Bad News

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Hey everyone I'm so sry for the wait but I have some bad news. Well more for me then u but here it is, I don't think I will b able to write for awhile. I just have so much stress on me between school, my family, friends, and now my grandma is in the hospital.
She has stage 4 cancer, meaning it's everywhere, amnonia has spread throughout he body, making it impossible to move without her blood pressuer, and other things to spike. She has a tube going down her throat so she can breath. She can't breath on her own now. They can't run any scans on her otherwise the monitors spike. And she's been unconscious for 4 days now.
I'm sry but this has been extremely hard on all of us my dad works in Chicago, he leaves at 5:30 in the morning and gets home at 10:00-11:00 at night so he's never home. My mom is a school teacher. So she leaves at 7 in the morning and comes home at around 5:30 and then heads straight to the hospital. My older 16 year old bro has school in the morning then he goes to hockey and then work. He doesn't get home until 6 at night. So that leaves me to get home from school and take care of my 2 younger sisters until someone gets home.
So I have a lot of stress on me right now and I'm extremely sry about that. Plz show me some love I really need that right now. But comment any ideas u have, I am working on the final Hoth chapter so that will hopefully b up soon, but like I said before I don't think I will b doing this much. Plz vote and follow. This is kenziewankenobi signing out and may the force be with you!

P.s OMG THE LAST EPISODE OF REBELS!!!! I FREAKING SCREAMED WHEN KANAN AND EZRA HUGGED!!!!!!! AHHHH!!! FEELSSS!!! AMAZING!! And the picture on top I drew so plz tell me what u think on that! Thx everyone, I love u all!!

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