Homeward Bound

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Dhriti smiled at the sight in front of her eyes.

Her brothers, along with her Kanha standing at the gates of the Palace, with
wide smiles plastered on their faces, gladly waiting for her to arrive.

She looked around people hailing her's and Angraj's name repeatedly as she saw a spark of hope and joy in people's eyes.

As soon as the charioteer stopped in front of the Palace gates, Dhriti, without waiting for anyone, climbed down the chariot, more specifically jumped out and walked towards everyone.

She glanced at Kanha as a small smile crept her face.

"Be in your senses Dhriti, Pitamah, Kakashree, Badi Maa, Mata, Kakishree first." Dhriti reminds herself before turning towards them.

"Aayushyaman bhava putri." Tatshree said through a blur of tears in his eyes as he hugged her.

Everyone continued praising and blessing her and on the other hand Duryodhan moved ahead to pat his best friend who's head hung low.

"Mitra? You don't seem okay. Whats the matter?" Duryodhan asked as Shakuni seemed worried.

"Did our plan work out Angraj?" Shakuni asked.

"That's what we need to talk about Mamashree." Karna spoke lightly and they proceeded towards their room, meanwhile Dhriti, moved towards hers.

As soon as she entered her room, Dhriti let her body fall on her bed, when Bheem entered.

"Dhriti, Dhriti, Dhriti wake up. Don't sleep. " Bheem shakes her.

"Ugh Bhratashree, I'm not sleeping I'm up. Why are you panting?" She shot up offering him a glass of water.

"We're, I mean you are in a huge problem. Mata has called you." He said.

"What? I did not do any mischief. I swear by Maa Parvati. I was not even in the Palace." She got up as she fixed her angawastra.

"That's not the problem. Its bigger. You-you have been asked to cook food for everyone as a celebration for two victories today." Bheem explained suppressing his laugh looking at Dhriti's pale exoression as she ran towards Kunti's room.

"Mata, why? The whole Trilok would be aware of fact that I'm a terrible terrible cook. How did you agree on me cooking for everyone. " She said standing at the door only to realized not only Kunti, but Kanha, Dau, Dushala, Kakishree, Badi Maa and all her brothers we sitting there smiling at her plight as Bheem stood behind her laughing.

"Don't laugh anyone." She said turning back seeing Bheem.

"Even you don't laugh Bhratashree." She said as she ran towards her room in embarrassment as Kunti and Dushala called for her.

"Dhriti, Dhriti listen to me." Kunti smiled as she entered Dhriti's room.

"No mata, everyone will hate me if they eat whatever I prepare. Only if someone would have taught me how to cook in Acharya's Ashram." Dhriti said turning to her.

"Then what am I here for? I'll teach you how to cook. I'll help you. We'll make it together." Dushala smiled as she assured Dhriti.

"Really? And what do I do about the show I created a few minutes ago. " Dhriti asked smiling herself.

"We all can have a good laugh remembering it. Now come on, let's get started. We have to prepare everything in time." Saying so Dushala pulled Dhriti to the kitchen as they started preparing different dishes.


"What? Did she say this! I cant believe you got stuck up in her words Mitra." Duryodhan nodded in disappointment as Karna narrated everything that happened yesterday.

"We have to think of something else before this start running our of our hands." Shakuni said playing with his dices.

"What do we do now mamashree. She's never going to agree on marrying someone else now." Dushasan said punching his first on a pillar.

"We can do that. Today, everyone is going to gather for a special meal. I'll bring up the topic of Dhriti's swayamyar ahead of Dushala's marriage." Shakuni smirked .

"Mamashree, think practically. Even if we keep a swayamyar, who is going to stop Vasudev from coming there." Duryodhan said in frustration.

"Do you think your Pitashree and Tatshree would let their beloved Dhriti marry anyone other than a King? And I can see Vasudev is not a King. Not even a bit. Yadavas don't have a King Bhanjee." Shakuni explained.

"Mamashree you're right. All my worries seem to go away now." Duryodhan laughed as all four of them proceed towards the main palace for the meal.

*At the same time*

Kanha sat under a tree in the garden keenly listening to Shakuni's endless plots.

"Keshav! What are you thinking so much about?" Arjun asked as he sat beside him.

"About Priya...." Kanha continued.

"Oh really?" Arjun playfully smirked.

"About how she'll cook the food. And how we'll manage to eat it. Listen to the whole sentence Parth." Kanha laughed as Arjun nodded in agreement.


A look of nervousness covered Dhriti's face as she sat across Kanha, between Nakul and Arjun, observing everyone present in the main hall.

From Maharaj, Tatshree, Kakashree, Kul Guru, Drona and Ashwathama; to Badi Maa, Mata, Kakishree, Dau, Kanha, her brothers, Angraj and Shakuni waited for the food to be served.

"I just want to say one thing. Please forgive me even before eating the food. And don't curse me if you feel sick after eating this. I just don't intend to insult Annapurna Devi in this way." Dhriti announced gathering everyone's attention as they all chuckled at her nervousness.

Dhriti looked at the food, nicely served in the plates as she waited for everyone to take the first bite, keenly observing everyone's expression.

" I can't eat if someone is upset about the food." Dhriti looked down.

"Wow. Dhriti and Dushala, what a tasty meal you both have cooked." Tatshree said as Dhriti's face lit up and both she and Dushala smiled widely at each other.

"See, I told you. You can cook perfectly." Kunti and Gandhari said as they smiled.

"We were in doubts of eating the food you cooked, but look how tasty it actually turned out." Nakul and Sahadev laughed making Dhriti them lightly.

"This food is really tasty." Commented Duryodhan.

"Atleast I can bring everyone together with same opinions atleast for sometime" Dhriti thought smiling at Duryodhan.

"Wow, Dushala Jiji. You have cooked so many tasty dishes." Kanha said looking at Dhriti.

"Even I cooked some of the items you're licking your fingers on." Dhriti looked at him as Yudhisthir chuckled on Dhriti's expression to Kanha's comment.

"Do you want me to compliment you too Dhriti?" Kanha teased Dhriti.

"Ha. No. Let me enjoy the meal. I'll compliment myself later." She teased him back taking a few bites from her favourite items.

"Erhm.... Now that everyone has gathered I would like to talk about Dushala's marriage and few other things." Shakuni announced once he gathered everyone's attention.

"He's upto something. What is this day Prabhu." Dhriti thought as she waited for him to drop a news.

"As we all know, putri Dushala's marriage is in a few days, and now that the wedding bells are already ringing in Hastinapur, why don't we decide about Dhriti's swayamyar as well." Shakuni smiled looking at Tatshree.

"Why is he concerned about you more than his own children." Arjun fumed as he tried to get up but Dhriti stopped him.

Dhriti and Kanha looked at each other, knowing that this was about to come someday or other.

"I mean, this is the right age for her to get married as well. Then why should we wait?" Shakuni laughed again.

Dhriti gave a knowing look to Vidur as he watched Kanha and Dhriti looking at each other.  Assuring her, he spoke;

"There are many important things like "

"There are many more things to worry about like crowning the new Yuvraj of Hastinapur, and also she can't be married before her Jyesht Bhratashrees." Vidur reasoned as Tatshree nodded in agreement.

"Keeping Dhriti's marriage aside, we should actually talk about crowning the new Yuvraj of Hastinapur and dividing various responsibilities among the princes." Dhritarshtra said as everyone fell silent for sometime.

Taking the opportunity, Dhriti and Dushala got up and started helping everyone.

"Arey, Dhriti, don't you want to eat more of your favourite dishes?" Duryodhan asked as he watched her get up without finishing.

"No bhratashree, looking at how much mamashree is concerned about my well being just filled my appetite." She replied as she walked away leaving Shakuni in shock.


"You actually cook tasty food you know." Kanha smiled as he watched Dhriti playing with the genlte waters of Ganga .

"You should have said that earlier." She spoke resting her head on his shoulders.

"You know, when I was little, I asked Pitamah why he was called Ganga Putra Bhishma when everyone told me that Maharani Satyavati was his mother. He told me because Ganga was his real mother and I started denying it thinking how can a river be someone's mother." Dhriti started speaking as Kanha chuckled at her innocence.

"Then, he brought me here. At this very spot and closed his eyes. Soon a beautiful lady in white clothes and jewelry appeared in front of us and I hid behind him scared. He held my hand as we walked towards her. He told me she was Ganga, his mother as she smiled and gently joined her hands in front of me. I was mesmerized as I did the same. She patted and blessed us as she again submerged inside. I remember Pitamah telling me that he comes to her, whenever he's in a problem. " Dhriti smiled going down the memory lane.

"Kanha...." She spoke lightly.

"Hm...." He hummed pleasantly.

"What will i do once you leave for Dwarka?" Dhriti asked as Kanha let out his signature laugh.

"I'll always be with you, around you." Kanha smiled as he put a small chain around Dhriti's neck which had a peacock feather shaped pebble in the middle.

Dhriti took it in her hands as instantly adored him.

"This is so beautiful Kanha." She said smiling at him.

"Until our devotion and love for each other stays true, this will never break." Kanha said smiling at her.

"It WILL never break." She said resting her head on his shoulders once again as Kanha put a hand around her.

"Narayan! Narayan! Hey Prabhu, Hey Mahalakshmi, let this bond be the same through thick and thin and be considered as the epitome of love henceforth." Naradmuni smiled as he watched his Lakshmi-Narayan on a way for a new journey in a new yug.


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