Agni Duhita

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"What? How did they enter Kamayaka? Years ago both, ours and Kingdom of Hastinapur made an agreement that no human will enter this territory or their lives will be taken. " Hidimb fumed as his men reported the happenings.

"Hidimba, disguise yourself and go bring them to me. Death is waiting for them." Hidimb ordered his sister as she nodded.

Hidimba chanted a few words as she turned herself into a beautiful maiden and departed towards the cave of the Pandavas, guarded by Bheem.

As she slowly took her steps towards where Bheem was standing, she looked at his well build figure, a huge muscular body frame and a mischievous smile studded on his lips as he ate some fruits from the basket.

She was so mesmerized with him that her real purpose really got out of her mind. Instead of killing him and his family who might be in the cave, she wanted to protect them from her brother's wrath. Her love for the Rajkumar of Hastinapur, brought out her loving and kind nature from within.

"How can I help you Devi?" Bheem asked as he suddenly saw Hidimba standing in front of him.

"Who are you Kumar? And why are you here?" Hidimba asked in worry.

"I am Rajkumar Bheem of Hastinapur. Me and my family are here to take shelter in this forest for a few days. Now introduce yourself devi." Bheem smiled offering her some fruits.

Before answering, Hidimba presented herself in her original form and said, "Rajkumar, I'm Hidimba, sister of King Hidimb of Kamayaka. This forest and it's territory belongs to him. He had sent me to capture you. But somehow I don't want to. So I request you to take your family to saftey before you become a prey of his wrath." Hidimba requested him but it was already late.

A furious Hidimb, with his demon look, holding some grave weapon walked towards Hidimba and Bheem.

Bheem too positioned himself as he got ready to fight the demon King, while a worried Hidimba stood aside.

They clash of Bheem and Hidimb started. Their loud roars filling the calm and serene forest with noise. Dhriti slowly yet worriedly opend her eyes as she shook Arjun and Nakul and followed to noise to the outside.

All the 5 siblings along with a worried Kunti stood there watching Bheem vigorously fight Hidimb.

"Who's the lady standing there?" Dhriti asked as she read the worry on Hidimba's face and moved towards her.

"You look worried. May I ask you what is happening here and who are you?" Dhriti spoke as she gently kept her hand on Hidimba's shoulder making her turn around.

"I think you must already be aware of the negotiations between Hastinapur and Kamayaka made by Maharaj Vichitraveer. But now that you all have entered the kingdom, my brother Hidimb ought to kill you all as a sacrife for Devi." She spoke sadly.

"Sacrifice for Devi? Which devi needs a sacrifice of a human who itself is the creation of her own. What a Devi really needs is unconditional devotion, following the path of truth and love, not only towards her but towards every other creation of hers. Nothing else." Dhriti smiled at her.

"Your inner Devi spoke through you Priya. Your divinity truly completes me." Kanha smiled listening to Dhriti's opinion.

"I'm really impressed with your thoughts. I promise I'll help all of you to defeat my demon brother." Hidimba said as she walked towards the two men fighting. She raised her hand as a astra with a beam of light appeared. She passed it over to Bheem, who put it through Hidimb's chest, killing him.

Before leaving his life, Hidimb, in anger towards his sister's disloyal behavior, shot a elusive arrow towards Hidimba but Bheem pulled her towards him in time as several trees behind her came burning down due to the astra's effect.

"Mata, she is Hidimba, sister of Hidimb. She helped me earlier by revealing me Hidimb's plan about hurting us." Bheem smiled as Hidimba bent down to take Kunti's blessings.

"Ayushman Bhava Putri." Kunti smiled.

"Mai, I just want one blessing from your side." Hidimba spoke.

"Which blessing putri?" Kunti asked in return.

"Accept me as your daughter-in-law in the service of this mighty prince, Mai." Hidimba replied as everybody's gaze shot up towards them.

"Am I hearing something wrong or it is what it is." Sahadev whispered to Nakul and Dhriti.

"It is what it is." Nakul and Dhriti replied in unison.

"Cam someone please look at Bhrata Bheem's face." ArJun let out a sudden laugh.

"He'll eat us up later Arjun." Yudhisthir said pinching Arjun to stay quiet.

"No! This is never ever going to happen. Do not think about this marriage Devi. This can't be possible." Bheem replied rudely as he walked away but not towards their cave.

Hidimba's face hung down in despair as a stream of heavy tears flowed down her face. The voice of her sobs followed as she rapidly ran in the opposite direction.

"Putri! Wait! Don't run away in this dark forest. Something or someone will hurt you." Kunti called out but in vain.

"Bhrata Bheem!" His younger siblings called him.

"No one will even try to follow me." Bheem answered back aggressively.

"When he said no one, he didn't count you. Go Dhriti." Arjun said pushing Dhriti to go convince him.

"Mata, Hidimba?" Dhriti said looking towards the way she ran.

"My conscience is telling me putri, things will end in peace." Kunti assured Dhriti.

Dhriti sighed as she picked up some fruits, "maybe they'll help in convincing?" She said before closely following Bheem.

"Bhratashree! Stop taking those huge steps now. I can't run that fast without my footwear. And it's dark. I can't see anything." Dhriti said still managing to run behind him.

"Then who asked you to follow me bare footed? I said don't follow me Dhriti." Bheem snapped back.

"I brought fruits." She said finally stopping as Bheem sat across a river.

"I don't want them!" He shouted yet again.

"Look Bhratashree, don't argue and test my patience now. What are you even angry for!" Dhriti shouted back as she walked towards him.

"Are you really angry?" Bheem asked turning towards his sister's voice.

"Yes" She blurted out.

"But why!" He asked trying to grab the fruits, but Dhriti refused.

"She saved our life, without having a second thought about her brother and her saftey.
She selflessly told you about Hidimb's plan, knowing that she would be punished by him for being disloyal.
She's respectful and kind.
And you also offered her some fruits I see." Dhriti said finally calming down Bheem's rage.

"Conclusion?" Bheem said not understanding Dhriti's reason.

"There can be a lot of them.
First, even if you didn't agree with what she was saying, as a person with ideals, that to the brother of Dharmaraj Yudhisthir, you should have not replied her rudely and stormed out the way you did." Dhriti explained taking a bite from the fruits.

"Secondly, you made a woman cry without any reason. I cannot see an innocent woman crying helplessly that to due to my own brothers. Bhratashree, no matter what, never insult a woman. And never keep quiet if you see someone insulting one." Dhriti continued as Bheem finally grabbed the fruits from Dhriti.

"It is not possible for a human to get on terms with a demoness. Remember how Shri Lakshman cut off the demoness Shurpankha's nose." Bheem retaliated.

"And remember how Trijata helped and stood as a support for mata Sita when she was captivated in Lanka?
Even Indrajit Meghnad's wife Sulochana and Lankesh's wife Maharani Mandodari were women of substance. Though married to a demon, they had human values. " Dhriti challenged Bheem's thought.

"A race or tribe does not decide what kind of person someone will be. Not all demons are Adharmi and not all humans are following the path of Dharma. It would be absolutely wrong if anyone judges us on the basis of our background and family because whether we want it or not, Bhrata Duryodhan and his siblings are our family.
So don't judge that selfless woman on the basis of how her brother treated you." Dhriti said.

Bheem sat there thinking for a while before turning back to Dhriti. His facial expressions now relaxed as his little sister spoke words with 100 meanings.

"So you want me to marry Hidimba?" He asked abruptly.

"That's completely your decision whether to marry her or not. Mine was to clear your thoughts. And afterall, if Gadhadhari Bheem offers an unknown lady some fruits from his basket, its really surprising." Dhriti teased as Bheem splashed some water on her face.

"Now let's go. Its already dark." Bheem said as he started walking.

"Wait for me, I can't see anything. " Dhriti shouted.

"Ugh hold my hand." Bheem said offering her his hand.

"I said I can't see anything. Your hand is no exception." Dhriti said finally managing to catch him.

"Which direction to go now?" Dhriti said as all the paths looked same in the dark.

"I think we should walk backwards and take exact same steps we took while coming here." Bheem said seriously.

"Are you my brother? Sometimes you should be forbidden from thinking bhratashree." She said as they finally decided to walk.

*At the same time. Forests of Panchal*

Drupad and his Wife presented himself in front of Maharishi Yaja and Upayaja, a sense of revenge evident in his eyes.

He wanted to perform a yagya, for having a son who can kill Dronacharya so that the thirst of his revenge is extinguished.

Through the mighty flames of the Agni dev, two of his children emerged out. The veer Drishtyadyumn and the Yagyaseni Draupadi. The burning yet powerful essence of fire evident on their beautiful faces. They were flawless, but Yagyaseni was beyond that. She was enchanting. Being the fire born, she still had that compassion for life in her doe shaped black eyes, which suited her dark, glowing skin tone.

They both stood beside each other as they gladly took their father's blessings and departed towards the Kingdom of Panchal.

There, she united with Drupad's first born, Shikhandi , who besides being a brave warrior loved Draupadi dearly and made sure she was happy and well versed in her new home.

Draupadi, who although seemed as a dangerous and reserved woman, actually had a soft and loving heart. Being born out of the fire itself, she couldn't help but put those powerful expressions on her face. But, The one who was caring and respectful enough could always see this delicate side of hers through her roughness.

"Shikhandi, why don't you accompany me to the temple. Atleast I won't be alone doing the pooja." Draupadi requested.

"It would have been my pleasure dear Draupadi. But right now, being the senapati of the army of Panchal, I have to accompany Dhrishtadyumn and make him familiar with the tactics." Shikhandi smiled

"Shikhandi, how does it feel to be the only one fighting between so many men surrounding. Didn't anyone ever insult you?" Draupadi asked curiously.

"I'm not the only one Priy Draupadi." Shikhandi smiled at her as Yagyaseni gave her a confused look.

"Do you know about Rajkumari Dhriti? Yuvraj Yudhisthir's sister? She's the shishyaa shresht of Acharya Drona, whom Dhrishtadyumn is destined to kill. She has fought wars alongside the Army of Hastinapur." Shikhandi narrated as Draupadi's curiosity increased.

"Really? Have you ever met her? I would love to see a warrior princess." Draupadi beamed.

"Unfortunately I have never met her. Now I'll take a leave. Pitashree would like to tell you about her and her brothers and also about Acharya Drona, if you want." Shikhandi smiled as she took a leave.


"Bhratashree, I don't think this is where we should be going." Dhriti doubted.

"I'm your Jyesht. Listen to me." Bheem said as he pulled her.

As they kept walking, their eyes diverted towards fire torches lit around a cave.

"Look! We found our cave. Brothers have also lit up the torches. Nice." Bheem said as he ran towards it but stood in horror as Dhriti approached.

"What-" She opened her mouth but froze when she saw a sad Hidimba sobbing with her face in her hands.

You go and talk first, I'll follow later." Bheem nudged as he whispered.

"Who are the central characters in this plot? You! Not me. I'm the side kick." Dhriti laughed as she looked at Bheem definitely thinking about a plan.

"Hidimba! Bhrata Bheem wants to talk to you." Dhriti called her out making Hidimba look up as Dhriti, with much strength tried to push Bheem towards her.

"Why are you crying devi. Please don't cry. I'm sorry." Bheem said awkwardly walking towards her as she sat straight.

"Hidimba, how is it possible for a human to marry a demoness. It won't end well. Sage Vishrava and demoness Kaikesi had a child like Ravan. I don't want that to happen." Bheem explained as Hidimba turned towards him.

"They even gave birth to Vibhishan. I promise I'll raise my children and give them values like him. They won't let you down." Hidimba smiled with a ray of hope in her eyes.

"I respect your thoughts and ideals Hidimba. You're virtuous. I'm sorry for behaving rudely with you earlier. If it wasn't you, maybe I would have not been able to save my family from Hidimb. Let's go to Mata Kunti to take her blessings." Bheem said grabbing a fire torch as they looked for Dhriti.

"Great job my match-maker." Kanha smiled as he layed awake on his bed.

"Kanha? Why are you awake at this odd hour? Don't let go your precious sleep." Dhriti chuckled as she walked behind Bheem and Hidimba.

"And how can I sleep? You have been running over a ton of sharp thorns with its pointed spines in your feet. We both are each other's companion in happiness and sorrow. So your scars are mine too , so that's hurting me as well." Kanha spoke as Dhriti realized a rush of blood from both her ankles.

"Oh no! I'm sorry Kanha. I-I just didn't realize it's still stuck in my feet. I was so busy convincing Bhrata that I forgot to pluck them out." She said, heartbroken as little tears stream down which didn't reach the bottom of her face as Kanha promised.

"Priya.. Why are you crying?" Kanha smiled.

"Kanha...... Is it hurting you? I'm sorry Kanha. I would have treated your wounds myself if I would have been there. Forgive me for being so careless." Dhriti spoke sadly looking down.

"No Priya. Don't cry and feel sad. That hurts more. I'm here to bear the pain along with you. Now smile. You have done an important job in convincing Bheem and Hidimba. You'll realize it later. Now, ask Sahadev to treat those cuts. Excessive bleeding is not good my warrior." Kanha assured her as a smile slowly crept Dhriti's lips.


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