Dwarka gets a good News

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"Do you believe in ghosts?" An eerie voice entered Kanha's ear as he took his way back to the Palace.

"Kritavarma, I know it's you. Now come down." Kanha chuckled as the former made some rough noises between the bushes before getting down.

"Don't think that I'm a bad ghost. I was rooting for your other half. She would have definately got a good scare.
Wait, Satyaki! Where are you?" Kritavarma called.

"I went to bring a white cloth. It would've been scary in the dark you know." Satyaki came with a bright white cloth resting on his shoulder as Kanha laughed at their elaborate method to scare Dhriti.

"But where is our target lady? Haven't seen her since the two of you arrived." Satyaki enquired.

"She's in her chambers with Subhadra or Revati Bhabhi. We visited and returned back in just one and a half day. Maybe that made her tired?" Kanha spoke, somewhat asking himself.

"One thing Kanhaiya, we can never understand girls." Satyaki joked as Kanha and Kritavarma gave out a loud laugh, very clearly agreeing in the statements.

"Shri....." Gauri called with the most lovable voice ever.

"Yes Sakhi? I can sense twice the love in your voice today. What's special?" Dhriti smiled.

"Yeah twice the live for two people right there! You thought I wouldn't know about this, Shri?" Parvati chuckled.

"Glad, if not me, you'll come down atleast for this one." Dhriti spoke walking around.

"So nobody knows about this I see. Not even Trilokinath. Look here he comes, my addled muddled bhratashree. " Parvati chuckled.

"Good you didn't come. Satyaki and Kritavarma were up for a good scare game." Kanha smiled, throwing the white cloth on her head as she laughed.

"Priya! What is this? Three plates of coconut laddoos? I can see your voice not coming out of your throat tomorrow." Kanha surprisingly asked, not underestimating her love for that delicacy, but afterall she wasn't Bheem to actually do that.

"I'm obviously not going to eat all three, or..... Can I?" She laughed, lifting one plate.

"One is for you, one is for me...." She spoke handing one to him and keeping one for herself.

"And that one?" Kanha purely asked, already stuffing his mouth with them.

"You just-- Kanha! Take some hints Narayan!" Dhriti thought looking at his innocent face as she grinned.

"For this one." Her divine self gave her best smile as she put a hand on her belly.

"What.....?" Kanha asked in complete dreams as Dhriti got up to explain him when Subhadra entered.

"Bhabhi! You wanted tamarinds na, look Rohini Maa and Devki Maa have called you." Subhadra pulled her.

"Wait Subhadrae.....
I can't see him like this." Dhriti smiled slowing her down as she walked towards an utterly perplexed Kanha.

"Kanha...... you're going to become a father...... Soon." She pulled him close, gently whispering in his ear as Kanha stood still, deciding to laugh or cry.

"Now let's go Subhadrae!" Dhriti cheered, giving one last look to Kanha.

"Wai-wait! Even I'm coming!" Kanha spoke walking along with the two of them.

"Why are you coming Bhratashree? We know you love her too much to let her go for a single minute." Subhadra giggled pulling Dhriti.

"Don't pull her Bhadra. We can walk nicely, without running you know." Kanha spoke, protectively holding Dhriti's hands as she flustered.

"We're going to become parents....." Kanha whispered as a contended smile spread on his face as they entered the chambers where the other three ladies sat, eagerly waiting for Dhriti to come.

"Oye! Why did you come Krishn? Its a girls meet." Revati joked.

"Oh is it? Then I'll call Dau and Pitashree to make it a family meet." Kanha replied walking out.

"Take your emlis Bhabhi! Me and Dau had to turn the whole tree upside down to find only these many." Subhadra smiled, as Dhriti quickly picked up on of them, to please her craving taste buds with its sour-sweet taste.

"Hm.... I've been craving for these tamarinds do soo long." Dhriti spoke, sitting down beside Devki.

"And what about your favourite coconut laddoos I made? Were they like Bua Kunti?" Revati asked.

"Yes bhabhi. My taste buds have appreciated them as well." Dhriti giggled.

"Wait a minute. You ate all those coconut laddoos and now these tamarinds. Dhriti, you know you'll have a sore throat." Dau said entering with Vasudev and Kanha.

"So you literally made it a family meet? Don't worry, now you're place is going to be occupied by someone else, Darling of Vrindavan!" Revati giggled, pinching Kanha's ear.

"I know that before you." He grinned.

"Nah nah. I knew it before you. Look at the glow on her face." Revati continued having a argument with him.

"Alright I'll announce!" Subhadra spoke in sheer excitement.

"No no! Bhadra you did that during Nisatha's time. Now it's my turn." Revati walked towards her.

"Girls! I'm the eldest, I'll do it." Rohini joined the banter as Dhriti smiled at Kanha.

"All of you quiet! Let me speak.
So this little kid, is going to give birth to a little one so soon." Devki finally declared, pinching Dhriti's cheeks as all Revati and Subhadra engulfed her.

"Careful girls!" Vasudev chuckled.

"Finally Kanha!" Dau turned towards Kanha, as the brothers tightly hugged each other.

"Now now, tell me what all you want to eat. I'm going to make everything and anything you want." Revati patted her.

"Leave that to Kunti now! Dau immediately send a letter to Hastin- nah to Indraprasth.
And Krishn, father-to-be, go announce this sweet news in Dwarka." Vasudev patted the two of them.

"No need to send any letter Pitashree. I want to tell them myself." Dhriti gently smiled, as Vasudev carasssed her.

"As you wish then, putri." He replied.

"What, you're not going to Indraprasth. Like for how many day, may I know?" Kanha whispered, loud enough for Revati and Devki to hear as they gathered for dinner.

"You can come to meet me. There are no restrictions you know." Dhriti smiled back.

"Whatever. I'm not leaving you alone and staying here at Dwarka. Alone." Kanha rubbed his temple.

"I'm not alone there. I have Mata and my Yagyaseni. And oh my brothers and their little ones as well." Dhriti giggled.

"You need my personal attention." Kanha replied.

"I need it or this one does?" Dhriti slowly raised her eyebrow.

"Whoever you wanna think. You know the answer already." Kanha frowned.


"Dhriti, don't run here and there. Don't ride chariots and horses by yourself. And it's okay if you don't practice in the armoury for a few months." Rohini ordered her as she and Kanha sat in the huge chariot, ready to go for Indraprasth.

"Tell Nakul and Sahadev, not to trouble her too much. And Bheem as well. My Yudhishthir is a good boy." Devki spoke next.

"All five of them are good boys, your daughter-in-law is a trouble maker." Kanha joked.

"Take him down Dau. He's going to roast her the whole journey." Subhadra put her hands on her hips.

"What are husbands for, Subhadrae? Don't worry you'll know soon." Kanha teased one last time before leaving.

"So I take it that Gauri already knows about it." Kanha smirked.

"Devi Saraswati as well." Dhriti corrected.

"Hm.... And what about others?" Kanha questioned.

"That's on you! The trick is tell this to Devarshi and it'll spread everywhere within minutes." Dhriti chuckled.

"I'm surely going to put this trick at use.
But before that, promise me you'll be back to Dwarka before birth." Kanha profoundly looked at her.

"Oh Kanha! Promise I'll be back in a few months. And my question is, you can come and meet me and stay there. And that's a fact that Mata loves yoh more than md." She giggled, holding his hand.

"Yeah yeah, just like Devki Maa loves you more than the three of us combined." Kanha replied, laughing back.


"I'm saying this for the third time, the two if you seriously dont have any interest in informing us before hand about your arrival." Yudhishthir crossed his arms as the others laughed.

"Bua....." Prativindhya and Shatanik ran towards her.

"Aye my little ones! Did you miss me?" Dhriti asked ruffling their hair.

"I thought you were not going to come and meet us because Pitashree Arjun was not here." Prativindhya looked at her.

"Oh so I have to settle something for your sadness." Dhriti pouted.

"How Bua?" Shatanik asked, as he helped Sutasom walk towards her.

"By staying here for longer time. We're going to trouble your Pitashrees together." She and the 2 of them laughed as Dhriti picked Sutasom up in her arms.

"Ahaa don't change your parties now. Shatanik she's my sister first." Nakul ran towards them, pulling his sister aside.

"My Bua." He managed to speak circling around her Angawastra.

"We didn't come with Nakul and Sahadev. So we decided why not we give a visit now. More like a surprise." Kanha chuckle as the four of them hugged him.

"Alright now where are our Matas?" Dhriti asked her nephews

"Here Here! After soo long. I thought you would look different but I was wrong." Draupadi smiled, hugging her.

"I heard you sing lullabys very well.... I'm here to learn them I guess." Dhriti grinned as Draupadi suddenly beamed at her.

"Don't tell me Yadavkumari! Oh my god Dhriti look here!!" Draupadi squealed in joy, making Dhriti stop behind as everyone else forwarded to the palace.

"Yes yes. You're too good in taking hints. Unlike your Sakha." Dhriti smiled.

"I can't believe..... Okay you. A kid is going to become a mother now." Draupadi squealed yet again.

"Bhabhi Shhhhh..... I want to surprise your Aryas and Mata Kunti tomorrow." Dhriti silenced her as Draupadi nodded

"And what about Govind. How is the protective husband in him is letting you stay here for soo many months. I can just imagine his sad face." Draupadi laughed.

"Don't laugh. Convincing him that I'll be back soon was a hard job. Ended up with me promising that I'll be at Dwarka before the birth. And I guess I wanted the same thing." Dhriti gently smiled.

"Sent a letter to Hastinapur?" Draupadi slowly started.

"Nah! Not so soon. I actually hold no interest in informing them before the baby shower but Kakashree, Kakishree Pitamah and Mata Gandhari are there as well. I don't want them to be sad.
Also, I have no intentions for getting a long lecture from Jyesth about the same.
Now don't go and tell him." Dhriti giggled.

"I must tell you, Prativindhya is like him." Draupadi shared.

"Don't worry, I'm here to sprinkle some fun in that." She assured.

"But let me tell you Dhriti, I want a girl. Now enough of boys in the family." Draupadi raised her hands in surrender. Typically done with her three sons.

"Alright Alright, that we'll see later. Now do your job. Make something tasty to eat." Dhriti patted her as the ladies walked entered their chambers.


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