Shiv-Parvati and Saraswati on Earth

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"One at a time brothers! I have two hands only!" Dhriti giggled holding a large bowl of warm oil Kunti brought earlier.

"Mata said massaging your head with this oil will make you less chaotic." Dhriti chuckled pouring some oil on her palms.

"We all know who's chaotic here." Arjun snapped.

"I did not even say that Dhriti." Kunti crossed her hands.

"Yes yes you did mata. When Bhrata Bheem and Bhrata Duryodhan used to fight. You and Badi Maa used to say this. But seems like Badi Maa forgot to apply it on Bhrata Duryodhan's head." Dhriti explained making everyone laugh on her remark.

"After you go, Duryodhan will miss one of the two people with whom he used to fight day and night." Kunti smiled.

"He won't even shed a single tear. Infact he would be the happiest man alive." Bheem said.

"We'll see that Putra. Now someone come fast and sit infront of her, before the oil flows down." Kunti said as all the 5 of them gathered around her.

"I'm Jyesht soo...."  Yudhisthir grinned.

"That does not matter. Even I'm the youngest then." Sahadev reasoned.

"I'm the favourite." Nakul smirked.

"Keep fighting." Arjun laughed as he took a seat in front of Dhriti leaving the others dumbstruck.

"I'm next!" Nakul said before anyone tried to open their mind.

"Where's Draupadi Bhabhi?" Dhriti asked applying oil in his hair.

"She said she'll bring something to keep us awake all night. Afterall she wants everyone to spend this quality night with her dear Dhriti." Bheem dramatically explained.

"Oh here she comes!" Sahadev said looking at Draupadi holding something in her hands.

"What have you brought to keep us up all night bhabhi?" Dhriti asked looking the box.

"Chausar!" She happily exclaimed putting down the game as the smile on Dhriti's face slowly faded.

"Come on! Take your respective pawns." She said as all the brothers sat on one side leaving Draupadi alone on the other.

"Dhriti, now come and sit beside me, I'm alone." Draupadi called her.

"I... I don't play Chausar Bhabhishree." Dhriti completed.

"Don't play? But why?" Draupadi questioned.

"She dosent like the concept of gambling." Yudhisthir interrupted as Dhriti lightly nodded.

"But we aren't staking on anything." Draupadi reasoned, still trying to convince her.

"Whether someone stakes something or not, I feel negative about it. Like something bad might occur out of it. Like you know this game seems so manipulative. But that's just my intuition. Carry on." She sarcastically said.

"Can you guys please understand my intuitions?" Dhriti thought.

"If they started understanding your intuitions, they would be changing the games of destiny. So let them be Priya. Don't stress yourself." Kanha smiled.

"You're not asleep Kanha?" Dhriti smiled unknowingly.

"We're not allowed to meet each other. But we can talk na?" Kanha smirked.

"Ofcourse ofcourse. I know you miss me." Dhriti joked.

"Yeah yeah, as if you don't." Kanha teased back as Dhriti zoned back to reality.

"Bhrata Arjun, should I braid your hair. Please?" Dhriti asked cheekily.

"What! Absolutely no. Crazy girl." Arjun said in horror.

"Please please." Dhriti said dividing his comparatively long hair into three different sections.

"Dhriti! Mata tell her." Arjun whined.

"Please Mata. Just once. And...." Dhriti said.

"And?" Arjun asked.

"I heard Brihannala had long braided hair." Dhriti whispered, breaking into laughter.

"I knew it from the start that you'll talk about this all our lives. My children, your children, our grandchildren, everyone everyone." Arjun said turning around.

"Aha don't turn around. The braid would be messed. And that would be a good bedtime story for children." Dhriti giggled as Arjun gave up, losing the argument.

"Everyone look here! Look at this braid. Isn't my bhrata looking cute?" Dhriti asked grabbing everyone's attention as they fell into fits of laughter. Specially Draupadi and Nakul.

"Come on Dhriti. Now untie it. Fast!" Arjun said restlessly.

"Kanha, did you see this. Are you seeing this?" Dhriti giggled thinking.

"Yes yes. I'll always remember Parth looking like this. Can someone please make a painting of this?" Kanha laughed as Dhriti finally let Arjun's hair free as he got up and sat away from her.

"Okay now. Who was next? I guess Nakul. " Dhriti grinned.

"No no! I'm fine and happy here. Playing the game. I don't want a massage. Not a braid." He laughed as Dhriti stretched her hands, relaxing.

"Kanha! Why did you sound so low? What's the matter?" Dhriti asked closing her eyes.

"Sometimes I feel worried about you Priye." Kanha said knowing exactly what's about to happen in the future.

"Oh Kanha! I know I'm a bit of a chaotic child, but I promise I won't put you in any sorts of trouble." She gently smiled.

"No Priya, I absolutely adore the tenderness in your heart. But what the future upholds for each of you put me in fearful thoughts. Will you be okay? Or you won't?
I don't wanna lose you like I did back then. That too, just because of the society's crappy thoughts." Kanha spoke, explaining things, not realizing that Dhriti heard his last sentence as well.

"I'll be alright Kanha! And I'll make sure everyone else will be the same as well. And I don't even know what future holds for us. And you'll be with me, won't you?" Dhriti asked, now concerned about what Kanha spoke.

"Ofcourse I'll be there. I'm not going to leave you anywhere alone in any situation." Kanha reassured.

"Then why did you say, you don't wanna lose me again? When did you lose me Kanha? And who's crappy thoughts? I feel like I should know something but I don't? I'm missing something major. I can feel it." Dhriti questioned.

"Uh yeah. Like I did not have you in Vrindavan, you did not have me here when we were younger. Yes that's what I meant." Kanha said.

"You usually, I mean you never stutter Kanha. I know something's bothering you. Take some rest. We can talk about that later." She smiled assuring him.

"Priya, no one can be as understanding as you are. Anyways! Be careful. Yagyaseni is coming to shake you out of your dreams." Kanha laughed as he was absolutely right. Draupadi stood near the chair shaking Dhriti making her open her eyes.

"Bhabhishree! I'm awake. Also, you don't let me sleep at night, you wake me up before sunrise. God knows what goes through your mind." Dhriti laughed getting up as everyone continued passing their time whilst sharing a few memories and Kunti telling them some unheard tales.


"The atmosphere here feels so different!" Saraswati said taking a deep breath as two of the Trinity Goddesses arrived on earth in their original form. The shine surrounding them so brightly, as if that morning's sun was beaming only upon them.

As soon as the goddesses put their first steps on earth, Bhudevi rose from her earthen abode, joining her hands.

"Hey Devi Saraswati, Devi Parvati, I, Bhudevi, heartily welcomes you to my earthly abode. The steps of your original forms have purified me and my children. May your blessings stay upon us forever." She said as the both the Devis blessed them, smiling as she returned to her place.

"Devi, Hastinapur is indeed beautiful, but I can imagine Sakhi later narrating me how pleasing her Vaikunth is." Parvati giggled as they started walking.

"Devi, We have arrived her safely. But how are we going to spend our time here before the wedding day? We can't roam in our original forms." Parvati asked turning towards Saraswati, who had a gentle smile spread on her face.

"I know what we should do." She assured Parvati.

"Should we wait for Devarshi, Nandi and Swami?" Parvati questioned.

"Don't worry Shakti Devi, they'll follow our lead. Now let's make our way towards your Bhrata Narayan's darshan." Saraswati said holding Gauri's hand as their bodies vanished.

On the other side of the Palace, Kanha was overjoyed to learn the arrival of Saraswati and Parvati, signalling that Mahadev and others would follow in no time.

"Pranam Narayan!" Saraswati and Parvati's melodies voices ringed as they appeared in front of Kanha. His ever long wait was finally over.

"Gauri! Devi Saraswati!" He smiled looking at them.

"Bhratashree...." Parvati approached to greet him as Saraswati smiled at their joyful interaction.

"You look so different yet same. And where's she? Where's my Lakshmi?" Parvati smiled finding for Dhriti.

"She's in her chambers. Must be sleeping Gauri. You can't meet her now. You can, only if you want to sneak out or something." Kanha and Parvati shared a laugh as he walked towards Saraswati to greet her.

"Let it be Trilokinath! These mischiefs suit you and our Lakshmi only. We both might get caught." Saraswati smiled.

"Hey Brahmabharya, at the start I asked you to fill my bansuri with your swars and you gladly did. Not to mention, my bansuri had helped me get away with my mischiefs almost every time.
So you're indirectly well versed with my pranks." Kanha replied, leaving no other option for her but to nod in agreement.

"We give up Bhrata. We can't defeat you in words. But my Swami, Devarshi and Nandi haven't arrived yet." Parvati said thinking.

"I hope they haven't lost or got in any trouble somehow." Kanha grinned knowing Nandi and Narad very well.

*At the same time*

"Prabhu.... Where are we?" Nandi said looking around.

"Devarshi said he knows the right way in here. So where are we Devarshi?" Mahadev and Nandi said turning towards him.

"Prabhu, right now we are in pure trouble." Narad whispered trying to hide from Mahadev's stare.

"What did you do now muni? Where are we?" Nandi asked chuckling.

"We're INSIDE the Hastinapur palace. Mata told us make our way from the outside." Narad confessed as Mahadev looked around to see if someone suddenly arrives.

"Oh Devarshi! This Palace is packed with dasis and sevaks at every step. We need to hide and find a way to Narayan's room." Mahadev said walking behind a huge pillar.

"Change the water from the lotus pots and replace the dried flowers with new ones. Each and every corner of the room should be lit." Draupadi's voice ringed through the hallways as she instructed the sevaks.

"Who is this Devi, Prabhu?" Nandi asked at Narad low-key glared at him to keep quite.

"Aha don't glare at me Munivar. You got the three of us in trouble." Nandi snapped back.

"I apologized for that Nandi! Now figure out a way." Narad whispered.

"Nandi! Narad! I should have sent one of you with Parvati and Devi Saraswati. Two of you together is a big mistake." Mahadev whispered without looking at  them as the other two looked down.

"Did you hear someone. Is there someone else other than us?" Draupadi asked taking a glance.

"Oh no. Prabhu, let's go back to Kailash. We'll come tomorrow. Directly in the wedding mandap." Nandi nodded making Narad giggle.

"No Rajkumari. We've been here keeping a watch. No one's around." A das informed as Draupadi nodded and returned to the room.

"Now I won't be going back to Kailash without meeting our Lakshmi-Narayan." Mahadev smiled still looking around.

"Need some help Devarshi?" Someone whispered grabbing the trios attention.

"Pranam Bholenath, Pranam Nandi and my dear Muni." Dau said greeting them.

"Seshji. What a correct timing." Mahadev smiled blessing him.

"How did you know we're stuck here Dau?" Narad asked.

"Shouldn't I be informed when my dear ones have finally arrived for Dwapara Yuga's biggest celebration?" Dau smiled looking around.

"Now now! This way is Krishn's room. You sure would have got caught if Yagyaseni would've turned around." Dau and Mahadev smiled as they finally entered Kanha's chambers.

A wide smile instantly spread on Kanha's face as he saw Dau and his Mitra Mahadev entering his chambers with Nandi and Narad closely following him.

"Mitra!" Mahadev let out as both of them embraced each other in a hug.

"Pranam Mata Shakti, Pranam Mata Saraswati." Dau , Nandi and Narad walked towards Parvati and Saraswati as the latter blessed them.

"What took you so long Munivar and Nandi?" Saraswati asked as Narad looked down in horror knowing what Nandi was about to say.

"This Munivar Devi. He got the three of us in trouble. Instead of arriving outside the Palace, we directly appeared here. And then we and to hide behind a huge pillar until Seshji came to rescue." Nandi narrated making the others chuckle.

"I knew Nandi and Narad together would lead to something like this." Kanha piped in as the formers touched his feet seeking blessings.

"Prabhu, I thought everyone must be busy with the preparations so we can, you know, easily get away." Narad gave a small nervous smile.

"Its alright Devarshi. I'm glad Dau was there on the right time." Kanha laughed patting Narad.

"But Bhratashree, now that we all are here, how are we going to disguise ourselves? Nobody shall know us." Parvati inquired.

"Don't worry Gauri. Me and Mitra has everything sorted out. Vishwakarma have made arrangements for your temporary stay. And don't worry, no one will figure out your true identity. Not even Priya." Kanha smirked looking at Shiva.

"Well, that's not done. I came here to meet her in the first place." Parvati crossed her arms and Mahadev assured her.

"Swami..... I can see worry spread on Bhrata Narayan's face. And I'm sure you know the reason. Why is he like this?" Parvati whispered standing close to mahadev.

"Shakti! This grand Lakshmi-Narayan Vivah would bring both of them a few step closer to the main reason of their incarnation.
They both incarnated as Sita and Ram to teach the world about family ideals and the utmost duty of a king and his queen.
Now, they're here to show the world the epitome of true love, the need of men-women equality, nari shakti and importance of Dharma above all. Lakshmi plays the most vital role in all this and Narayan is worried for her. " Mahadev explained looking back at her direction.

"Then let me assure Bhrata Narayan that my Sakhi is far more strong willed and powerful in this avatar, mirroring to her previous tender and mother like incarnation. Here she's the fierce side of Mahalakshmi. And her knowledge and talent matching to devi Saraswati, Her aggression and energy matching with mine.
This would be Mahalakshmi's most worshipped and most loved incarnation of all. She'll be the reason for change, and not for destruction. She'll nurture and slaughter at the same time.
The holy books would become sacred by this mention. " Parvati's proud statements melodiously left her lips.

"Tathastu....." Mahadev smiled. Exactly knowing  what was about to happen.


So , I decided to put up a chapter before the grand wedding (for which I'm so excited for!)

Hope you like it,
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