epic battle

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         The Ghost crew had a mission they thought would be easy. But little did they know that a beast lurks around every corner. And their counter had the inquisitor.

       They very close to the ghost but they stopped running because the inquisitor had cut them off. "Well we meet again, Jedi." He said. The inquisitor had a secret weapon right now that would change everything for the rebel crew.

      "And I think that I have something that you might want." He said looking directly at Kanan. Kanan held his breath then soon realized the grip he had just had on the boys arm I gone. Wait Ezras gone?!

     Kanan looked back to the inquisitor. "Well here it is." And he through Ezra to the ground from behind his back. The crew gasped as they saw him. He was covered in cuts and bruises and it looked like his leg was broken.

     What happen? Had he really been gone for that long? Kanan thought. Then soon felt guilt in his gut. He felt that it was his fault. I should have kept a better eye on him. He thought to himself.

     Well now if he didn't do anything quickly then Ezra would for sure be dead. "Don't do anything to the kid. It's not him you want its me." Kanan said still trying to figure out a plan.

     Then it hit like him the force. "Hey inquisitor catch me if u can!" Kanan said. "Sabine!" He yelled. "You got it!" Sabine responded reading his mind. She threw some smoke bombs that spread smoke quickly and everywhere.

     "Ok here's the plan. I'll distract the inquisitor. Zeb, Sabine you take out the storm troopers that just showed up. Hera you get back to the ship and be ready to take off. Once all that it taken care of we grab Ezra and go. Got it?" "Yep." "On it." "Lets go!"

      Kanan jumped into action. He ran toward the inquisitor and swung his lightsaber. The inquisitor easily blocked it and swung at Kanan. But Kanan blocked and ducked under another attack.

       Hera ran back to the ship and into the cockpit. She strapped herself into the seat just as chopper rolled into the room. "Chopper get the engines started up." She ordered. Chopper made some beeps and boops. "Just do it chopper!" Chopper did it. Nothing was scarier than an angry Hera.

      Zeb and Sabine ran over to the troopers. Sabine took out her blasters and started shooting. Zeb took out his boe rifle(sorry if thats not how you spell it) and started shooting. Once they were close enough they were locked in hand to hand combat. "Hey Sabine I think it's time for  miracle!" Zeb yelled to the mandalorian. She smirked and kicked a trooper. She grabbed one from her belt and threw. "Look out below!" Just as the bomb landed on the troopers.

      Kanan kicked the inquisitor in the stomach. "Is that the best you can do?" Kanan asked. "I could probably do worse." The inquisitor said. Kanan didn't like that at all. "Well since you're not really giving me a challenge, here's a gift." With that he threw another smoke bomb on the ground so you could beraliy see anything.

      Kanan ran over to Ezra once the inquisitor was distracted. "Every back to the ghost!" He yelled over the comm. Then he picked up Ezra. He saw Zeb and Sabine run back so he started off to.

      Once everyone was on Hera took off. Kanan ran to the mad bay with Ezra and cleaned and bandaged his cuts. Just as Kanan finished the last one Ezra started at move around.

     He looked up at Kanan. "Kanan?" He asked very confused. "Yeah its me kid. Be careful. You just got bandaged up." Kanan responded. Ezra nodded and looked away. Kanan could sense that something was bothering him. "Ezra what's wrong?" Kanan asked the boy, while sitting down on the bed.

    "It's nothing." Ezra said. "Well it's just I have no idea what just happened." Kanan smiled. "That will come back in time." He said. "Thanks Kanan." Ezra said. "Your the best." Well that is what I do." Kanan said pulling him into a side hug.

     Ezra just smirked at him answer and hugged him back. "Why don't we go get something to eat?" Kanan asked. "Won't Hera get mad at us if we're not in here?" Ezra said with a grin. "Well she doesn't have to know right?" Kanan responded. Ezra grinned even more and took Kanan's hand. He was a little wobbly.

     Once they got down there they stopped in their tracks. "Heras here." Ezra said. "What are you two doing here?!" She yelled. "Run!" Kanan yelled. He picked Ezra up and ran down the hall, the two of them laughing. Hera smiled but still chased them anyways. All the way down to Kanan's room.

Hey everyone! Omg I am soooooooo sry for not posting anything!! I am super busy and I didn't realize how long it has been! I'm sry plz don't hate me. But I made this to try to make up for it. Excuse the errors. I love you all!! This is kenziewankenobi signing out and may the force be with you!

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