Ezras birthday

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Ezra sat in his room alone. Today was not a good day for him. Today was his birthday as well as empire day. The crew knew it too but none of them wanted to help Ezra get through the day as much as Kanan did.

Kanan walked up to Ezras door and knocked. "Go away." Was all he heard. Kanan knew Ezra was hurting so he wasn't going to give up that easily. "It's Kanan. Ezra please open up." He heard some shuffling around and soon the door opened to reveal his favorite padawan.

Ezra had tear streaks down his cheeks and his eyes were all red and puffy from crying. "What do you want?" Ezra asked. It wasn't his usual sassy, sarcastic way tho. His voice was scratchy and quiet. "I wanted to see how you are holding up." Kanan said as he entered the room.

"I'm fine." Ezra said turning away from Kanan. There was that voice again. Kanan almost winced at it. "Ezra you know you can talk to me. I want to know the truth and how you are emotionally." Kanan said, even though Jedi aren't allowed to have emotions. They kinda broke that rule awhile ago.

"I told you I'm fine." Ezra said a little more harsh this time. Kanan was surprised. "Ezra let go of your anger." Ezra turned around to face him, took a few deep breaths and let go of his anger. Just like his master had said.

"Okay." He said and walked toward Kanan. "I'm not trying to sound mean or anything, it just today's not exactly..." "A good day for you. I know." Kanan cut him off. "But that doesn't mean that you can't talk to me." Kanan said as he put an arm around Ezras shoulders.

"Thank you Kanan. Its nice to know that someone cares for me now." Ezra said as he leaned into Kanan. "It's nothing kid, I care about yo...." He trailed off. "Kanan what's wrong?" Ezra asked, looming up at Kanan.

Everything started to get blurry for Kanan. All he remembered before blacking out was falling into the lap of someone next to him.

"Kanan!" Ezra yelled. Ezra moved so that Kanan would fall into his lap. Hera must have heard him scream because she came in soon after. "What happened!?" She yelled looking at Kanan. Soon Zeb and Sabine came in too.

"I think he's having a vision." Ezra said looking down at Kanan. "Zeb can you get him onto the bed?" Hera asked. "Right." Zeb said before he came over, lifted Kanan up and set him on the bed.

Kanan soon realized after blacking out, he was having a vision. It wasn't a full vision thought, it was only glimpses of something. He could make out Ezra facing someone. Also a mask on someone and them breathing through a respirator and and...

"Ahhh!!" Kanan breathed as he woke up. He looked around and no one was there. He got up from the bed and walked to the cockpit. He waited outside the door to listen to what they were saying.

"Kanans going to be furious when he wakes up." Sabine said. "We don't even know who took him." Said Zeb. Took who? Kanan thought. Wait... "Maybe Kanan will know." Hera said. Kanan entered the cockpit. Everyone turned.

"What will I be furious about? And who took who?" He asked. "How much did you hear?" Zeb asked. "Enough." "Okay so your going to be furious because someone took Ezra." Hera said. "WHAT!!!!!!" Kanan screamed.

He paced back and forth in the common room. Since Hera kicked him out because of his little outburst. "Hera came in the room a little while later. " okay we found out where he is but we need a plan to get him out." Kanan looked at her with sad eyes, "the I suggest we get started." Then he walked past Hera and to the cockpit. Leaving a surprised Hera behind.

Ezra was thrown into a cell and locked in. He stood up and looked around. There was nothing in there except for a stone bed without sheets or a pillow. He really hoped that Kanan would find him soon because he knew he could. All of a sudden the door opened and in walked thensith loar they had faced on lathol. (I'm sry if that's not how its spelled).

Time skip

Ezra was brused and cut and laying on the ground in a puddle onpf his own blood. He didn't know the time or date all he knew is that he was close to dead. The door opened and closed meaning Darth Vader had left. He had introduced himself before beating Ezra.

All of a sudden a loud blast came from the ship. Ezra really hoped it was his crew. The door opened again a little while later, Ezra looked up to find Kanan standing there. Kanan ran in when he saw Ezra.

Ezra tryed to reach out to Kanan but his arm hurting to much. Seeing what Ezra was trying to do, Kanan kneeled beside Ezra and pulled him into his lap. They sat there for a minute crying in each others arms. But soon Kanan stood up and ran out of the room.

Kanan ran out of the ship. He saw the ghost and was about to run to it when something pushed him to the ground and Ezra flew out of his hands. They both tumbled onto the ground, then looked behind them. Darth Vader was standing there.

Ezra looked up and saw the dark lord. Then he pulled out his red lightsaber and Kanan ignited his blue one. Then everything went blurry and then black.

The next time Ezra woke up he was in the med bay and Kanan was in a chair sitting next to him. Ezra looked at him and Kanan jumped up and hugged Ezra.

"Kanan can't....breath!" Kanan let go of him. "Oh sorry. I was just really worried." "That's OK I get it." Ezra opened his arms to hug Kanan. Kanan chuckled and got up to hug Ezra. They stayed in that position for almost another 8 minutes.

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