Kanha's Indication

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Dhriti woke up with the sun rays mildly touching her angelic face as she prayed the Janani before stepping on it.

After having a long bath, Dhriti finally came out, wearing her favourite blue and pink lehenga with her open wet hair as she dried the drippling water.

As soon as she sat in front for the mirror, her eyes fell upon the beautiful necklace Kanha gifted her under the moonlit night as realization hit her. Her Kanha was leaving for Dwarka today.
A few drop of tears rolled down her cheek.
She quickly wiped them as she fixed her face and walked out of her room.

"Kanha....." She called standing at the doors of his room.

"Priya, why were you crying?" Kanha said as he directed her inside his room.

"It were just few drops." She said as she denied the fact that she cried.

"One word for few drops of tears rolling down the face is crying." Kanha said as he smiled hoping Dhriti would reciprocate it but she didn't.

"I thought you would laugh at this. Was I not funny enough?" Kanha raised his eyebrows.

"You never fail to make me smile Kanha, but I don't want you to feel sad due to my tears. I understand that you are needed in Dwarka." Dhriti smiled as she saw Kanha looking at himself in the mirror.

"You don't have to be tough on yourself Priya. You can let it all down. And remember, even if you cry, I won't let these tears reach the bottom of your face, no matter how far we are. Its Kanha's promise." He said as she smiled at him.

"So now should I ask you your favourite question." Kanha said as his tall, muscular yet gentle figure stood in front of Dhriti.

"My favourite question?" Dhriti asked confused.

"So Priya, how am I looking today?" He asked mimicking her tone as she giggled loudly.

"You're looking divine Kanha, so powerful yet gentle. And the colour of the Angawastra, its my favourite." She said pointing at Kanha's yellow Angawastra.

"Now that you're smiling, I'm in relief." Kanha said as they walked towards the exit where almost everyone was waiting.

"How many ladoos do you want to bet that Keshav will end up as our jijashree." Arjun chuckled at Bheem as both of them saw Dhriti and Kanha walking towards them.

"Don't bet bade bhaiya, you'll lose all your ladoos." Kanha smiled as he walked towards his chariot.

"So its confirmed." Arjun laughed as he stepped forward to bid farewell to his close friend and Dhriti walked towards Dau to take blessings.

"Devaki Maa, Subhadra and Pitashree wishes to see you. Hope you come to Dwarka soon." Dau smiled as he patted her.

"Finally. Finally Vasudev is leaving Hastinapur. Now I'm beyond free to play all my plots without any barriers. Start counting your days Pandavas. Start counting." Shakuni laughed as he played with his dices loud enough for Kanha to hear as he motioned the Pandavas to come near him.

"Vasudev? What happened?" Yudhisthir asked in concern.

"Just remember, house with no diyas just fuels the evil in a dark hearts." Kanha whispered.

"This is one huge puzzle which only your Priya can figure out." Nakul said making others nod as Dhriti punched his arm making him whimper.

"Aha, bhaiya, take her with you to Dwarka. She just troubles me." Nakul said.

"Your wish will be fulfilled soon my dear Nakul." Kanha laughed along as their chariot took a leave. Dhriti smiled all the way until turning towards Nakul and pulled his ear.

"What did you say? Take her to Dwarka because she troubles me. You'll understand how much you miss me once I get married. " Dhriti narrowed her eyes.

"Oh ho, Dhriti.... Your name means Patience, but I see you don't have much of it. " Shakuni said as he interrupted Nakul and Dhriti's chaos.

"Mamashree, even you are called Gandhar Naresh, but I have never heard of you visiting Gandhar even once after I came to Hastinapur long back." Dhriti said giving her sweetest smile possible as Shakuni was shook with her reply.

"Dhriti, you should not back answer." Yudhisthir stopped Dhriti.

"I'm not back answering Bhratashree, I just replied. That's how communication work, dosent it mamashree?" Dhriti turned towards him as Yudhisthir surrendered to her sass.

"Uh-um ofcourse it does Bhanji." Shakuni smiled bitterly.

"Oh yes mamashree, my name also means fierce. Don't forget it." She said walking inside the Palace as Shakuni stood there with his mouth wide open.

"Mamashree! Mamashree! Let's get inside." Arjun said as he shook Shakuni out of his shock, containing his laughter .


"Mamashree! For God's sake, tell us what is cooking in your mind. What are you going to plan." Duryodhan asked as they walked back and forth in his room leaving Karna and Dushasan restless.

"Everything is already planned my dear Bhanjee. Everything is planned." Shakuni laughed.

"Mamashree, don't test our patience now. Tell us already!" Dushasan got up from his seat.

"I have planned..... The death of the Pandavas, along with their Mata Kunti." Shakuni played with his dices.

"What? Death of Pandavas? Are we going for a war?" Karna asked.

"No no Angraj, war is not an answer to everything. This time, they are about to be burnt alive." Shakuni rubbed his beard.

"Mamashree! " Karna exclaimed "whatever you are trying to plan is absolutely ridiculous. If you want to defeat the Pandavas, war is the only option." Saying so, Karna left the room.

Shakuni further explained Duryodhan and Dushasan about the trap, about the construction of a Palace with wax and how they'll be burnt alive. Listening to this masterplan, a wicked smile grew on Duryodhan's face and they hugged each other hoping that their plan would work out.


"Rajkumar ki jay ho! Maharaj Dhritarshtra and his subjects wishes to see you." The sipahi said as Arjun nodded and stared following him.

"Wait!" Dhriti shouted running out from her room as Arjun gave her a questioning look.

"Who all are present there?" Dhriti asked as the sipahi turned around.

"Maharaj, Tatshree, Maha mantri, Duryodhan, Maharani Kunti, Gandhar Naresh and your brothers. " He described as Dhriti raised her eyebrow in suspicion.

"Okay, you proceed, we'll arrive." She said dismissing him.

"And why did you do that?" Arjun finally asked remaining quiet the whole time.

"Because not everyone has truthful intentions. Some are like Lankesh disguised as sages." Dhriti said.

"Don't talk like Keshav now. I'm not here to sit and solves both of your puzzles." Arjun said as Dhriti chuckled.

"Means, if mamashree and Duryodhan are present, there are chances of some evil thing being plotted against us. So we need to be careful. " Dhriti said as they start waking towards the room.

"You're an overthinker Dhriti, its just something they want to discuss or maybe some responsibilities they want to ha d over to us." Arjun said.

"Oh so they want to hand some of their responsibilities to Mata as well. Okay. Bhratashree, even you know you can't deny my intuitions. Stop acting ." She said as they reached the entrance.

"This time I'm denying it. You just can't sit and doubt each one." Arjun said making Dhriti frown, but she immediately plastered a smile.

"Come, come both of you, we were just waiting for you." Shakuni said as he directed them towards their seats but Dhriti denied and stood behind Vidur's seat.

"So I decided that all 6 of you should visit Varnavat once. Considering it was one of Pand's favourite places and the kids haven't visited it yet, I suggest you all should go there. And it's a beautiful village, with festivities and processions, I'm sure you'll like it." Dhritarshtra smiled.

"And yes yes, leave it on me as the most luxurious Palace haa been built for you all my beloved people so you don't feel anything different from Hastinapur. Purochan, Gandhar's reowned architect will make sure it's construction is done." Shakuni smiled.

"I agree with you Maharaj. I should take a visit to Varnavat with kids. It would be like paying respects to their father." Kunti agreed as Dhriti's face fell down.

"Kids, do you want to say anything?" Tatshree asked.

"No Pitamah, I love the idea and I'm sure other 5 will agree as well. " Yudhisthir smiled looking at them.

"Oh Bhratashree, over a time, everyone just seems to take an advantage of your nature. How do I explain this to you?" Dhriti thought looking at Yudhisthir.

"Kakashree, I know this is something more than this sweet idea. You and your spy will plan a nice counterattack against mamashree's plot. " Dhriti whispered as Vidur smiled at her.

"You all have to use your wisdom. All I can't do is send minimum help putri. Nothing else. And not before knowing every bit of this plan. Shakuni is like a curse to Hastinapur, but you see it's just you, me and Tatshree who feels his negativity. And if I revealed his plans and ploys to everyone, there is no chance anyone is going to believe me. We can't take any actions against him without proofs. " Kakashree patted her.

"I understand it Kakashree, but I can't convince anyone since everyone thinks I'm overthinking this. I need your help." Dhriti smiled as she took everyone's blessings and left.


Dhriti and Nakul stood in the sun, looking at their dasis and sevaks loading their necessities and checking the chariots.

"You are coming on my chariot." Nakul said pointing at one of them.

"No, didi is coming on my chariot." Sahadev said as he came running towards them.

"I asked first, and I'm older than you. " Nakul crossed his arms at Sahadev.

"Both of you stop fighting, I'll go with Bhrata Arjun, you both ride on the same one. No chaos." Dhriti said standing in between both of them.

"You love him more than us." Nakul and Sahadev frowned.

"If you are going to be so sentimental, I'll ride with Mata, not dealing with my brothers anymore." She said raising her hands and walking towards Mata who was calling them.

"Why were the 3 of you standing in the sun, look, all of you are sweating now." Kunti said dapping their faces with the corner of her saari as they heartily smiled at her.

"Mata, Didi has denied our offer to ride with us and she preferred Bhrata Arjun over us." Nakul complained.

"Ofcourse, we are each other's favourite. She'll be with me." Arjun said pulling her.

"No! I'm the youngest one. She'll be with me. Mata tell her." Sahadev said pulling her back.

"Stop pulling my flower. Your strong arms will break her." Kunti laughed as she freed Dhriti.

"She'll go with my Sahadev." Kunti patted as the other 4 brothers frowned.


"I hope all of you will have a safe journey to Varnavat and back home as well." Shakuni said as the 6 of them stood in front of him.

"Yes mamashree. With you being the one looking after our stay and everything else, I'm sure." Dhriti smiled.

"Don't worry mamashree. We hope Purochan would have done everything ever so nicely." Yudhisthir said as all of them bowed down to take his blessings.

"May god give you a long life. A long life." He laughed bitterly.

"Now I'm sure to every bit that this is a trap. A trap so his Bhanja will be the Yuvraj of Hastinapur. Mamashree. You'll pay for this." Dhriti thought.

"I'll send a message along with my spy once I get versed with the situation. By that time, I guess you'll find some other evidences as well. Be alerted. " Vidur whispered as Kunti along with her children mounted on the chariot with Yudhisthir being in the front, followed by Bheem and Kunti, Arjun and Nakul in the next one and Dhriti with Sahadev in the last one followed by few sipahis appointed for their protection.

"Sahadev...." Dhriti shook his arm.

"Yes didi?" He asked looking at her.

"Aren't you finding any of these things peculiar?" Dhriti asked, a serious look spread on her face hoping that atleast her little brother won't blame her of being too suspicious.

"Actually I'm finding every single thing related to this trip peculiar." He continued.

"Yesterday, I was checking the alignment of the stars according to the ruling planets of the season. Today is the 8th day of Phalguna with the star called Rohini being the most influential, not the best day for travelling. Observing Jyesht Pitashree's sudden overnight decision of sending us to Varnavat, has kept me in numerous questions since last night." Sahadev explained as Dhriti tried to register it.

"I don't understand much about astrology, but I agree with what you said just now. We have to be alerted once we reach there." Dhriti said

"Yes didi, and I'm sure we'll be able to convince Bhratashrees and Mata over the time." Sahadev smiled at her.

"You are on the right track my Priya. My hands are tied from telling you every detail about this trap. You'll figure this out, cause this is the start of a great saga. And I'll meet you sooner than expected." Kanha's voice spoke in Dhriti's mind as she nodded.

"You can't change the destiny Kanha. If this is what it wants, it'll get it, but never at the cost of my loved ones. Never." Dhriti smiled as she gently touched her necklace.


This was a longer chapter as compared to the rest of them.
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