The Twi'lek and her Jedi

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Art by Meldy-Arts
This is just a short little story that came to my mind😂

   Kanan walked into the Ghost for the first time in days. The Jedi had just gotten home from training Sabine, and he knew exactly where he was going next.

      Kanan walked to the cargo bay and found exactly who he was looking for.

"Guess who's back." Kanan smirked as Hera's face lit up while she turned.

"Kanan!" She shouted and smiled. Kanan was hoping that she would run into his arms like in the movies, but he guessed he wasn't that lucky.

"I missed you." Kanan smiled, walking towards her.

"Kanan, we talked everyday over the comlinks." Hera stated confused.

"Yeah... But it's not the same." Kanan said as he placed a hand on her cheek. The Jedi then smirked.

Kanan spun her around quickly, then wrapped his arms around her waist so she was leaning in his arms. (Like the picture above)

Hera smirked.

"Oh... I missed you too then." The Twi'lek smiled in the arms of her Jedi.

Hera rose her head up to his cheek and kissed it. Kanan just smiled watching Hera's Lekku twist together, which he knew meant 'I love you'.

"I love you too" he smirked. He held Hera in his arms for a few more minutes, before she quickly pushed him away.

"Hey... What was that fo- oh..." Kanan questioned as Sabine came into the room.

"How did you know she was gonna come in... I didn't even sense her..."

"I have my ways."

Sabine looked confused, but just rolled her eyes and then walked back out.

As soon as she left, Kanan picked Hera up bridle style and carried her to the living room, where they snuggled up together and watched a holomovie.

Just the pilot and her Jedi
I don't really like how this ended, but oh well, hope you guys liked it😂

Oh, and there's a new cover! It was made by lothcatwillow88 ! Thanks again! It's amazing!

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