Past Wishes

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"You don't even look like a normal Brahmin! Who are you?" He asked pulling her close.

"Bring back the manners which you left at Chedi, Shishupal. This is not the way you behave with a woman." Dhriti angered.

"A woman like you have no right to call me Shishupal. I'm the Yuvraj. Pay me my respects." He said slamming her against a tree as scratches and blood appeared on her wrists and fingers.

Everyone stood there around their huts, either bound to a promise or to ensure their saftey.

"Bhratashree! Do something. None of us can go out. She can't be left alone. She does not even have her weapons!" Sahadev said as Draupadi shot up.

"None of you can go. But I can! I'll go find her." Draupadi said keeping aside her her garland.

"But Panchali, you don't even know how Dhriti looks!" Arjun reasoned.

"She has a Peacock Feathered necklace around her neck." Kanha said in a worry as Draupadi nodded.

Dhriti tried her best as she put all her strength to free herself from his mighty grip.

"Shishupal! What have I done to you? Why are you torturing me!" She shouted on the top of her lungs.

"What have you done! You had insulted me in the sabha by laughing when I was not able to lift up the bow. And now you're doing the same, once again by calling me Shishupal."  She whined.

"I DID NOT LAUGH AT YOU. THERE WERE SO MANY THINGS TO LOOK AT IN THE SABHA OTHER THAN SMILING AT 'YOU' ." She shouted back as her voice was suppressed with blood running down her arms due to Shishupal's heavy rings.

"And secondly, you lost the respect when you decided to insult a woman and physically hurt her." She said, her voice getting lower.

Draupadi walked through the forest as she realized she was adoring the beauty of none other than Dhriti herself. The thought of her Sakha mentioning that she has a Peacock Feathered necklace made her smile a bit as she quickly zoned in, calling Dhriti's name, but no response.

"Keshav! Why didn't you go?" Arjun asked keeping a hand upon a much quieter Kanha.

"Parth, I am bound to a huge promise. And I don't want Priya to be dependent on someone to save her. This strength will help her in the future." Kanha mumbled as both of them saw scars and scratches appearing on Kanha's arms and fingers as he felt the pain.

"No! Bhaiya, tell me nothing is happening to my Didi." Nakul said looking at his hands.

"It is Nakul. It is." Arjun said as his eyes filled with tears.

"Kanha! By now, all these scars would have appeared on your hands as well. Where are you Kanha, help me!" Dhriti thought as finally managed to kick Shishupal out of her grip making him fall down as his crown got separated from his head.

"You'll pay for this you foolish woman!" He said drawing out his sword, as Dhriti, according to her normal habit moved her hand only to find out she had no weapon.

"You cannot attack on a weaponless being. That's against the kshatriya dharma." She said standing straight knowing that Shishupal would anyways attack her.

"A silly woman like you can't teach me about Dharam."  He said as he tried to raise the sword on her but she stopped him midway.

"Stop calling me foolish." She said as she snatched his sword now pointing it towards him as Shishupal stood in shock.

"Give me my sword back!" He said.

"Apologize!" She shouted back.

"Apologize? We never do that." He bitterly laughed as he pushed Dhriti making her fall down with blood trickling down her forehead and lips.

"Kanha....." Was the last word her lips left before she fell unconscious.

"Dhriti! Dhriti! Where are you. Can you hear me?" Draupadi called as she came across the laying figure of Dhriti. The angelic face she saw in the crowd, now replaced by scars and blood stains as a gasp came out of Draupadi's mouth and she sat down near her in despair.

"Shishupal! You are not spared. Your life and death both are in my hands now. Its just that I'm bound to the promise I made to your mother, which I believe, I'll be free from, very soon." Kanha's angry voice took over, very much opposite to his calm nature.

"Vasudev. What do we do now? How can all 5 of us marry Draupadi?" Yudhisthir asked.

"I have all the answers to your question Jyesht. But I'm not going to answer anything  before Priya comes here. Safe." He said sitting down.

Tears started rolling down Draupadi's face as she saw Dhriti's condition. She gently put her hand on her face and tried to wipe out the blood.

"Please wake up Dhriti! Answer me. We haven't even met each other, but I can't see you lying down all lifeless. Please Dhriti." Draupadi sobbed as she started praying to Mata Lakshmi.

"Hey Goddess of wealth, health and prosperity! Hey Mahalakshmi, Hey Dhairya Lakshmi, give this brave one the strength to wake up. Heal her mata lakshmi, heal her." Draupadi joined hands still afraid.

"I know I'm lying unconscious. I am physically hurt and don't even have the strength to open my eyes. But I feel like the same person calling me from two different sides. The person is shaking me to wake up, and the same person is asking me to give someone strength and heal them. Oh Maa Parvati! My head is hurting. But I have to wake up. Somebody is asking for my help! Wake up Dhriti." Her subconscious spoke as she tried to open her eyelids only to see the sight of a frightened Draupadi joining hands.

"Bhabhishree?" Dhriti questioned, trying to get up as Draupadi opens her eyes as a light smile appeared on her face.

"Oh Dhriti! Thank God you woke up." She said hugging her.

"What happened? Who did this to you?" She asked, anger now evident in her tone as she fixed Dhriti's dupatta.

"Are you able to walk? Or should I call Govind or your brothers?" Draupadi asked helping her get up.

"No! I will walk by myself. They should have actually come instead of sending you Bhabhi." She exclaimed, her voice still trembling.

"I don't know about Govind, but your brothers can't come out. If they do, the public would create a havoc cause they don't know your real identity." Draupadi smiled.

"Hmm. No one knows what's going on in your Sakha's head." Dhriti huffed as Draupadi found it cute.

"Priya....." Kanha said as a small smile appeared on his face knowing that she was safe.

"I don't want to talk to you devkinandan." She said weakly as the smile on Kanha's face faded.

"Dhriti, we're caught in a problem." Draupadi said touching her shoulder.

"What is it Bhabhi? I'm sure we can solve it." Dhriti said holing her hand.

"Arya Arjun decided to prank Mata Kunti by saying that they have won me as a Bhiksha." Draupadi started explaining.

"And Mata Kunti, without looking up, ordered them to share whatever they have got amongst the 5 of them and said you and her will manage anything else." Draupadi said as a lone tear fell down.

"What! You're kidding. Isn't it?" Dhriti asked stopping in her tracks.

"No Dhriti.... I'm telling the truth. And we all are helpless. Govind as well." Draupadi continued.

"No no Bhabhishree, Kanha will definitely have something to say about it. Believe me. But how did he dared to called you Bhiksha? Why didn't you say anything ! " Dhriti fumed as they stood in front of the hut.

"Dhriti! " Arjun got up as everyone ran towards her.

"No! Everyone stay away. And how dare you call her Bhiksha?" Dhriti snapped at Arjun.

"No didi-" Nakul interrupted.

"Stop! Don't interupt me." She glared at him.

"Is she an object that 5 of you are going to divide it amongst yourselves?" She looked at Yudhisthir.

"Why didn't you say anything?" She looked at Kanha, the anger in her eyes immediately replaced with pain and tears.

Kanha moved towards as he wiped away the blood running down her forehead and lips. He did not say anything. Pain evident in his eyes as well.

"Shishupal will pay for this." He lightly whispered, holing her hands as Dhriti looked away, turning towards Kunti and her brothers as Kanha followed her.

"Now, I'll tell you all why your destines worked this way. " Kanha started.

"Draupadi emerged, as a sacrife of few godly women, from the fire. Impressed with her will, strength and past deeds, Mahadev granted her one wish. As per her comfort, Draupadi asked for 5 wishes in one. She asked for a righteous, strong, brave, handsome and wise man as her husband in her next life. When Lord Mahadev refused to grant this wish, she kept on insisting. So Narayan promised her that this will be fulfilled." Kanha narrated as everyone were struck.

"So, that dream was true?-" Dhriti started mumbling as Kanha signalled her to keep quiet.

"So Yagyaseni, you see Narayan has fulfilled your wish. In present day, Jyesth is the most righteous man, Bade Bhaiya the strongest, Parth the bravest, Nakul the most handsome man of aryawart while Sahadev the wisest. So technically, it was your wish so you have to accept it now." Kanha completed as Draupadi realized her ignorance and accepted her fate.

"What are you saying Vasudev! How can my sister marry five of them." Drishtyadyumn said standing at the door of the hut along with Panchal Naresh, listening to everything Kanha spoke.

"Yes Krishn, i won't let that happen." Drupad continued.

"Maharaj, before being your daughter and Drishtyadyumn's sister she's Agnisuta, and nobody is forcing her to do it. She insisted Mahadev to fulfil her wish and as his friend, Narayan had to do this. So no one is to be blamed here. Put your sword down dear Drishtyadyumn." Kanha explained.

"If possible, forgive me Putri. I have acted like an irresponsible woman." Kunti looked at Draupadi.

"No Matashree, that is my fate. And I have to accept it. I'm not sad or angry, cause this is what I asked for. And now, I don't want the insult Mahadev and Narayan by denying anything. I'm ready to marry the 5 of them." Draupadi announced with a small smile on her face.

"What happened to Rajkumari Dhriti?" Drishtyadyumn raised his eyebrow.

"Shishupal." Was the only thing she let out.

"You all are the Royal Family of Hastinapur, and now we have shared a  family relation. I request you all to stay at the Palace, so we can decide about the marriage. " Drupad smiled as they all were directed towards the Palace.

"Keshav! Tell me how do I convince her?" Arjun whispered to Kanha as he saw Dhriti standing away from her brothers with Draupadi and Kunti for the first time.

"Me? Parth she's not even talking to me." Kanha said in distress as he continuously thought for a way to bring  the sweet and sassy Priya back from her angry mode.


"Now let me apply this ointment Priya." Kanha said pulling her towards him as she refused to face him, trying to suppress her tears for hurting him earlier.

"Priya....." Kanha said still holing her hands.

"I'm sorry Kanha...." She sobbed finally turning towards him.

"I'm sorry, I was so hurt, I felt so betrayed and left out that I just let it out. Kanha, you had to bear the pain, due to me, once more. Kanha, I don't deserve this love Kanha, I don't." She cried collapsing down on her bed.

"What are you saying Priya? Why are you blaming yourself? Getting angry on me is  okay, because you had no idea about the promise I am bound to. But remember one thing, never talking about you not deserving my love. Priya, you complete me. And sometimes even I like to see anger on this soft face." He giggled holding her hands.

"Is it very painful?" He asked applying the paste on her hands and forehead.

"Not anymore." She smiled back.

"So did Priya finally forgive her Kanha?" He asked smirking playfully.

"Yes. Even Kanha knows his Priya can't stay angry on him any longer." She laughed.

"But Kanha...." She started.

"Hmm?" He asked applying the bandage on her arm.

"What promise are you bound to?" She asked curiously.

"Yes. I wanted to tell this to you. So, story time." He smiled finishing off with treating her wounds.

"Story time? I have a habit of sleeping if someone tells me stories. Bhrata Arjun always used to wake me up when I used to sleep midway." She said quiet embarrassed as her fair cheeks immediately turned red.

"Oh,  like a little girl? Don't worry. I would let you sleep midway.".  He teased as he carassed her cheeks and started narrating the story of the promise he made to be on terms with the destiny.


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