Escaping Lakshagrah

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Dhriti gulped down a few glasses of water as the 5 brothers started digging a tunnel.

"Bhratashree, I mean what if we, you know shoot an Astra to produce a crack in the ground. That will make digging easy." Dhriti suggested as she got up.

"Why didn't you suggest this earlier?" Nakul got up.

"I didn't want to interrupt your enthusiasm in digging. I would have not interrupted actually but looking at the time we are left with, Bhrata Arjun, please let's  shoot the astra." Dhriti said.

"Dhriti, you shoot them, I'll go check on Purochan." Arjun said as he ran towards the kitchen outside the Palace.

Soon Dhriti shot a few arrows producing cracks in the ground as Bheem, Nakul, Yudhisthir and Sahadev started digging through the cracks.

"Yudhisthir, Bheem, Sahadev? Where are you?" Kunti called as her kids were nowhere to be seen.

"Mata, we have successfully dug a tunnel which leads to the near by forest." Bheem called as Kunti saw Arjun approaching.

"Jyesht, Purochan and his men will enter the Palace in a few. They have prepared the meal." Arjun said hurriedly.

"Yes, Bhrata Bheem and  Jyesht, take Mata and go forward. Make sure the Palace doors are locked from the outside once they all are in. Me, Bhrata Arjun, Nakul and Sahadev will put this place on fire and follow. " Dhriti said.

"No Putri, My Sahadev and Nakul will come with me. I have promised Madri to keep them safe, always." Kunti said as she looked down. Dhriti smiled and wiped her Mata's tears.

"Alright favourite kids, go with them. Me and Bhrata Arjun will stay back." She said patting Nakul and Sahadev.

"No Didi I won't leave without you." Nakul said holding Dhriti's hands.

"We'll decide who's her favourite later. Now go, Purochan will be here anytime." Arjun said making Nakul leave Dhriti's hands as they hugged each other.

"I guess they would have reached outside." Arjun said as he walked around the tunnel.

"What happened Dhriti? " Arjun asked coming towards her.

"Now how will we know if they have reached without any problems, if they have successfully locked them inside. What if. What if Purochan discovers our plan and won't let us get out?"

"Priya...." Kanha called.

"Kanha.....Help me Kanha" She let out as her voice cracked.

"Bade bhaiya and others have reached the other end safely and have successfully locked Purochan and his men inside the Palace. Now it's your time my warrior, save everyone." Kanha smiled as Dhriti gathered her courage.

"Bhratashree, hurry up, let's go." Dhriti said getting up, trying to light up the fire torch.

Arjun got up as he heard faint calls of Purochan. They quickly lit up the fires everywhere as both of them entered the tunnel and proceeded towards the other end.

"Bhrata, I can't breathe." Dhriti held Arjun's arms as she tried to breathe through the smoke.

"Dhriti, no! Stay with me. We'll reach for fresh air in time. Dhriti!" Arjun shouted but Dhriti had already passed out in his arms.

"No Dhriti. What will I say to Matashree? I could not save my sister? Dhriti!" Arjun tried to wake her up but she was unconscious. He picked her in his arms as they escaped the Lakshagrah, which was now a fire disaster.


"Yudhisthir, putra. My Dhriti and Arjun haven't arrived yet. Hey Prabhu, protect them." Kunti said with worry in her voice.

They stood inside the forest opposite to the huge palace as they saw the Palace collapsing down in gruesome flames and loud screams echoing the area.

"Arjun, Dhriti!" Bheem called but no answer.

"No! I can't forgive myself if anything happens to both of them. I should have asked Dhriti to come with me. Its my mistake." Kunti cried.

"Both of us should have stayed back. Its our mistake mata. Being the elder ones, we left them behind." Yudhisthir looked down.

"Mata, Bhratashree!  She's not waking up." Everyone looked at him in shock as tears trickled down Arjun's face while he approached them.

"Didi!" Nakul said as he tried to measure her pulse meanwhile Sahadev tried to toss some fresh air for her to breathe.

Soon, Dhriti's pulse normalized and she tried to open her eyes.

"Dhriti! Putri." Kunti smiled looking at her daughter laying on her lap.

" I'm fine now." Dhriti said getting up and smiling.

"Where does she get this energy from." Arjun said as all 7 of them hugged each other.

"Okay we might have made a mistake." Arjun looked down leaving Dhriti confused.

"What mistake Bhrata?" Dhriti asked.

"That clothes of Vanvasis which Kakashree Vidur sent, we forgot to carry them with us. Now how are we going stay here. Anyone local can point out who we are." Arjun said.

"Don't worry Arjun, I had taken those clothes and these Kachoris while leaving." Bheem said as he raised the bag making everyone chuckle.

"Did you really picked up the whole plate from the hall?" Dhriti asked unbelievably.

"Yes. I can't stay hungry until we find some food in the forest. I'm smart." Bheem said earning a 'ofcourse you are' from Yudhisthir.


Dhriti, changed her heavy lehenga into the light yellow clothing of a vanvasi.

She sat down removing all her gold laden jewelries, bangles, and her head pieces as her hands reached the delicate necklace which her Kanha gifted her.

"Obviously, this stays with me." She thought as she covered it with her dupatta so no one can see it.

Dhriti moved out of the small cave they found in the middle of the forest to see her brothers sitting with her mother discussing something.

"Kids, do you know where we are?" Kunti asked silencing everyone as they noticed worry in her voice.

"We're in the territory of Kamayaka, ruled by the demon King Hidimb." Yudhisthir said.

"Really? So we're in the territory of Hidimb? I heard stories from Pitamah about the negotiations they made after a fight with this kingdom." Sahadev said.

"Wow. So Bhratashree now please tell us the whole story of Hidimb." Dhriti pleaded for a storytelling as Yudhisthir agreed for her sake.

"When Pitamah Bhishma's brother Maharaj Vichitraveer was ruling Hastinapur, the ancestors to Hidimb and his tribe were taking lives of innocent people to sacrife their bodies to their devi." Yudhisthir told Dhriti but realized everyone were keenly listening to him.

He smiled and continued, "So Pitamah Bhishma along with Maharaj Vichitraveer marched in the kingdom of Kamayaka to slaughter the demon. After having a grisly fight, Pitamah Bhishma captured their King and decided to stab him for ending the cruelty, but  after begging for mercy, Pitamah left him on Maharaj's orders, asking him to promise that he won't sacrifice any innocent lives.
The king agreed on one condition that he won't harm any human living freely outside the kingdom of Kamayaka, but if anyone tries to trespass it, he won't let them live.
And to be honest, we are literally in the middle of Kamayaka, absolutely trespassing."  Yudhisthir smiled as he ended his story only to find Dhriti and Arjun both asleep on Kunti's lap and shoulder respectively.

"You're a good story teller Jyesht. Both the archers are asleep long back." Bheem said making everyone laugh as Kunti caressed two of her kids peacefully sleeping.

"Arjun.... Wake up." Bheem said shaking Arjun. Yudhisthir picked up a sleeping Dhriti as he observed her delicate hanging necklace.

"Why are you frowning great Archer? I was not going to pick you up." Bheem said as Nakul and Sahadev giggled but immediately kept quiet seeing Arjun's glare.

"Bheem, Putra, I think you should stay up to see if anyone from the Kamayaka kingdom tries to attack us."  Kunti said.

"And don't forget to wake us up if anything happens Bheem." Yudhisthir said.

"You're right Mata, I'll keep a watch. Don't worry Jyesht nothing will happen to me." Bheem said as he walked out with some fruits.


The gates of Dwarka were decorated with flowers, the people of Dwarka gathered outside their house to welcome their Krishn and Balram.

"Kanha, Balram! " Devaki ran with the arti thali her hands as Revati, Subhadra and their maids followed her.

"Putro." She smiled as both Kanha and Dau bent down to touch their parents feet.

Devaki put the tilaks, showered some fresh flower petals and fed them their favourite sweets as she let them inside the Palace.

There stood Revati and Subhadra, ever so patiently waiting from the duo to approach them as a wide beam was plastered on their glowing faces.

"Bhratashree!" Subhadra ran towards her brothers as she took their blessings and engulfed them in a warm hug.

"Swami!" Revati smiled as she walked towards her smiling husband and reunited with him after a long time.

"Bhratashree, where is Dhriti jiji? You promised us you'll bring her to Dwarka when you visit Hastinapur." Subhadra spoke with the same enthusiasm as her eyes tried to find Dhriti.

"Subhadrae, whom are you finding? Priya has not come with us. And I told you, once I bring her here at Dwarka, you're free to be around her endlessly, no one will stop you."  Kanha smiled as all 6 of them moved towards their common room.

"Really? I can be with her all the time?" Subhadra asked as Revati offered water and some snacks to everyone smiling at Subhadra's excitement.

"Yes. All the time......... Only when I'm not around." Kanha grinned as she completed his sentence.

"Tell us Anuj shree, how does she look? Mata told me she looks very beautiful and gentle. And mata also told me that she has a sweet voice." Revati chirped in chirped.

"Yes Bhabhishree, she's very beautiful. Divine yet simple and everyone's favourite." Kanha daydreamed as Revati and Subhadra playfully smirked at each other.

"Yours too?" Subhadra asked slowly.

"Yes behena, my favourite as well." Kanha spoke stricking back into reality as Devaki Vasudev saw their children engrossed in their talks.

"Dau, have you both watched her fighting? Isn't she and kumar Arjun Acharya Drona's favourite students." Subhadra turned towards Dau.

"Yes sister, we have seen her fighting and winning . And since all of you are so excited to hear about Dhriti, I'll tell you all the tales of Kanha and his Priya at Hastinapur." Dau sweetly smiled at Kanha as if he was waiting for this to happen since eternity.

"What tales Dau?" Kanha asked innocently looking towards Dau as he tried to hide his flustered face, which was way too easy to point out.

"You'll know soon dear Anuj. So we're up for a story time. I'm absolutely loving this." Dau laughed as he started narrating all the incidences right from their arrival to departure from Hastinapur.

"How have you been Priya? How is everyone else? You have become popular and already a household name in Dwarka, my warrior. And dear Subhadra is already so excited to meet you. You'll love it here Priye. I'm waiting for the time to arrive." Kanha smiled as he knew his inner voice has reached Dhriti.

"We all are good Kanha, but still can't believe Bhrata Duryodhan could reach this level of hatered.
I'm excited to meet Subhadra and Revati Bhabhi. And Devki maa and Pitashree too. Actually everyone. Hope I'll see you soon Kanha." Dhriti smiled, still asleep as her subconscious spoke for her.


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