figuring it out

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          Today's the day. The big mission was today. We have to jam their transmission. Wait what?

        "What is so important on that transmission that we need to jam the signal and get the information off it?" Ezra asked still confused as to why they were doing this.

        "Ok Ezra come here. I want to talk to you." Kanan said before walking out the door. Ezra looked at Hera and she shrugged. Ezra looked away stood up and walked out the door.

       "Alright master. What's on your mind." Ezra said as he walked out of the ship and stood next to Kanan. "Ezra do you really want to know what is in that transmission?" Kanan asked him. "Ummm...yea I'm pretty sure. Why you ask?" Kanan sighed. "Well there's news about your parents on there. If there alive or not and if they are then where they might be holding them."

       Ezra stared at him with his mouth open. He finally managed to make some sort of weird nose that sounded a little like, "buuuuhhhhbbbbhhhmmmm." "Kid I don't think that's a real word." Kanan said smirking.

      Ezra regained control over himself and said, "okay I understand why it's important now." Kanan smiled, then his face turned serious. "Im warning you Ezra what's on there could be good or bad. I just want you to be prepared for anything to come your way." "Its okay Kanan. Im ready."

     The two walked back onto the ship just in time to see chopper and Sabine finally jam there transmission. "Yes I got it!!" She exclaimed while chopper made some happy noises.

     "Okay are you all ready?" Hera asked. Everyone nodded. Kanan walked up behind Ezra and placed a hand on his shoulder. Ezra looked up with a small smile. Kanan sent comfort through the force. Kanan nodded at Hera and she started the message.

      "Inquisitor, I can insure that the Bridgers are dead." Ezra gasped and Kanan's hold tightened. "They were executed 2 days ago and im proud to announce that there is only one Bridger left in the galaxy. Over and out."

     Ezra ran out of the room. "Ezra!" Kanan yelled. But Ezra just kept running. He ran into the fields of golden grass with tears flowing from his eyes.

    "Ezra!"  Kanan yelled at Ezra as he ran out. Kanan looked at Hera. She nodded and Kanan ran out of the room. He ran out of the ship and could sort of make out Ezra in the distance. Kanan took a deep breath then ran after him.

      Ezra finally stoped. He collapsed on the ground shaking with tears on cheeks. He was breathing heavily but that just made the sobs louder. He felt two arms wrap around him. He knew it was Kanan but, he let him Ezra needed someone like Kanan right now.

    "Shhh it's okay. Ezra. No one's going to hurt you." Kanan said to Ezra. Ezra leaned into Kanan and cried into his shoulder. "Shhh I'm here. Nothings going to happen." Kanan cood.

      Kanan decided that this wasn't working so he picked up Ezra, bridle, style, and carried him back to the ghost. He had calmed a little bit but not much. Ezras face was still hidden in Kanan's neck and arms around him. Kanan didn't mind though. Ezra was like a son to him and he just lost his real father, he wasn't losing hid master/father too

     Kanan laid Ezra down in Kanan's bed. Ezra was glad, he didn't want to be alone right now. Kanan sat down next to Ezra and ran a hand threw his hair. "I'll give you some space now." Kanan said as he stared to get up. But Ezra was scared right now. He really didn't want Kanan to leave.

    "No please stay." Ezra whispered. Kanan sat back down again. He started to run a hand through Ezras hair again. He let his hand rest and Ezras cheek and Ezra nuzzled into the touch more. Kanan smiled at the kid. "Get some rest Ezra. Your going to need it for tomorrow."

    "Okay. Good night dad." With that Ezra feel asleep. Kanan was surprised. Dad? Had he just called me dad? He thought. Kanan couldn't help but smile at that though. "Good night son." Now the ghost crew wait no family were all Ezra had left. But they will be there for him. Kanan will be Ezras new dad and he will treat him like his own son. Not that he didn't now. But they are together now father and son.

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