Agnija's Wish

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"Is everyone sure that we have to attend the Swayamwar?" Yudhishthir asked his brothers for the 100th time

"Yes you are. Now let's go." Dhriti said for the final time.

"Wait. You're coming too?" Bheem asked as his little sister beamed.

"Bhrata, she's not coming for us. Remember? Keshav is going to be there." Arjun laughed.

"And what if someone recognised the Pandavas? Dhriti, people can easily, easily recognize your face,young lady!"

"Dhriti has everything planned. I'll be standing where all commoners stand. Perfect view." She said as her brothers smiled at her excitement.

"Honestly, tell us how excited are you for her Swayamwar?" Bheem asked.

"Very much. I had never seen what a Swayamwar looks like." She grinned as they departed towards the Palace.

*At the same time.*

Karna decided to go and visit the nearby ashram of the rishi and take their blessings whilst Duryodhan and Shakuni were freshening up.

He saw a sage, very much engrossed in his tapasya as Karna steadily sat in front of him with joined hands.

"Welcome Angraj. What brought you here today?" The sage spoke without opening his eyes.

"Pranam Rishivar. I have come to seek blessings. Today, me and my friend Yuvraj Duryodhan are going to participate in Panchal Naresh's daughter's Swayamwar." Karna spoke.

"There's only one blessing I can give you Daanveer Angraj." The rishis said, eyes still closed.

"What is it Rishivar?" Karna asked.

"Do not attend the Swayamwar." He replied shocking Karna.

"But-but hey holy sage! We have already started our journey to Kampilya, how can I leave my friend right in the middle. And how can I reason him for my sudden change in decisions?" Karna helplessly asked.

"Putra, have you heard about the story of Sunda and Upasunda?" The rishi asked as Karna nodded no.

"In Satyuga, there were two demon brothers Sunda and Upsunda who loved each other so much that when Lord Brahma refused to grant them boon of immortality, they asked for the boon that only they could kill each other for they knew the fact that they would never kill each other as there was no object that could come between the brotherly love that they had had.
Lord Brahma, tired with the havoc they were causing on earth, requested Vishwakarma to create a beautiful woman. This woman, name Tilottama, having unmatched beauty, and only one goal, that was-- causing the death of the demons. Hence Tilottama became the reason of quarrel between them ending up getting killed by each other." The sage ended his story.

"I understood your message Rishivar. I must thank you for puting a light upon this aspect of history which I never knew. I may leave now." He thanked him as he left the ashram, paying him respects.

"Mitra Duryodhan! Mitra Duryodhan!" Karna called as he approached Duryodhan and Shakuni.

"What happened Mitra?" Duryodhan asked in worry.

"I have made a decision." He let out.

"What decision Angraj?" Shakuni asked.

"Look, I dearly love my wives Vrushali and Supriya. And I'm a man, very much happy with his family and now, if I ever won Panchali, I don't want to create a rift between all of them. Vrushali and Supriya instantly accepted each other as both hailed from a common family. Panchali's arrival would make them feel inferior as after all she's a princess. So as your dear friend, I would come to Kampilya to support you, and not as the one participating. " Karna explained as a smile appeared on his face kaling that Duryodhan and Shakuni have understood his personal reasons.


The hall was already filled with numerous guests sitting on their respective seats as the siblings parted their ways with the 5 brothers going towards the sabha hall.

Dhriti kept walking towards the crowd where people were either talking about Draupadi's beauty or Kanha and Dau's arrival.

"She must be really beautiful. I want to see her now." Dhriti smiled at her thoughts as she saw Draupadi approaching the hall towards her seat.

"Agnisuta!" Dhriti internally shouted as the dream she saw that day appeared in front of her eyes. She was the woman who emerged out of the fire of sacrifice. Dhriti felt the same cold sweat forming on her face as her heart beat increased and she started feeling weak.

Her gaze repeatedly tried to find Kanha as she finally saw him sitting across Panchal Naresh.

"Yes you saw her in your dreams." His voice echoed as soon as they looked at each other.

"I think I should go. I'm feeling weaker, odd , strange and a gush of questions occupying my mind which you don't want to answer. " She said taking deep breaths.

"No Priya. You have to stay. This is important. And you'll get half of your answers at the end of the day." Kanha smiled.

"Can you feel how scared I'm right now? And Panchali asked for the 5 qualities in her husband. Then instead of finding a groom with those 5 elements, why is this competition arranged?" Dhriti questioned.

"You need not be scared when your Kanha is with you. And coming to the competition, there are oy 2 people in the whole Aryavart, who can win this and Panchal Naresh knows that." Kanha grinned as as smile appeared on Dhriti's face.

Their conversation was interrupted by Dhrishtadyumn's loud voice explaining the rules and regulations if the competition to the participants.

"Shoot that rotating fish over there? " Dhriti thought.

"Only two people can do it. No way are you talking about Bhrata Arjun and Angraj." Dhriti looked at Kanha he was already gazing her.

"Yes I'm obviously talking about them. See you're good at figuring things out. But Angraj has refrained from participating. Thanks to Rishi Narada. So logically, Yagyaseni will be your Bhabhishree in a few moments." Kanha smiled.

Draupadi on the other hand, while taking a glance at the hall found Kanha smiling at someone.

The zeal in her heart could not contain her curiosity as she moved her head to find Dhriti smiling back at him. She observed her from top to toe. But her smile faded as she saw her dressed like a brahmin. Draped herself around a simple yellowish lehenga, her hair left half open. She had never seen someone's hair so smooth and black. With an angelic smile always studded on her delicate pink lips and an unbelievable glow on her clear skin.

"I have never seen someone so beautiful. Mata always said I was the most beautiful girl in the whole of aryavart. But she's beyond beautiful. Divine. Just like a goddess." Draupadi smiled looking at her as her eyes fell upon the peacock feather necklace Kanha had gifted Dhriti.

They light, obidient smile on her face turned into a bright beam as she recognised her to be someone dear to Kanha.

Panchali quickly glanced at Kanha, praying that he would look at her as she cannot call him out loud but he was more concentrated on the Kings and Yuvraj trying their luck.

Duryodhan, with his everlasting prideful attitude walked towards the setting where the bows and arrows were kept. He put his hand on the bow and tried to pick it up, but all in vain.
The others giggled at him as he angrily walked towards his seat where Karna reassured him about his efforts.

Yuvraj Shishupal of Chedi, laughed as he walked past Duryodhan towards the bow. He tried to lift up the arrow with all his strength but his effort were to no avail. As he was turning back towards his seat, he saw Dhriti smiling at the bow and arrow's sight, lost in her thoughts.
Shishupal, already furious at his insult, glared at Dhriti as he walked towards his seat.

Dhriti kept looking at the scene, still lost in her own thoughts as Kanha and her brothers realized Shishupal's glare.

"I'll rip off Shishupal's head if he kept glaring Didi for some more time." Nakul fumed.

Everyone's gaze turned towards Yudhishthir asking Arjun to try his luck as the crowd and the kings started murmuring about his appearance, and how King Drupad allowed a Brahmin to attend the occasion.

Arjun walked towards the huge bow as he touched it and joined his hands paying respects towards his favourite weapon.

With a single go, he lifted up the bow, shocking everyone except his siblings and Kanha as he paced towards Drupad seeking his blessings.

"Looking at his figure and the way he walks, he does not look like a brahmin." A man spoke.

Arjun looked at the rotating object, depicting a fish as he positioned himself and his arrow.

The days of Acharya Drona's Ashram appeared in front of both Arjun and Dhriti's vision as he looked at Dhriti from the corner of his eyes, and Dhriti lightly smiled nodding in return.

"Sealed! This marriage is confirmed. Panchali, you're my new Bhabhishree oh dear." Dhriti smiled at her childish thoughts as Arjun shot his arrow perfectly hitting the eye of the fish as the whole sabha kept looking at him.

A smile appeared on both Kanha's and Dhriti's face but there were people who's 'bigger than their brain' egos were hurt. Few of them were Shakuni, Shishupal and Magadh Naresh Jarasandh.

"Maharaj Drupad! First of all, letting these Brahmins enter and participate in the sabha was unfair. " Shakuni spoke.

"Yes! Gandhar Naresh is right. Even letting them try was a huge insult to us Kshatriyas." Jarasandh got up.

"That's true. First these Brahmins show up, some try to compete with the Kshatriyas and others laugh at my faliure." Shishupal spoke the last sentence staring at Dhriti.

"Bhratashree, grant me the permission, today is the end of Shishupal." Nakul tried running towards them but Kanha signalled everyone except Bheem and Arjun to make their way out of the Palace.

Amidst so many chaos the three brothers walked out of the Palace but realized they forgot to bring Dhriti with them who was still being churned in the mob.

"Don't worry Sahadev, She'll come back either with Arjun or with Vasudev. If we enter the sabha once again, serious casualties might occur." Yudhishthir spoke.


"Devi, if you trust me on my talent and my aim, please accept me by putting that Varmala around my neck." Arjun spoke approaching Draupadi.

Draupadi glanced at Kanha who smiled at both Draupadi and Arjun as she put that Varmala, accepting him.

"Savdhaan Brahman!" Karna shouted as he shot an arrow towards both of them.

"You don't have any right to shoot your arrows at me. Unnecessary wars are harmful." Arjun said as she shot an arrow breaking Karna's bow as he turned red due to his incapability and left the hall.

"You and Panchali, take the blessings of Maharaj, we should move out of the Palace soon." Kanha said as they took Drupad's blessing and directed themselves out of the Palace taking a short cut.


"Bhrata, what if we surprise Mata Kunti in a different way?" Arjun smiled as they looked towards Draupadi for her consent.

"Mata Kunti? So-so I'm married to a Pandav? Oh Lord! I heard they were dead due to an accident in Varanavat." Draupadi thought before smiling and answering. Trying to keep calm, assuming that Sakha would know something.

"As you wish." She blushed as Kanha smiled knowing that her wish was soon to be fulfilled.

"Mata, look what we got in Bhiksha!" Arjun ecstatically.

"Whatever you got putro, divide that among the 5 of you brothers and call Dhriti here. We both will manage from whatever she has brought." Kunti said without even looking up at them.

"Mata!" Bheem and Arjun gasped.

"No Matashree!" Yudhishthir, Nakul and Sahadev said standing behind making Kunti look up as the utensil fell from her hand after realizing what she has done.

"Hey Prabhu! I did not even realize what I did. And how did you dared to call her Bhiksha Arjun! " Kunti said to Arjun in anger as she looked towards Kanha for help.

"Wait! Where is Dhriti?" Yudhishthir asked in sudden worry.

"What! I thought three of you took her to safety." Bheem retorted, the same worry appearing on his face.

"And we thought she was with you all and Vasudev Bhaiya." Nakul said rubbing his temple.

"She might be stuck in that fierce mob and we can't return to the Palace now." Sahadev said as Kunti seemed to have lost all her strength listening to everything happening around.


"Okay, I'm in trouble. Where in the world are my brothers and Kanha." Dhriti mumbled to herself as she tried to find them.

"They left the Palace without me! Fine. I'll see each one of you later." She sadly sighed as she tried to make her way out of the Palace from a different door.

Everything around her was diffrent. Her hair were all messed, and her dupatta was out of its way. She felt like she had lost her way. She kept taking Kanha's name as she blindly followed the path wherever her steps took her, until someone forcibly pulled her and twisted her arm behind as she whimpered Kanha's name in pain.

*At the same time*

"Priyaaaa!" Kanha looked down as he felt a deep pain in his wrist and a sensation if his arms being twisted.

"Forgive me Priya. But I am bound with a promise and I can't do anything. I believe my warrior. You can slay him while I try to clean the mess created here." Kanha thought as guilt dominated his voice.


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