the maze

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Screams. All that was heard were screams. Coming from inside the labrinth. It was a race against time. He didn't know if he could make it out...... alive.

Ezra was put into a giant maze. The Empire did it. They tested him for agility, strength, and mind control. When Ezra reached a certain part of the maze. He was shown his worst fear. Kanan died.

He could only watch as the girl inquisitor put her lightsaber threw his chest. Ezra saw his master fall and breath his last breath.

Ezra had almost dropped to his knees, when he rememberd, this is only tricking him into thinking this. But, when he gets out of here, that will by far be the worst part. Ezra stood up, whipped his tears, and kept running.

Once again Ezra was stopped and shown, yet, another fear. Ezra and Kanan had been fighting something. Ezra was shot down. Kanan ran to his side. He picked up the boy, and ran him to the med bay, on the ghost. Ezra told him not to leave him. And Kanan didnt. Kanan had tears in his eyes. He knew what was coming, and he wasn't ready for it. He held onto Ezra for dear life. Ezra was about to say something, when he went completely still.

Ezra knew what he was going to say. He was going to say, "I love you." But then he had died without saying that to Kanan. His father figure.

Ezra did acually fall to his knees. But when he did, a path opened for him and he could see the end of the maze. He looked down and saw someone standing there. It was Kanan himself. He was there waiting for Ezra on the other end. When Kanan saw Ezra he yelled for him to run.

And Ezra did. He knew this was all sheer pleasure. Only one thing could be as crul to do this. The Empire. He knew he didn't have much time so he ran as fast as he could to Kanan. As Ezra neared the end, the door started to close. Once he was close enough Ezra could hear Kanan yell, "SLIDE!!" Ezra slid right under the door and into Kanan's arms.

Ezra was panting hard. He leaned on Kanan's side for stability. Kanan rubbed Ezra's back. "Shhh. It's okay. Your safe now." He said. Ezra turned and threw up whatever he had in his stomach. Once Ezra was done Kanan wrapped his arms around him and applied slight pressure to his chest, while rubbing it in slow circles.

"Shh clam down padawan. It's okay." Ezra nodded and leaned back to Kanan. "I was so scared." Ezra said looking up at Kanan. "I know. I got you." Kanan said, comorting. "They showed me my worst fears. They all included you." He said. Kanan tensed up. "Really?" "Yeah. The first one, I had watched you die. The second one, I had died before I said...." Ezra trailed off. "Said what?" Kanan asked. Ezra looked Kanan in the eye. "I love you." He said.

Kanan was taken back a little. He had never EVER expected this to be one of his fears. But was also happy. "Ezra?" Kanan said. Ezra looked up at him. Kanan smiled. "I love you too." He said and hugged the boy tight. Ezra hugged him back.

Soon, they got up and went back to the ghost, arms wrapped around each other. And they lived happily ever after.

Hey guys! Sry I'm mean, and I made you all think Kanan had died at the beginning. But that didn't happen. I could never EVER make that happen! Also I'm gonna guess you all have seen the newest rebels. It's so cute! And Ahsoka!! OMG!! SHE WAS MY FAVORITE IN THE CLONE WARS AND SHE IS THE BEST THING EVER AND NOW SHE'S IN REBELS AND HER LIGHTSABERS AHHHHHH!!!!!!! Sry I had a bit of a fangirling moment there... it happens a lot. Ummmmm.... I hope you all r having and amazing week and I'm sry for the wait. I'm so bad at this! And sry this is so short!! Hopefully u all like it! Plz comment, vote, and follow! This is kenziewankenobi signing out and may the force be with you!!!

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