Hoth final

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Kanan sank to the ground. He was gone. Ezra was gone. What was he going to do?

Kanan was still kneeling on the ground when he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was big, he knew it wasn't Hera. He turned, Zeb was there. Zeb cringed when he saw Kanan's tears. He knew kanan never cried. "Don't worry. We'll get 'em back." He said. Zeb tried comforting Kanan. Kanan still sat there. He didn't know what to do.

Hera came into the room and saw Kanan. "What happened?" She asked in a motherly tone. Kanan started balling again. "Oh honey!" Hera said and ran over to Kanan and pulled him into a big hug. "He's gone." He whispered. "Who's gone?" She said. But when she looked around she noticed that indeed someone was gone, and she wished she never asked that question. Kanan couldn't talk anymore, he was crying to hard. Zeb responded for Kanan. "Ezra. The Empire took him. Kanan tried to run out and get him, but the ship was already taking off." Zeb said.

Hera gasped. "Oh no!" She took hold of Kanan's shoulders and made him face her. "We are going to get him back." She said, "No matter what." Kanan looked at her and managed a small smile. But that only reminded Kanan of Ezra's smile and he burst out crying again.

This really pained the other members of the crew. They had never really seen Kanan cry. He kept it all to myself. But he couldn't hold back now. The one that he had grow to the most, was taken from him.

Once Kanan had mostly stopped Zeb asked, "Well what do we do now?" Kanan looked up at him, "we get him back." With that he got up and walked to his room leaving the rest of the crew behind.

Kanan spent all his hours trying to come up with a plan to get Ezra back. He gatherd all the Intel he could and came up with plans and plans and more plans. He talked with Hera to see what she thinks. Kanan told her the plan, "Well," She started, "That could work but we would need a bigger distraction." All of a sudden Sabine came in the room. "I can help with that." She said. "I overheard you guys talking, so I talked with Commander Sato and Ahsoka and they said they could help with that!" "Really?!" Kanan and Hera jumped up. "Yes, really. So the plan is to have the fleet, Zeb and I go attack the barriers and troops that come toward or block us. Hera will stay and the Ghost and keep the sky's clear for our troops and squadrons. Then Kanan and Ahsoka will go and grab Ezra, and when you do, you get out of there as fast as you can 'cause we are gonna blow that popsicle stand!" She seemed very happy about that. "Alright then when do we start this plan?" Kanan said. "Tommorrow." Ahsoka said as she walked into the room.

Tomorrow was here. Kanan couldn't wait till the plan was put into action and that time was almost here. In the meantime Kanan was sitting on his bed, meditating, trying to find Ezra's force signature. Finding no luck in that he got up and went to talk to Hera.

He walked into the cockpit and found her focused on the sky. "Hey." He said as he say down. "Hey, how are you?" Hera replied. "I'm nervous for the plan. I mean what if something goes wrong and we can't get Ezra back? I don't know what I would do to myself." Hera looked Kanan in the eyes. "You would keep looking and making plans until he was back with you. And the plan will go fine. We'll get Ezra back and you two have some things to take care of." Kanan knew what she was talking about of corse, there bond. When Ezra was taken it was damaged considerably.

All of a sudden Ahsoka came into the cockpit. "Kanan we're starting the plan, we need to get ready." She said. Kanan nodded and walked out with her.

They walked over to the ramp where Hera was gonna drop them off. The ramp suddenly opened and wind came rushing at them like a tornado. "Is everyone ready?" Hera's voice came through the overhead com. "Ready as I'll ever be." They replied. "Alright jump in 3 2, go bring him back." She said and Kanan and Ashoka jumped down to the platform.

As they were running into the compound they could hear the sounds of the blasters firing outside, meaning Zeb, Sabine, and the rest of the troops have gotten to their spot. Kanan and Ashoka ran as fast as they could to get to where they were holding Ezra. But it wasn't as easy as they hoped.

"Well, look who we have here." The two inquisitors stood side by side, blocking their path. "You take the one on the right and I'll take the girl." Ahsoka said. Kanan gave her a nod and they charged.

Sabine and Zeb were pinned down behind a crate. "What do we do!?" Zeb yelled. "Let me think!?" Sabine said, as she ducked down so she would get hit by the blaster shot. Then an idea came to mind. "I have an idea!" She said, as she held up a miracle. "I do love your ideas!" Zeb said as he grabbed the bomb and chucked it when Sabine told him to. Then so after there was a loud explosion. Everyone cheered. "Yeah!" "Woah!!" "Yes!" They all shouted.

Kanan and Ahsoka were in intense battle when they heard the call through the force. All the emotions came flowing into there heads. In was so emense that the two inquisitors, who weren't as familiar with the feelings as Kanan and Ahsoka were, past out. Kanan imeditly recegnized the feelings to be Ezras.

Kanan looked back at Ahsoka and was struggling to walk. Kanan ran over to her and helped her to the door. "Go help Zeb and Sabine. I need to get him myself." Ahsoka nodded, "I'll do my best."

Kanan ran down the hall, following the trail of emotions flowing threw his head. He finally stopped at a door. He went in and he would have never been ready for the sight in front of him right now.

It was Ezra. But Kanan could tell because Kanan lived with him and saw him every day, but that's the only reason. Also because he loves him so much.

Ezra was in a huge puddle of blood, his own, and had so many cuts, Kanan couldn't count. They were freely bleeding as well. The kid had so many burns on him. Lightsaber burns. Kanan hated the Inquisitors for that. Lightsabers were made so someone could have an easy death, no pain, no suffering. And the inquisitor touchered someone with it.

Kanan knelt in the blood. It was very fresh. Kanan pulled Ezra in his lap. Kanan ran his hand over Ezra's hair, that was matted with Blood. Then checked his pulse. It was still there, but barely. Kanan almost started sobbing, but knew that would get him no where right now. But a few tears did run down his cheeks.

All of a sudden the door opened and Kanan turned ready to see the inquisitors, but it was only Ahsoka. "I thought you might need a little help getting him back, so I came back to..." She gasped when she saw Ezra.

Kanan stood up with a mad stone face and walked out the door carrying and almost dead Ezra.

"Kanan this time, you give me the orders." Ahsoka said. Kanan turned around to face her. "Make sure our path out is clear. Any troops that come our way, I'm not going to be able to help deal with them." He said looking down at Ezra. "So I have to trust you on that one." He looked up at Ahsoka. She bowed to him like they would have done at the temple and started walking down the hall. Kanan turned and started following her.

They finally walked out the door and started running to avoid being shot. Ahoka called to Hera, "Hera we need a pick up. We have Ezra." "Copy that fulcrum I'm calling in the troops."

Soon everyone started running back to the ships that were landed and Zeb and Sabine met up with them. They both gasped when they saw Ezra. "Oh no." Sabine breathed. "Is he gonna be alright?" She asked. Kanan looked at her. "He will. I'm not gonna let anything happen to him now."

They all looked up as the Ghost started to land next to them. Once it was close enough to the ground they all jumped on. Sabine grabbed onto Zeb arm though cuz she wasn't able to jump that high.

Sabine ran to the medbay to get it ready for Ezra when he arived. Kanan was so relived they had pulled this off. He didn't know what he would do otherwise.

Sabine and Hera came back telling him it was ready and they all ran to the medbay.

Time skip

It was after all the ruckus had calmed down and Kanan was sitting in the medbay with Ezra. He was in all bandeges and he looked like a mummy. But something that Kanan never wanted to happen, happened.

Ezra's arm was gone.

They couldn't save his arm. It was way to torn up. They just couldn't save it. Sometimes Ezra would moan in his sleep and Kanan would have to grab his hand and rub his thumb on the back if it to calm his down.

Ahsoka came into the room to see how he was doing. "I just wish we could have saved all of him." Kanan said. "I know Kanan, but you did all you could. You stopped at nothing to get this boy back into your arms. And at the jedi temple your not aloud to make these kind of connections but, you did. And you need it. He needs it." She said.

Kanan soon up and wrapped his arms around Ahsoka in a small hug. "Thank you." He said. Ahsoka returned the hug. "It was my pleasure." She said. They both pulled away soon after because they heard russling come from Ezra's direction.

Kanan went over to him as fast as he could. Ahsoka ran to the other side. Ezra started to stir. Kanan whispered his name, "Ezra?"

Ezra's eyes fluttered open. "Kanan?" He croaked. His voice was extremely horse and it cracked. Kanan was so relived. He pulled Ezra into a sitting position and hugged him, mindful of his injuries. Ezra relaxed into Kanan but soon felt a little sting come to his upper arm.

"Kanan?" Ezra asked. "Yeah?" Kanan said threw tears. "What happened to my arm?" Kanan looked at Ezra. "I'm so sorry! I didn't want this to happen but, we couldn't save it." He said. Ezra looked down at his arm for the first time and saw part of it gone. He darted sobbing his heart out and Kanan held him as close as he could.

Ahsoka had excused herself from the room and let the two jedi do there bonding. "Ezra I'm so sorry." Kanan said. "Thank you." Ezra said. "Wait why are you saying sorry?" Kanan asked. "Because you saved me from all the horrer there," He said, "Kanan it was horrible! They torchered me so much I can't go through it again." "Don't worry you wont." Kanan said, "as long as I'm breathing nothing will harm you anymore."

"Kanan, I love you." Kanan smiled, "I love you too."

Hey everyone! I finally finished this mini series! I hope u like it! I think this is the best one yet! Also I have 150 followers! Thank you so much everyone! I love you all so much! Thank you thank you thank you so much! Also this chap made 2000 words! Longest one ever! Thanks again I love you! This is kenziewankenobi signing out and may the force be with you!

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