father's day

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Ezra was in his room, watching the bowl that he was floating. Tomorrow was a day that he was not looking forward too. It was Father's Day. Ezra had been really close to his father, they would play games, workout, run in the feilds , and now, we'll he couldn't.
"Ezra!" Kanan yelled from outside his door, almost making him lose control on the bowl. Ezra quickly set it down, gently, and put back in its place. "Ezra! Time to train!" Kanan yelled again.
"I'm coming!" Ezra yelled back, "just give me a minute!" He heard Kanan sigh and then turn and walk away.
Ezra grabbed his lightsaber, quickly hooking it on his belt and then running out the door.
He found Kanan on top of the ship, they were flying low and steady, so they didn't half to worry about galling off. "Hey... Kanan." Ezra said out of breath. "What are we doing today?" He questioned, finally getting his breath and walking over to his master.
"Today we are meditating." Kanan said.
"Again?" Ezra cried.
"Yes again." Kanan said, "Now get down in th potion I taught you."
Ezra got down on his knees, finding it more comfortable then sitting cross-legged. He sat behind Kanan so they were back to back.
"Now focus on the force around you, feel it in your mind and your body. Relax your mind and concentrate." Kanan said, feeling Ezra's back against his.
Ezra did as he was told and was eventually sucked into the meditative world. He felt a slight breeze, blowing his hair a little. He could smell the fresh air flowing past him as he sat there.
While meditating, Ezra was sucked into a vision.

"No! We can't do that to him! It would hurt him to much!" He heard someone say. "Can't I just take him out for the day?!"
"No! You can't! You have duties around here that have to be fulfilled!" A women said, "Why can't you see that there are so many things to be done!?"
"I know there are things to be done, but it's Father's Day! I want to do something special for him!"
"Well you can do that later, right now there's a ship that needs piloting!"
Ship? What is going on? Ezra thought. Soon another picture came up. It was a little boy and his father walking around the city of lothal. Ezra reconognized the boy to be himself.
"Look daddy! I want to go there!" Little Ezra said, as they walked by a little playground.
"Okay, but only if I can play with you!" He father said, heading over there.
"Yes daddy!" Little ezra said.
They jumped up and down on the playground, running around, swinging on the swings, and sliding down slides. When it was time to go, Ezra's Dad picked up the boy and headed home.
"Ahh!" Ezra gasped, as he sat up from the vision. "Ugghh." He moaned, grabbing his head. Kanan was sitting in front of him.
"Well you had one heck of a vision if you were out that long." He said. Ezra looked around, he was in his bed. "It's been 2 hours." Kanan said.
Ezra gasped again, "2 hours!" Kanan nodded. "Wow." He said, then looked down. Kanan noticed.
"Whats wrong?" He asked.
"The vision, brought back some memories... of my father." Ezra said sadly. Kanan walked over and sat down next to Ezra and put an arm around his shoulders.
"Is it because it's Father's day tomorrow?" Kanan asked looking down at Ezra.
"Is it that obvious?" Ezra's said, still looking down.
"A little. But it's late now, why don't you try and get some sleep, then we can talk about it tomorrow." Kanan said.
Ezra nodded. Kanan gave his shoulder one last squeeze before jumping down from the bed and walking out the door, but not without saying goodnight. Ezra laid down thinking about tomorrow. What am I going to do? He thought. I mean, maybe I could ask Kanan to do something with me? He asked himself. Yeah I'm gonna do that! With that last thought he drifted into a dream full sleep.
It was the next day and Ezra got up early to make Kanan breakfast. Ezra had thought of this last night, in a dream weirdly enough. Since he has been on the ship for a year and a half, the crew let him do what he does without asking. But Hera just had to know this time when she walked through the doors.
"Uhh, Ezra? What are you doing?" She asked.
"Making breakfast for Kanan." He flat out said it.
Hera was so surprised, "Ezra honey, that's great! But why?" She said, curiously.
"Check the calender." Was all he said, so Hera did. She went over to the scedual and saw what today was. "Ohh, I get it!" She said, then after a few minutes, "awwww!" She said. "Well can I help with anything?" She asked.
Ezra pondered a little, "can you help make the pancakes?" He asked.
"Of corse!" Hera exclaimed, very exited. Ezra chuckled, then went back to work.
Once Ezra had finished preparing the tray with all the food on it, he wrote a card. It said,

Dear Kanan,

Thank you so much for everything you have done for me. I couldn't have made it without you. So today is a day where son's celibate there dads, and even though your not my dad, I thought you fit the role very well. So I made these things for you and I wanted to go and do something today just me and you. I hope you like it! Happy Father's Day Kanan!


Ezra placed the card on the tray and walked toward Kanan's room. He took a deep breath then walked through the door. Kanan was still in bed asleep and Ezra really didn't want to have to wake him up, but he did anyways.
"Kanan wake up!" Ezra whispered. Kanan stirred a little but didn't wake up. "Kanan wake up!" Ezra said again and got the same answer. He huffed and put the tray down. He looked at Kanan and then started shaking him. "Kanan wake up!" He said to him.
Kanan was soon awake. "I'm up! I'm up!" He said, rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes. He looked up at Ezra and gave him a questioning look. "Ezra what are you doing?" He asked.
"I brought you this!" Ezra said all chirpy. "I made it!" He added.
"You made this... for me!?" Kanan was surprised. "Wow Ezra. Thank you!" He said gabbing the tray from Ezra.
"Look at the card." Ezra said. Kanan grabbed the card smiling at the picture Ezra drew on the front, it definitely wasn't like Sabines but it was still pretty good. Kanan opened the card and read the note.
Once Kanan was done he smiled, "That was amazing Ezra!"
"Really?!" Ezra sounded shocked.
"Yeah no one ever done something like this before. Thank you." He said as he wrapped the younger ome in his arms. Ezra smiled and wrapped his arms around Kanan too.
"Your welcome." He said. They let go of the hug after a minute, "try the food." Ezra said.
After that they talked and laughed until Kanan was done and then they went out and had a father son day running around in the feilds.

Hey everyone! I'm so sry for the long wait but I just haven't been in the mood to write but I finally am so I hope you like this! I've read other stories like this so this is definitely not an original idea but I still wanted to do this. So I hope you all had an amazing day! And this is kenziewankenobi signing out and may the force be with you!

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