Yuvraj of Hastinapur

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"Be Alert! Hastinapur Naresh, Maharaj Dhritarshtra, Maharani Gandhari and Maharani Kunti are entering the sabha." The sevak announced as all his subjects, the Pandavas, Kauravas , Kanha and Dau stood up.

"Shriman Ganga Putra Bhishma, Mahatma Vidur, Kul Guru Kripacharya and Guruvar Dronacharya are entering. " The sevak announced next.

"My dear subjects and everyone else present here, today, we have gathered here to announce the new Yuvraj of Hastinapur, an upcoming King of this Karma Bhumi." Pitamah announced as everyone looked keenly.

"Maharaj, Hey Rajan, avenge us. Give us justice hey Hastinapur Naresh." A sipahi said as 4 men, dressed differently from each other were presented before the king in handcuffs.

"What is the matter?" Dhritarshtra asked as his auspicious occasion for the announcement was interrupted.

"The four of them have committed a crime by killing four migrants." The sipahi narrated as their head hung low in embarrassment.

"Maharaj, I think, we should ask our two Jyeshts to keep their views on the case. This would be an easier way to decide the Yuvraj of Hastinapur." Vidur said as Dhritarshtra nodded giving permission to his great idea.

"I request Jyesht Gandharinandan Duryodhan and Jyesht Kunti Putra Yudhisthir to come forward and express their views." Tatshree said as Duryodhan abruptly got up from his seat and said in a loud tone.

"They should be punished with a Death Sentence!". The shock on every other person's face evident listening to Duryodhan's descion as Shakuni face palmed himself leaving Duryodhan confused.

The tensed atmosphere calmed a bit as Yudhisthir got up.

"Are all four of you guilty for your deeds?" Yudhisthir asked as all of them joined their hand and nodded yes.

"Then you should get an imprisonment of 4 years, you for 6 years, you for 8 years and you'll be prisoned for 10 years." Yudhisthir pointed at each one of them.

"I disagree with this. Giving each of them different spans of imprisonment is injustice." A subject got up.

"Its not injustice, according to ancient Scriptures; a Shudra, for comiting a grave crime should be punished for 4 years, a Vaishya for 6 years, the Kshatriya, who are the protectors of the countrymen, for 8 years while Brahmins, who are the preservers of Dharma should be punished for 10 years. Therefore I lay down my perspective and ask Maharaj to deliver the final decision. " Yudhisthir spoke as the Sabha fell silent.

"I agree with putra Yudhisthir. Sipahis, take them towards the prison." Dhritarshtra ordered as Duryodhan gave Dhriti a death glare.

"What? I did not teach Jyesht about ancient Scriptures. He's the Dharmaraj by birth. Why am I getting the glares?" Dhriti aksed.

"Did you laugh on Duryodhan's answer?" Dau whispered.

"No Dau. Although whatever he said was just unbelievable, I did not make fun of it. He's Jyesht anyways. " Dhriti whispered back as Dau patted her.

"Therefore, I declare, Kunti Putra, Yudhisthir as the Yuvraj of Hastinapur. The coronation will take place tomorrow. I hope Kumar Nakul, Sahadev and Rajkumari Dhriti will look after the happenings. " Dhritarshtra announced as his inner self felt guilty for not crowning his own son.

The whole sabha chanted 'Hail Yuvraj Yudhisthir', his brothers, friends and sister and smiling proudly at him as a happy tear rolled down Kunti's face.

The happiness did not last for long as Duryodhan abruptly left the hall without even taking the permission of Jyesht Pitashree, hence showing his disappointment.

"He's not going to keep quiet, is he?" Dhriti looked at Kanha with a concerned look.

"There's a lot more to come Priya. For now, let's enjoy this celebration." He said smiling at here.

"Didi, didi let's go, everyone is distributing sweets. We have to get some before Bhrata Bheem grabs all of it." Sahadev said pulling her out of thoughts.

"There a lot more to come...... What does this mean Kanha. Your single sentence lay 100 meaning before me." Dhriti sighed as Kanha stood in front of her.

"Stop overthinking and eat my favourite sweet, I'm sure you'll like it." Kanha said feeding her a sweet from the plate in his hands.

"There are about 20 other people, and 5  grown-up brothers watching us and smiling widely. Do you find if funny to tease me Kanha?" Dhriti asked completely flushed as she took a bite of the sweet.

"You forgot Dau, standing at the other end doing the same thing." Kanha smiled as Dhriti saw Dau.

"I can't wait for him to narrate all this to Subhadra and Devaki maa in Dwarka. Just making sure you are equally teased." Dhriti said taking the thali of sweets from his hands and walking towards her brothers.

"Ahaa. That was my thali. Priya wait." Kanha called her.

"Too much sweets are not good Kanha." She said innocently running away.

"Soo Priyaaaaa." Arjun teased as the other 4 fell into fits of laughter.

"Wait. If anyone teases me, Bhrata Bheem won't get a single sweet. Alright Bhrata , I hope you get to taste these." Dhriti said giggling  as Bheem frowned.

*The next day*

"Nakul! Sahadev! wake up fast." Dhriti said pulling off the sheets.

"The one who's doing this will have to face my sword later." Nakul said half asleep.

"Well, that's very brave of you. But now get up. Its jyesht's coronation today. And Pitashree has asked us to look after the happenings. I hope you didn't forget it." Dhriti said lighting up the room.

"Didi, even the sun has not rose completely, why are you up?" Sahadev pleaded for more sleep.

"I don't know, I want both of you in the hall once you are ready. " Dhriti said moving out of their room.

"Decorate all the pillars with flowers and make sure the sabha is well lit. Put diyas everywhere. And yes, call Dushala Jiji toh help me with the rangoli and yeah also check if Nakul and Sahadev are ready." Dhriti ordered all the Dasis and Sevak as she sat down with the thali of colours drawing the rangoli.

"Rajkumari, Jiji Dushala said she can't come as she's helping us in the kitchen. And rajkumar Nakul and Rajkumar Sahadev are helping with the arrangements in the sabha."A dasi conveyed the message.

"Its alright, I have almost finished drawing it." Dhriti said as she held the thali and got up walking towards her room.

Unknown to her, Kanha was walking from the other side of the hallway, smiling and reading a letter he recieved from Dwarka.

Walking in opposite directions, they didn't realized when and how they bumped into each other, and showered each other with colours kept in the thali.

"Arey Priya...." Kanha said as he looked at her sitting down with the remaining colours in thali, her dress and hands covered with different colours.

"Uff Kanha. What were you upto."  Dhriti said looking at her dress.

"And what were you up to?" He smiled raising his eyebrow, offering his hand as Dhriti got up.

"I was walking." She huffed.

"Hmm. Even I was walking." He smiled back.

"Well, thank god I was not in my outfit yet. Otherwise Mata would have scolded me." She said picking up the thali.

"Oh wait Priya....." Kanha said pulling her back in front of him.

"I used to play a lot with these colours during holi." He smiled.

"There's a lot of time left for holi Kanha." Dhriti smiled.

"Is there a specific day to colour my Priya's face?" He mischievously smiled as he applied the red colour on Dhriti's cheeks.

"Kanha...." She gasped as she saw the same colours appearing on Kanha's face as well.

"We're spiritually connected for eternity Priya. Your scars, your colours are mine as well." They both smiled at each other as the time stood still.

"Kanha, now let me go and change these colourful clothes." She said brushing blue colour on his nose as she ran away from his grip.

"Oh my god Dhriti, what is this." Kunti looked at Dhriti's colourful appearance.

"I bumped and this thali of colours fell upon us." Dhriti said motioning towards the thali.

"And whom did you play this Holi with?." Kunti smiled already knowing it.

"Kanha..." Dhriti smiled as she looked down making Kunti chuckle.

"Mata, now don't tell this to your sons. Otherwise they won't let me sit at peace the whole time. " Dhriti pouted as Kunti said, "Fine I won't, but I love seeing them teasing you. Now go get ready." Kunti laughed.

"You love them more than me mata, I'll see each of them after they get married." Dhriti laughed back as she sat down getting herself ready.


"So Bhratashrees and Anuj,how-" Dhriti tried to speak.

"You're looking beautiful." Bheem continued.

"You did not even let me complete the question." Dhriti huffed as she sat between Arjun and Nakul waiting for Maharaj, Pitamah and Yudhisthir to arrive.

"Duryodhan and Mamashree seem quiet. Don't they?" Nakul asked his siblings.

"Can you ask for something better than that Nakul?" Arjun asked chuckling as Dhriti went into a deep thought.

"Okay now, Bhratashree is about to come." Dhriti alerted everyone as the Sabha eagerly waited for the procession to begin.

They contently sat there, adoring their Bhratashree, loaded with various jewelries as the Dasis threw flowers on their path.

They entered the sabha as everyone stood up. Yudhisthir sat on a smaller throne close to Dhritarshtra as Pitamah blew the conc shell, signalling the start of the coronation.

Kul Guru Kripacharya stepped up as he started doing all the rites and rituals.

Soon, Acharya Drona stepped in, as he blessed him and his weapons.

Kul guru made him recite some slokas and take an oath for the well-being of Hastinapur as Pitamah gently fitted a crown on Yudhisthir's head.

"I want Yudhisthir's siblings to come here, do his arti and pay him respects." Vidur said as Bheem lead their way.

Nakul and Sahadev washed his feet with milk and rose water, Arjun and Bheem performed pooja of his weapons as Dhriti did his Arti.

"Atleast Smile Bhratashree, you are the Yuvraj now. " Dhriti smiled as she put a tilak and some rice on his forehead.

"Yes I just forgot I wasn't smiling. Can't believe whatever you all are doing right now." Yudhisthir chuckled.

"Just for today Jyesht." Arjun chuckled back.

"Can't believe you are being fed the sweet of my share." Bheem said as they all bowed down to take his blessings.

"Mamashree, look they are smiling and enjoying. They are not happy because Yudhisthir is crowned, they are happy because I am insulted, because I am not the yuvraj. They are insulting me mamashree." Duryodhan sai looking at them.

"Don't worry Bhanjee, they won't be here for long." Shakuni explained as he smiled wickedly.

"If I can't seperate Vasudev and Dhriti in Swayamyar, then I have other ways." Shakuni smiled.

"What ways mamashree?" Dushasan asked.

"You'll know it soon putra. You'll know it soon." Shakuni whispered as he diverted his attention back to the sabha where Yudhisthir's name was repeatedly hailed as the coronation came to an end.


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