Pandava's Last Conquest

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"Bhabhi, I want to tell you something!" Subhadra blurted out a she walked along with Kanha and Dhriti, through the main city as the trio was running some errands for Devki.

"I'll.... Be back in sometime." Kanha smiled at the two of them as he happily left the scene, knowing what was about to happen.

"Why would he do that?" Subhadra looked at Kanha in confusion.

"Must have some other work, Bhadra. Anyways what do wanted to tell me? You've been saying this since the last whole year." Dhriti smiled as they continued walking. Their simple clothes with almost no ornaments making the two of them hard to recognize.

"Yes Bhabhi we were so immersed with Prativindhya, Shatanik, Sutasom and Nisatha that everytime I just tend to forget telling you." Subhadra spoke.

"Oh so you have been keeping that thing to yourself since Prativindhya and Nisatha's birth.
Bhadra that's like 3 years back!" Dhriti nearly exclaimed, stopping in her tracks.

"I was scared, Bhabhi" She held her hands.

"Subhadra! Now you're scared of telling things to me? Am I like really scary?" Dhriti smiled in shock.

"No, but this is not a small thing Bhabhi." Subhadra replied, her pace getting slower.

"Are you stuck in some problem? Tell me fast so we can get out of it." Dhriti squinted her eyes.

"Princesses! Krishn has called the two of you back to the palace, now. Also, you're very recognizable." Dau chuckled, pointing at Dhriti.

"Bhratashree? But he was here just now." Subhadra spoke as Dau nodded knowing how eratically Kanha can be everywhere.

"Its just because you know it's me. Otherwise no one can--" Dhriti started.

"Jiji! You did not join us this morning with Bhaiya. So you were here!" A little girl came running towards her a Dau cleared his throat making Subhadra laugh.

"Enough now Dau! Let's go." Dhriti laughed at her silliness, climbing on the chariot.

"What work does bhratashree has ever so suddenly that we're not even allowed to complete Devki Maa's work?" Subhadra asked.

"Actually Kanha as some work with her, he has called both of you because we won't leave you wandering here all alone." The protective Dau, revealed as Subhadra huffed.

"Okay okay, but Bhabhi get ready for Devki Maa's scoldings." Subhadra shook her.

"Devki Maa scolds?" Dhriti laughed earning a look from two of them.

"Not everyone is her favourite child like you." The siblings said in unision as they reached the palace.

"You wanted to tell me something na. We'll meet later? Yeah ofcourse we will." Dhriti laughed walking towards her chambers.

"We somehow live in the same house Dhriti." Dau reminded as they parted their ways.

"Where did you suddenly disappeared earlier?" Dhriti smiled entering her chambers.

"Did Subhadra tell you what she was about to?" Kanha asked.

"No. She was about to, but then Dau called us. Don't know why, but I think she was not sure about telling me maybe? Girl has been hiding it since three years." Dhriti rubbed her temple, sitting beside Kanha.

"That's good for now." Kanha sighed in relief knowing that Subhadra didn't open up about that matter to Dhriti so soon.

"Who's this letter from?" She smiled, ignoring Kanha's reply on Subhadra's weird behavior as she thought to give the little one some more time.

"Dear Didi and Vasudev Bhaiya....." Kanha started reading with a smile on his face.

"My Nakul and Sahadev." She clapped her hands in joy, asking Kanha to read further.

"Its a very elaborate one. Long story short, we gotta go." Kanha got up, smirking.

"I'm not up for any adventure, Kanha." She simply stated, resting her head, loaded with the royal headpieces on his broad shoulder.

"Nakul and Sahadev have under them, the kingdoms of Mahishmati, Kishkindha, Kanchi, Chola, Dravid, Mahendragiri along with other kingdoms.
But now the real problem has arose." Kanha stated as Dhriti raised her eyebrow.

"Vibhishan's army has temporarily stopped their final expedition right at the Ram Setu." Kanha revealed as they instantly looked at each other, before breaking into a loud laughter.

"I would love to see their interactions." Kanha spoke further.

"Ram Setu......" Dhriti smiled as she closed her eyes, taking a trip down the memory lane.

"I'm coming!" She finally beamed getting up.

"No it's completely fine. Afterall, you weren't up for any adventure na?" Kanha teased making her sit down.

"Really I am feeling a bit tired these days, but I'm still coming. I haven't met the two of them for almost a year. And meeting Maharaj Vibhishan would be great." She smiled.

"Tired and Chanchala have no relations please." Kanha laughed as Dhriti nodded, falling down on the bed in an irregular pattern.

"Alright then, take some rest tired lady, I'll inform this to Pitashree and Dau." Kanha smiled, lovingly running a hand on her head.

"Also, ask Kritavarma not to send an entire regiment of Narayani Sena with us." Dhriti chuckled as Kanha nodded, taking a leave.


"You all should kindly wait here, before Maharaj arrives." One of the soldier conversed with Sahadev as he sighed turning around.

"Rajkumar, we all suggest you to respect Maharaj's orders since it's his territory now on." He stopped Nakul from moving closer to the Setu, now occupied by the army.

"Yes yes, I'm absolutely respecting your Maharaj's order. Just trying to make this stone float like the other." Nakul spoke as he craved 'Jay Shri Ram' on the stone.

"It is said, only the ones having true devotion towards Shri Ram and Devi Sita Mata can make the stones float here." The soldier bent down, giving a small smile, hoping he would succeed in his attempts.

"I'm a Lakshmi-Narayan Bhakt.
Oh look, it floated. Sahadev, come here with your gloomy face. Look at this!" He called in excitement.

"You're worthy Rajkumar. Now let me see." Sahadev patted him, picking up another stone.

"We both are true devotees. I'm going to ask Didi and Vasudev Bhaiya to do this as well once they arrive." Nakul laughed.

"Good you reminded me, did we receive any letter from Dwarka? No?" Sahadev asked his military general while Nakul had a talk with some group of Vibhishan's sainiks, knowing more about Lanka.

"This was where Prabhu Ram made a Shiv Linga from the nearby sand to worship him and this Ramnathaswamy temple is built after him." The soldier showed him around.

"Also, after Sita Mata left Ashok Vatika, Sita Amman Temple was built to honour and worship her devotion and endurance." He pointed towards the far end of the Setu as Nakul smiled.

*At the same time*

"Kanha! Stop the chariot." Dhriti mumbled with nearly shut, tightly holding his arm, as Kanha slowed down the horses.

"Priya, what's the matter?" Kanha asked giving her some water.

"Nothing! Too much heat." She spoke, washing the sweat off her face, as she gave a reassuring smile to him.

"You need some rest....." Kanha smiled, affectionately carassing her as she nodded.

"This is Rameshwaram. So that's Shri Ram Setu there." She smiled to herself as Kanha gave her a hand, helping her climb down the chariot.

"Nakul and Sahadev are well versed with our surprises now. We need to think something different." Kanha spoke slowly approaching them.

"He's the general of their army. I've seen him with Jyesth a couple of times." Dhriti eyed at his camp.

"Are you thinking, what I am thinking?" Kanha smirked as the two of them grabbed their swords, tiptoeing towards the general's tent.

"I'm going be in trouble if this stone hurts his head." Dhriti silently laughed, hitting the stone on his tent, making a loud noise.

"Who's out there! Come in front of me!" Both of them heard his demanding voice as Dhriti cleared her throat.

"We don't want to come in front of you. We want you to bring the two Rajkumars-- what's their name, yeah Nakul and Sahadev in front of us." Dhriti spoke in an unbelievably coarse voice, suppressing her laughters.

"Alert them! We're coming for an attack. Right now." Kanha joined hearing Nakul and Sahadev rapidly walking in their direction as the hid behind the woods.

"The voice came from here?" Nakul asked, standing right in front of the tree behind which Dhriti was hiding.

"Oh nice. We're doomed Priye. I'll go scare Sahadev, you take care of the other one." Kanha looked at her as she nodded.

"Who are you? Hiding behind these bushes?" Sahadev questioned as Kanha intentionally made loud sounds of his footsteps, driving him away from the rest.

"Will you just keep looking around or thinking about using your weapon?" Dhriti questioned, pulling a dark shawl to cover her face.

"No one can defeat me in sword fighting." He grinned, proudly holding up his sword.

"Alright, Alright we don't do that here.
Stopped practising with me for a few months and voila, considering yourself as the greatest swordsman? Time for lessons favourite kid." Dhriti thought before appearing in front of him.

"Savdhan Rajkumar!" She smirked as their swords clashed.

The kept doing the same for a few more minutes until Kanha and Sahadev arrived from the other side, now discussing something funny with each other.

"That's good. His pride needed some trashing up from a long time." Sahadev chuckled at Nakul struggling to have a duel in front of Dhriti.

It did not take much time for Dhriti to switch to her signature skill of flicking the sword from the opponents hand as she did the same with Nakul.

An expression of horror took over Nakul's face as he saw his fallen sword.

"Didi?!" Nakul looked at her in perplexity.

"Well hello my dear brother." She smiled, removing the shawl covering her face as Nakul took no time in hugging her back.

"You scared me to death. I thought someone else has mastered you skills now." He spoke slowly.

"I'll train your son to do that. Where's the other one." She laughed, looking out  for Sahadev as he approached.

"I've missed you soo much, Didi. Nakul even cried." Sahadev chuckled, gaining a light punch from Nakul.

"And how are my three little nephews doing?" Kanha piped in with his usual smile.

"Prativindhya is a chatter box unlike Bhrata Yudhishthir or Panchali, just like you both, very influential people I must say.
Shatanik has started walking and the first word he uttered was Bua, and it really didn't surprise me." Nakul chuckled as Dhriti had a different kind of beam on her face.

"And Sutasom is the splitting image of Bhrata Bheem and I guess that's enough to explain how he really is even at 10 months." Sahadev excitedly spoke.

"Come I have to show something to both of you." Nakul pulled Kanha and Dhriti towards the Ram Setu.

"This is the Ram Setu. Isn't it just mesmerizing? The embodiment of true love." Nakul announced as Dhriti looked at Kanha who bent down touching the rocks with a teary smile on his face.

"Didi, Bhaiya, you know, the sipahis standing there told me that only true devotees of Siya-Ram can make the rocks float here. And-and I was able to do it didi." Nakul narrated as Dhriti smiled at his overjoyus discovery.

"You indeed are a my true devotee, brother." Dhriti smiled at her thoughts.

"Didi, what are you thinking about?" Nakul shook her out of her thoughts.

"Even I am Shri Narayan's devotee." She saw Kanha profoundly smiling at her statement as Dhriti picked up a rock.

"Jay Shri Ram....." She mumbled while carving it on the rock as it floated on the water.

"Siya var Ramchandra ki jai....." Kanha proudly spoke, managing to make the rock float, to everyone's utter shock, without carving anything on it.

"You did not even--" Sahadev looked at him in amazement, but his conversation was interrupted.

"Lankadhipati, Sapta Chiranjivi Maharaj Shri Vibhishan is approaching." His close minister announced as they made their way through the Ram Setu.

The everlasting warm, welcoming look of Vibhishan was one of the major aspect of his King like personality. A small smile for reciprocation appeared on Nakul and Sahadev's faces as they walked to greet and pay their respects.

"Pranipat Maharaj Vibhishan." The twins spoke in unision, joining their hands.

"Pranam Pandu Putro. I hope you know the reason behind this barrier in your journey." He kindly smiled at them as Nakul and Sahadev gave a slight nod, looking at each other.
While Vibhishan's gaze landed upon Kanha and Dhriti standing at a distance behind them. A feeling of familiarity struck his mind but was instantly washed away as he tried to remember.

"Mitra Vibhishan....." Kanha's divine voice seemed to ring only in his dear bhakt, his companion's ears as the former tried to find his guardian deities, the supreme beings.


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