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A sudden trail of energy flowed through Dhriti's body waking her up as she blankly sat on her bed.

Today's events have still not left her mind. Her constant queries of not seeing Mahalakshmi, then the sudden appearance of Alakshmi and the visions of SamudraManthan had kept her thoughts in splits.

She moved to drink some water realizing that the last few days have been tiring her a lot. Not that she was complaining about it, but her curiosity was driving her crazy.

She walked outside her chambers. The Palace was surprisingly quiet. It was just the wind circulating around. She observed the layout of the Palace which looked completely different. Each and every wall, every pillar was decorated with flowers. Pots with little lotuses floating in it were placed every now and then. The way everybody managed to pull the decorations and preparations made her smile. She was grateful. The doubts in her mind immediately washing away as she turned towards her room but a small scream left her mouth.

"Didi! Shhhhh." Nakul sighed.

"Nakul! What is this- oh bhrata Bheem?" She giggled looking at the plate he was holding in his hands.

"Just because I'm the younger one, I have to do this. You know this has become a part of my routine in such a way that there's no need for him to wake me up. I'm already awake at midnight waiting for him to come and tell me that he's hungry. " Nakul ranted as he took Dhriti with him to Bheem's room.

"Take this Bhratashree. Don't even give us a single bite from it. Eat it all by yourself." He sarcastically said placing the plate in front of him making the other two laugh.

"As you wish dear Nakul." Bheem said eating all what he got as the younger siblings left his room.

"Nakul! I can't sleep." Dhriti said shaking him.

"I know what we can do!" He said pulling her to her room.

"What are you finding Nakul?" Dhriti asked as Nakul tried finding something.

"Found it! Found it yes!" He said bringing a handful of marbles towards her.

"You want to place marbles right now?" She asked looking at him.

"So you want to sit and stare the ceiling?" He asked.

"You have a point somehow." She giggled arranging the marbles on the floor as both of them started playing.

"What a cheater! Did you just hide half of the marbles Nakul?" Dhriti laughed in annoyance.

"Those are mine now. I have won it." He yawned, laying his head his Dhriti's lap.

"Tired or don't wanna lose?" Dhriti said ruffling his hair.

"Didi, let me sleep like this. Just a two more days before the wedding." Nakul's voice cracked.

"Nakul? Are you crying?" Dhriti asked bending down to look at his face.

"I'm going to miss you Didi. What will I do without you?" He asked, now completely crying.

"Nakul..... I'm not the only one in the world. You have so much to do. Keep yourself occupied. Learn new things. And you have your animals with you dear brother. Sure you'll miss me. I'll miss you all too." She said wiping his tears.

"Didi..... Whom will I wake up every night for Bhrata Bheem's food hunt? Who will laugh on my jokes? And who will save me from Panchali's glares when I act like a kid." He cried further as tears now started slipping down Dhriti's face.

"Its not always necessary for people whom we love to be in our sight forever. We don't have Pitashree and Mata Madri with us but their presence is always felt because they're here." She said pointing towards her heart.

"Coming to your Panchali, she loves each and every single one of you a lot. Don't you ever think otherwise. She's hard on the outside but she has a soft heart Nakul. Nurture her, give her the respect she deserves. She has been through a lot and her sacrifice is above all." Dhriti explained as her brother nodded.

"Seems like you have a solution to every problem. So whom will I tease and run behind. Can you imagine didi, we're not going to be the chaotic siblings goofing around anymore." He said sitting straight.

"So what? We knew we had to grow up at some point of time. This is the time." She said wiping her tear stains.

"Yeah. You're right didi." Nakul said smiling.

"Yeah yeah. Can't believe you're the same person crying a few minutes ago." Dhriti laughed.

"Humans cry didi." Nakul said getting up.

"Yeah that's what! Humans cry." She said suppressing her laughs.

"Haha. Very funny. This remains with us. You're not going to tell anybody that I cried. I'm a strong brother. And this is one of the many secrets I've shared with you in my entire life." Nakul said turning back.

"Alright alright. Your secret is safe with me Rajkumar." She smiled.

"Now go get some sleep. I'm sure Panchali will come to shake you out of your dreams in a few hours. Its your haldi tomorrow. Feels like I'm going to play holi." He laughed exiting the room as Dhriti finally decided to get a bit of her beauty sleep.


"Oh where are my heavy jewels today?" Dhriti asked as she sat in front of her mirror, adoring the light yellow coloured lehenga she was wearing for her Haldi.

"You're unpredictable Rajkumari! Yesterday you were nearly ranting about how heavy they were, and now that we're putting these beautiful flowers, you're asking for them." Her dasi said making others chuckle.

"You'll miss my rants." She said faking disappointment.

"You know you've been telling this to almost everyone in the Palace." Draupadi laughed tying the jasmine bajubands on her arms and chrysanths around her forehead.

"So how's all the preparations going?" Sulabha asked as she entered the room.

"Pranam Kakishree." Draupadi and Dhriti smiled as Sulabha approached.

"My putri is looking so beautiful and gentle. But I specially came here to inform that someone please take her to Mata Parvati's temple before Haldi. Because you're not allowed to leave the Palace until the wedding day. And not to mention, not allowed to meet my son-in-law as well." Sualabha patted her as the room filled with giggles.

"The Haldi is today, and the wedding is day after tomorrow. So these ladies won't allow me to visit the Mandir for one whole day?" Dhriti mumbled thinking.

"Don't worry Sakhi! For so many years, you came to worship me everyday without fail. Now as your closest one, its time for me to come and meet you." Parvati gently smiled as she waited for the right time to appear on the land of the immortals.

"Govind and everyone else have already arrived. Now come on girls let's go. " Draupadi smiled as her pondering eyes looked at Dhriti who excitedly smiled back.

The smile on everybody's faces grew bigger as they saw the girls entering the enormous pavilion specially created for the ceremony.

Kanha smiled at the sight of Dhriti decked with his favourite flowers, quiet opposite to her gold and jewel laden look.

Dhriti felt his sweet gaze on her but decided to look down as she had decided to listen to Panchali's tips for once.

The girls slowly and carefully made her sit on a flower decorated seat beside Kanha as she finally looked up and smiled at him.

Her sight, habitually observing the whole of the mandap fell on her 5 brothers approaching both of them with a seperate pot filled with the turmeric-sandalwood paste for each one of them.

"I'm going to pour this on you Keshav and Dhriti." Arjun laughed.

"In your dreams bhratashree. Its haldi not holi." Dhriti laughed as Bheem gave her a 'we'll see that later' look.

"Bhrata Yudhisthir, you as well?" Kanha chuckled in shock, looking at Yudhisthir mischievously smiling.

"Ofcourse! My only sister's Haldi and am I going to get another chance?" He laughed as Dau, Revati and Subhadra approached.

"Well, you five are not alone. I'm going to tag along as well. I'm going to do the exact same things you did to me during our wedding Kanha." Dau said pulling Kanha's ear.

"Alright everyone, we should start the Haldi before it gets late for the meal our ladies have prepared." Vidur happily  announced as all the youngsters looked at their elders to put a start to it.

Bhishma nodded towards Gandhari and Devki, giving the two mothers the right to perform it first as Devki helped Gandhari apply the paste on both their faces.

"I'll apply in small amounts so your siblings can take over." Devki beamed as she applied little of it on Kanha's and Dhriti's cheeks.

"Haldi keeps all the evil beings and bad omen away from the bride and groom. And also brings prosperity to their wedded life." Kunti explained as she applied it on their hands.

"And it also gives a good glow to our bride and groom before the wedding." Revati added applying it on their hands and legs.

"Don't expect me to apply like Matashree did." Draupadi giggled as she took a handful of the paste and put it on Dhriti's face making her squint her eyes.

"Ugh Bhabhi!" She softly giggled holding her hand as Kanha chuckled.

"Don't you laugh Govind!" Panchali turned towards him gently rubbing the haldi all over his face.

"Leave something for us Panchali." Sahadev called as she nodded taking a leave.

"Let everyone take their turn Sahadev, we'll go last." Nakul grinned as his brothers nodded.

"Subhadrae, I know you won't abruptly put that haldi on us." Kanha smirked at her.

"Says who bhratashree!" She exclaimed covering Kanha's face with haldi as Dhriti pouted at his condition.

"So Draupadi Jiji told me how you don't like the early morning turmeric - sandalwood baths." Subhadra laughed putting the haldi on Dhriti's hands and legs.

"We'll see you later dear Subhadra!" Kanha and Dhriti, unknowingly said in unison.

A lot of time had passed by, almost each and everyone from the Palace, ofcourse except the 5 brothers, had applied haldi on the bride and groom's faces.

Yudhisthir eyed his siblings as they walked towards Dhriti and Kanha.

"Hey Prabhu! Get ready for your ultimate celebration. Altough all of us wished to be there celebrating with you both, its more exciting to enjoy it from here." Narad said making Kanha chuckle.

Kanha was brought out from a mentally conversation with his dear Devarshi when Arjun started wiping the haldi from his face and hands while Bheem did the same with Dhriti.

"What happened? You all aren't applying and playing holi?" Dhriti asked looking up.

"Ofcourse we are. Just wanted to do it from the start. Ahaa now see how pleasing it would be to do it over again." Yudhisthir smiled.

"What stupidity are they upto?" Duryodhan asked standing far away.

"Not every thing they do is stupidity Mitra." Karna heartily laughed as he looked at both of them, being drenched in haldi once again.

"Bhratashree! My hair. Ahaha what is this." Dhriti said putting a hand on her face as everyone giggled.

"Arey Didi look here!" Nakul giggled holding her hands as Bheem nearly poured the pot down.

"Crybaby.... I'll see you later." She whispered as Nakul immediately left her hands as he sat beside her, trying to take deep breaths but ending up laughing.

"Parth...." Kanha playfully smiled.

"Keshav....." Arjun said in the same way, putting the paste on his face as Kanha tried to stop him, eventually giving up.

"Not Parth.... Say Brihannala." Dhriti softly chuckled.

"What did you say?" Arjun laughed turning towards her.

"Exactly what you heard." Dhriti smirked holding a handful of haldi in both her hands.

"No!" Sahadev laughed.

"Yes! Why not?" She said applying it on each one of their faces.

"Putro, enough now. Its already afternoon. Now let both of them apply some of it to each other and let's end it here." Kunti said as Dhriti turned towards Kanha, beaming brightly, gently applying it on his nose.

"Now my turn!" He mischievously smiled as he colored her cheeks with both is hands as everyone stood there, adoring them.

"Devi Shakti, Devi Saraswati, its time." Brahma revealed as the two Goddesses smiled at each other.

"Mahadev, Narad and Nandi shall join the two of you shortly.
But mind it that Dhriti does not remember anything. Make sure you both don't make her realize her true identity before Narayan thinks it's the right time." Brahma gently warned.

"And take some colourful lotuses for Mata Lakshmi. Me and Narad have specially brought it all the way from Vaikunth." Nandi smiled handing them over to Parvati.

"We all know how much Shree is loved here. And down there as well." Saraswati said making everyone smile as the ladies closed their eyes, creating their way down to earth.


Dear readers, I may or may not update a part tomorrow as I have an important test.

I hope you guys understand.

Although I'll try to put an update, I felt like informing you guys. In case I don't, I'm really sorry.

Hope you like this part.
If you do, don't forget to vote and comment.

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