Shakuni's Vegenance and Kanha's Confusion

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"Prabhu....Prabhu!" Vibhishan smiled towards the two of them standing in front of him.

"You didn't recognize us, did you?" Kanha, now in their original forms only visible to Vibhishan, smiled at him

"How can I not recognize your godly voice? Accept my naman Prabhu, Maate." He smiled, touching his head down at their feet as Lakshmi-Narayan blessed him.

"We mentioned in the letter, asking them to bring atleast one regiment to equal with Lanka's army strength and I can't see any sena?" Sahadev questioned.

"Looks like Maharaj Vibhishan already knows Bhaiya." Nakul looked at the three conversing with each other.

"Its a part of my Maya Nakul, you all can't see what Maharaj Vibhishan is seeing right now." Dhriti smiled, looking at her brothers.

"Both of you took too long to visit your Bhakt here, neither you both nor Hanuman has shown up, Prabhu. Your boon of immortality is a test for me." Vibhishan smiled, as Kanha embraced him.

"We have given you the boon for a reason, Mitra." Kanha smiled.

"I did not get it, Prabhu." Vibhishan looked at both of them.

"Maharaj Vibhishan, the two of them Nakul and Sahadev are my brothers." Dhriti smiled as Vibhishan glanced at them once again.

"Your brothers? Forgive me Maate, I have done a big sin by stopping them right here." He sadly looked down.

"There's nothing to feel sad about it. You are elder to them, your blessing would forever matter the most to them." Dhriti smiled, explaining the whole situation of Hastinapur asking Indraprasth to gain confidence of more than 100 kingdoms to declare Jyesht as an independent King.

"Maate, that's a great news. Me and my men would be more than happy to help Yudhishthir in all what he needs to free Indraprasth as an independent kingdom." Vibhishan smiled as Kanha and Dhriti took their human forms and walked towards the two, very muddled Princes.

"Yes, confused souls, what happened?" Kanha smiled at Nakul and Sahadev's confused faces.

"War....? Conquest?" Sahadev stuttered.

"That's why we are here na. There's no war. Maharaj Vibhishan has agreed to help Jyesht Bhrata with anything he needs." Kanha assured.

"Really? That's great because I'm so tired of being at war and fighting everywhere." Nakul chuckled.

"Getting tired from wars so soon won't be favourable, boys." Kanha patted both of them as Dhriti joined Vibhishan, showing her around, as they walked on the mighty Setu.

"We understand the value of a person once he's gone." Nakul tagged along with his sister.

"What made you say that?" Dhriti surprisingly asked.

"Just came into my mind. I don't remember spending any time with Mata Madri and Pitashree.
Prativindhya asked us about our time in the forest.
Everyone narrated their little stories and-and surprisingly I did not remember a single second." Nakul said as Dhriti took a deep breath.

"Bhaiya, what would have been the scenario if Pitashree would have been with us?" Sahadev turned towards Kanha.

"You don't remember anything from those 9 years because you always blamed Mata Madri for Pitashree's death, just because that Dushasan, Bhrata Duryodhan and his other brothers hammered this thing in your head to let us down." Dhriti spoke in a low tone, not wanting to grab any attention.

"I-I was a kid that time. I literally trusted each and everything, anyone uttered." He looked down, walking closer to her.

"And now what are you? A kid or a married man with one kid?
She's gone now. Never expecting her own child would blame her for that.
That's the reason, you don't remember anything. And now, you won't, no matter how hard you try." She patted him, walking ahead.

"That I don't know, but, you would've not been here walking on this divine Ram Setu, exploring Lanka if it wasn't for Rajya Suya yagya." Kanha revealed, silently praising destiny's game.

"Rajkumar Nakul, Rajkumar Sahadev, welcome to Lanka." Vibhishan kindly smiled, escorting the two of them first as Kanha and Dhriti, gladly walked behind.


"What! Lanka?" Dhritarshtra exclaimed in the assembly of his close fellows, including Shakuni.

"Yes Maharaj, even Krishn and Dhriti have joined them." Shakuni fueled as a smirk appeared on Vidur's face.

"That's because Nakul and Sahadev had called them, just in case they need any help." Bhishma explained.

"But that does not seem right Mahamahim. Then what's the point of the Conquest if Narayani Sena is going to win it for them?" Shakuni argued.

"Looks like you're too fond of Narayani Sena, isn't it Gandhar Raj? And anyways, Krishn has not taken even a single soldier with them." Vidur defended.

"Whatever it is, even if Nakul and Sahadev return from the South, they won't have more than 100 kingdoms supporting them." Shakuni dogded, clearly referring to Jarasandh.

"What do you want to mention Shakuni?" Dhritarshtra raised his brow.

"Your dear Putra Duryodhan's incomplete Ashwamedh Yagya." Shakuni bitterly stated as Bhishma got up.

"I'm not going to allow that ritual if your army once again decides to march towards Dwarka, singlehandedly get defeated, degrade Hastinapur in their Rajsabha and then return back." Bhishma said in a heated tone.

"Further, Dwarkadheesh, as a punishment, has asked to temporarily delay the Yagya and we should thank him for declaring such a linient punishment instead of handcuffing the four of you for trespassing and unnecessary threatening.
And also, for sparing Kingdom of Gandhar and Ang desh out of this." Vidur fired back, putting up a straight face.

"If, by any chance, we find out that not Dwarkadheesh Vasudev but Dhriti is behind all these descions then........" Shakuni fumed.

"Then?" Bhishma calmly asked.

"Then you'll see......." He warned, storming out towards Duryodhan's chambers, worrying Vidur about his bad intentions towards Dhriti.

"What am I listening Mamashree?" Dushasan walked towards Shakuni.

"How would I know what you've heard, idiot?" Shakuni hissed, walking towards a large table.

"What are these crossed marks on this huge parchment Mamashree?" Duryodhan walked towards him.

"Times Pandu's only daughter has acted oversmart just to let us down." Shakuni said, aggressively crossing out one more box on the sheet.

"Your Mata must've always told you that I've hurted my leg merely due to playing or waging a war, but No! That's not the case! I've stabbed my own leg, to keep reminding myself." Shakuni shouted, echoing throughout the entire room.

"Remind what?" Dushasan asked, as Duryodhan walked nearer, counting the number of crosses.

"Remind myself that my dear sister was insulted and was made to step away from the throne of a Maharani. Why? Just because the quick witted and rationale of the Man of Reasons-- Vidur and no one, nit even Bhishma questioned it!
His sharpness made Pandu, Hastinapur Samrat and that Kunti, Maharani of Hastinapur." Shakuni raged.

"Mamashree! What does Dhriti have to do with this? She wasn't even born when all these tragic things happened." Dushasan, for once spoke something reasonable.

"Pandu is not alive for me to take my revenge from him. But Kunti ,Vidur and Bhishma are. There is no chance or any sense for me to avenge me and my sister in front of them.
Believe it or not, Dhriti IS and WILL BE Pandu and Kunti's favourite child.
Apple of Bhishma's eyes and Vidur will treat him as his own daughter.
So when I received the news of Dhriti's unusual birth from a Lotus by the hands of a godly man, I thought why not centre this child a ground of my vegenance?
Turned out your cousin was not like other girls. Nothing went the way I planned.
Instead of considering her as a burden to Kuruvansh, she was treated like Lakshmi for Hastinapur's prolonging prosperity since her birth.
She was the reason of the constant solidity and firmness of her five brothers.
Then she was turned into a warrior under great Acharya Drona.
Then, I started realizing, I can't cut out Dhriti's way with any ease, so I've adopted my ploys." Shakuni gave a long explanation of his entire evil heart as Duryodhan, stunned, stood at his place while Dushasan was almost spooked out.

"Mama-mamashree, Dhriti, she's - she's just a naive girl. And these 10 crosses already under her name?
So much loathe towards her?" Duryodhan nervously asked.

"10 crosses..... 10 different times Dhriti made it almost impossible for me to reach my goals.

Terribly defeated and insulted Dushasan at the Kala Pradarshan opening Yudhishthir's chances of being the Yuvraj.

It was her brain that the Pandavas and Kunti escaped Varanavat.

She's the reason for my dear Purochan's death.

Secured that characterless Drupad Kanya's self esteem by defending her purity.

Married Vasudev's son Krishn, against all odds.

Blackmailed me into sending Kunti to Indraprasth along with her brothers.

Summoned the might King of God's and helped the 5 of them to establish and turn Khandavprasth into Indraprasth.

Solely, unaidedly won against the four of us, temporarily  detained your Ashvamedh Yagya.

Along with Arjun, it was her who overpowered Najraj Takshak for the second time, once again making my plan lay flat in front of them.

And now, helping her brothers to complete their southern expedition to declare Yudhishthir as a Chakravarti Samrat just like their father.

Remember one thing the two of you. I'm not going to let that happen. I'm not letting Dhriti be a barrier to my aims anymore.
Her mother, Kunti is Rajmata of Indraprasth now. Her eldest son is a King. Other sons are bestowed with god-like personas and have a raging woman like Yagyaseni as her daughter-in-law. Her own daughter, revered and praised across the whole of Aryavart. Who knows, she'll be the next Maharani after Devki and Rohini.
Kunti has everything a woman, as a mother would ever pray for.
And your Mata Gandhari? Have put herself in that blind penance for your father and what did she get in return? A son like you, not even capable of completing one single yagya?
Don't know how, but soon its absolutely over for Dhriti." Shakuni said, banging his hands on the parchment.


"Now what should I have first, there are soo many things." Dhriti thought, looking at the huge thali, with the special delicacies served in front of her, while everyone else had already started digging into the tasty food.

"Hm.... Sweet, spicy, salted or tangy? Okay, I'll drink water first." She gave up, picking the glass full of water.

"You got spiced up even before tasting that food?" Sahadev chuckled.

After being in a lot of dilemma, Dhriti finally started eating as Kanha, for the first time, confusingly looked at her finding it hard to do her favourite thing.

"Maharaj Vibhishan, the food here was so tasty." Kanha smiled, admiring his hospitality.

"Yes Maharaj, after so many days, felt like we are back home." Nakul and Sahadev spoke.

"I'm glad I got a chance to serve you all." The king contently spoke.

"Rajkumari, do you need anything else?" A royal lady, must be around the same age as Dhriti warmly looked at her, sensing her quietness.

"Uh- No Jiji, I guess I'm done." Dhriti gave an awkward smile.

"You can tell me if anything around is making you uncomfortable. I'm here to sort it out." She patted before getting up.

"Are you angry on me or something?" Kanha chuckled, sitting beside Dhriti who had already closed her eyes full of tiredness.

"Why would I be angry on YOU Kanha?" She tiredly smiled, her eyes still closed.

"Don't know, for the first time, I'm not able to arrive on any conclusion about your behavior. What happened?" He softly spoke.

"Kanha...... Do you remember, there was a girl, in Ayodhya. Who used to talk about me everywhere she went?" Dhriti grinned in sudden excitement.

"That little one who used to give me different flowers for you everyday?" Kanha beamed, now laying beside her.

"Yeah, and you used to take all the credits for that." She giggled, pinching his cheek.

"I had my reasons. Everyone used to find ways to impress you, I was left alone, without any idea. Therefore I befriended her and she happily handed me the flowers without missing a day for her Siya Mata." Kanha confessed, putting his arm around her.

"Impress me? Oh Kanha!" Dhriti kept on laughing.

"But she really loved you so much. Even after you were at the ashram, she used to hand over the flowers to me or Urmila. And even after telling her that her Siya Mata wasn't here at Ayodhya, she never listened." Kanha closed his eyes, remembering the innocent little child, forever patiently waiting for Siya to return and meet her, but unfortunately she never did.

"I was soo touched by her devotion, that I had decided to give her my mul-darshan. But Rishi Valmiki and Devarshi stopped me, saying that this wasn't her fate in this birth." She eagerly looked in his eyes with her fair cheeks imparting a color similar to bright red roses.

"She was really sweet. But what about her, ever so suddenly?" Kanha questioningly looked at her, not quiet understanding her sudden eagerness.

"Nah! Just aise hi. Nothing special.
By the way, her name was Indu." She smiled before giving a slight disappointed pout and pulled the covers on herself and Kanha, expecting him to have a good night's sleep as well.


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