw my stuff into boxes. Then they loaded them and sat them down outside. If I had anything of value the money loaners took it to pay off my dept. I sorted through the rest and gathered a bag, then I left. Now I'm sitting on a bench in the park with nothing to do and no-where to go, It was cold and who knows how many stalkers were at this park right now...


I'm in trouble. Trouble I don't know how to end. I'm stuck here, Homeless...And I'm only seventeen years old. How pathetic right? I stretched and winced at the ache in my back. Man, I could go for a nice warm futon right now... Yawning I looked around the park. It was cold and I had to sleep on this bench. It was embarrassing. Right before I laid down I heard a loud scream,


I stood up quickly and ran over to a man hanging in a tree. He was screaming and crying his eyes out. His head held a brown fedora and he wore a brown overcoat. The guy was clinging to the tree for dear life. My eyes traveled down and I saw what he was panicking about. It was a small, brown, adorable dog. And when I say small...I mean small. I mentally rolled my eyes and shooed it away. When the man relized that the small terror was gone he slipped down and shakily sat on his knees.

"Oh Thank you so much. It's been a while since I've been back to this town and that dog just ran out of nowhere and chased me."

"I take it you don't like dogs?"

"Well yeah...I'm more for the cat family. I'm also really good with foxes!" He smiled brightly. When he smiled I got a good look at him. He had blond hair and glasses that sat on his nose. His face was warm and he had crows feet at his eyes which indicated that he smiled alot. I almost giggled at how goofy he had acted, but I stopped myself. Laughing would just be rude and we all have our fears.

"Are you a local person?"

"Huh?" His question took me off guard so I just nodded. " Um..Yeah. Well sort of. You see, I don't have a place to live, but don't worry about me! I'm not a stalker or anything! Promise!!" I panicked.

He chuckled and pushed his glasses up on his nose, " I didn't take you as a stalker...Miss?"

"Oh! Nanami!! Sorry...I forgot."

He smiled and stood up, " I know this is odd of me to ask but, Why are you in a park? I mean...Your a bit young to be homeless."

I winced at that question. It was odd and a bit to the point but I decided to explain, I mean...It's not like I have anything better to do...

At the Shrine...

"Master Tomoe?...Are you going to say something today?"

  Silence. It had been twenty years since Mikage left and the young fox kept quiet. The teen closed himself up to the world. He would sweep and clean. Then he would drink or carous at most nights. Sometimes the spirits heard him let out a whimper. as if the cold of the shrine reminded him of the betrayal he had faced. Lately he had even been quiet when Inari visited. This was one of those days.

"Hey kid..."


"How you doing?"

The fox looked away. His hair shading his eyes so Inari couldn't see the emotion that he had been hiding for years.

"Kid..."Inari sighed and sat beside him," You need to let go..."

"I-Will-Not...." Tomoe hissed out.

Inari furrowed his brow and sighed, " Why? He's not here...Whats the point in hating him when he's not going to be here to hate?"

"He lied...."

"Tomoe....I know, but you have to let this go. It's draining you. I can tell....Maybe if you let go, Something could happen. I have this feeling..."

"Who gives a crap about your feelings?" Tomoe let some humor play in his voice and Inari smiled.

"That's the kid I know."

Tomoe sighed and his shoulders sagged. His life wasn't like it used to be. Each day was the same, and there was no-one to talk to. In fact he was upset and lonely. His stomach hurt and he wanted to cry, but he wouldn't let himself cry.  The kitsune sighed and he said no more. So what if something happened? Something exciting? He would like to see that, because right now...He was more lonely than anything.

Nanami's POV

Okay, so I explained and the wierdo gave me directions to his old house. Then he kissed my forehead which was past creepy. I would have slapped him but he had given me his house soo... I picked up th epiece of paper and followed the sloppy directions. I walked for what seemed like forever and looked up when I reached the X. When I saw it I dropped to my knees and screamed. You want to know why? It was a shrine!....

A SHRINE!!!!!!!

" THAT IDIOT!!! I will never trust another adult ever!!!" I winced at the pain in my feet and tried to get up, but my body thought otherwise. I sighed and sat there annoyed. That idiot, no good.....



"Mikage-Sama! Welcome home Lord Mikage!"

Suddenly flames shot up around me and I freaked out. Why was hearing voices coming from the fire!!? I backed up and my heart started pounding in fear. Where did this guy lead me to?!?

"G-Ghosts!! S-Spirits!?!" I backed up and fell throught the shrine's door, landing on my back.

Tomoe's POV

The spirits felt it, and so did I. The shrine even got warmer. I had sat down getting ready to drink when the air grew warm, as if I added a heater or something. Then the shrine glowed a bit, as if welcoming a master that had been gone for a long time. My heart sped up and I stood up quickly..


"Master Tomoe....We feel his presence. Do you!?" They screeched in excitment.

'I did......And I wanted to...KILL HIM!!!!!'

I was excited also but not for the reason they were. I pulled my kimono sleeve up on my shoulder and grabbed my fan. The spirits already had ran off to greet their long lost master. Then the doors burst open and I nearly jumped. I wasn't expecting a hug or an apology, I was just wanting to feel like I was supossed to be were I was. I heard a thud like someone fell into the floor. It wouldn't surprise me, Mikage was very clumbsy. Then I heard panting and Anger built up in me. This was the man that abandoned me. He told me I would never be alone again...Plus he made me do his job for twenty-years!!

"Indeed...It is you. Where have you been? I've been waiting for twenty years, and then you made me watch over this place all that time...." And with those words..I lost it, " I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!!" I turned around and charged at the figure on the floor. I was going to sink my claws into his neck. He wouldn't die, he was a god. So I wasn't going to hold back.

"AHHH!! That's not it!! I'm not Mikage!!"

I froze and looked at the person I was trying to kill. ( You should have done that to begin with Tomoe....) Disappointment flashed through me. That and surprise. It was Definitely NOT Mikage.....In fact it was human. I gagged mentaly and dropped her on the floor.

"Brats, Bad news...This is not Mikage."

"WHAT!!" they exclaimed, " It has to be! She has the land-gods mark on her forehead see?"

"SO WHAT!?" I raised my voice, " That does not make her him! So tell me woman....Who are you and how did you find this place?" I sat down and crossed my arms irratated. Then she screamed something about being in a Goblin shrine. I took offense at that. I was not a goblin. I was a kitsune..When she had calmed down she looked at me and started a long ramble on how Mikage gave her a map and kissed her forehead. She said something else but I wasn't paying attention. I was too busy cursing at Mikage in my mind. He was going to pay for this! He was stupid, saying I needed to change when he was worse than me. Suddenly I noticed that the girl, who said her name was Nanami, had handed me a piece of paper and I was looking at it blanky. I swore under my breath and looked at it. The paper had a stupid map drawn on it, and only one person could draw that stupid of a map.

"Yes...This moronic hand writing has to be Mikage's...."

"He said since I have no place to stay I should stay here..." She grew quiet and I wasn't exaclty in the mood to play games. She had to be kidding. I looked up and saw her starring at me with wide eyes. What was she looking at? Her eyes traveled over me...

Is she checking me out? Ew...She's a human....

I waved my fan violently and glared at her. I did not have time for foolish games. " That man you met was the land-god of this region! And this shrine is the home of that land-god! The reason he sent you here could only mean that he wants you to be...." I froze for a second. That idiot Mikage couldn't be serious, " Could only mean that he wants you to be Land-god in his place!!!" I cursed and bit my lip. Then those idiot Shrine spirits started screaming which added to my headache.

"YAY!! A new Land-god!! Here Lady goddess of the land!" They made food appear, " Help yourself!!" I growled under my breath.

"Wait! Hold on! I can't be a god! I'm just a normal highschool student." I sighed. she was right there. I moved forward and lifted her chin so I could look at her. I nearly doubled over at how utterly stupid she looked.

" What can a pathetic girl like her even do!? " I spat out, " The best she could do is probably pluck the grass or collect the money offerings....I won't have this!!! This is unacceptable! Get her out of here!" I clenched my fists.

"But she is recommended...By lord Mikage himself..."


"Excuse me?! Your being high-and mighty and rude to me for no reason!! I mean come on! What did I do!?  I mean, This place is so run down...It probably doesn't even get money offerings!  You couldn't pay me to do it!!"

That statement tookk me by surprise. How dare she....She had no idea what I did to keep this place up. My power was in it, and I spent all my time cleaning the blasted thing. It did get money offerings, and I counted them. That idiot....

"If you let her stay...I will leave this shrine." I turned around and started to storm off. It hurt though. I grew to love this place. This place was my home not this idiotic girls. Then she comes in and takes it away with just a sweep of her hand. I cursed to myself.

"But Master Tomoe!!"

"SHUT UP! I am Mikage's Familiar. I will not serve her. Not a human..." I walked towards a dark place and opened the portal to the land Over Yonder.

" HEY WAIT!!" She screamed, " DON'T GO!!"

I balled my fists and went through anyway. The Red Light District...That's where I was going... I didn't care anymore. So what Mikage didn't like it. I think that's why I went so much...I was going. No more was I a Familiar. Again I was free.

Nanami's POV

That jerk!! He was so...Ugh! I mean I was a bit embarrassed when he caught me looking him over. So what! That didn't change his smart attitude. I sighed and looked at the little children behind me. They looked forlorn and upset, Like they had just lost their best friend. I felt kind of guilty but I shook it off.

"Could you set me up for one night? I'd like to stay here."



I woke up the next day tired. Yesterday held so many dreams. I feel like I had so many of them. Just when I thought that I saw a masked figure with one big eye starring at me. I screamed in panic. It wasn't a dream, Wasn't a dream.....

" Lady Nanami-Chan! Good your awake! Its time for work!"


Then they started telling me about all the chores I had. Pluck the yard, Clean the worship hall, Fix the paper screen doors. By the time I was finished with just a few my body was aching. I hadn't worked like this in a long while.

"What with all these chores?"

"They are the duties of the god! Master Tomoe used to do all of these things on his own. Lord Mikage hated dogs so he was brought in. Tomoe-dono was a wild fox at first so he had to be tamed. It is legand that foxes are holy creatures with divine powers. He maintained this shrine all on his own for twenty years. We know that all of this is hard work, and we know it can be tiring. Master Tomoe would often fall asleep after such hard days. He's still young and kept this place up and running for years so we didn't wake him."

"Really?" I suddenly felt a bit guitly. I took his home away. Just because I lost mine didn't mean I could barge in and take somebody elses. SIghing, I got up to do the rest of my chores.

Author's POV

 Nanami grabbed a dustpan and plopped down in the yard. She had to Pluck the grass so the shrine could maintain its godly shine. The brown haired girl sighed and started plucking, until a blade of grass slit right into her finger.  Wincing she looked at it annoyed. Blood was trinkling down her hand and causing her to sigh. Only me.. Nanami thought to herself as she kept plucking..

"So...You even have trouble plucking the grass, Your really useless.." Tomoe laughed arrogently as he appeared in a poof of smoke.

It's that nasty Guy!

"What do you want? I thought you left already? Don't bother me I'm busy!" The girl growled as she continued.

He ignored her and kept on, "Your not fit to be a Land-god! You ran away from home right? Why don't you return before you have to admit defeat!"

"Because!" Nanami hissed, " I don't have a place to return to!! My father left me with all his dept and then people came and took my house. I have nowhere to go..."

 It got quiet for a few minutes until the fox snarled and punted her across the yard. Tomoe gritted his teeth and looked at her annoyed, " HOW WOULD I KNOW THAT!?"

The girl gasped in shock and looked at him, " WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" But before she could get him back for bruising her backside he disappeared again. Then a soft voice sounded in her ear. It was demanding but sweet. Nanami gagged at her own thoughts because it wasn't her voice. It was the idiot Tomoe's.

'Nanami....Don't touch the pocket mirror in the study...'


The girl stood and winced at the pain in her back she then walked into the shrine and nearly passed out in the floor.

" I may be a Land-god or whatnot but I think they're just saying that to take advantage of me!!" She whimped and rolled over and looked at the shrine. It was well kept. Maybe she was a bit rude about saying it was run-down. Now she knew first hand what Tomoe had to do everyday...

 "Dear god...Please let my daughter bare a healthy child..'  

 Nanami froze. What was that? Was she hearing things? Nanami looked at the shrine door and paused. There was an old woman there...Did she hear her thoughts?

"Her thoughts...I heard them..."

"Oh yes Lady Nanami! Its the job of the land-god to listen to the heart on the worshiper!! Which reminds us, You have to read these books," They piled books in front of her and smiled," These are prayers from the last twenty years My'Lady!" ( Um...Kotetsu, She's not your Lady....She's five time staller than you. Sorry. ))

"Twenty Years!?"

"Yes! Master Tomoe wrote all them down, They were intended to be read by Lord Mikage when he returned but...." The little spirit trailed off, " Lady Nanami?"

"Yes Kotetsu?"

"Master Tomoe....He's not that bad. It will take some getting used to...but....He is a good person."

"Actuctly...I have been thinking, I want to apologize to him. This is his home, not mine. Besides....He right, I'm not fit to be a god! I'm just a normal girl, Its not like I have powers or anything." The spirits fell backwards in complete shock. Nanami giggled, " I want to go see him...Tomoe I mean."

 "B-But...He's in the other world!!"

 "Other World?" Nanami tilted her head in fear and confusion, " What other world?"

In the Land Over Yonder... 

"Welcome to the demon world Lady Nanami..."

The girl gasped in shock. Everywhere she looked she saw Youkai and demons. There was markets and she even saw a sign that said...Human on a stick?.... She gagged mentally and walked with the shrine spirits. To be honest she was tired from all the chores she had done, but she had to apologize. Because no matter had much sleep she needed, She wouldn't get it if she didn't say sorry. So what she would sleep in the park? It was the right thing to do. He was probably missing his home like she was. All the memories, Just taken away. She sighed and shook her thoughts away. Nanami looked up and gasped, The spirits led her to the.....Red light District? The girl heard laughter in all corners and she could smell the perfume of the Tamiki girls...Tomoe was here? Oh that no good...Piece of...

"MASTER TOMOE!? Are you in here?"

"Quiet, " A muffled voice sounded," Your making a scene!"

The spirits rushed in and gaped at what they saw. there was the fox with women all around him. Serving him tea and who knows what else. He had a bored expression on his face and he sighed,

"You wanted something?"

"Master Tomoe......HOW DISRESPECTFUL OF YOU!!!! Your a Familiar to a god and your already drinking in the middle of the day, Held up in the Red-Light distrcit!?!"


"But why!? Don't you care about the shrine anymore?"

"No I do not....I am finally free, So from now on I will live my life in lust!" He relaxed back and sipped his tea.

"B-but...Lady Nanami wanted to talk to you, So we brought her over!!"

The fox suddenly tensed and then pulled his kimono up to cover his bare chest. Surprise was on his face when the girl stepped in and glared at him.

"How Dare you say You don't care!!! Isn't that your home?" She clenched her fists and stormed out of the room annoyed. The fox sat there shocked, Then he blew it..

"She's a Land-god remember!?"

"THAT MAKES IT EVEN WORSE!!!!" Tomoe stood up quickly and ran out of the room. The girls sighed, " He always does that!!"

Nanami's POV

How dare he! I felt sorry him, Went to apologize and he says he dosen't care! I cursed and swore as I stormed down the demon covered streets. For some reason the thought of getting eaten didn't scare me right now.... I stopped for a breath and looked at this one building. It was nice but it had slits like a cage.. Other than that it looked beautiful. It walls were red with green frames. I was in awe, but soon that awe was turned to horror,

'Come here girl!

'Yes come here! We won't bite!!'

Clawed hands reached out to me and I panicked. What was that!? I heard growling and cackling, It wasn't human and it sent chills up my spine. They're trying to eat me. I froze and gasped as a clawed hand extended towards me, then it was slapped away and I fell down to the ground in a heap of confusion. I looked ahead and I saw a pair of Tobi. My eyes traveled up , First I saw strong shoulders, on those shoulders sat a pale yet handsome neck and on that neck was He face that took my awe and horror away.


He looked annoyed and was waving a silk fan in front of his face. The kitsune was wearing a purple kimono and his hair was wind blown. He was...Rather good looking....

"I should have known a human like you would get into trouble. Humans like you are a free feast to these lots, Go back where humans should be " He said blankly. " Come On, I'll take you home." He extended his hand as if I was a low-being not worthy to look at his face. I fumed. This guy had alot of nerve acting like he knew everything! Well, I would show him! Instead of accepting his stupid offer I lifted my hand and smacked it hard across his face. The fox jerked his hand up to his face in shock.

Author's POV

"Your the one that should go home! Is that shrine something you can abandon so easily?!? Isn't it your precious home!?!" Nanami screamed.

Tomoe blinked a few times and looked at her shocked; his hand still planted on his face, " Wh-What did you say?




"YOUR THE CHEEKY ONE!!!" Nanami screamed back.

"If I leave you alone you'll be eaten by monsters in no time! You can speak with that huge mouth as much as possible while you still can!!"

"Why would I get eaten!?!"

Tomoe sighed and rolled his eyes, "Your a powerless girl with the powers of a Land-god, Figuratively speaking your like a duck thats in a pot with leeks.....BUT THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME!!!" The kitsune was mad now. This idiot girl thought she knew what he had went through? Why would he hold that shrine as his precious home when it brought back such hard memories? He suddenly didn't feel well.

" IF I DON'T GET INVOLVED WITH YOU THEN THAT WON'T HAPPEN!!!" The girl screamed. Crap, Her voice was to loud. He turned his back on her annoyed. As did she. The shrine spirits came out of their hiding spots, shaking nervously, " Um...Master Tomoe? Lady Nanami?"

The fox looked at them with a death glare, " Take her back, I don't even care if she cries and clings to me..."

Nanami turned and looked at them, " Let's go, My bus will be here soon!"

The Shrine spirits looked at each other in surprise. They had never seen Tomoe act so rudely before. Well not for a while. Maybe when he first came to the shrine, but he changed. Now after being slilent he was screaming at the top of his lungs at a human girl. This wasn't exaclty how they saw the future...

Nanami stormed off leaving the fox behind. She was followed by the spirits.

"Crap..." She cursed, " I'm late for my bus..And the next one doesn't come for hours!" She sighed and sat down on the side of the road.

"LADY NANAMI!! Please do not go away! You can make Master Tomoe your Familiar and then he will Absolutely Obey You..."

The girl froze looked at the children, " Obey me?"

"Yes...Its the power of a Land-god!"

Her confusion turned to an evil smile and she cackled, " That's pretty cool.." She turned he smile into a pleasant one and looked at them cheerfully.

" So...What do I have to do to make him my Familiar? Do I have to sign something, cause my handwriting is horriable..."

"Oh no Lady Nanami, You just have to do one thing..."

"And that is?"

"All you have to do is Kiss Him...Then he will serve you as a loyal servant forever! There will be nothing you can't make him do!" The spirits jumped up and down in glee. They had grown happy with Tomoe. He was their family that they didn't want to lose. They turned and gasped in surprise. Nanami wasn't there!!!"

The girl had hidden behind a tree grasping her heart.

'No WAY!!That's scary! What are they trying to make me do!?!?"

Nanami gasped for air, shock going through her body. Why would she want to kiss a total jerk!? A handsome Jerk...The girl mentally slapped herself and started walking away. She would just walk home! It was far but she used to be in track so that couldn't be to much of a problem, right? She lifted her foot but was stopped by a feable yell.

"Could you help me miss? Please?" An old woman with a pack on her back was lying in the middle of the road. Nanami froze and looked back. Those kids were gone. They probably went to go get that jerk so she could....The girl shuttered and looked at the woman.

"Sure, I'll help!!"

"Thank you miss...I fell and sprained my legs...Because of the bumps.."

Nanami paused, Okay...That was a strange excuse but she wasn't going to question it. All she had to do was get this woman home, and get away from that idiot of a fox..

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